Business Plan

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Founder ........................................................................................................................................

Founder Profile ........................................................................................................................2
Sales & Marketing .......................................................................................................................2
Positioning Statement ..............................................................................................................2
Pricing Strategy .......................................................................................................................2
Marketing Strategy ..................................................................................................................3
The Sales Process ....................................................................................................................3
Strategic Partnerships ..............................................................................................................3
Company Profile..........................................................................................................................3
Business Overview ..................................................................................................................3
Company History.....................................................................................................................4
Management ............................................................................................................................4
Location ...................................................................................................................................5
Legal Structure.........................................................................................................................5
Vision & Mission.....................................................................................................................5
Professional Advisors ..............................................................................................................5
Goals & Objectives..................................................................................................................5
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................6
Company Profile Summary .....................................................................................................6
Market Research Summary......................................................................................................6
Marketing Summary ................................................................................................................6
Finance Summary ....................................................................................................................6
Legal Issues .............................................................................................................................6
Insurance Issues .......................................................................................................................7
Human Resources ....................................................................................................................7
Process/Production ..................................................................................................................7
Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................................7
Market Research ..........................................................................................................................8
Industry Profile & Outlook......................................................................................................8
Local Market............................................................................................................................8
Key Competitors / SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................8
Target Market ........................................................................................................................10
Keys to Success .....................................................................................................................10
Customer Survey Summary...................................................................................................10
Founder Profile
What is the name of your town, city or community?

Are you indigenous?


If you know which First Nation you are a member of, please specify.
People living in Canada come from many different ethno-cultural backgrounds or
countries. To ensure that we are as inclusive as possible in our offering, please tell us how
you would identify based on the following categories, drawn in part from the Canadian
census. Please note this is not meant to be an exhaustive list. Select up to two answers
Southeast Asian (Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai)

When were you born?


What other documents will you be adding to your business plan?

Not sure

Sales & Marketing

Positioning Statement
How do you want your product/service to be perceived?
That they are here for the customer and we want the best out of the customer

Pricing Strategy
What do your key competitors charge for the same or similar services/products? What will
you charge in comparison?
Way too expensive due to overhead. Ours will be much lower and still make better profits

List some of your prices in comparison to that of your competition.

Data import - $2000 for competitor, $1000 for me

Why will you charge the prices you have outlined?

Because it makes the most sense for me and the customer
Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy
What are the 3 most effective methods to reach your best customers (target market)?
In person, virtually, and via Linkedin

Marketing Activities
What are the top 3-5 marketing activities (based on your Marketing Strategy) and the
detailed implementation plan for each?
N/A, not much focus on marketing.

Marketing Objectives
What are the top 3 marketing goals have you set for the company in the next year or two?
Build a good brand

Get people to know who we are and what our mission is

Ensure that customers know we're different from the rest

The Sales Process

What is the typical sales cycle from initial client contact to making a sale?
2 week sale cycle. Discovery call, deep scope, contract negotiation, and closing of deal

What is the timeline for your sales cycle?

1-2 weeks

Strategic Partnerships

Describe these partners

Salesforce Account Executives
Companies where I will recommend their services

Company Profile
Business Overview

Business Description
What is your company name?
What is the status of your company as of today?
I am looking to expand my business

Briefly describe what your company is all about?

Digitalization company that re-constructs new businesses into the virtual medium including sales
implantation, website construction, customized customer relationship management system.



Compelling Value
What is the key benefit to the customer?
We are deeply and completely focused on our client's satisfaction as well their customer.

Product/service description
Briefly describe the products and services you are offering.

Company History
What have you done up until now on your business (idea)?
The Six Force came about in the realization that certain talented and driven individuals were not
able to have the tools or opportunity's to create their own business. The Six Force is here to guide
those individuals into the market, allowing them to focus on the services and products they want
to sell to their customers.

How many owners does this company have?

Who are the owners in the business and the people who will run the business day-to-day?
Liem and Rina are partners at The Six Force. Liem had graduated in Waterloo University with
honours in a biomedical science degree in 2016. Liem is a goal-oriented individual with over 7
years of experience in generating leads, relationship-building with clients and customers,
managing sales cycles, and working in a metric-driven environment in a wide variety of

What location will you run your business from?

office building

What location will you run your business from?
home based business

What is the location address?

Why does this make sense?

Legal Structure
Why did you pick this company structure?
It's the best company structure for sustainability and liability.

What is your company structure?


Will you need to protect your intellectual property?

not at this time

Vision & Mission

How do you see your business 5-10 years from now?
To create a larger community of brilliant individuals that had started with little to no tools or
opportunities for prosperity.

What is your daily mission?

The Six Force creates personal virtual tools for it's clients to expand their presence on the media
and collect data to improve their products and services.

Professional Advisors
Who are the people who you will rely upon to give you expert advice?
The Six Force is using a lawyer from a networking event from his former management position
in the service industry.

Goals & Objectives

What are the business milestones that you want to set?
Consistently maintain a quota of 15 head clients in our system monthly.
Executive Summary
Company Profile Summary
What is the key offering and who is the person(s) behind the business?
Consulting, implementation and training that re-constructs new businesses into the digital
medium including sales implantation, website construction, customized customer relationship
management system. The Founder of the company comes from a background that involved with
technology his entire career and life.

Market Research Summary

What is a brief overview of the market? Who are the key competitors? Who is target
There are major gaps in the market for what TheSixForce is targeting. There isn't many major
competitors within this niche as we focus on small business and non-profits, and there will be too
much volume for TheSixForce to handle with existing resources. Therefore, we must introduce
products, services, and solutions that can help as many businesses as possible

Marketing Summary
What is a brief overview of the market? Who are the key competitors? Who is target
See above, you guys asked for a very similar question

What are the basic necessities you will need to get off the ground and how will you create a
great customer experience?
A strong team. A good tech stack. Hard work. By being customer-obsessed.

Finance Summary
How much money do you need to start? Where will you get the money? How much sales do
you plan on generating in the first year and second year? What will the expenses be?
50,000 to start to scale appropriately, funded by the founder himself. No investor funding rounds
will be initiated until the limitations of the founder's available finances become problematic.

Legal Issues
Consider which legal & regulatory items such as licenses and contracts need to be
addressed. Select any items from the list that will apply to your business.
Business licenses

Registering employees
Contract agreements

Provide a brief explanation of how you will obtain these or any barriers you foresee.
Got all of them already

Insurance Issues
Do you plan on purchasing any insurance? If so what type?



accounts receivable

Human Resources

How many full-time staff are you looking to hire?


How many part-time staff are you looking to hire?


For each staff member indicated above, list their title and role.
Its on Linkedin

What will your hours of operation be?

Who are your key suppliers?


Risk Assessment
What are the potential risks associated with marketing and how do you plan on mitigating
those risks?

What are the potential risks in operations and how do you plan on mitigating those risks?
That we're inefficient and don't do tasks quickly enough and therefore give the customer what
they're looking for.
To mitigate, I will build a tech stack

At what point would you need to close down your business?

I'm not providing enough value to customer or want to move onto something else

Market Research
Industry Profile & Outlook
What industry are you in?
Computer/Software Applications

Describe the industry you are in.

Not dominated by any market leaders, but lots of competitors. Everyone can create their own
niche though and become successful within the market

How does the industry work?

Working closely with the account executives/sales reps of companies. Becoming an affiliate
partner to sell products on the behalf of other companies. Building rapport with customers,
partners, and staff will be most critical step

What has been the history of the industry in the past to where it is today?
No clue

What are the predictions for the future?

That only the ones that are innovative will become most successful. Clients will recognize the
ones that care about them and stick with them moving forward

Local Market
What immediate market will you serve?
Customers that have recently brought Salesforce within Toronto, Atlanta, New York, Austin, and
San Fran

Provide some more detail about your target market in this geographic radius
All of Canada and United States.

Key Competitors / SWOT Analysis

Your Company:

Low expenses.
Strong foundational team
Ability to outsource to people out of Canada
Just started recently, no branding yet
Team isn't well versed with systems

Building a strong leadership team

Being unable to scale appropriately

Competitor 1:
Competitor 2:
Competitor 3:
Competitor 4:
Competitor 5:
Competitor 6:
Competitor 7:
Competitor 8:
Competitor 9:
Competitor 10:

Target Market
Who is your company focused on selling to?
Other Businesses (B2B)

Who is your best customer? / Create a target market profile your your business.
Anyone who purchases Salesforce, but a focus on small businesses and non-profit, as none of my
competitors work with them/

Keys to Success
What are the keys to success for your business in marketing?
Success is dependent on networking, good service, and becoming focused on the customer.
Marketing will need to convey that

What are the keys to success for your business in the area of operations?
Making sure that everything runs smoothly as we take on new projects

Customer Survey Summary


What have you learned from your customer survey to move your business forward?

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