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Castor Credit will create an ecosystem of the
crypto world where you can come up with
interns, get lots and knowledge and earn
opportunities, Adverb comes up with
Metaverse. Here users get lots of benefits
related to every project. Adverb provides
multiples taking plans for his use to get
amazing rewards. univers works on Blockchain
and cryptocurrency- related projects and the
education section.
Our mission is to democratize access to the forex market, making it inclusive and accessible to traders
of all levels. We strive to provide a transparent and secure trading environment while offering
comprehensive educational resources and innovative trading solutions. We are committed to helping
our clients achieve their financial goals and navigate the complexities of the forex market with
confidence and expertise.
Our vision is to empower
individuals worldwide with the
knowledge, tools, and resources
they need to navigate the forex
market confidently and profitably.
Through cutting-edge technology,
education, and unparalleled
customer support, we aim to
become the leading platform for
traders seeking financial
independence and success in the
global forex market
Loan Plan
Staking Plan

Level Rewards
Duration Duration Duration Duration
S.No Decription Amount Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
In Days In Days In Days In Days

1 Package 1 10 3.5 % 7 14 21 35

2 Package 2 50 3.5 % 7 14 21 35

3 Package 3 100 3.5 % 7 14 21 35

4 Package 4 200 3.5 % 7 14 21 35

5 Package 5 500 3.5 % 7 14 21 35

6 Package 6 1000 3.5 % 7 14 21 35

7 Package 7 2000 3.5 % 7 14 21 35

8 Package 8 3000 3.5 % 7 14 21 35

9 Package 9 4000 3.5 % 7 14 14 21 35

10 Package 10 5000 3.5 % 7 14 21 mm 35
Duration Duration Duration Duration
S.No Decription Amount Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
In Days In Days In Days In Days

1 Package 1 10 5% 7 14 21 35

2 Package 2 50 5% 7 14 21 35

3 Package 3 100 5% 7 14 21 35

4 Package 4 200 5% 7 14 21 35

5 Package 5 500 5% 7 14 21 35

6 Package 6 1000 5% 7 14 21 35

7 Package 7 2000 5% 7 14 21 35

8 Package 8 3000 5% 7 14 21 35

9 Package 9 4000 5% 7 14 14 21 35

10 Package 10 5000 5% 7 14 21 35
S.No Description Percentage

1 Level - 1 2.000 %

2 Level - 2 1.000 %

3 Level - 3 1.000 %

4 Level - 4 0.500 %

5 Level - 5 0.500 %
Staking Loan
Descriptio Daily Loan
S.No Minimum Maximum Days Remarks Description Condition
n % Amount
Any one can 100 % on
Pricipal If any takes loan he can withdrawal .
get loan their
1 Plan 1 10 USDT 5000 USDT 7 Days 5% Locked for 7 After paying his loan amount he can
against his staking
Days make withdrawal
staking plan amount
Any one can 100 % on
Pricipal If any takes loan he can withdrawal .
get loan their
2 Plan 2 10 USDT 5000 USDT 14 Days 5% Locked for After paying his loan amount he can
against his staking
14 Days make withdrawal
staking plan amount
Any one can 100 % on
Pricipal If any takes loan he can withdrawal .
get loan their
3 Plan 3 10 USDT 5000 USDT 21 Days 5% Locked for After paying his loan amount he can
against his staking
21 Days make withdrawal
staking plan amount
Any one can 100 % on
Pricipal If any takes loan he can withdrawal .
get loan their
4 Plan 4 10 USDT 5000 USDT 28 Days 5% Locked for After paying his loan amount he can
against his staking
28 Days make withdrawal
staking plan amount
Any one can 100 % on
Pricipal If any takes loan he can withdrawal .
get loan their
5 Plan 5 10 USDT 5000 USDT 35 Days 5% Locked for After paying his loan amount he can
against his staking
35 Days make withdrawal
staking plan amount
6 5%
We do not want to make confusion by writing extra stuff in the name of terms
and conditions which make the investors confuse, we are here to make things
simple not difficult.
Minimum Investment Package is 10$.
Our refferal member can open as many accounts he wants with his/her own
refferal code.
ROl will be sent to your account dashboard on daily basis.
Withdrawal will be instantly.
Withdraw approval time is within 24 hours. Deposit approval time is within 24
You can withdraw Your capital Amount Anytime Terms and Conditions
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