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Article writing: internet

The internet, our saviour, and doom

The internet is a vast society of sorts. A society where you can share
valuable information, provide advice, display your achievements, help
others, etc. As beautiful as the internet is, it is just as cunning.

Using the Internet has many advantages, such as:

- The vast amount of information
- Socializing becomes easier
- Meet and talk to people far away
- Display your achievements
- Find inspiration
- Motivation
The internet and its advantages are endless. The internet truly is a
golden invention- which makes our lives easier in more ways than one.
The internet other than helping normal people it also helps news
reporters, scientists, and politicians to post and convey a message and
spread news. The internet helps in tracking and storing vital research
such as the economical changes, the changes in the earth etc.

Just as with everything the internet also has its disadvantages, which
range from something as simple as addiction to cyberbullying.
Some disadvantages are:
- Cyberbullying
- Addiction
- Self-harm
- Spread of fake news
- Data leaks
- Cyber security breaches
These disadvantages cause more problem than one, mainly in the ages
8-20 but can happen at various ages. The most common victims of the
internet are children and elders. Children are often bullied and called
names that result in self-harm, deprive of mental health, suicide, and
low self-esteem etc. Elders are often caught victims of scammers,
which end in the loss of high amounts or the spread of rumours that
sometimes have extreme effects.

The internet is useful and vast in all its glory but can become harmful
and dangerous as well. The internet if used wisely can be a great tool to
humanity and otherwise rather a key to destruction.

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