Lizzie Heisler - Hypertension Meds

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Hypertension Meds Cheat Sheet

by lizzie.heisler via

Angiot​ensin II Receptor Calcium Channel Blockers Diuretics (cont) Diuretics

Examples: Diltiazem (Cardizem Side effects: fluid Adverse Potassium Aldost​erone
Examples Cozaar (Losarten) SR) Nifedipine (Proca​rdia, and E- rxn: Fluid Sparing Receptor
Atacand (Cande​sarten) Diovan Procardia XL, Adalat) Nicard​‐ imbalance, and electr​‐ Blockers
(Valsa​rtan) ipine (Cardene) Verapamil volume depletion, olyte MOA: MOA: inhibits
MOA: Prevent action of A-II and (Isoptin, Calan, Calan SR) metabolic imbala​nces. Reduce K+ Na+ retaining
produce vasodi​lation and Amlodipine (Norvasc) alkalosis. Vertigo, Ototox​icity, and Na+ and K+ excreting
increased salt and water Mechanism of action: Blocks headache, vertigo, exchange effects of aldost​‐
excretion movement of calcium into cells weakness. Metabolic: distal and erone in distal
Vasodi​lat​ation, ↓ SVR, ↓ Anorexia, N/V, hyperu​rec​‐ collecting and collecting
Side effects Hyperk​alemia
contra​cti​lity, ↓ HR consti​pation, emia, tubules tubules ( K+
Impaired renal function
pancre​atitis, hyperg​lyc​‐ reduce sparing)
Drug Intera​ctions: None listed Side Effects: Bradyc​ardia, 1st
sexual dysfun​‐ emia, inc. excretion of
degree AV heart block, nausea,
Nursing Implic​ations Monitor b/p ction, photos​ens​‐ LDL and
headache, dizziness, peripheral K+, H+, Ca+
and heart rate Full effect may iti​vity, decreased trigly​cerides
edema, flushing, rash gingival and Mg+
take 3-6 weeks Watch for glucose tolerance and dec.
hyperp​lasia, and consti​pation Amilor​ide​‐ Spirol​act​one​(Al​‐
hyperk​alemia and renal dysfun​‐ HDL
with verapamil. (Mi​damor dactone
Drug Intera​ctions: Drug
Adverse drug Intera​ctions: Side effects: Side effects:
Potentiate digoxin Intera​‐
Patient Education Cautious use in patients with Hyperk​‐ Hyperk​alemia,
NSAIDS may ctions:
heart failure. Contra​ind​icated in alemia: N/V, gyneco​mastia,
Screening B/P measur​ement decrease diuretic None listed
patients with 2nd and 3rd degree diarrhea, leg erectile dysfun​‐
Cardio​vas​cular risk factors and antihy​per​‐
heart block. cramps, ction menstrual
Therap​eutic regime Lifestyle tensive effect
Avoid grapefruit juice dizziness, irregu​larity
modifi​cation Medication Nursing Consid​‐ Nursing Tall t waves
Watch for bradyc​ardia, first
adherence era​tions: Monitor Interv​ent​‐
degree heart block Drug intera​‐ Drug Intera​‐
VS , orthos​tatic ions:
ctions: ctions: Do not
Nursing Management hypote​nsion, Monitor
Diuretics Caution in combine with K+
Monitor for fluid and E
Assessment History and pts on ACE sparing diuretics
Thiazide Loop hypoka​lemia. imbalances
physical exam BP measur​ement inhibitors or supple​ments,
MOA: Inhibit MOA: Teach about
Nursing Diagnoses Ineffe​ctive and Angiot​‐ cautious use
NaCL reabso​‐ Inhibits supple​men​tation
health mainte​nance Anxiety ensin II with ACE
rption in distal NaCl with K+ rich
Sexual dysfun​ction blockers Inhibitors or
tubules. Initial reabso​‐ foods
avoid angiot​ensin II
Goals Lower BP and enhance
decrease in ECF rption in the potassium blockers
patient compliance
and sustained ascending supple​ments
Interv​entions Early identi​fic​ation decrease in SVR. limb of loop
of medication side effects or Lowers B/P over of Henle,
compli​cations Patient and family 2 -4 weeks. Increase
education excretion
Evaluation Achieve and maintain NaCl.
goal BP Unders​tand, accept, Chloro​thi​azide Furose​‐
and implement therap​eutic plan (Diuril), hydroc​‐ mide(
Experience minimal or no side hlo​rot​hiazide Lasix),
effects (Micro​zide) bumeta​nid​‐

By lizzie.heisler Published 21st September, 2019. Sponsored by Last updated 21st September, 2019. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
heisler/ Page 1 of 2. Yours!
Hypertension Meds Cheat Sheet
by lizzie.heisler via

Diuretics (cont) ACE Inhibitors (cont) Hypert​ensive Crisis

Nursing Interv​ent​‐ NursNu​‐ Mechanism of action: Inhibits Sudden, severe increase in

ions: monitor for rsing angiot​ens​in-​con​verting enzyme diastolic BP
orthos​tatic Intera​‐ Decreases vasoco​nst​riction and Clinical manife​sta​tions: Hypert​‐
hypote​nsion, ctions: water retention ensive enceph​alo​pathy Renal
contra​ind​icated in monitor for Side Effects: Cough: 1/3 will insuff​iciency Cardiac decomp​‐
pts with renal orthos​tatic develop Hypote​nsion, Dizziness, ens​ation Neurologic
failure and hypote​‐ headache, vertigo Angioedema compromise
cautious use in nsion and Photos​ens​itivity Abdominal pain, Hypert​ensive Crisis: Nursin​g-C​‐
pts on ACE hyperk​ale​‐ loss of taste Hyperk​alemia: oll​abo​rative Management
inhibitors and inhibits aldost​erone
Hospit​ali​zation IV antihy​per​‐
Angiot​ensin II Interv​ent​‐
Drug Intera​ctions: Diuretics tensive drugs Intensive
blockers. Avoid ions:
enhance effect NSAIDS and monitoring Invasive blood
K+ supple​ments Monitor
ASA may reduce effect pressure monitoring Frequent
fluid and E
Nursing Implic​ations Monitor physical assess​ments
blood pressure Monitor serum Treatment guided by MAP Use
potassium Monitor renal function caution not to decrease BP too
Direct Vasodi​lators
Antacids may decrease fast!
Examples: Hydral​azine (Apres​‐
oline) Minoxidil (Loniten) Sodium
Types of Medica​tions
nitrop​uru​sside (Nipride)
Beta Blockers
Mechanism of action: Relax
Beta Blockers “-olol” Beta-B​lockers
vascular smooth muscle
Metrop​olo​l(L​opr​essor), propan​‐ Calcium Channel Blockers
Decrease SVR
olo​l(I​nde​ral), carved​iol​(Coreg)
Often given IV for hypert​ensive ACE Inhibitors
Mechanism of action: Block beta
crisis ARBs
receptor sites which are
Side Effects: Reflex tachyc​ardia, Vasodi​lators
responsive to epinep​hrine and
nausea, flushing, headache,
Side Effects Hypote​nsion
Nursing Interv​ent​ions: Monitor
Headache Fatigue Peripheral
for hypote​nsion and tachyc​ardia
edema Erectile dysfun​ction
Diabetics : may mask hypogl​‐
ACE Inhibitors
ycemia Asthma: symptoms to
"​pri​l" monitor for
Examples: Captopril (Capoten) Nursing Implic​ations Monitor
Enalapril (Vasotec) Lisinopril heart rate and blood pressure
(Zestril, Prinivil) Ramipril Monitor for symptoms of HF
(Altace) Benazepril (Lotensin)
Drug Intera​ctions: cautious use
Quinapril (Accupril)
with diabetics and asthma
Nursing Intera​ctions: Monitor
pulse and BP regularly. IV
admini​str​ation short onset and

By lizzie.heisler Published 21st September, 2019. Sponsored by Last updated 21st September, 2019. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
heisler/ Page 2 of 2. Yours!

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