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Selected Snobberies

By Aldous Huxley

About The Writer

Aldous Huxley

 Aldous Leonard Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 in Surrey, England.
 He was born as the third son of Dr. Leonard Huxley and Julia Arnold.
 Huxley was born into the long line of scientists and intellectuals.
 Huxley’s Grandfather “Thomas Henry Huxley” was nicknamed as the “Darwin’s
Bulldog” for his revolutionary and fierce defense of the evolution science and for his
passion for teaching Victorian Scientific advancements for British working classes.
 Aldous Huxley was also related to Mathew Arnold from his mother’s side of the family.
 Literature and Science converged at the end of Victorian era and characterized Huxley’s
own career as an author, journalist and humanist.
 Huxley studied in Eton
o Forced to leave the school because of the affliction in his eyes.
o He was partially blind for 2-3 years.
o He was unable to complete the rigorous training of science.
o Problems with his eyes continued but he still managed to get a degree.
o He got a degree in English Literature from oxford in 1916.
 Huxley was introduced to the “British Intellectuals Society”.
 Huxley married to Maria Nys and had a child “Matthey Huxley”.
 Huxley wrote his first book as “The burning wheel” during the 1920s
 He wrote many novels including “Brave New World”.
 Huxley was a controversial figure for the most of his life, he died of cancer on 22
November, 1963. He died few hours later after the assassination of the president, John
F Kennedy, In Dallas Texas.
 Others saw him as the pseudoscientist for his work in mystical traditions.
 Huxley received an award of merit for the novels from American academy of arts and
letters in 1959.

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