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Do Original Christians

Celebrate Christmas?

1st Edition December 2019

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Do Original Christians Celebrate
Christmas? No!

Worldwide, Original Christians remem-

ber the birth of the great Spirit, of the Co-
Regent of the Kingdom of God, who walked
over the Earth as a plain and simple man, as
the carpenter, Jesus of Nazareth.

HE, the great Spirit in Jesus of Nazareth,

the Christ of God, brought us the heavenly
teaching of the Spirit of God, the teaching
of love for God and neighbor.
Original Christians not only remember the
man, Jesus of Nazareth, but they thankful-
ly accept His heavenly teaching and fulfill
it step by step in their daily life.
In this way, they experience that Christ, the
Free Spirit, is reality. He is above all exter-
nal religions.

In this awareness, Original Christians, free

followers of Jesus of Nazareth, remember
the consecrated night in Bethlehem, in

which the great light of the heavens, the
spirit being that personified the part-pow-
er of the primordial power, came from the
Sanctum of God and was born into the hu-
man being, Jesus of Nazareth.

As Jesus of Nazareth, He, Christ, the Son of

God, the Prince of Peace, taught us, among
many other things:
“Blessed are the meek,
for they will possess the Earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will attain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will behold God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.”

These are words from the Prince of Peace,

Jesus, the Christ of God, which encourage
us to reflection, particularly with regard to

The so-called Christendom of the institu-
tional churches celebrates Christmas. They
say they celebrate the birth of Jesus of
Nazareth, of the Christ of God. But where
is the life in His Spirit? Why do they cele-
brate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, when
all year long they toss to the wind what He
brought us, and don’t even take it serious-
ly at Christmastime?

What was made of His heavenly teaching,

where does His message of peace bear
fruit in this world, the fruits of the love for
God and neighbor?

His birth and the babe, the “Christ-child,”

are remembered, but what about the love
for God and neighbor that He taught us?
Already as a newborn, the mission of the
Christ of God was in Jesus of Nazareth,
who, as a grown man, as the greatest
prophet of all time, said:

“Reconcile quickly with your adversary

while you are on the way with him ...

Do to others as you would have them do
to you, for this is the law and the prophets.”

At the end of His Sermon on the Mount,

He taught the people:
“Every one then who hears these words of
mine and does them will be like a wise man
who built his house upon the rock.”

People who call themselves Chris-

tian should fulfill what Jesus of Nazareth
taught, step by step. Jesus of Nazareth
taught with authority and not like the
scribes, as it says in the scriptures:

“And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a

question to test him.
‘Teacher, which is the great commandment
in the Law?’
And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind.
This is the great and first commandment.
And a second is like it: You shall love your
neighbor as yourself.

On these two commandments depend all
the law and the prophets.’”
The teaching of Jesus, the Christ, is the
love for God and neighbor. Anyone who
teaches differently should not call himself
Christian. This applies to all people and,
above all, to those denominations, reli-
gious corporations and politicians that call
themselves Christian.
As stated: Worldwide, Original Chris-
tians remember the birth of the great
Spirit, of the Christ of God, of the Co-
Regent of the Kingdom of God, who walked
over the Earth as a plain and simple man, as
the carpenter Jesus of Nazareth – without
titles and without means.
There is no objection to decorating rooms
being decorated during the cold season
and lights that bring some atmosphere
into the dark days. There is no objection to
decorating here and there a tree or shrub
in the garden or also to have larger build-
ings ablaze with light, so that people will
enjoy them during the dark time of year.

But the Christmas commercialism of al-
leged Christianity is perceived by Original
Christians as an abuse of the name of the
Christ of God, as a denigration of the Son
of God, as a means to an end for un-Chris-
tian profiteering.

Nor do Original Christians sing church

songs that mock Christ, such as:
“From heaven above to Earth I come … ”
“Silent Night – Holy Night … ”
“Oh come, little children … ”
“Sweetly the bells are ringing … ”
“Oh Jesus so sweet, oh Jesus so mild …”
“Lo, how a rose e’er blooming …”
“O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how
lovely are your branches,”
and many, many more.

Why the shawm sounds at Christmas? Why

all the sentimental songs?
For centuries, it has been the churches that
have their adherents sing tasteless songs
and Christmas carols, with the result that
the people – stimulated by organ music,

candlelight and their own singing, by in-
cense and the hollow words of priests or
pastors – linger in maudlin sentimentali-
ty, so that they no longer grasp the clear
message of the courageous young man,
Jesus of Nazareth. And that is just fine for
certain circles in politics and external reli-

They also talk about Christ-trees. But there

are no Christ-trees.
It’s the churches that converted coniferous
trees into so-called Christ-trees or Christ-
mas trees. In the 19th century, they ele-
vated this pagan custom into an alleged
Christian tradition.
Young trees are cut down when filled with
sap, and after a few days in the houses, are
disposed of as tree corpses with no nee-
dles. Isn’t that a symbol for the meaning-
lessness of a Christmas celebration?

In Rome, a huge evergreen stands on St.
Peter’s Square right next to the obelisk
stolen from Egypt, a tree filled with sap
cut down – another pagan symbol that
merely spreads an external blaze of light.
A beautiful evergreen is killed, lugged for
hundreds of kilometers through the coun-
tryside, because several people servile to
the pope want to polish their ego.

For analytic thinkers, it is no more than

that. Poor evergreen tree – it surely de-
served something better than to miserably
lose its needles at the Vatican.

Such things are typical of the church in-

stitutions, which impertinently call them-
selves Christian, but since their emergence
1700 years ago, continue to indulge in the
pagan cults of antiquity and do everything
to mock and deride the Christ of God and
to ridicule His heavenly teaching – and
that, especially with primitive Christmassy
folderol, frivolous pomp and sanctimo-
nious sermons.

What good is it to humankind, what good
is it to Mother Earth, when people go to
church at Christmastime?
Has the world grown better through this?
Have people gotten better through this?
Every year at Christmastime, people stream
to the churches to celebrate Christmas
Mass at midnight and so-called “worship
services.” What God is worshipped here?
What kind of a God is it, who needs such

Jesus of Nazareth taught:
“And when you pray, you must not be like
the hypocrites. For they love to stand and
pray in the synagogues and at the street
corners, that they may be seen by others.
Truly, I say to you, they have received their
reward. But when you pray, go into your
room and shut the door and pray to your
Father who is in secret. And your Father
who sees in secret will reward you.
And when you pray, do not heap up emp-
ty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think
that they will be heard for their many words.
Do not be like them, for your Father knows
what you need before you ask him.”

So, why liturgies, rosaries, prayers of

repentance and absolution, Christmas
masses with artistically staged priestly rit-
ual acts in splendid churches of stone,
when Jesus of Nazareth taught:
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures
on earth, where moth and rust destroy
and where thieves break in and steal, but
lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,

where neither moth nor rust destroys and
where thieves do not break in and steal. For
where your treasure is, there your heart will
be also. ...
No one can serve two masters, for either he
will hate the one and love the other, or he
will be devoted to the one and despise the
other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

It is the church institutions that, under the

abuse of the name “Christian,” have piled
up riches after riches. It has never both-
ered the churches that this includes a lot of
blood money.

Jesus of Nazareth gave warning:

“Beware of false prophets, who come to
you in sheep‘s clothing but inwardly they
are ravenous wolves. You will know them
by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from
thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? So, ev-
ery good tree bears good fruit, but a cor-
rupt tree bears evil fruit. A good tree can-
not bear evil fruit, nor can a corrupt tree
bear good fruit.”

Appearances do not deceive. The fruits
that have been produced under the he-
gemony of so-called Christianity and its
churches are rotten fruits:
Our earth is bristling with weapons; an in-
evitable climate disaster threatens to de-
stroy humankind, and a society in which
the gap between super wealth and bitter
poverty grows ever greater looks on, while
thousands of children starve to death day
after day. The unemployment of young
people and poverty are becoming the
breeding grounds for terrorism.

The billionfold misery of the animals and

the murder of animals on assembly lines
are regarded as normal by many people –
if they are perceived at all.
The rotten fruits of so-called Christiani-
ty are devoid of every kind of ethics and
morals, even though messages coming
through loudspeakers, with cassocks and
media power in the background, use hol-
low words to convince the people of the

All of this is not what Jesus, the Christ,
taught us in the Lord’s Prayer, in which it
says: “On earth as it is in heaven.” After
nearly 2000 years of the hegemony of so-
called “Christian” churches, the Earth has
already become a hell for many people,
but also for the animals and nature.

Approximately one billion people are

hungry and threatened with death by star-
vation. Who cares?
Two billion people have no access to clean
water. Who cares?
To deliberately let people starve to death
and die of thirst is murder.

Silent night – holy night.

The stock market is laughing – for money
is might.

Jesus of Nazareth taught: “You have heard

that it was said to the men of old, you shall
not kill; and whoever kills shall be liable to
the judgment. But I say to you that every

one who is angry with his brother shall be
liable to judgment.”

Jesus, the Christ, deepened the command-

ment “You shall not kill.” But throughout all
the centuries and under the leadership of
the priestmen, so-called Christianity has
neutralized it, allowing and promoting the
killing, the murder and slaughter of human
beings and animals under the abuse of the
name “Christian.”
“To kill one person was forbidden, but to kill
thousands is a God-pleasing work,” writes
a famous church historian. (Karl-Heinz

So why all the shawm sounds at Christmas-

time? Why all the sentimental songs?
The pinnacle of the ridicule and mockery
of the greatest prophet of all times, Jesus
of Nazareth, of the Son of God, culmi-
nates in the pagan tradition of blood and
slaughter sacrifices, during which billions
of animals are cruelly slaughtered every
year at Christmastime.

This use of violence against God’s creation
is, as stated, a mockery and ridicule of the
Co-Regent of the Kingdom of God, of the
Christ of God, who came to Earth as Jesus
of Nazareth, in order to save God’s crea-
tion from dissolution. In Jesus of Nazareth,
He brought the sparks of redemption to
people and souls, and taught and lived as
an example the love for God and neighbor,
in which nature and the animals are fully

In the Gospel of Jesus, Christ speaks un-

“Verily, I say to you, I Am come into the
world in order to put an end to all blood
offerings and to the eating of the flesh of
animals and birds that are slain by men.
In the beginning, God gave everyone the
fruits of the trees and the seeds and the
herbs for food; but those who loved them-
selves more than God or their neighbor cor-
rupted their ways and brought diseases into
their bodies and filled the Earth with lust
and cruelty.

Not by shedding innocent blood, but by liv-
ing a righteous life, will you find the peace
of God. You call Me the Christ of God and
you speak true; for I Am the way, the truth
and the life.
Walk this way, and you will find God. Seek
the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
(This Is My Word. Alpha and Omega. The Gospel of
Jesus. Chapter 75)

Is it not outrageous when the name of

the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who came to
again teach the unity of creation, of hu-
man being, nature and animals, who came
to end the shedding of blood on Earth, is
used to bring about a millionfold blood
bath on His birthday? And that this, al-
legedly in His name, is encouraged, con-
doned and blessed by a caste of priests
that for 1700 years has abused His name
and turned His heavenly teachings into the

Who taught the people, to fatten up the

animals, to slaughter them and to sacrifice

them for the pleasure of the human pal-
ate, particularly on the so-called “Christian
That is nothing more than the cult of
priests, then and today.

When “Oh, come, little children, oh, come,

one and all, to Bethlehem’s stable, in
Bethlehem’s stall” is sung, while thousands
of children starve to death every day, while
tables overflow with carcass pieces of ani-
mals, which were fattened with the grain
that is withheld from children dying of
hunger – what is that other than cruelty
and mockery of Jesus, the Christ?

Indeed, it is despicable what we people

do to our fellow people and to animals, to
our fellow creatures, to all of nature, to the
Mother Earth, merely because many peo-
ple let themselves be led by blind leaders
of the blind, who presume to play the role
of intercessors between God and the peo-
ple and are often themselves the greatest

Year after year, an unethical and immoral
pagan spectacle is repeated, today pack-
aged in the celebrations of consumption
and blood sacrifices of our time.
The so-called Christian holidays and their
excesses have become the religious stan-
dard of the world that calls itself “Chris-
tian.” And so will it presumably continue,
until the downfall through the climate col-
Only then will it be “Silent night – holy
There is no silent night, no holy night for
billions of animals. For those of this Earth
without rights, the animals, it is: Christmas,
the night of the long knives, billionfold
murder of God’s creatures, blessed by the
caste of priests of all external religions. As
at all times, it is a cult of blood sacrifice,
embellished by the caste of priests as a
God-pleasing sacrifice, only that the place
of mass murder has been relocated from
the temple to the slaughterhouse and the
commerce with the carcasses, to the tem-
ples of consumption.

Silent night – holy night.
The animal is dead – the devil laughs.

Oh yes, the night has to be silent for us –

and the desperate screams of the animals
murdered alive should please not pene-
trate to our ears.

Focus Online reported on Nov. 25, 2015 –

under the headline “Pope Francis describes
Christmas as a three-ring monkey circus“:
“In a speech, the pope said, quote: ‘There
will be lights, there will be parties, bright
trees, all decked out, while the world contin-
ues to wage war.’
‘The world has not understood the way of
peace,’ says the pope. ‘Therefore, in view of
the many problems in the world, Christmas
is a charade, a three-ring circus of monkeys.
What shall remain?’ asks the pope further.
‘Ruins, thousands of children without edu-
cation, so many innocent victims and
lots of money in the pockets of the arms
dealers.’ All of this contradicts the thoughts
of Christmastime.”

Dear readers, we should not insult the
The whole “circus” comes from the de-
nominational churches and their caste of
priests! With this, all the faithful are in-
sulted who are doing nothing but fol-
lowing what the pope and his church has
Thus, to exchange the term three-ring
circus of monkeys for a circus of priests
would be more than appropriate.
We should become aware of one thing:
The monkeys do not make a circus, be-
cause they are in God, the Creator.

The criminal history of the church, which

is dripping with blood, shows where the
circus of priests has settled in.
Every ritual act and every cult that is as-
sociated with the great, sublime, pure
Spirit, the Son of God, is a “circus of
priests,” which mocks the high being of
the Christ of God, the Co-Regent of the
Kingdom of God, and exposes Him to rid-

The Christ of God in Jesus of Nazareth did
not teach any rigmarole. He did not teach
rituals and cults, any “circus of priests,”
neither about His life, His birth, nor about
His teachings or His death on the cross.
He personified the life of the Kingdom of
God, noble, pure, straightforward, helpful
and humble. He represented the spiritu-
al nobility of the Kingdom of God, which
has nothing in common with the secular-
ized nobility of the mammon on this
Earth, absolutely nothing. He healed the
people and taught the way back to the
Father’s house, from where we all went

Jesus of Nazareth did not teach or live, as

an example, one single cult act, not one
single ritual, to say nothing of proclaim-
ing a dogma.
On the contrary: He pilloried the “circus
of priests,” the cult of priests of that time,
and pointed out that with this, neither
God nor the kingdom of heaven can be
reached, indeed, that they are against this.

He taught us the path of the Sermon on
the Mount, of love for God and neighbor.
He taught us to go into our quiet cham-
ber, without churches of stone, without
sentimental songs, without prayer leaders
in costumes and without subordinating
ourselves to an external artificial religion
of cults, which, to God, the Eternal, are an
abomination, as He already stated through
His prophets in the Old Testament.

It cannot be said often enough:

The churches have put their sacramental
cult-structures, this collection of pagan
rituals, in place of the teachings of Jesus
of Nazareth and have draped the cloak
“Christian” around them. Until today, they
celebrate the pagan cult traditions under
the abuse of the name of the Son of God,
of the Christ of God.
The churches that call themselves “Chris-
tian” require their believers to partici-
pate in so-called “Christian” festivities,
which relate to Christ only by name, but
whose content is of pagan origin.

Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, the Co-
Regent of the Kingdom of God, is sung to
as a babe in diapers lying in a manger, al-
though He has indeed risen as the speak-
ing Christ of God and continues to be ac-
tive for His work of redemption in all of in-
finity. His murder on the cross at Golgotha
through the betrayal and intrigue of the
caste of priests of that time is presented
as a victory of the caste of priests over the
Son of God on the crucifix.
But despite all this mockery and derision
by the priests, the risen Christ says: “I Am
the way, the truth and the life, follow Me.”

Let us realize:
Only the church hierarchy and those ser-
vile to it in politics and society need a Christ
child that cannot yet speak. People with
a heart and mind, with a spiritual forma-
tion, know about the teachings of the adult,
Jesus of Nazareth. When He came into the
world in Bethlehem, His mission from the
heavens was already in His soul, to teach
people the truth from the heavens.

In the boy sung to as the “youth with the
wavy hair,” the calls of woe were already
contained in His mission:

“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hy-

pocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heav-
en in people‘s faces. For you neither enter
yourselves nor allow those who would enter
to go in.
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo-
crites! For you clean the outside of the cup
and the plate, but inside they are full of
greed and self-indulgence.
You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of
the cup and the plate, that the outside also
may be clean.”

“I am the way, the truth and the life,” thus

spoke Jesus of Nazareth as the greatest
prophet of all times.
The co-regency of the Kingdom of God,
the part-power of the primordial power
was in His soul, even as He lay in the man-
ger as a newborn infant, even as He was
the “youth with the wavy hair.”

A few years later He spoke forthrightly:

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo-

crites! For you are like whitewashed tombs,
which outwardly appear beautiful, but
within are full of dead people‘s bones and
all uncleanness.
So you also outwardly appear righteous to
others, but within you are full of hypocrisy
and lawlessness.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo-

crites! For you build the tombs of the
prophets and decorate the monuments of
the righteous, saying: If we had lived in the
days of our fathers, we would not have taken
part with them in shedding the blood of the
Thus, you witness against yourselves that
you are sons of those who murdered the

Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers!

You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are
you to escape being sentenced to hell?”

Jesus of Nazareth spoke further:
“The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses‘
seat … They tie up heavy burdens hard to
bear, and lay them on people‘s shoulders,
but they themselves are not willing to move
them with their finger.
They do all their deeds to be seen by others.
For they make their phylacteries broad and
their fringes long, and they love the place
of honor at feasts and the best seats in the
synagogues and greetings in the market-
places and being called rabbi by others.
But you are not to be called rabbi, for you
have one teacher, and you are all brothers.
And call no man your father on earth, for
you have one Father, who is in heaven.
Neither be called teachers, for you have one
teacher, the Christ.”

“Do not think that I have come to abolish

the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to
abolish them but to fulfill them. …
Whoever relaxes one of the least of these
commandments and teaches others to do
the same will be called least in the king-

dom of heaven, but whoever does them
and teaches them will be called great in the
kingdom of heaven.”
And to the people, He said:
“For I tell you, unless your righteousness ex-
ceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you
will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Those are the earnest words of Jesus of

Nazareth, the Co-Regent of the Heavens,
which He directed to the caste of priests
back then. Why don’t people take His
words seriously?
Why is an infant, who cannot speak, vener-
ated like a God – but the words about the
caste of priests spoken by the adult Jesus
of Nazareth, with the authority of God are
Let us ask ourselves: Who falsifies the
commandments of God and dares to do
this in His name?
It is the institutional churches, which have
introduced their dogmas and doctrines in
place of the heavenly teachings of Jesus of
Nazareth, which by way of old cults and

rituals attempt to put themselves between
the people and God.
The pope says, for example: “The world
has not understood the way of peace.”

Particularly regarding peace, the pope

ought to speak a big Mea culpa for his of-
fice and for his predecessors. It is, after all,
the churches that co-opted the message
of peace from the Prince of Peace, Jesus of
Nazareth, and distorted it and suppressed
it with their own dogmas and doctrines. It
is the churches, which, during all the cen-
turies and right up to the most recent past,
have allied themselves with those who
brought strife and even war into countless

The message of peace of the Christ of God

was betrayed by the institutions that call
themselves “Christian.”
To understand the way of peace means to
walk the path of the Christ of God, to fol-
low Him, Jesus of Nazareth, in everything
that He taught and lived as an example.

Our world with its production and sales of
weapons, with the use of weapons under
the leadership of governments that mis-
leadingly call themselves “Christian” is one
single mockery of the message of peace of
Jesus, the Christ.
Where is the hunger and thirst for justice?
Where is the mercy of the arms manufac-
turers, the arms dealers and all those who
earn from this and approve of the wea-
pons commerce during this “most holy
The allegedly “Christian” governments
with their ecclesiastical prompters give
their blessing with bombs, under the cyn-
ical term “peace mission.” Yet, they call
themselves Christian and celebrate “Silent
night – holy night.”

At the end of the year 2015, an alliance

that calls itself “Christian” calls for the de-
struction of the Islamic State. No one asks
about the law of cause and effect.
The causes for the present terrorism can
be traced back to the Crusades, which

were proclaimed by popes and so-called
“saints,” who are highly venerated until to-
day in the Catholic Church, such as Pope
Urban II and Bernhard von Clairvaux, who,
with inflammatory speeches, incited the
French to the Crusades.

The former American President George

Bush described the fight against terrorism
as a “Crusade,” the consequences of which
plunged whole countries in the Middle
East into chaos. Instead of the so-called
Christians doing what Jesus of Nazareth
taught us – to ask for forgiveness, to make
amends for what is still possible and to no
longer do the same or similar things – they
again call to arms, literally to “annihilate.”
Until the end, blood flows together with
blood, until it is, then, “the end, the end!”

Anyone who approves of the production

of arms, of the arms trade, of bombing and
destroying, who is for the brutal exercise
of power, for poverty, hunger, hardship
and causing the misery of refugees, should

then at least be honest and not call himself
Christian. Everyone is free to approve of all
this or even to do it. But anyone who does
such things may call himself Catholic, he
may call himself Lutheran or some other
denomination, but he may not call himself
Christian. Jesus, the Christ, taught: “Put
your sword back in its place, for all who
take up the sword will perish by the sword.”
If you want to know what Jesus, the Christ,
really taught, read the book entitled: “The
Rehabilitation of the Christ of God.”

The USA alone has just approved a military

budget of 716 billion dollars for the year
2019. (
A nation that calls itself “Christian” leads
the way where spending money for weap-
ons is concerned.
Silent night – holy night.

Political parties and countries that call

themselves “Christian” approve the pro-
duction and export of armaments, such as
fighter jets, tanks, artillery, warships, sub-

marines, small weapons in huge amounts
and, of course, also the munitions for them
all. And at Christmas, hypocritical, pious
songs are sung.

Silent night – holy night.

There’s profit when the bombs fall.

That’s why churches and political parties

should not call themselves Christian. They
can call themselves Catholic or Lutheran or
whatever, but in no case Christian.
When the nations are superficially lulled
with sentimental Christmas songs, but
in the background, acts of war are being
prepared – who in all seriousness believes
that is Christian?

In these few examples, we see that the

Free Spirit of Jesus of Nazareth, His heav-
enly teaching of peaceableness, does not
fit in this world of rulers and religious lead-
Whatever titles the rulers, kings and state
leaders, as well as the religious leaders of

nations give themselves and call them-
selves, they cannot at all be for Jesus of
Nazareth, the Christ of God, and His heav-
enly teaching of peaceableness, of love for
God and neighbor.

Anyone who himself wants to rule – and

church leaders as well as the secular state
leaders want to do this – must inevitably
be against the Christ of God, who as Jesus
of Nazareth taught the love for God and
neighbor and lived it as an example.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done”

prays so-called Christianity in the Lord’s

If Christ is to come as the ruler of the King-

dom of Peace, then all secular rulers and
church leaders would have to first resign.
Logic demands that we give this some
These crowned and uncrowned heads
would have to give up their claim to rule
and also get rid of their thoughts of arma-

ments, with which they secure their exter-
nal might.
They would have to tell their soldiers that
it is against the law of God to take up the
They would have to abstain from every
kind of violence and all traffic in arms and
much more.
They would have to come clean with the
people and admit that they have abused
the name Christian and Christ – as well as
the stone churches with their whole church
hierarchy – only in order to ensure their
claim to power and to co-opt the people,
so that they don’t turn to the Free Spirit of
the Christ of God.
“Divide, bind and rule,” that is the insignia
of power that the devil has on his banner.

Jesus of Nazareth brought the spiritual
revolution from the Kingdom of God to
the people. He was not betrayed and mur-
dered because He told the people what
they wanted to hear, but because He chal-
lenged them to turn around and change
their ways, to let go of their false doings, of
their maliciousness and hypocrisy.
He pilloried the falsehood of the caste
of priests at that time. He called a halt to
the murder of animals. He spoke up for
the disenfranchised and oppressed and
placed His finger on the wound that had
been cut by the sword of the mighty and
from which injustice bled. And He wanted
to lead the people to God in their inner
being, away from the priests. That is why
the caste of priests handed Him over and
had Him murdered.

Jesus of Nazareth spoke to the people of

His time:
“I know that you are the offspring of
Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because
my word finds no place in you.

I speak of what I have seen with my Father,
and you do what you have heard from your
They answered him, ‘Abraham is our father.’
Jesus said to them, ‘If you were Abraham‘s
children, you would be doing the works
Abraham did, but now you seek to kill me, a
man who has told you the truth that I heard
from God. This is not what Abraham did.
You are doing the works your father did.’
They said to him, ‘We were not born of sex-
ual immorality. We have one Father – God.’
Jesus said to them, ‘If God were your Father,
you would love me, for I came from God
and I am here. I came not of my own ac-
cord, but he sent me.
Why do you not understand what I say? It is
because you cannot bear to hear my word.
You are of your father the devil, and your
will is to do your father‘s desires. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and does not
stand in the truth, because there is no truth
in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his
own character, for he is a liar and the father
of lies.

But because I tell the truth, you do not be-
lieve me. Which one of you convicts me of
sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe
Whoever is of God, hears the words of God.
The reason why you do not hear them is
that you are not of God.’”

When now the people of today, the power-

holders in politics and churches, who hyp-
ocritically call themselves Christian, do all
the works that are against God’s creation,
who, then, is their father?

Original Christians, free followers of Jesus
of Nazareth, people who strive to fulfill the
Christian values, the ethical moral values
of the Sermon on the Mount, bow be-
fore the incarnation of the Christ of God
as Jesus of Nazareth and before the cosmic
deed of Redemption, which He, as Jesus of
Nazareth, as the Christ of God, took upon
Himself and accomplished for all people
and souls.

Original Christians learn to keep in their

hearts the consecrated night of 2000
years ago, by fulfilling, step by step, what
the Christ of God as Jesus of Nazareth
asked people to do: Follow Me!

“Christ the Savior is here” rings out at

many a Christmas celebration. Yes, Christ,
the Savior, is here. He, the Redeemer of all
souls and people, is here, within, in us, in
each one of us. But where is the conscious
filiation of God among us people, where is
the brotherliness that is lived, independent
of origin, race and religion?

Christ is the Co-Regent of the Heavens
and the Prince of Peace of the Kingdom
of God. His Kingdom of Peace will come to
this Earth.

Original Christians of today pray:

Christ, come soon!
Then, there will be no Christmas and no
external religions anymore, for God, the
Eternal, the Free Spirit and His Son, Christ,
are above all external religions.


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