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Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you.

Provide a brief summary of their purpose,

requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organizations align to your
goals and worldview?

Three professional nursing organizations that interest me are American Nurses Association, American Assembly for
Men in Nursing and the Nurses Christian Fellowship. First the American Nurses Association’s mission statement
can be summarized to an organization that advocates for the advancement of nursing to improve health for everyone.
The American Nurses Association is a great advocate for nursing in many ways and this is the reason of my interest.
They have a code of ethics that they have come up with to help guide nurses in multiple roles including advanced
practice registered nurses. Their intent is to help patient through the advancement of nursing. The next organization I
am interested in is the American Assembly for Men in Nursing. The mission statement for The American Assembly
states that the purpose is to improve several aspects of nursing to advance men’s health. This is obvious to my why I
am interested since I am a male nurse myself. Their specific focus in male nurses with the intent on improving
nursing for men. The final organization that I am interested is the Nurses Christian fellowship. I am interested in
this organization because it does follow my goals and worldview of being Christian. One of the main purposes for
the Nurses Christian Fellowship is to provide a Christian perspective in nursing and healthcare issues. This specific
organization follows my same spirituality of my worldview. I think this is important to have a professional
organization that aligns with my spiritual and professional beliefs.

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