Chap9 Endocrine Anaphy Notes

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1. Metabolism and Tissue Maturation
HORMONES 2. Ion Regulation
helps regulate blood pH, as
– are chemical substances secreted
well as Na+, K+, and Ca+
by endocrine cells into the
concentrations in the blood
extracellular fluids that regulate
3. Water Balance
the metabolic activity of other cells
4. Immune System Regulation
in the body.
production of immune cells
– Can be classified chemically as
5. Heart Rate and BP Regulation
either amino acid-based molecules
6. Control of Blood Glucose and other
or steroids
STEROID HORMONES 7. Control of Reproductive Functions
– Made from cholesterol, include the 8. Uterine Contractions and Milk
sex hormones made by the gonads Release
(ovaries and testes) and the
hormones produced by the adrenal
– A given hormone affects only
certain tissue cells or organs,
referred to as target cells or target

For a target cell to respond to a

hormone, specific protein
receptors to which that
hormone can attach must be
present on the cell’s plasma
membrane or in its interior.
– Ductless
Control hormone levels – Release hormones
– Directly into target tissues
– Into bloodstream to be carried
– Hormone release stops in
to target tissues
response to decrease in
Hormones (Greek word hormone – to
set into motion)
Stimulus (eating) raises
blood glucose levels 1. PITUITARY GLAND AND
Pancreas releases insulin in HYPOTHALAMUS
response to elevated blood – The pituitary gland is
glucose approximately the size of a pea.
Blood glucose decreases as – It hangs by a stalk from the
it is used by the body or inferior surface of the
stored in the liver hypothalamus of the brain,
Insulin release stops as where it is snugly surrounded
blood glucose levels by the sella turcica of the
normalize sphenoid bone.
2. POSITIVE FEEDBACK LOOP It has two functional lobes
– As long as stimulus is present, – the anterior pituitary
action of hormone continues (glandular tissue) and the
Infant nursing at mother’s posterior pituitary
breast → stimulates (nervous tissue).
hypothalamus → → The anterior pituitary gland
stimulates posterior controls the activity of so many
pituitary other endocrine glands
Oxytocin released → (“master endocrine gland”)
stimulates milk production → The release of each of its
and ejection from hormones is controlled by
mammary glands releasing hormones and
Milk release continues as inhibiting hormones produced
long as infant continues to by the hypothalamus.
– The hypothalamus also makes
two additional hormones,
The major endocrine organs of oxytocin and antidiuretic
the body include: the pituitary, pineal, hormone, which are
thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, and transported along the axons of
adrenal glands, pancreas, and gonads the hypothalamic
(ovaries and testes) neurosecretory cells to the
posterior pituitary for storage. B. ANTERIOR PITUITARY
They are later released into the – The anterior pituitary produces
blood in response to nerve several hormones that affect
impulses from the many body organs.
hypothalamus. 1. GROWTH HORMONE (GH)
1. OXYTOCIN – Its major effects are directed to
– Is released in significant the growth of skeletal muscles
amounts only during childbirth and long bones of the body
and nursing. ➢ At the same time, it causes
→ It stimulates powerful fats to be broken down and
contractions of the uterine used for energy while it
muscle during sexual relations, spares glucose, helping to
during labor, and during maintain blood sugar
breastfeeding. homeostasis.
→ It also causes milk ejection (let- 2. PROLACTIN
down reflex) in a nursing – Its only known target in humans
woman. is the breast.
2. ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE (ADH) ➢ After childbirth, it
– a chemical that inhibits or stimulates and maintains
prevents urine production. milk production by the
→ causes the kidneys to reabsorb mother’s breasts.
more water from the forming 3. GONADOTROPIC HORMONES
urine; as a result, urine volume (FSH AND LH)
decreases, and blood volume – Regulate the hormonal activity
increases. of the gonads (ovaries and
In larger amounts, ADH also testes)
increases blood pressure by ➢ In women, the FSH
causing constriction of the stimulates follicle
arterioles (small arteries). development in the ovaries.
For this reason, it is ➢ In men, FSH stimulates
sometimes referred to as sperm production by the
vasopressin. testes.
➢ LH triggers ovulation of an
egg from the ovary and
causes the ruptured follicle
to produce progesterone
and some estrogen.
➢ LH stimulates testosterone
production by the
interstitial cells of the
2. PINEAL GLAND conversion of thyronine to
– The pineal gland is a small, triiodothyronine
cone-shaped gland that hangs → Thyroid hormone controls the
from the roof of the third rate at which glucose is
ventricle of the brain. “burned”, or oxidized, and
1. MELATONIN converted to body heat and
– The only hormone secreted chemical energy (ATP).
from pineal gland in substantial → Thyroid hormone is also
amounts important for normal tissue
→ Believed to be a “sleep trigger” growth and development,
that plays an important role in especially in the reproductive
establishing the body’s sleep- and nervous systems.
wake cycle. 1. THYROXINE (T4) &
The level of melatonin rises THRIIODOTHYRONINE (T3)
and falls during the course Chem class:
of the day and night. Amine
The peak level occurs at Major Actions:
night and makes us drowsy Stimulates metabolism
The lowest level occurs Regulated by:
during daylight around TSH
3. THYROID GLAND Chem class:
– The thyroid gland is located at Peptide
the base of the throat, just Major Actions:
inferior to the Adam’s apple. Reduces blood calcium ion level
– It is a fairly large gland Regulated by:
consisting of two lobes joined Calcium ion level in blood
by a central mass, or isthmus. HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCE
The thyroid gland makes
– Without iodine, functional thyroid
two hormones, one called
hormones cannot be made.
thyroid hormone, the
– The source of iodine is our diet
other called calcitonin.
– Referred to as body’s major
– is an enlargement of the thyroid
metabolic hormone
gland that results when the diet
Contains two active iodine-
is deficient in iodine.
containing hormones,
thyroxine (T4) and
– Hyposecretion of thyroxine
thriiodothyronine (T3)
may indicate problems other
than iodine deficiency. If it
formed at the target tissues by
occurs in early childhood, the 4. TUMOR OF THE THYROID
result is cretinism. GLAND
1. Results in dwarfism and – Hyperthyroidism generally
mental retardation (if results from a tumor of the
discovered early, thyroid gland.
hormone replacement ❖ Extreme overproduction of
will prevent mental thyroxine results in a high basal
impairment) metabolic rate, intolerance of heat,
3. MYXEDEMA rapid heartbeat, weight loss,
– Hypothyroidism occurring in nervous and agitated behavior, and
adults results in myxedema a general inability to relax.
2. Characterized by both 5. GRAVES’ DISEASE
physical and mental – A form of hyperthyroidism
sluggishness (no mental – The thyroid gland enlarges,
impairment) – the eyes bulge (exophthalmos)
3. Other signs are puffiness 2. CALCITONIN
of the face, fatigue, poor – Second important hormone
muscle tone, low body product of the thyroid gland
temperature, obesity, and → Decreases the blood calcium
dry skin (Oral thyroxine is ion level by causing calcium to
prescribed to treat this be deposited in the bones
– The parathyroid glands are tiny
masses of glandular tissue most
often on the posterior surface
of the thyroid gland.
– is the most important regulator
of calcium ion homeostasis of
the blood.
– Although the skeleton is the
major PTH target, PTH also
stimulates the kidneys and
intestine to absorb more
calcium ions.
– If blood calcium ion level falls
too low, neurons become
extremely irritable and
overactive. They deliver 6. ADRENAL GLANDS
impulses to the muscles so – The two adrenal glands curve
rapidly that the muscles go into over the top of the kidneys like
uncontrollable spasms (tetany), triangular hats.
which may be fatal. – It is structurally and
2. SEVERE functionally two endocrine
– Severe hyperparathyroidism it has parts made of
causes massive bone glandular (cortex) and
destruction. The bones become neural tissue (medulla)
very fragile, and spontaneous – The Central Medulla Region is
fractures begin to occur. enclosed by the adrenal cortex,
5. THYMUS which contains three separate
– Is located in the upper thorax, layers of cells.
posterior to the sternum. A. ADRENAL CORTEX
– Large in infants and children, it
The adrenal cortex produces three
decreases in size throughout
major groups of steroid hormones,
collectively called corticosteroids:
– By old age, it is composed
mostly of fibrous connective 1. MINERALOCORTICOIDS
tissue and fat. (ALDOSTERONE)
1. THYMOSIN – Are produced by the outermost
– The thymus produces a adrenal cortex cell layer.
hormone called thymosin – Are important in regulating the
and others that appear to mineral (salt) content of the
be essential for normal blood, particularly the
development of a special concentrations of sodium and
group of white blood cells (T potassium ions.
lymphocytes) and the – These hormones target the
immune response. kidney tubules that selectively
reabsorb the minerals or allow
them to be flushed out of the
body in urine.
When the blood level of
aldosterone rises, the
kidney tubule cell reabsorbs
increasing amounts of
sodium ions and secrete
more potassium ions into
the urine.
When sodium is cortex in response to a
reabsorbed, water follows. rising blood level of ACTH.
Thus, the 3. SEX HORMONES
mineralocorticoids help – In both men and women, the
regulate both water and adrenal cortex produces both
electrolyte balance in body male and female sex hormones
fluids. throughout life in relatively
2. GLUCOCORTICOIDS small amounts.
(CORTISONE AND CORTISOL) – The bulk of the sex hormones
– Glucocorticoids promote produced by the innermost
normal cell metabolism and cortex layer are androgens
help the body to resist long- (male sex hormones), but some
term stressors, primarily by estrogens (female sex
increasing the blood glucose hormones) are also formed.
– When blood levels of
glucocorticoids are high, fats
and even proteins are broken
down by body cells and
converted to glucose, which is
released to the blood.
❖ For this reason, glucocorticoids
are said to be hyperglycemic
Glucocorticoids also seem
to control the more
unpleasant effects of
inflammation by
decreasing edema, and
they reduce pain by
inhibiting the pain-causing
Because of their anti-
inflammatory properties, HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCE
glucocorticoids are often
(Hyposecretion of all the adrenal
prescribed as drugs to
cortex hormones)
suppress inflammation for
– Bronze tone of the skin (suntan)
patients with rheumatoid
– Na and water are lost from the
Glucocorticoids are
– Muscles become weak and
released from the adrenal
shock is a possibility
– Hypoglycemia (↓
– Suppression of the immune

– When the medulla is stimulated
by sympathetic nervous system
neurons, its cells release two
2. HYPERALDOSTERONISM similar hormones, epinephrine
(hyperactivity of outermost cortical (adrenaline) and
area) norepinephrine
– Excessive water and sodium (noradrenaline), into the
ions retention bloodstream.
– High blood pressure Collectively, these hormones are
– Edema called catecholamines:
– Low potassium ions level 1. EPINEPHRINE (adrenaline)
(hypokalemia) 2. NOREPINEPHRINE
3. CUSHING’S SYNDROME (noradrenaline)
(excessive glucocorticoids) → Raises blood glucose level;
increase rate of metabolism;
– Swollen “moon face” and constrict certain blood vessels
“Buffalo hump”
– High blood pressure and – The catecholamines of the
hyperglycemia (steroid adrenal medulla prepare the
diabetes) body to cope with short-term
– Weakening of the bones (as stressful situations and cause
protein is withdrawn to be the so-called alarm stage of the
converted to glucose) stress response.
– Severe depression of the – Glucocorticoids, by contrast,
immune system are produced by the adrenal
4. HYPERSECRETION OF THE SEX cortex and are important when
coping with prolonged or
continuing stressors, such as
dealing with the death of a
family member or having a
major operation (resistance → Its action is basically
stage). hyperglycemic.
→ Its primary target is the liver,
7. PANCREATIC ISLETS which it stimulates to break
– The pancreas, located close to down stored glycogen to
the stomach in the abdominal glucose and to release the
cavity, is a mixed gland. glucose into the blood.
– The pancreatic islets, also called 8. GONADS
the islets of Langerhans, are – The female and male gonads
little masses of endocrine produce sex cells. They also
(hormone-producing) tissue of produce sex hormones that are
the pancreas. identical to those produced by
– The exocrine, or acinar, part of adrenal cortex cells. The major
the pancreas acts as part of the differences from the adrenal
digestive system. sex hormone production are
– Two important hormones the source and relative
produced by the islet cells are amounts of hormones
insulin and glucagon. produced.
– Hormone released by the beta – Besides producing female sex
cells of the islets in response to cells (ova, or eggs), ovaries
a high level of blood glucose. produce two groups of steroid
→ Acts on all body cells, increasing hormones, estrogens and
their ability to import glucose progesterone.
across their plasma 1. ESTROGEN
membranes. – Responsible for the
→ Insulin also speeds up these development of sex
“use it” or “store it” activities. characteristics in women
→ Because insulin sweeps the (primarily growth and
glucose out of the blood, its maturation of the reproductive
effect is said to be organs) and the appearance of
hypoglycemic. secondary sex characteristics at
→ Without it, essentially no puberty.
glucose can get into the cells to Acting with progesterone,
be used. estrogens promote breast
2. GLUCAGON development and cyclic
– Acts as an antagonist of insulin changes in the uterine
– Released by the alpha cells of lining (the menstrual cycle)
the islets in response to a low 2. PROGESTERONE
blood glucose levels. – Acts with estrogen to bring
about the menstrual cycle.
During pregnancy, it quiets the → In the third month, the placenta
muscles of the uterus so that an assumes the job of the ovaries of
implanted embryo will not be producing estrogen and
aborted and helps prepare progesterone, and the ovaries
breast tissue for lactation. become inactive for the rest of the
B. TESTES pregnancy.
– In addition to male sex cells, or → The high estrogen and
sperm, the testes also produce progesterone blood levels maintain
male sex hormones, or the lining of the uterus and prepare
androgens, of which the breasts for producing milk.
testosterone is the most
– Promotes the growth and – works cooperatively with
maturation of the reproductive estrogen and progesterone in
system organs to prepare the preparing the breasts for
young man for reproduction. lactation.
– It also causes the male’s
secondary sex characteristics to → Relaxin, another placental
appear and stimulates the male hormone, causes the mother’s
sex drive. pelvic ligaments and the pubic
– It is necessary for continuous symphysis to relax and become
production of sperm. more flexible, which eases birth
– Testosterone production is passage.
specifically stimulated by LH. DEVELOPMENTAL ASPECTS OF
TISSUES AND ORGANS ✓ In late middle age, the efficiency of
9. PLACENTA the ovaries begins to decline,
– During very early pregnancy, a causing menopause.
hormone called human ✓ Reproductive organs begin to
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) atrophy
is produced by the developing ✓ Ability to bear children ends
embryo and then by the fetal ✓ Problems associated with estrogen
parts of the placenta. deficiency begin to occur
1. HUMAN CHORIONIC (arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis,
GONADOTROPIN (hCG) decreased skin elasticity, “hot
– hCG stimulates the ovaries to flashes”)
continue producing estrogen ✓ No such dramatic changes seem to
and progesterone so that the happen in men.
lining of the uterus is not ✓ Elderly persons are less able to
sloughed off in menses. resist stress and infection.
✓ Exposure to pesticides, industrial
chemicals, dioxin, and pother soil
and water pollutants diminishes
endocrine function, which may
explain the higher cancer rates
among older adults in certain areas
of the country.
✓ All older people have some decline
in insulin production, and type 2
diabetes mellitus is most common
in this age group.

Chem class:
Major Actions:
Stimulates thyroid glands
Regulated by:
Thyroxine in blood hypothalamic

Chem class:
Major Actions:
Stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete
Regulated by:
Glucocorticoids; hypothalamic

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