Assignment No 2 (FME-BME101)

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ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Session: 2023-24 Semester: 1st Section: IT-D

Course Name: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering (BME-101)

Estd. 2000 Assignment- 2

Date of Assignment: 14/12/2024 Date of submission: 18/012/2024

S.NO KL, Question

1) K2, Compare two stroke and four stroke engines. Draw a neat sketch of the theoretical P-V
CO2 diagram for four stroke diesel engine.

2) K2, Explain construction and working of two-stroke diesel engine with neat and clean sketch.
3) K1, Differentiate between Internal and External combustions engines. List the various
CO2 advantages of IC engine over External combustion engine. Mention the various
applications of IC engine.
4) K2, Explain construction and working of four-stroke petrol engine with neat and clean sketch.

5) K2, Define compression Ratio. Also, Compare SI and Cl Engine with respect to Compression
CO2 ratio & Ignition.

CO-Course Outcomes mapped with respective question

KL- Bloom’s Knowledge Level (K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6)
K1 – Remember, K2 – Understand, K3 – Apply, K4 – Analyze, K5 – Evaluate, K6– Create

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