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Name: Nguyen Quynh Chi

ID: 21051768
1. Introduction
Chinsu Vietnam is a brand of Masan Group in Vietnam. Masan Consumer is a large
food and beverage company in Vietnam. This brand's consumer goods took 7th
place in the list of Top 50 most valuable brands in Vietnam 2016.
In the early 2000s, Masan was a pioneer in branding soy sauce and fish sauce
products. In 2002, Chinsu soy sauce and Chinsu chili sauce products were
launched by Masan. After a short time, Masan has quickly become a leader in the
consumer food industry.
Chinsu products are affordable and safe for health, good quality, suitable for
consumers, friendly with users, variety of types
Competitors: Knorr (Unilever), Phan Thiet, De Nhat (Acecook)

2. Market segmentation
Chin Su segments the market into 6 customer groups as follows:
Group 1: (15 - 22 years old) about 14.2 population, this is the concentration of
people who go to school, have unstable income, they just need a dipping sauce that
is easy to use, convenient, and cheap.
Group 2: accounts for 13.8% of the population, concentrated in age among people
who have just graduated from school and started working, have unstable income,
and income is still not high. Don't cook at home often. They pay little attention to
their health.
Group 3: (29-39 years old) accounts for 21.25%, this is the period of establishing
social relationships and stable income, so they use the product more often. They
are increasingly concerned about their health. healthy, so they choose to eat bland
food to prevent blood pressure, cardiovascular, kidney diseases...
Group 4: (from 39-50 years old) about 9% of the population, this is the stage of
asserting one's position in society as well as at work, the number of socializing is
increasing and their guests often visit their home, so the frequency of product
consumption is increasing day by day. They are people who care about health.
Group 5: (over 50 years old) about 10% of the population, this is the saturation
stage, the frequency of using the product has decreased significantly, health has
decreased significantly so whether there is a product anymore or not is not
3. Targeting

Chin Su should choose group 3 as the group's target customers because this group
accounts for the highest percentage (21.25%), and the product quality satisfies the
needs of customers in this group.
4. Positioning

 Knorr has good quality, but the price is higher than the market.
 De Nhat and Phan Thiet have a low price but the quality is not high, they are
not suitable for most consumers, the product's characteristic is pure so it is
salty for customers.
 Chinsu is affordable and safe for health, suitable for suitable for most users'

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