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Model = mental understanding of a human of how the computer system works (user vs programmer)

 User – goal and task-focused, Programmer – focused on functionality of the system

HCI = Human-Computer Interaction

 Feedback loop – input/output

 Various fields (sociology, psychology, design, engineering)
 USERS = many different models, not “THE User”

UI = User Interface

 The system for users, input from user and output from system
 Human training and networking have to be considered
 SEPARABILITY = interface allows a user’s model to be separated from the programmer’s model
and multiple models can be fit to the same system

GUI = Graphical User Interface

 From cards and tape -> command line -> graphics

 Users don’t need to know anything about the functionality of the system, programmers don’t
work with the content
 From businesses to the public – general approach, METAPHOR style = system looking like a real-
world object (calculator)

WUI = Web User Interface

 User/Browser model/Programmers’ model

Social and mobile interaction

 Multiple users between each other/Browser model/Programmers’ model

 Tangible interface = touchable interface itself is a hardware interface, gestures (Wii)
 Interaction design = people interacting with each other through technology

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