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Sociology Current Affairs - IAS Gurukul

Women's Rights: India's Positive Impact

04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Women in STEM represent a critical segment of the workforce that has the potential
to drive innovation, research, and technological advancements. However, women
continue to face barriers in pursuing STEM careers, limiting their participation in
cutting-edge scientific research and technological innovations. This article delves
into the sociological dimensions of women in STEM, exploring the terminologies,
theories, and concepts used to understand the social implications, power dynamics,
and challenges women encounter in these fields. more
Jal Jeevan Mission: A Sociological Analysis of India's
Water Revolution for Rural Communities
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

The Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), launched by the Government of India in 2019, is a
transformative initiative aimed at providing potable water to every rural household in
the country. Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human right and a
crucial aspect of sustainable development. This article delves into the sociological
dimensions of the Jal Jeevan Mission, exploring the terminologies, theories, and
concepts used to understand the social implications, power dynamic more
Cryptocurrency: A Sociological Exploration of Digital
Currencies, Disruption, and Social Implications
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that utilizes cryptography for security

and operates on decentralized blockchain technology. Cryptocurrencies have
disrupted traditional monetary systems and challenged established financial
institutions. more
Artificial Intelligence: Sociological Perspectives on
Technology, Power, and Social Implications
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can
perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. AI technologies have the
potential to revolutionize various aspects of life, but their widespread adoption raises
sociological concerns about power dynamics, inequalities, and ethical implications. more

Unmasking Gaslighting: A Sociological Exploration of

Manipulation, Power, and Identity
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Gaslighting is a complex psychological phenomenon that involves undermining an

individual's perception of reality through consistent denial, misrepresentation, or
distortion of facts. Sociological theories such as power dynamics, identity formation,
and emotional abuse theory offer insights into the social and psychological factors
that enable gaslighting. more
Urban Floods: Unraveling the Sociological Dimensions
of Water, Infrastructure, and Vulnerabilities
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Urban floods are a recurring phenomenon in many cities, caused by a combination of

factors, including heavy rainfall, poor drainage, inadequate infrastructure, and rapid
urbanization. They have severe consequences, affecting human lives, property, and
disrupting critical services. more
Unraveling the Complexities of Ethnic Conflict in
Manipur: A Sociological Exploration
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Ethnic conflict in Manipur is rooted in historical tensions, identity politics, and

structural inequalities. Sociological theories such as identity politics, structural
violence, and resource mobilization theory provide insights into the underlying social
and political dynamics that fuel these conflicts. more

How Saleem Kidwai brought Indian history of same-sex

love to light
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Saleem Kidwai was a multifaceted individual whose contributions to LGBTQIA+

rights, historical research, and Urdu literature were immense. He was one of the first
academics to openly identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, inspiring
others to embrace their identities. His book "Same-Sex Love in India: Readings from
Literature and History," co-authored with Ruth Vanita, provided compelling evidence
of same-sex love throughout India's history. more
Why a strong law against human trafficking is
necessary in post-Covid times
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

India faces a pressing need to strengthen its legal framework to combat human
trafficking, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has
exacerbated vulnerabilities and increased the risk of exploitation. The Trafficking in
Persons Bill, 2021, represents a significant step forward, emphasizing
victim-centricity and prioritizing rehabilitation. While the Bill introduces positive
changes, it requires further enhancement in areas such as dedicated rehabilitation
funding, more
Falling sick together: Covid-19 pandemic has
immensely boosted the case for Universal Healthcare
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the issue of healthcare to the forefront,
emphasizing the need for accessible and affordable healthcare for all. Privatized
healthcare systems have proven inadequate in addressing public health crises, as
evidenced by the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on marginalized
communities. Universal healthcare, on the other hand, provides equitable access to
quality healthcare regardless of one's ability to pay. The pandemic has served as a
wake-up call, prompting a reassessment of healthcare priorities and a shift towards
universal healthcare models. more
'Time Poverty' Is a Real Issue For Women Everywhere,
Says Melinda Gates
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Time poverty, a term coined by Melinda Gates, refers to the disproportionate time
women dedicate to unpaid work, including childcare, household chores, and
eldercare. This gender disparity in unpaid labor has far-reaching consequences,
limiting women's access to education, healthcare, and paid employment. It also
contributes to higher rates of stress, depression, and sleep disorders among women. more
Only 7% of India’s police force is women. This hurts
investigations into gender violence
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

India's police force is dominated by men, with women making up only a small
percentage. This gender imbalance has far-reaching consequences, making it
difficult for women to report crimes, particularly sexual assault. Women in the police
force face discrimination and are often relegated to administrative tasks. To improve
women's access to justice, India needs to increase the number of women in the
police force and address the patriarchal attitudes that perpetuate gender inequality
within the institution. more
Social Distancing and the Pandemic of Caste
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a renowned scholar and social reformer, compared the caste
system to a virus, emphasizing its ability to spread and multiply. He pointed out how
the Brahmins' practice of social distancing gave rise to the caste hierarchy, resulting
in the segregation and discrimination faced by lower castes, particularly the
untouchables. more
Losing Faith in Democracy
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

A new report by Cambridge University finds that younger citizens are increasingly
losing faith in democracy. The report cites several reasons for this trend, including
the rise of authoritarian elements in democracies, the lack of representation for
minority voices, the belief that one vote cannot change election results, and the
increasing criminalization of politics. more

Fake News
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Fake news is a serious problem that can have a negative impact on society. It can be
used to spread misinformation, propaganda, and fear. Sociologists can help to
combat fake news by analyzing its contents and intents, as well as by using their
understanding of social structures and cultural norms to identify and debunk it. more
Remembering Birsa Munda, the Social Reformer and
Revolutionary Leader
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Birsa Munda was a tribal leader and revolutionary who fought against British colonial
rule in India in the late 19th century. He is considered a hero by many tribal people
and is often seen as a symbol of resistance against oppression. more

Religious Fundamentalism
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

The Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan has brought the issue of religious

fundamentalism back into the spotlight. Religious fundamentalism is characterized
by an unwavering belief in the absolute truth and authority of religious texts or the
teachings of a particular religious leader. This often leads to a rejection of
secularism, tolerance for other religions, and progressive values. more

Inclusion of LGBTQ and women in India’s new science

04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

The draft National Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (STIP) outlines a
comprehensive framework to promote gender equity in science and technology. The
policy recognizes the challenges faced by women and LGBTQ+ individuals in these
fields and proposes specific measures to address them. more
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme, launched in 2015, has made
substantial progress in addressing the declining child sex ratio and promoting girl
child education in India. The scheme, a collaborative effort of the Ministries of
Women and Child Development, Health and Family Welfare, and Human Resource
Development, targets districts with the lowest child sex ratio as per the 2011 census. more
Caste based census in India
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

The recent incident at IIT Kharagpur, where a professor allegedly made casteist slurs
towards SC/ST and disabled students, has sparked renewed attention to the
pervasive caste discrimination within these esteemed institutions. Historical
evidence suggests that IITs have long been a site of systematic marginalization of
students from marginalized caste groups. more

How historical caste privilege became modern-day

04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

While a public health crisis grips the nation, the recent incident at IIT Kharagpur
where a professor named Seema Singh at the Department of Humanities and Social
Sciences allegedly made casteist slurs during a class meant for students from the
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and persons with disabilities must have raised
eyebrows more
From panopticon to Pegasus, how ideas about
surveillance have evolved
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

The concept of surveillance has undergone significant transformations since its

inception in the 18th century. Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon, a prison design that
allowed constant observation of inmates, marked the beginning of systematic
surveillance. more
There is an urgent need for safeguards against unfair
discontinuation of social benefits
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

The article begins by highlighting the increased dependence of poor people on social
security schemes, such as the public distribution system (PDS), during the Covid-19
crisis. It then discusses the findings of a recent survey that found that a significant
proportion of people have been denied foodgrain rations due to Aadhaar-related
problems. more

One Above the Other

04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

Dynastic politics continues to be a prominent feature of Indian politics, with a

significant proportion of Lok Sabha MPs coming from political families. The
phenomenon is particularly prevalent in some states and among certain parties,
such as the Congress and the BJP. While there have been calls to curb dynastic
politics, it remains a persistent issue due to factors such as the perceived electability
of dynasts and the influence of political families within parties. more
Explained: Why so many MPs are dynasts
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

In his book The Life and Times of a Dalit in India, Suraj Yengde provides a powerful
and personal account of the caste system and its impact on Dalits. Yengde argues
that caste is not just a historical relic but a living reality that continues to shape the
lives of Dalits in India. more
Why China’s about-turn shows restrictive population
policy doesn’t work
04 Nov 2023 || Pranay Aggarwal

China's recent announcement to allow married couples to have up to three children

marks a significant shift in its long-standing population control policies. This change
comes amidst concerns about a rapidly aging population and declining fertility rates.
However, the success of this pro-natalist policy remains uncertain, as evidenced by
the limited impact of similar measures in other countries. more

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