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The Early Pioneers of Progress
by William J. Kraemer, Ph.D., FACSM

he evolution of the science of resistance training has to provide an understanding of how skeletal muscle con-
been influenced by the anecdotal insights of individ- tracts. Research in the laboratories of Huxley and Niedergerke
uals involved with the various sports using resistance (10,11) from the University of Cambridge in England and
training (e.g., Olympic weightlifting), commercial product de- Huxley and Hanson (12) from the Massachusetts Institute of
velopment, and the progressive advances in the technological Technology in the United States were both defining the con-
and analytical capabilities available in exercise science labo- cept ultimately called the Sliding Filament Theory. Thus, the con-
ratories around the world. Scientists who studied strength text for the early study of resistance training was devoid of any
training were therefore interested from different perspectives real molecular insights on how skeletal muscle functioned to
resulting in a continuum from basic to more applied research produce force.
studies. The early evolution of the science of resistance train-
ing started at the more applied aspects of understanding how INSIGHTS AND CLINICAL NEEDS FOR
programs affected end point outcomes in patients and indi- RESISTANCE TRAINING
viduals interested in strength fitness. Through time, the search One notable investigator who pushed the modality into the
for greater understanding of the underlying mechanisms of mainstream was Dr. Thomas L. DeLorme. In an eloquent and
adaptation pushed the study of resistance training into the hands extensive historical perspective of this man, Todd et al. (16) from
of many different laboratories because of its prolific adaptive the University of Texas’ Stark Center for Physical Culture and
characteristics. The early evolution of the science of resis- Sport delved into the many permutations of a man who clearly
tance training in the United States offers some subtle insights impacted the field of resistance training as much as anyone
into its worldwide impact for the field of resistance training re-
search. Therefore, the purpose of this brief review is to provide Figure 1. Drs. Terry and Janice Todd, codirectors of The
a narrow perspective on part of the history that shaped the sci- H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports and
ence in the field of resistance training. For an extensive view of professors in the Department of Kinesiology and Health
resistance training history and physical culture, I direct your Education at the University of Texas at Austin, the world's best
attention to the University of Texas and the Stark Center for resource for the study of resistance training history and
Physical Culture and Sport, directed by Drs. Janice and Terry physical culture.
Todd (Figure 1).

At the core of resistance training was the fascination with skele-
tal muscle in both its morphology and function, most notably,
strength. Isolated studies on these aspects were observed from
Photo courtesy of Drs. Todd.

the late 1800s through the 1930s. Work by the Nobel Laureate,
English physiologist Archibald Vivian (A.V.) Hill developed the
fundamental principles in biophysics that would be used by
other investigators interested in the study of muscle mechanics
and function needed for applications of resistance training to
various populations for the development of strength (7–9). Dur-
ing the 1950s, the study of muscle function was just starting
10 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® September/October 2016

Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. Dr. Thomas L. DeLorme was an avid weightlifter medical and public views of resistance training started to change
who trained with progressive heavy resistance himself. Here, he is (5). Again, adapting to the lower function of his patents
lifting a very heavy load in the dead lift on a short bar in his starting a program, the core of his rehabilitation program
younger days. was based on a 10 repetition maximum (RM) rather than a 1
RM resistance. In essence, he used multiple sets at various per-
centages (e.g., 50% of 10 RM, 66% of 10 RM, and 10% of 10
RM) to stimulate strength gains in his patients. Thus, the con-
cept of an RM higher than a 1 RM was entered into the resis-
tance training vernacular, meaning a resistance that would
allow only x number of repetitions.
The term progressive resistance training also became an ac-
cepted concept and was the term first coined by DeLorme,
arising from a dinner conversation with his wife who came
up with the name for his rehabilitation programs (16). Through
time, in the late 1940s and 1950s, his research entered the
consciousness of the public because of his status as a respected
orthopedic and rehabilitation physician (Figure 3). DeLorme's

The term progressive resistance training also

Photo courtesy of Drs. Todd.

became an accepted concept and was the term

first coined by DeLorme, arising from a dinner
conversation with his wife who came up with the
name for his rehabilitation programs (16).

Figure 3. Dr. Thomas L. DeLorme was an orthopedic surgeon

historically (Figure 2). Thomas DeLorme was a newly minted at Massachusetts General Hospital and a specialist in
first lieutenant and physician in the U.S. Army who, in 1944, rehabilitation medicine and one of the first advocates of
on facing the multitude of wounded soldiers in the orthopedic progressive resistance training in the medical communities.
department at Gardiner General Army Hospital in Chicago,
was inspired to do more to help them in their rehabilitation pro-
grams. This inspiration arose from his own passionate use of re-
sistance training and weightlifting in his own life. He knew from
his own experiences, including recovery from rheumatic fever,
that improvements in strength and muscle size could be derived
from lifting weights. However, to convince the medical world at
the time of its efficacy would require a major paradigm shift in
the value of resistance training and its therapeutic use in medical
applications (4).
Ultimately, he convinced both the medical and lay commu-
nities that improvement in strength may be the key factor
involved in the successful recovery from injury or surgical inter-
ventions. However, different from his own training regimes using
heavy weights, he realized that a more conservative starting ap-
Photo courtesy of Drs. Todd.

proach to program design had to be taken with the patient pop-

ulations he worked with. To achieve his clinical goals for his
patients, he went so far as to make the rehabilitation unit of the
hospital look like a weight room of the time with all types of equip-
ment to overload the various muscles of the body (4). Through
time, success in his medical research with improved and more
rapid clinical outcomes in his patients using his programs the
Volume 20 | Number 5 11

Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

writings and research with colleagues at the Massachusetts Gen- middle of their shoulder blades to show how inflexible they
eral Hospital, in Boston, MA, also supported the use of resis- were. When the famous bodybuilder of his time John Grimek
tance training for both general fitness and sport preparation and famous weightlifter John Davis did so easily, Dr. Karpovich
(6). A lifelong advocate of resistance training and lifter himself, was stunned as the myth dissolved in front of everyone's eyes.
he helped lay the foundation for the scientific basis for resis- Following up with demonstrations of feats of strength and power,
tance training from both the clinical and practical program the students and Dr. Karpovich also were left speechless. After an
perspectives. extensive set of demonstrations of flexibility, strength, and power
Interestingly, his own impressive strength was developed by by the athletes Bob Hoffman brought to Springfield College that
the rigorous training regimes he performed in his own basement day in 1940, the world saw the conversion of one of the biggest
gym with more than 3,000 lbs of weights. As his son Charles icons and skeptics about resistance training change his mind.
recalled, he even challenged the York Barbell founder Bob Dr. Karpovich went on to do survey and experimental research
Hoffman to a one-arm overhead “bent press” contest (16). projects to debunk the myths of the time that resistance training
One must then connect the dots and see that Dr. DeLorme would be unhealthy for the heart, would make you slow, is done
was influenced from his youth onward by the anecdotal evidence by men of lower intelligence, and that weight training was dan-
and lay publications of the time produced by Bob Hoffman. gerous. In essence, he provided a core scientific validation for the
One of the highest-profile practitioners of the time in the study of resistance training and even more importantly, the use
fields of weightlifting and bodybuilding, Bob Hoffman, the foun- of it for development of physical fitness. Here again, Bob
der of York Barbell Company in 1932, promoted resistance Hoffman's influence played a role in promoting the modality
training. The York Barbell Company sold barbells, dumbbells, as well as resistance training research.
and weight equipment while promoting the use of resistance
training in pamphlets, books, and publications. The publication
of the magazine Strength and Health and other lay publications SETS AND REPS AND MAXIMAL STRENGTH
produced by the York Barbell Company had an important in- Examining the paradigm of the number of sets and repetitions
fluence that would resonate through the years in providing a was first engrained into the fabric of resistance training studies by
program paradigm for the scientific study of resistance training. another pioneer in the science of strength training, Dr. Richard
Importantly, this became a thread that would run through many A. Berger (18) (Figure 4). He had served in the Marine Corps
practical experiences of the scientists who would go on and and played football at Michigan State University for a few years
study resistance training in their scientific careers. Thus, anec- and then continued and received his master's degree in 1956.
dotal insights were gained from the lifting communities as well
as their own involvement in resistance training, which allowed
them to see things, as they say, from being “under the bar” as Figure 4. Dr. Richard A. Berger’s career was dedicated to
lifters themselves. understanding the program design elements of the sets and reps
that lead to optimal strength development. An avid weightlifter
CONVINCING THE SKEPTICS himself, he was inspired by the benefits that he himself saw.
Professor Peter Karpovich of Springfield College, in Springfield,
MA was one of the icons of his time in the field of physical edu-
cation and physical fitness. One of the founders of the American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), also famous for his feuds
with Dr. Thomas Cureton, another physical fitness icon during
this time at the University of Illinois, Professor Karpovich made
Springfield College an epicenter for physical education and
would help mold many concepts in physical fitness in the
1950s and 1960s. In 1940, one concept he did not believe in
was resistance training. He had noted that the men who pro-
moted lifting were no better than quacks and faddists. But in
1940, a student at Springfield College found this to be inconsis-
tent with what he knew from reading the publications from Bob
Photo courtesy of Drs. Todd.

Hoffman and the York Barbell Company. He sent a letter to

Bob Hoffman asking him to come and present in a formal forum
at the college the attributes of weight training. To his surprise,
Bob Hoffman came to Springfield College and brought some
famous weightlifters and bodybuilders along with him. Myths
as to being muscle-bound and inflexible were dismissed roundly
as Dr. Karpovich asked each athlete to scratch their back in the
12 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® September/October 2016

Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
He was an accomplished weightlifter in his own right and placed the university and showed that improvement in strength and
fourth at the Nationals in 1962. Interestingly, he did his doctoral body composition resulted with real-life progressive heavy re-
work at the University of Illinois where Dr. Cureton headed up sistance training programs as characterized decades before by
the laboratory program. His dissertation examined resistance Dr. DeLorme (3).
training and was entitled “The Effect of Varied Weight Train-
ing Programs,” a research topic that would characterize his THE NEXT PHASE OF SCIENTIFIC EVOLUTION
work for many years as a faculty member at Texas Tech and As with any field, the 1950s and 1960s leading into the early
Temple University (1). Ironically, in some way, his model of 1970s were filled with different investigations around the world
studying resistance training still reflects the designs used in the and within the United States (Figure 4). What was obvious in the
studies of today where different programs using sets and reps com- early phases of the evolution of resistance training research was
binations are examined. His research really started to differenti- the fact that no scientists who were women were principal inves-
ate what combination of sets and reps resulted in the best tigators on this topic. It most undoubtedly was because of the
response with a training program. His seminal research using belief that resistance training for women was thought to not be
untrained college students, observed that three sets of six reps appropriate. Thus, most of the data were derived from men
lifted at maximal intensity produced the greatest response to who were college age and relatively untrained (Figure 5).
short-term training durations (2). This finding has stood as a
benchmark for loading in the science of resistance training for
decades. His involvement in the American Alliance of Health What was obvious in the early phases of the
and Physical Education in leadership roles along with his publi-
cations on resistance training programs and their effects on evolution of resistance training research was
1RM strength set the stage for the study of resistance training the fact that no scientists who were women
that persists today (18). The research challenges that were evi- were principal investigators on this topic. It
dent in the 1960s and 1970s such as short-term time frames
for the resistance training intervention (e.g., 6–8 weeks), training most undoubtedly was because of the belief
levels of subjects, methods of variation of program variables, that resistance training for women was thought
and how to use realistic whole-body programs in highly moti- to not be appropriate.
vated subjects or athletes remain today.
An avid weight trainer and training theorist who pushed the
concepts of resistance training with his books and research was Undoubtedly, the evolution of the science of resistance train-
Dr. Patrick O'Shea (17). His 1996 book Quantum Strength Fitness ing in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s in the United States was fostered
II: Gaining the Winning Edge stands as a must-read for anyone in- by men who had been avid participants themselves in weight-
volved in resistance training. Again, a product of the 1950s lifting, derived from their practical interest and readings at the
and a weightlifting enthusiast, he used his position as a faculty time in the world of resistance training, and who took it to the
member at Oregon State University to promote lifting and its next level of study. The seeds had been planted for further devel-
use in athletics and for the general population interested in fit- opment in the study of this modality as from the 1970s forward,
ness (14,15). Interestingly, he was one of the first to study the ef-
fects of anabolic steroids in men who were performing resistance Figure 5. Tracking the clusters of investigations though the web of
training programs showing what athletes had known for some science, it was obvious that a linkage arose from A.V. Hill to Thomas
time, that heavy resistance training, higher protein intakes, DeLorme and to Richard Berger. The trends of such early work by these
and anabolic steroids improve gains in muscular size and perfor- investigators set the stage for more work in the 1970s and beyond in
mance to a greater extent than heavy resistance training alone. the study of resistance training.
It was published in the journal SCIENCE in 1969 as the world
of sports medicine was just starting to learn about anabolic ste-
roid use by athletes (13). He also turned his attention to the pos-
itive effects that weight training could have in women, acting as
the strength coach at Oregon State along with his faculty teach-
ing and research responsibilities. He established in his research
and practical work in the weight room that the squat was the
cornerstone lift for both men and women in a strength training
program. The efficacy of weight training for women and espe-
cially athletes was later supported in a study by Dr. Jack Wilmore,
a future icon in the field of exercise physiology and a past
president of ACSM. In his laboratory in 1974, Dr. Wilmore mon-
itored women athletes in their weight training programs at
Volume 20 | Number 5 13

Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

people started to show an increased interest in the pursuit of un- 8. Hill AV. Muscular activity and carbohydrate metabolism. Science. 1924;60(1562):
derstanding. Yet, a long road to efficacy and acceptance still
9. Hill AV, Long CN, Lupton H. The effect of fatigue on the relation between work and
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ation of investigators attempting to push the knowledge base 10. Huxley AF, Niedergerke R. Measurement of muscle striations in stretch and
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imental designs away from the practical application of the mo- 13. Johnson LC, O'Shea JP. Anabolic steroid: effects on strength development.
dality. Nevertheless, a few of the early pioneers in the field Science. 1969(3882);164:957–9.
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future, the evolution of our study of resistance training continues 15. O'Shea JP. Effects of varied, short term weight training programs on improving
performances in the 400-meter run. Res Q. 1969;40(1):248–50.
because of the visceral attraction of humans to muscle and
16. Todd JS, Shurley JP, Todd TC. Thomas L. DeLorme and the science of progressive
strength. Despite and amidst the angst and conflict of solidifying resistance exercise. J Strength Cond Res. 2012;26(11):2913–23.
scientific concepts and principles with scientific experimentation 17. Todd T, Todd J. Dr. Patrick O'Shea: a man for all seasons. J Strength Cond Res.
from the basic to practical continuum of understanding, our 2001;15(4):401–4.
pursuit continues. Stay tuned for more. 18. Todd TC, Todd JS. Pioneers of strength research: the legacy of Dr. Richard A.
Berger. J Strength Cond Res. 2001;15(3):275–8.

1. Berger R. Effect of varied weight training programs on strength. Res Q. 1962;33

Disclosure: The author declares no conflict of interest and does not have any
2. Berger R. Optimum repetitions for developing strength. Res Q. 1962;33(3):334–8.
financial disclosures.
3. Brown CH, Wilmore JH. The effects of maximal resistance training on the strength William J. Kraemer, Ph.D., FACSM, is a full pro-
and body composition of women athletes. Med Sci Sports. 1974;6(3):174–7.
fessor in the Department of Human Sciences at The
4. DeLorme TL, Watkins AL. Technics of progressive resistance exercise. Arch Phys
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7. Hill AV. Length of muscle, and the heat and tension developed in an isometric
scientific literature and 12 books in the areas of resis-
contraction. J Physiol. 1925;60(4):237–63. tance training and exercise physiology.

14 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® September/October 2016

Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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