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Observability of SQL Hints in Oracle

Krishna Kantikiran Pasupuleti Dinesh Das Satyanarayana R Valluri†

Oracle America Inc. Oracle America Inc. Oracle America Inc.
Redwood City CA USA Redwood City CA USA Redwood City CA USA

Mohamed Zait†
Oracle America Inc.
Redwood City CA USA


Observability is a critical requirement of increasingly complex • Information systems~Query optimization • Information
and cloud-first data management systems. In most commercial systems~Autonomous database administration
databases, this relies on telemetry like logs, traces, and metrics,
which helps to identify, mitigate, and resolve issues KEYWORDS
expeditiously. SQL monitoring tools, for example, can show how Observability; Autonomous Database Administration; SQL Hints;
a query is performing. One area that has received comparatively SQL Plan Management; Query optimization
less attention is the observability of the query optimizer whose
inner workings are often shrouded in mystery. Optimizer traces ACM Reference format:
can illuminate the plan selection process for a query, but they Krishna Kantikiran Pasupuleti, Dinesh Das, Satyanarayana R Valluri and
Mohamed Zait. 2022. Observability of SQL Hints in Oracle. In Proceedings
are comprehensible only to human experts and are not easily
of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge
machine-parsable to remediate sub-optimal plans. Management (CIKM ’22), October 17—21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA. ACM,
Hints are directives that guide the optimizer toward specific New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.
directions. While hints can be used manually, they are often
used by automatic SQL plan management tools that can quickly
identify and resolve regressions by selecting alternate plans. It is
important to know when input hints are inapplicable so that the The performance of SQL queries is critical to the overall cost of
tools can try other strategies. For example, a manual hint may database ownership. These queries may be complex and operate
have syntax errors, or an index in an automatic hint may have on varied data (including relational or unstructured). Moreover,
been accidentally dropped. the data themselves may be arbitrarily large and constantly
evolving. Modern databases have cost-based optimizers that do
In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a fairly good job of generating optimal execution plans, relying
Oracle's hint observability framework which provides a on automatically collected statistics. A few poorly performing
comprehensive usage report of all hints, manual or otherwise, queries, however, can cause havoc in an otherwise well-tuned
used to compile a query. The report, which is available directly system. Many databases provide tools to automatically monitor,
in the execution plan in a human-understandable and machine- analyze, and tune such queries [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
readable format, can be used to automate any necessary
corrective actions. This feature is available in Oracle Oracle provides several SQL performance management tools,
Autonomous Database 19c. including SQL Plan Management [7], Automatic SQL Tuning [8],
†Research conducted when employed at Oracle America Inc. SQL Repair Advisor [9] and SQL Quarantine [10]. These tools
identify and resolve query performance issues by automatically
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or creating and managing directives, collectively called SQL
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice Management Objects (SMOs). These SMOs are used during
and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work
owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is
query compilation and help the optimizer to pick an optimal
permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute plan. Three of these SMOs are as follows:
to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions
CIKM '22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA. SQL Plan Management: SQL plan baselines are collections of
© 2022 Association for Computing Machinery. verified good execution plans for SQL statements. The optimizer
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9236-5/22/10…$15.00.
DOI: chooses plans from these SMOs, providing plan stability and
thus, predictable performance. New plans found by the

CIKM ’22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA Krishna Kantikiran Pasupuleti, Dinesh Das, Satyanarayana R Valluri, & Mohamed Zait

optimizer are automatically verified for their quality and if parent query blocks) and the hints in them may not be
satisfactory, are added to existing SQL plan baselines. This carried to the final stages of compilation.
prevents performance regressions and allows the database to 4. In a large code base, attempting to modify all places of code
gracefully adapt to system changes. adding hint tracking capability is laborious and error prone.
It is also not maintainable as new hints are regularly added.
SQL Profiles: Oracle automatically tunes high-load SQL
To address the above issues, our solution performs an
statements and recommends SMOs called SQL Profiles to
independent validation at the end of compilation to determine
improve their performance. These profiles contain a set of hints
whether input hints were used. It doesn’t derive any data from
which steer the optimizer towards a better plan.
the query optimizer’s examination of hints during compilation,
but instead relies only on the outcome i.e., the final query plan.
SQL Patches: The SQL Repair Advisor attempts to correct
certain errors that occur during query processing by applying
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
error-correcting hints as “patches”.
how hints are represented and managed in Oracle, and the
naming mechanism of objects in a SQL statement that allows
Hints are the foundation of SMOs; each SMO is a collection of
hints to target all objects during all stages of optimization. In
hints that direct the optimizer toward making good decisions1.
Section 3, we describe how validation of input hints is performed
As such, it is vital that these hints always work. When they
using reference hints generated at the end of compilation.
don’t, it is equally important that this information be available to
Section 4 gives examples of reports generated for certain queries
the SQL performance management tools, so that the SMOs can
with input hints, that help showcase their utility. It also gives
be re-generated with working hints. Our work provides a
examples of corrective actions that can be taken by autonomous
framework to uniformly track and report (in a standardized
tasks based on the reports.
format) on the hundreds of possible hints that are routinely used
in SMOs.
Tracking whether a hint is used is non-trivial because of several
reasons. A naïve way of marking hints as used when they are Hints can be specified by users or generated internally by the
examined by the optimizer is insufficient and often incorrect for database. Figure 1 shows an example of a query with a user-
the following reasons: specified hint (identified by the de-limiting strings “/*+” and
“*/”). The hint instructs the optimizer to use an “index range
1. Code-complexity: Hints may be examined multiple times scan in ascending order” access path on table T1. Examples of
within the database before a decision is made if they need to hints generated internally by Oracle are shown in Figure 4.
be applied. Further the point of examination and the point Oracle’s optimizer is obligated to honor hints if they are valid.
of final decision may be different.
2. Global Decision: Hints may be valid and applied at a local
point of search-space exploration but may not be honored
in the final plan. For example, consider a join method hint
USE_NL specified on a table that indicates the table must be
joined to any table that appears on its left using a Nested-
Loop join. The hint may be applied in some join orders but
if the best join order has the table positioned in the Figure 1: Query with two query blocks and a hint.
beginning, the hint cannot be applied. In another example, a
“join elimination” transformation [11] that removes We first briefly describe how queries and hints are represented
redundant tables in a query block renders hints specified on
in Oracle before we elaborate on how hints are used to target
such tables inapplicable, even though the hints may have
been applied prior to the transformation. As a third different stages of optimization.
example, consider a join order hint that specifies three
tables. The three tables may appear in a query block only 2.1 Query Representation
when a view is merged into its containing query block. If A query should be represented in such a way that any object
view is not merged, the three tables will not appear within it can be uniquely and unambiguously identified. For
together, and the join order hint will be inapplicable. Usage instance, a table can be specified in a query at more than one
of the hint is thus conditional on the alternatives that the
position using aliases. It can also be specified in multiple query
optimizer evaluates.
3. As optimizer transforms a query, query block structures blocks with the same alias. A hint that needs to target such a
may be dropped (e.g., view query blocks merged into their table must unambiguously identify the specific instance of it.

The parsed structures of a SQL query consist of 1) Query block

1 Users can manually hint queries as well, but this is discouraged due to the
increasing sophistication of the optimizer and because these hints are difficult for
objects that correspond to SQL command (SELECT, INSERT,
users to manage. UPDATE etc.) sections of a query 2) Table (or View) objects that
appear in the FROM clause of a query block and 3) Statement

Observability of SQL Hints in Oracle CIKM ’22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA

object that refers to the entire SQL statement. For example, generated, they are recorded in the registry which is a directed
query Q1 has two query blocks that are named SEL$1 and SEL$2. acyclic graph (Figure 3). Nodes in the graph represent query
Query block SEL$1 has a table t_5k with alias T1, and a view V. blocks and the directed edges between nodes represent query
Query block SEL$2 (the view) has two tables t_4k and t_10k with transformations. A node can have more than one edge incident
aliases T1 and T2 respectively. on it in which case the node is a result of a query transformation
involving multiple nodes. For example, a query block that
Query Block Names: Query blocks are assigned “names”. contains multiple views may be transformed by merging the
Initially when the SQL text is parsed, they are assigned names view query blocks into it. A query block registry can consist of
based on the order in which they appear in the query. When the disconnected components; query blocks in disconnected
optimizer transforms a query block during optimization, it components are unrelated to each other. Final nodes are all
renames it by generating a hash as described further in Section nodes whose query blocks appear in the final plan selected by
2.2. For example, in Q1, when SEL$2 is merged into SEL$1, the the optimizer.
parent query block SEL$1 is renamed to SEL$F5BB74E1.
The QB Registry graph generated for query Q2 (Figure 2) is
Object Identifiers: Every object (table or view) that appears in shown in Figure 3. It has one final node (marked by a double
the FROM clause of a query block is assigned a globally unique ellipse) which is derived through a sequence of transformations.
(within the SQL statement) identifier that is composed of the The graph shows that a “view merge” transformation was
object alias and the query block name in which it first appears. applied on query block SEL$1 using query block SEL$2 as an
For instance, table t_4k that appears in SEL$2 of Q1 is assigned argument, generating SEL$F5BB74E1. Subsequently, “subquery
an identifier of “T1”@”SEL$2”. The identifier is fixed and doesn’t unnest” transformation was applied on SEL$F5BB74E1 using
change during the lifetime of optimization. For instance, if the SEL$3 as an argument generating the final query block
view query block SEL$2 in Q1 is merged into its outer query SEL$1F949E82.
block, the object t_4k inside it retains its identifier -

Figure 3. Query block registry graph for Q2 at the end of

Figure 2: Query Q2. compilation. The final node is shown in double ellipse.

The following sections describe how query block names are

2.3 Global Hints
tracked during the compilation of a SQL statement.
In order to control every aspect of query optimization, hints
2.2 Query Block Registry should have the capability to target any object including one that
is not present in the beginning but created on-the-fly during
Query block names are uniquely and deterministically generated
optimization. Global hint specification allows a hint to do that
during compilation. As mentioned earlier, when transformations
by specifying a name for the target query block (as its first
are applied on a query block, its subsequent names are generated
argument) and optionally a name for the object that would
by a hash function that uses the old name, the type of
appear in the query block. When the named object is generated
transformation and its arguments. This ensures that across
during compilation, the hint is automatically applied. The SMOs
database versions, different statistics etc., whenever the same
described in Section 1 contain global hints in them as they may
transformation is applied to the same old query block name, it
need to target objects that are created during compilation.
generates the same new name. This is a vital property of query
block naming that is necessary to apply global hints, as they rely
Consider query Q2 (Figure 2) that is subject to multiple
on deterministic generation of names. It also ensures portability
transformations. The view ‘v’ can be merged into the outer
of plans.
query block and the “EXISTS” subquery can be unnested into its
outer query block and converted into a join. If SEL$1F949E82 is
A per-SQL repository called the query block registry (QB
the resulting name of the query block that is generated after both
Registry) is maintained to track the names generated during
the transformations, a hint INDEX(@SEL$1F949E82 T4@SEL$3)
compilation. Initially, it consists of all query blocks that are
forces an index scan on the table T4 (that is initially present in
created by the parser for the statement. As new names are

CIKM ’22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA Krishna Kantikiran Pasupuleti, Dinesh Das, Satyanarayana R Valluri, & Mohamed Zait

the subquery) inside the resulting query block SEL$1F949E82. If enforces a full scan operation on the table while the latter
one of the transformations does not take place, the query block enforces an index scan.
SEL$1F949E82 would not be generated and consequently the hint
would not be applied.
If all the relevant operations during optimization are captured in When the final plan of a SQL statement is available, the input
the form of fully specified global hints, the hints can be used to hints to the statement are “validated” i.e., classified into “used”
represent complete query plans. and “unused” categories along with the reasons for being
unused. A report is generated in XML format that contains the
Plan Outline: An outline of a query plan is a collection of global results of validation and is stored along with the plan.
hints that is equivalent to its logical representation. When a
query is re-compiled using the outline as input, the hints direct Reference Hints – Sources of Truth: We solve the problem of
the optimizer through the same sequence of operations of input hint validation by examining the final generated plan and
compilation that were applied when the original plan was checking whether each hint is consistent with the actual decision
generated. A sample outline that is generated at the end of in the plan. This is an independent assessment that de-couples
compilation of query Q2 is shown in Figure 4. It consists of the validation from query compilation. A set of “reference hints”
transformation hints (shown in bold) and physical optimizer is constructed from the QB-Registry graph which represents the
hints generated on query blocks. Physical optimizer hints actual actions that lead to the final plan (because the QB-
correspond to operations such as join orders, join methods, Registry contains all the steps optimizer took to arrive at the
access paths on tables etc., within each query block. In addition, final plan). By comparing the reference hints with the
there are hints that apply to the entire SQL statement which are corresponding input hints (which indicate “intended” actions), it
essential to reproduce the plan. For example, the ALL_ROWS is inferred whether the input hints were used. The input hints
hint specifies that the query needs to be optimized to fetch all can be present in any query block and are located by traversing
rows during execution. The outline is stored in XML format in a the QB-Registry. This approach has the benefit of centralized
system metadata table that stores the plan information. code that is extensible and maintainable even as new hints are
added. Figure 5 depicts the overview of the hint-validation

Figure 5: Input-Hint validation using reference hints

generated from a query plan.

During compilation, hints corresponding to operations that are

Figure 4: Outline of the final generated plan for Q2. rejected by the optimizer are marked with errors along with the
Transformation hints are shown in bold. appropriate reasons.
For the purpose of the following discussion, we make a
distinction between two classes of hints that conflict with each 1. Syntax and Semantic errors: Hints with syntax errors are
identified during parsing. Certain semantic errors are
other. Positive hints are hints that enforce an operation (e.g.,
caught during early stages of compilation when hints are
MERGE(@SEL$2)) and negative hints are the ones that prohibit
resolved. E.g., an INDEX hint that specifies a non-existent
an operation (e.g., NO_MERGE(@SEL$2)). In addition, some index on a table.
positive hints are mutually exclusive of each other. For example, 2. Validity: A hint can be rejected by the optimizer if it is
FULL(T1) and INDEX(T1) cannot both be honored as the former invalid for the structure of the query. For instance, a hinted
view that is semi-joined with a table may not be eligible for

Observability of SQL Hints in Oracle CIKM ’22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA

view merging [11]. If a hint is rejected, the optimizer Figure 3, the corresponding reference hint would be
annotates it with the appropriate reason code. MERGE(@SEL$2 > SEL$1).
If a positive input hint Hi is specified in the query for the
The bulk of hint validation happens at the end of compilation transformation it must be present in the parent node of the edge
when reference hints are generated and compared with input (or in one of the secondary parent nodes for some specific
hints. transformations). Similarly, if a negative hint NHi is specified for
the transformation, it will also be found in the same parent node.
3.1 Hint Validation Note that either of Hi or NHi may be present in the parent node
When hints are created by the parser, positive hints are marked of the edge. Table 1 describes the logic.
with an initial state of “unused”. Negative hints are marked with
Table 1: Comparing input hints with reference
an initial state of “used” and if a positive action is identified to transformation hints.
have taken place, the corresponding negative hint is marked
“unused”. This is because the optimizer can quickly detect Hi : Input Hint
presence of positive actions in the final plan. Hg : Reference Hint from QB-Registry graph
If Hi is found in target query block and is not already marked
Superset semantics for positive hints: The reference hint with an error and Hg ⊇ Hi
generated from the outline is a full specification of the hint that • Hi is marked as “used” because the reference hint
includes the target query block name, object specification if representing the final plan “covers” the operation
applicable and fully specified arguments (Figure 4). An input hint specified in the input hint.
on the other hand can be a partial specification (e.g., a user may If NHi is found in target query block and Hg ∩ NHi ≠ ∅
omit certain arguments). Hence when a reference hint is • NHi is marked “unused” because the reference hint
compared with an input hint, a successful match is the one in representing the final plan contradicts a part of the
which the action specified by the reference hint includes (is a operation specified by the negative input hint.
superset of) the action specified in the input hint. For e.g., a
PLACE_GROUP_BY input hint that indicates grouping views to
be created, may specify one view, whereas the reference hint
may have two views including the view specified in the input As an example, a part of the QB registry graph for query Q2
hint. along with sample input hints specified for query-block SEL$2 is
shown in Figure 6. When the edge from SEL$1 to SEL$F5BB74E1
Intersection semantics for negative hints: When the is traversed (indicated by the red arrow), for the “View Merge”
reference hint generated from the outline needs to be compared transformation, the corresponding input hint is fetched from the
with a negative input hint (NHi), it needs to be determined if the hint chain of query block SEL$2 and marked appropriately. The
reference hint “intersects” with the input hint. This is because if example shown has a positive input hint (MERGE) that is
an input hint disallows a certain operation and the outline shows marked “used”. On the other hand, if a negative hint
a part of that operation occurred in the final plan, the negative (NO_MERGE) is specified, it would be marked “unused”.
hint hasn’t been honored completely. For example, consider an
input hint NO_INDEX(T1 I1 I2) that prohibits both indices I1, I2
of the table T1 from being used. Further consider another hint in
an outer query block that specifies index I2 must be used,
overriding part of the negative hint. If the reference hint
indicates an index I2 is used in the final plan, the input hint,
NO_INDEX, must be marked unused.

3.1.1 Validating Transformation Hints (QB-Registry

Graph Traversal): Transformation hints are validated by
traversing the QB Registry graph. The optimizer first gathers
names of query blocks present in the final query plan in a list. Figure 6: Locating and matching input hints during
bottom-up traversal of QB Registry graph.
The graph traversal starts from this list of “final” (leaf) nodes and
proceeds bottom-up to the root nodes. During this traversal,
3.1.2 Validating Physical Optimizer Hints: While the
hints are validated based on the name of the node encountered
transformation hints are derived from the edges between nodes
and the type of edge incident on the node. Other arguments used
in the graph, the hints for physical operations (e.g., join order,
by the transformation are retrieved from the information stored
join methods, access paths) if any, will be found in the final (leaf)
in the edge. A reference hint Hg is generated that represents the
nodes of the graph. The optimizer visits the leaf nodes of the QB
edge information along with its arguments. For instance, when
Registry graph and for every node it, i) generates a reference
the edge for “VIEW MERGE” is traversed in the graph shown in
hint Hp for each physical operation in the node and ii) locates

CIKM ’22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA Krishna Kantikiran Pasupuleti, Dinesh Das, Satyanarayana R Valluri, & Mohamed Zait

the corresponding input hint - Hi or NHi inside the query block For instance, the reference hint generated on a table can be
and validates it (Table 2). INDEX_RS_ASC that indicates the access path chosen is an
index-range ascending scan, and there can be multiple input
For example, SEL$1F949E82 is a final query block in the query hints specified on the table as follows:
plan of Q2 (Figure 3). Consider the access path (reference) hint, a) INDEX_SS, specifying an index skip scan must be used.
b) NO_INDEX_RS_ASC, specifying that index-range
Hp, generated on table F shown as follows:
ascending scan must not be used.
Hp: INDEX(@"SEL$1F949E82" "F"@"SEL$1" Both the above input hints need to be marked “unused”.
The hint specifies an index on column THOUSAND of table
T_10K. 3.2 Storage and Display of Hint Report
After input hints are validated and marked appropriately, the
Further, consider a sample input hint Hi, specified by the user on
hint report is persisted in the query plan in XML format. PL/SQL
table F that uses the name of an index - IDX_THOUSAND -
stored procedures are provided that parse this information and
shown as follows:
display the report along with the plan. Internal modules of the
database that need the report access it by executing appropriate
If the index IDX_THOUSAND is on the column THOUSAND,
XML queries.
the comparison Hp ⊇ Hi succeeds.
3.3 Feedback to Autonomous Components
On the other hand, if the input hint specified is NHi:
NO_INDEX(F) that indicates no index on table F should be used, The feedback obtained from query compilation in the form of a
the check Hp ∩ NHi ≠ ∅ succeeds and NHi is marked “unused”. hint report can be useful to multiple components of the database
If NHi is NO_INDEX(F IDX_TEN) specifying the index named like maintenance and tuning processes that run in the
IDX_TEN must not be used on table F, the check H p ∩ NHi ≠ ∅
fails and NHi remains “used”.
SQL Plan Management: As described in Section 1, SQL Plan
Table 2: Comparing input hints with reference physical baselines are SMOs that contain verified good plans for SQL
optimizer hints. statements. These SMOs, also referred to as “accepted” plans are
used by the optimizer in preference over regular cost-based
Hi : Input Hint
plans. They are automatically created when plan regressions are
Hp : Reference Physical Optimizer Hint from QB-Registry
detected for SQL statements. The outlines of these plans contain
graph’s leaf nodes
the full set of hints that reproduce them. Subsequently, if the
If Hi is found and Hp ⊇ Hi, Hi is marked “used”. system fails to reproduce an accepted plan due to some outline
If NHi is found and if Hp ∩ NHi ≠ ∅ , NHi is marked hints being unused, it can isolate the SMO so that the optimizer
“unused”. stops using it. Section 4 gives an example of such an event and
how a corrective action can be triggered.
3.1.3 Statement Hints: Statement hints input to the plan are
present in a global context and are not attached to any query SQL Auto Tune: The auto-tune component of Oracle attempts
block as they apply to the entire statement. Reference statement to tune high-load or regressing SQL statements. It can use the
hints for the plan are generated by deriving information from hint report to derive correlation between plan performance and
the environment settings, plan annotations etc. For example, if unused hints. If a regressing SQL statement has unused hints, the
the final plan is a parallel plan, a reference hint PARALLEL is tuning strategy can begin by fixing them to improve
generated. The corresponding input hint is fetched from the performance. This is described in Section 4 using an example.
global context and marked appropriately.
Alerts: The autonomous database has an infrastructure
3.1.4 Hint Matching: For all the categories of hints described component called Auto SQL Tuning Set (Auto STS) that captures
earlier, the hint validation logic is executed in two phases using and stores all statements executed in the database and their
the reference hint for comparison. plans. The hint report captured along with the plans enables
detection of events in history like hints flipping from being used
to unused. Alerts can be generated that can be further correlated
1. Phase 1 (Positive Hints): In the first traversal of the hint to, for instance, DDL events like an index being dropped,
chain, positive hints that match the reference hint are
partitioning being removed on a table etc.
fetched and marked as “used”.
2. Phase 2 (Conflicting Hints): In the second phase, the hint
chain is re-traversed and hints that conflict with the
reference hint are identified and marked as “unused”. There
can be multiple such hints.

Observability of SQL Hints in Oracle CIKM ’22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA

4 SAMPLE REPORTS AND CORRECTIVE The query plan, its objects and the hint report are shown in
ACTIONS Figure 8. There are three hints out of which two are unused and
one has a syntax error. The summary of the hint report in the
In this section we present
header shows the total number of input hints to the statement
and the number of errors if any. The hints are shown ordered by
1. Sample hint reports and how users can benefit from them
the plan line numbers of the objects they apply to, grouped by
2. How the information from the report can be used to correct
objects in the plan. When available, the reason for non-usage of
plan issues by autonomous components of the database.
a hint is also displayed.
Example 1 – Feedback to users
The ‘place_group_by’ hint forces a grouping operation on
The following example shows a sample set of hints added by a table(s) before they are joined with other tables and is used to
user to TPCH query 13 and the corresponding hint report when reduce the size of joins. The hint specified in SEL$2 of Q13
the query is compiled. Query Q13 has two query blocks as instructs tables ‘customer’ and ‘orders’ be grouped into one view
shown in Figure 7. and the table ‘customer’ into another view before joining both
the views. This is not possible as the same table cannot be placed
in two groups. The report displays the reason the hint is unused.
The index ‘c_idx’ specified in the index hint doesn’t exist on the
table as shown by the reason in the report. The hint “nounnest”
is incorrectly spelt and is shown as a syntax error in the report.
The correct specification is “no_unnest”.

Example 2 – Feedback to users

The next example shown in Figure 9 is query Q6 from TPCH.

The hint in the query forces an index “i_l_orderkey” on
Figure 7: TPCH Query Q13.
LINEITEM table to be used in the plan. Consider a situation in
which the index has been marked “invisible” and cannot be used
by the optimizer. The hint report shown in Figure 10 gives quick
feedback alerting the user.

Figure 9: TPCH Query Q6.

Figure 8: Query Plan and Hint Report for Q13. Figure 10: Hint Report of TPCH Query Q6

CIKM ’22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA Krishna Kantikiran Pasupuleti, Dinesh Das, Satyanarayana R Valluri, & Mohamed Zait

Example 3 – Corrective Actions Example 4 – Corrective Actions

Consider a workload in which some accepted plans are created Hints present in queries can become ineffective over time
as SMOs, and a user drops an index that is used in some of those sometimes resulting in poor plans. As plan history along with
plans. When optimizer tries to reproduce such a plan, it fails to hint reports and execution statistics is available in Auto STS,
generate it as the index is no longer present and a different background maintenance tasks can examine it and detect
access path must be chosen for the table. The index hint is changes in hint report i.e., hints changing status from used to
identified as unused in the hint report and the optimizer takes unused. This indicates correlation between the changes and plan
note of it. When multiple plans are affected similarly by the performance, and the system can automatically create a SQL
dropped index, it becomes a candidate for the automatic Patch that contains correcting hints to restore the performance,
indexing (AI) [12] component to re-create it. The AI process as demonstrated in the following example. Query Q3 shown in
periodically creates and verifies candidate indices by test Figure 13 has a “push_pred” hint (a query transformation hint)
executing the statements in the workload for performance. that instructs optimizer to push the join predicate[11] between
Indices that were part of accepted plans and dropped are table T1 and view V (i.e., predicate T1.hundred = V.hundred)
candidates for plan stability and can be verified accordingly by onto the corresponding table T2 inside the view. (Note that the
the AI process. argument, “SEL$2”, of the hint identifies the target view query
Figure 11 shows the outline hints of an accepted plan for the block of the push).
TPCH query, Q13 shown in Figure 7. It shows an index hint on
the “customer” table used in the plan in query block
SEL$7363DADF (shown in bold). The index is on the column

Figure 13: Query Q3 with a hint to push predicate into


The query plan when the hint is effective is shown in Figure 14.
The hint report indicates the hint is used.

Figure 11: Outline of an accepted plan for Q13.

If the index is dropped and the optimizer attempts to reproduce

the accepted plan, the hint report identifies the index as unused
(Figure 12 - only the relevant part of the report is shown for

Figure 12: Hint Report for Q13A using its outline when the Figure 14: Hint Report for Q3 with join predicate pushed
index is unavailable. into view

Observability of SQL Hints in Oracle CIKM ’22, October 17–21, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA

In the course of time, if the cost-based optimizer finds it optimal All popular databases allow users to hint queries. Microsoft SQL
to merge the view V into its containing query block, the join Server [13] provides OPTION clause to specify hints. MySQL
predicate can no longer be pushed because the view disappears. [14] hints can be specified on named query blocks like Oracle,
The plan with the view merged, for the same query is shown in and in some cases a warning is displayed if the specified hints
Figure 15. The hint report indicates that the “push_pred” hint is conflict. But a comprehensive report is not provided to the users.
unused having been discarded during view-merging. IBM DB2 [15] uses optimization guidelines and profiles that
allow the user to control certain stages of compilation like query
rewrite, plan generation etc. However, they do not offer fine-
grained control over application of hints on query objects and a
detailed report regarding their usage is not available. HP
Tandem NonStop SQL[16] provides control directives like
CONTROL QUERY, CONTROL TABLE etc. that can be executed
prior to executing queries to influence query shapes and
operations like join orders, join methods etc. A report of whether
the directives were used is not provided.

The authors of [17] propose a language abstraction (called

Phints) that allows specification of hints through expressions
defined as tree patterns annotated with constraints. These
expressions are matched with the optimizer search-space,
captured as a graph, that represents all possible execution plans.
While Phints expressions can target any sub-structure of the
place space, they require prior generation of the complete plan
space as an additional step. Database optimizers may not
generate the entire plan space and then apply hints as the space
is often exponential in nature and generating it is expensive. In
Figure 15: Hint Report for Q3 when view is merged. Oracle, the shape of the plan that leads to a particular state is
captured by the query block name at that point as it is based on a
If the new plan performs poorly, the problem can be specific ordered sequence of names each of which represents an
automatically fixed by noting the reason indicated in the hint operation that modifies the query block. Additionally, our work
report and injecting a new hint - “NO_MERGE(@SEL$2)” - into provides feedback for input hints by performing an independent
the view query block through a SQL Patch created for the query. validation which is not addressed by the Phints framework.
When the query is compiled subsequently, the NO_MERGE hint
prevents the view from being merged. The original “push_pred” Oracle provides a comprehensive set of hints that covers all SQL
hint can now be applied, and the previous good plan is operations and can represent query plans. The hints form the
generated. basis for automatic plan management and tuning within the
database. To the best of our knowledge, although other database
Overhead products provide hints as tools to users, they do not provide
automatically generated feedback on whether the hints were
The overhead introduced by hint tracking and report generation successfully used.
is linearly proportional to the number of input hints in the plan.
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