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Under the Guidance of IITians (M.S.

Sharma & Peeyush Kumar)

1. Peace/Forgiveness/Transformation of character
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Transformation from a heart filled with anger, hate, and revenge to
that filled with love, peace and respect for human rights- Maajid Nawaz 1) “An eye for an eye makes the
became involved in his youth with a radical Islamic Liberation Party. He whole world blind”-Mahatma
started undertaking missions in Pakistan and Egypt and campaigning for Gandhi.
the reestablishment of the caliphate in Muslim lands.
However later, Maajid Nawaz was captured and sent to Egyptian prison 2) “I do not know with what
for espousing extremism. During his incarnation, Nawaz was formally weapons World War III will be
adopted as a “Prisoner of Conscience” by Amnesty International. The fought, but World War IV will be
adoption transformed him. In his own words- "Amnesty’s “soft” fought with sticks and stones.” –
approach made me seriously consider alternatives to revenge" Albert Einstein (reportedly)

He is now a counter-extremist, runs a globally active organisation 3) “War is what happens when
focusing on matters of integration, religious freedom etc. Now living in language fails”-Margaret
London, he educates about the dangers of radicalization, extremism and Atwood
terrorism in the Western world
4) Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu
(let the whole world be
2) Angulimala was dacoit who used to kill people and used to cut their
prosperous and peaceful).
fingers and made a garland out of those fingers. He used to live on a hill
top. Once Buddha was passing by that hill. Angulimala got happy and
5) “When the power of love
came running to Buddha. He thought that Buddha would be afraid of
overcomes the love of power,
him but instead Buddha was peaceful and quiet, smiling with grace and
the world will know peace.”-
compassion. This was turning moment for Angulimala. He became
William Gladstone.
disciple of Buddha and choose the good path after that. Later after 10
years, when same Angulimala returned to the village in which he had 6) “Peace and justice are the two
killed many people but this time as a saint, villagers started pelting sides of the same coin.”-
stones on him, feeling the hatred they had for him. But he was quiet and Eisenhower.
peaceful just like Buddha, smiling with grace and compassion. Such
gesture moved the villagers and then they also became disciples of

Hence, we may face adversity in life but what matters is how we respond
to it. We can choose to be peaceful & forgiving in any situation. We may
respond like Buddha and the saint Angulimala.
2. Never give up- Attitude/ Perseverance
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
Never Give up- Attitude/ Perseverance 1) "When you have a dream, you've
1) The experts of Spain concluded that Columbus's plans to discover a new got to grab it and never let go." —
and shorter route to India was virtually impossible. Queen Isabella and Carol Burnett
King Ferdinand ignored the report of the experts. "I can make it
happen," Columbus persisted. And he did. Everyone knew the world was 2) "It is our attitude at the beginning
flat, but not Columbus. The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria, along with of a difficult task which, more than
Columbus and his small band of followers, sailed to "impossible" new anything else, will affect its
lands and thriving resources. successful outcome." —William

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Under the Guidance of IITians (M.S. Sharma & Peeyush Kumar)
2) The great Thomas Alva Edison discouraged his friend, Henry Ford, from 3) “There should be no boundaries to
pursuing his fledgling idea of a motorcar. Convinced of the human endeavour. We are all
worthlessness of the idea, Edison invited Ford to come and work for him. different. However bad life may
Ford remained committed and tirelessly pursued his dream. Although his seem, there is always something
first attempt resulted in a vehicle without reverse gear, Henry Ford knew you can do, and succeed at. While
he could make it happen. And, of course, he did. there’s life, there is hope.” —
Stephen Hawking, The Theory of
3) Rags to Riches- Before he was in the movie “The Terminator” and later Everything
became the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger lived
without plumbing or a phone. Growing up in a post-World War II 4) "You're braver than you believe,
Austrian town, the actor recalls hunger shortages and riots occurring stronger than you seem, and
outside his door regularly. smarter than you think." —A. A.
Now one of the richest action movie stars of all time, Schwarzenegger
boasts a net worth of $400 million and a catalog of movies that earned 5) "Ambition is the path to success.
roughly $4.73 billion. Persistence is the vehicle you
arrive in." —Bill Bradley
4) There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle right in with a bit of a grin,
Then take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
That cannot be done, and you'll do it.
- Edgar A. Guest

5) If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don't!
If you want to win, but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost;

For out in the world, we find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in the state of the mind.

Life's battles don't always go

To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
3. Prejudice/Self Appraisal

Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
A businessman was highly critical of his competitors' storefront windows. 1) “It is harder to crack prejudice
"Why, they are the dirtiest windows in town," he claimed. Fellow business than an atom.” - Albert Einstein
people grew tired of the man's continual criticism and nit-picking comments 2) “Willingness to explore everything
about the windows. One day over coffee, the businessman carried the subject is a sign of strength. The weak
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Under the Guidance of IITians (M.S. Sharma & Peeyush Kumar)
just too far. Before leaving, a fellow store owner suggested the man get his ones have prejudices. Prejudices
own windows washed. He followed the advice, and the next day at coffee, he are a protection.” -- Anais Nin
exclaimed, "I can't believe it. As soon as I washed my windows, my 3) “What we perceive about
competitor must have cleaned his too. You should see them shine." ourselves is greatly a reflection of
how we will end up living our
lives.” – Stephen Richards

4. Believe In Oneself

Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
Before the idea for Harry Potter famously came to J.K. Rowling in a dream, 1) “If you do not honestly believe in
the writer was a single mother struggling to pay her rent. Rowling battled the good things that you tell
depression and other obstacles. Even in those days, she had the belief that yourself, no one else will care to
her novel would be successful. From no one to becoming one of the most listen either.” ― Christine E.
successful female writers in recent history, as well as one of the most beloved Szymanski
British authors of all time, she has proved that believe system works. 2) “The more you believe in yourself,
the more other people will believe
in you.” ― Wesam Fawzi
3) “If you don’t give up on something
you truly believe in, you will find a
way.” ― Roy T. Bennett
5. Stop being greedy and envying others

Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
Once there was a dog who wandered the streets night and day in search of
food. One day, he found a big juicy bone and he immediately grabbed it 1) “Ignorance, hatred and greed are
between his mouths and took it home. On his way home, he crossed a river killing nature.”— Masanobu
and saw another dog who also had a bone in its mouth. He wanted that Fukuoka
bone for himself too. But as he opened his mouth, the bone he was biting
fell into the river and sank. That night, he went home hungry. 2) "The world has enough for
If we always envy what others have, we’ll end up losing what we already everyone's needs, but not
have, just like the greedy dog. everyone's greed,"- Mahatma
6. Responding to an adverse situation, Courage

Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Asha was getting frustrated and tired of life, so she asked her father 1) “Success is not final, failure is not
what to do. Her father told her to bring an egg, two tea leaves, and a fatal: it is the courage to continue
potato. He then brought out three vessels, filled them with water, and that counts.”― Winston S.
placed them on the stove. Churchill

Once the water was boiling, he told Asha to place the items into each 2) “Bran thought about it.’ Can a
pot and keep an eye on them. After 10 minutes, he asked Asha to peel man still be brave if he's afraid?'
the egg, peel the potato, and strain the leaves. Asha was left confused. 'That is the only time a man can
Her father explained, “Each item was placed into the same be brave,' his father told him.”―
circumstance, boiling water. See how each responded differently?” He George R.R. Martin, A Game of
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continued, “The egg was soft, but is now hard. The potato was hard, but
is now soft. And the tea leaves, they changed the water itself.” 3) “You cannot swim for new
horizons until you have courage
The father then asked, “When adversity calls, we respond in the same to lose sight of the shore.”―
manner as they have. Now, are you an egg, a potato, or tea leaves?” William Faulkner

As a human being, we can choose to be an egg, a potato or a tea leaf

during an adversity.

2) Extraordinary courage in extraordinary circumstances- Neerja Bhanot

was just like any other 23-year-old, except when she came face to face
with challenging times, she showed inexplicable and rare courage,
something that helped save the lives of over 300 people. She died while
saving passengers on Pan Am Flight 73 which had been hijacked by
terrorists during a stopover in Karachi, Pakistan. Posthumously, she
became the youngest recipient of India's highest peacetime gallantry, the
Ashoka Chakra Award

3) Choices in adverse situation: The Blitzkrieg of Alexander’s invasion

through Persia reached the doors of India in 326 BC. Back in the day, the
region lying across Khyber Pass, Gandhara was ruled by two kings- Ambi
and Porus. Frightened by the enemies’ onslaught, Ambi surrendered
even without a fight. Porus, however stood to his strength but was
defeated. When asked by Alexander, how should he be treated, Porus
quickly said- “Just as one king treats another.” Impressed by his reply
Alexander released his Kingdom and restored his status as a king.
The above anecdotes evidently present to us a case of adversity but the
way those two kings reacted also presents towards two choices to
react to adversity- to be bitter or better. Ambi was bitter and thus is
infamously remembered while the sagas of Porus sung even today.

4) Creator of your own destiny: India at the time of independence, was in a

situation from which coming out was very tough. The horrors of
partition loomed large in the conscience of the people. Adding to that,
the spectre of a non-existent economic system, mass illiteracy and
poverty and the challenge of consolidation of 500 small princely states
peppered across the Indian subcontinent. Western commentators were
certain that the experiment of democracy that India was embarking
upon was destined to fail. Yet, 75 years later we stand tall with our head
high. Despite the challenges, we have been successful in not only staying
true to the democratic traditions but also in maintaining our unity and
diversity. We were willing to chart our future and act accordingly.
However, Pakistan though formed at the same time, is still facing lots of
crises including the economic crisis, social crisis, political crisis. This
shows the character of the nation. This shows nation building and
creating own destiny is not for all. India could develop its own destiny
and is standing tall at the fifth largest economy of the world, running
largest democracy and having largest demographic dividend.

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Under the Guidance of IITians (M.S. Sharma & Peeyush Kumar)
7. Attitude & Aptitude
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Once, a young school boy was caught in a fire accident in his school and
was assumed that he would not live. His mother was told that he was 1) “Ability is what you're capable of
sure to die, for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his doing. Motivation determines
body. Even if he were to survive, he would be a cripple throughout his what you do. Attitude
life. determines how well you do it.”-
Lou Holtz.
But the brave boy did not want to die nor did he want to be a cripple.
His determination to walk was indomitable and his persistence finally 2) “Weakness of attitude becomes
paid off. He began to walk to school, then run to school, to run for the weakness of character”- Albert
sheer joy of running. Later in college he made the track team. Einstein.

In February 1934, in New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden, 3) “Aptitude without attitude is
this young man who was not expected to survive, who would surely blind, Attitude without aptitude
never walk (poor physical aptitude), who could never hope to run – is lame”- Richard Marcel.
this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s
4) “The only disability in life is bad
fastest mile.
attitude”- Scott Hamilton
2) The story of rabbit and tortoise – The rabbit has the aptitude but the
race is won by tortoise as it has the correct attitude.
8. Justice- Duty to Resist Injustice/Fairness

Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Panch Parmeshwar by Munshi Premchand:
This story represents a situation many of us face-- when in a position of 1) “The world suffers a lot. Not
power, do we rule justly when a loved one is at stake or do we bend because of the violence of bad
the rules? 'Panch Parmeshwar' is a story about two best friends people. But because of the
Jumman Sheikh and Algu Chaudhary. A childhood friendship of the silence of the good people.”-
village panchayat is tested when, Alu has to make a decision that Napoleon.
involved his friend’s family. When Jumman's aunt approaches the
panchayat complaining that Jumman took her property forcibly and is 2) “Silence becomes cowardice
now ill-treating her, Algu - who is a representative in the panchayat- is when occasion demands
in a dilemma because the verdict can change his equation with speaking out the whole truth and
Jumman forever. acting accordingly.”- Mahatma
However Aglu took the right decision and gave judgement against the
Jumman Sheikh. When it comes to justice, personal relation should not 3) “If you are neutral in situations
jeopardise it. This is what code of ethics also says. of injustice, you have chosen the
side of the oppressor. -
2) In Ramayana, when Shri Ram shot Bali, Bali asked why he did that. Bali Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
argued that he didn’t harm Ram in any way. Lord Shri Ram replied that
4) “Act as if what you do makes a
Bali had snatched away Sugriv’s wife Ruma, who was daughter in
difference. It does.”-William
relation to him. So, this was the most heinous act anyone can commit
and therefore, Shri Ram says that this deserves death penalty. He said
that it was his Dharma to get justice to Ruma and Sugriv. Good men
5) “What you do is what matters,
can’t remain mute spectator on evil man’s act.
not what you think or say or
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plan.”- Jason Fried.
3) When Gandhi Ji was thrown out of first-class compartment in South
Africa, he was not the first person to have met that treatment. The bad 6) “Be the change you want to see
man, Britishers were busy torturing good man in the South Africa at in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi.
that time. Gandhi Ji decided to act against this torture and started a
movement against racial discrimination in South Africa. He got
successful in many aspects. Later, it was Nelson Mandela who took
active participation to eradicate apartheid. The movement finally
culminated in black people getting rights on par with white people
after the eradication of apartheid in South Africa. Good part is that the
black people did not throw out the white people from the country,
rather they decided to stay together and make the nation great.

4) First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I
was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was
not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for
me.—Martin Niemöller german theologian who resisted nazi rule
9. Patriotism

Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Uri: The Surgical Strike. "Farz aur farzi mein ek maatra ka antar hota 1) “Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare
hai..Agar main apne desh..Apne bhaiyon ke liy ab nahi lda..Toh main apne dil me hai, dekhna hai zor kitna
hi nazron mein....Farzi bankar reh jaunga" baazu-e-qaatil me hai” – Ram
Prasad Bismil
2) Chandrashekhar Azad - There was a boy of age 12 in the year 1918. His
name was Chandrashekhar Tiwari. Once the boy was sitting in the class. 2) “Even if I have to face death a
After some time he heard the slogans from outside. He took the permission thousand times for the sake my
from his teacher and went outside to see what was happening. He saw a Motherland, I shall not be sorry. Oh
sage leading some group. Then he came to know that it was a freedom Lord! Grant me a hundred births in
movement. Suddenly there was a change in the situation. He saw some India. But grant me this, too, that
British officer attacking the crowd and hit the sage. This young patriotic boy each time I may give up my life in
felt angry to see this. He took a stone and hit the British officer. The the service of the Motherland.”—
policemen attacked the boy to catch. But he escaped from the place. The Ram Prasad Bismil
next morning the police submitted the boy to court. The judge asked the
boy to tell his name. The brave boy told his name as "Azad" which means
freedom. The judge was shocked. He asked the boy to tell his father's
name. The boy replied saying "Swadheenata". Then the judge with anger
asked his last question, “Tell your address". The boy laughed and replied
that he likes to be in jail and that was his permanent address. Then the
judge gave the punishment to beat the boy 12 times with a wet leather
rope by a fat healthy person. The boy told that it was a shame for his act to
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get only 12 so asked the judge to increase the punishment. But the judge
refused and the boy was taken to the place where he should be beaten.
The boy was made naked and the man started beating. It was so hard that
the boy's skin was torn. But the boy did not have tears but cried loudly
"Vande Mataram". For every beat, his voice increased. After the 12 beats,
the jailer returned the boy's dress. But the boy could not wear because the
body was bleeding. He was given 12 paise to put a bandage. The boy told to
give the money to queen Victoria and tell her that it was given by a young
Indian patriot. The boy was none other than the great legend
"Chandrashekhar Azad".
10. Change and obsession

Anecdotes/Poems Quotes

1) Buddha: Around 2500 years ago, Siddhartha’s uncompromising 1) “No One Changes the World
obsession to end human suffering made him leave all the comforts of Who Isn’t Obsessed.”- Billie
family, palace, and the kingdom, and set out for the journey towards Jean King
enlightenment. He was first obsessed to gain the real knowledge. The,
he was obsessed to change the faulty religious practices of Hinduism 2) “Your life does not get better
like animal sacrifice, caste-based discrimination etc. His obsession led by chance; it gets better by
to emergence of new religion i.e., Jainism. change.” – Jim Rohn

2) Steve Jobs' obsession with ideas: In 1986, Steve Jobs brought the 3) “There is nothing permanent
company, Pixar for $10 million. For many years Pixar could not do well. except change”. - Heraclitus
He was the only person who believed in Pixar. Within next few years,
4) “You’ve got to bet obsessed
Steve Jobs pumped in $50 million from his personal pocket to keep Pixar
and stay obsessed.” – Joh
going. Then after few years of toiling, then came the great success of Toy
Story (In 1995) and the rest is history. This tells us that if someone has
to change the world, he/she must be obsessed to do that. 5) “Aptitude plus obsession
equals greatness” - Josh
Steve Jobs’ obsession for perfectionism: Obsession with perfectionism
pushed Steve Jobs to bring in refinement in all the works he has been
associated with. From LISA to Mac to iPhone, he has proved that one
should be obsessed to change the world.

3) Elon Musk’s obsession with pursuing risky business ideas: In early

years, Elon Musk believed the most likely outcome for SpaceX and Tesla
was failure. But he proceeded anyway. He says that if you believe in
something strong enough, it’s worth pursuing – no matter the outcome.
His obsession to explore new areas of science has changed the world.

4) Vasco da Gama: His obsession to pursue adventurous voyages led to the

discovery of direct sea route to India. Whole world came to know this
golden bird and things changed for India and the world. Communication
links got established with India to Europe.
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Under the Guidance of IITians (M.S. Sharma & Peeyush Kumar)
11. Power, Character, Honesty, Ethics
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) There was once a proud elephant who always bullied smaller animals.
He would go to the anthill near his home and spray water at the ants. 1) “The measure of a man is what
The ants, with their size, could do nothing but cry. The elephant just he does with power.”- Plato
laughed and threatened the ants that he would crush them to death.
One day, the ants had enough and decided to teach the elephant a 2) “Power tends to corrupt and
lesson. They went straight into the elephant’s trunk and started biting absolute power corrupts
him. The elephant could only howl in pain. He realized his mistake and absolutely”-Sir John Dalberg-
apologized to the ants and all the animals he bullied. Acton

Be humble and treat everyone with kindness. If you think you’re 3) “Mastering others is strength.
stronger than others, then use your strength to protect them instead Mastering yourself is true
of harming them. power” - Tao Te Ching

2) In Ramayana, through his devotion and penance to the Great God 4) “Knowledge will give you power,
Brahma, Ravana was made invincible and had the power to assume any but character respect” -Bruce
form he wished, from men to mountains to death itself. He was so Lee
powerful that he could cause earthquakes and storms. But such a
power made Ravana a monster who did innumerable adversities on 5) Nearly all men can stand
mankind, even he unlawfully abducted the wife of lord Rama. His adversity, but if you want to test
greed of power superseded his power of knowledge and rationality. a men’s character, give him
power- Abraham Lincoln
3) Although in Akbar’s initial days as emperor he was known to be a
conqueror and ruthless warrior but as the days went by, he turned into
6) With great power comes great
a benevolent emperor. It was he who abolished Jizya and banned cow-
responsibility- Peter Parker
principle, is a proverb
Instead of forcing Hindus to accept the culture and tradition of
popularized by the Spider-Man.
Mughals, he followed the policy of religious tolerance and led them to
follow their own culture. 7) “So long as the millions live in
4) Nelson Mandela: Even after becoming a president in 1994, he did not hunger and ignorance, I hold
use his power to suppress the white minority. Instead, he followed the every person a traitor who,
policy of peace and reconciliation to end apartheid system. having been educated at their
expense, pays not the least heed
5) Adolf Hitler is known to be one of the “greatest” leaders in history who
to them!” – Vivekananda.
came to power legally, but he misused his power to kill the Jews in
detention camps. He did all the cruel activities for his self-interest i.e., 8) “The price of greatness is
to protect the purity of Aryan race. responsibility.”- Winston
6) It is character of India to have not used power to invade any country. Churchill.
Instead, India used her power for helping humanity wherever possible-
e.g. peacekeeping forces, helping Shri Lanka and neighbours 9) “Rank does not confer privilege or
give power. It imposes
7) Mark Twain “anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in responsibility.”- Peter Drucker.
which is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” Some
powerful people understand this and act wisely during anger, but other
lose their temper and threat their subjects with power. E.g., Will
Smith's Oscar incident have showed how uncontrolled anger of the
powerful person can destroy his reputation.

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Under the Guidance of IITians (M.S. Sharma & Peeyush Kumar)
12. Knowledge, education, skill & character
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes

1) Dyer had studied medicine before joining military career. However, he 1) Knowledge will give you power,
has been called "the Butcher of Amritsar", because of his order to fire but character respect.
on a peaceful crowd at Jallianwala Bagh. It shows how education
without morality makes a man clever devil. 2) Education without values, as
useful as it is, seems rather to
2) APJ Abdul Kalam- His interventions in missile projects earned him the make a man cleverer devil.
title of 'Missile Man of India'- a title that reflect the importance of
knowledge with character. 3) Education is the most important
weapon, which can be used to
3) Sachin Tendulkar is a revered cricketer due to his excellent batting skills change the world - Nelson
and sound character. Sreesanth was arrested due to his alleged Mandela.
involvement in a spot-fixing scandal which ended his cricket career.
4) To educate a man in mind and not
4) Gandhiji used his law skills to become civil rights activist in South Africa in morals is to educate a menace
and then came to India and applied his techniques of Satyagraha to to society.
ameliorate sufferings of people in Indian Freedom Struggle. Today he is
known as ‘Father of the Nation’. 5) Educating the mind without
educating the heart is no
5) As Abraham Lincoln had said “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and education at all.
I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” For us that ‘axe’ is the
education system which must be sharpened with value education for a 6) Preparation through education is
sound character. less costly than learning through

13. Truth, Reality & Honesty

Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Once an acquaintance came to meet great philosopher Socrates. He 1) Truth Alone Triumphs.
said “Socrates do you know what I just heard about your friend?
Socrates stared back at him and asked before telling me anything I 2) When the lamp of truth is lit,
would like you to pass a little test-triple filter test. darkness vanishes by itself. -
Socrates asked are you absolutely sure that what you are going to tell Swami Vivekananda.
me is true. Men replied in negative.
Socrates then asked is what you are about to tell me about my friend 3) In the end, truth alone triumphs.
something good? Men replied in negative. But, by then it’s too late. –
Socrates then asked final filter is what you want to tell me about my Catalyst.
friend going to be useful for me? Men replied in negative.
Socrates then said Well, if what you want to tell me is neither true nor 4) There is no god higher than
good nor useful than why tell it to me at all? truth-Mahatma Gandhi.

5) Facts are many, but the truth is

2) Satyendra Dubey, an Indian engineering service officer, was project
one-Rabindranath Tagore.
director, national highways Koderma. He discovered serious financial
irregularities in road construction and even got a few kms road rebuilt.
6) A Truth that’s told with bad
It is said that he had written to PM about these financial irregularities.
intent beats all lies you can
Eventually, he was found shot dead. Dubey's murder drew several
invent! - William Blake.
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protests in India and abroad, especially by the media. IIT Kanpur h a s
instituted an annual award in his name, Satyendra K Dubey
Memorial Award, to be given to an IIT alumnus for displaying highest
professional integrity in upholding human values. His conviction to
truth and courage is celebrated worldwide.

3) Gandhiji helped India achieve independence using the massive weapon

“Satyagraha” which means “The force born out of truth”. Nelson
Mandela also followed truth and promoted equality. He faced
adversities but succeeded in ending apartheid in South Africa.
14. Practice makes a man perfect
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
There was once a pottery teacher called Brian. One month, he decided to split 1) "Perfection is not attainable, but if
his class into two groups. Group A had to make a pot every day for 30 days (so we chase perfection, we can catch
30 pots in total). Group B had to work on a single pot for the whole 30 days. excellence." —Vince Lombardi
At the end of the month, Brian judged the quality of the pots. Without
exception, every one of the top 10 pots came from Group A, the guys that 2) “Practice leads to perfection and
made one pot per day. None came from the group that focused on perfecting perfection leads to succession.” ―
their single pot. Perfection can only be achieved by learning from the Amanda Jensen
mistakes. Group A practiced for 30 times but group B only once and hence
there was mediocrity in work of group B. Practice makes a man perfect. 3) “The more you practice the better
you’ll be, the harder you train the
great in you they’ll see.” ―
Alcurtis Turner
15. Freedom
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Prince Harry and Meghan Markel, the DUKE and DUCHESS OF SUSSEX, 1) “Freedom is not worth having if it
surprised the world by giving up their titles. Everybody yearns to get does not include the freedom to
that title as a lifetime opportunity. They had all the pleasures, make mistakes.” Mahatma
reputation, riches. Then what made them do that? They had no Gandhi.
freedom to make mistakes. They could not live freely. They could have
all the luxury of the world but not the freedom to do anything they 2) “The unexamined life is not worth
want. living”- Socrates.

2) At the Google X lab, employees are encouraged to ‘shoot for the 3) Mistakes are the proof that you
moon’ and are rewarded for their failures. Google is able to constantly are trying- Einstein.
innovate because employees feel free to experiment even if they fail. It
creates a safe space for employees. It encourages them to innovate 4) “When a man is denied the right to
best technology in the world and they are able to do this because they live the life he believes in, he has
have the freedom. no choice but to become an
outlaw.” ― Nelson Mandela
3) Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
5) “Life without liberty is like a body
Where knowledge is free
without spirit.” - Khalil Gibran
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
6) “Freedom is the open window
Where words come out from the depth of truth
through which pours the sunlight
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Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection of the human spirit and human
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way dignity.” - Herbert Hoover
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee 7) “The only real prison is fear, and
Into ever-widening thought and action the only real freedom is freedom
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. from fear.” - Aung San Suu Kyi
- Rabindranath Tagore
16. Love and life
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) You must have heard the famous dialogue of movie Deewar. Amitabh 1) “Where there is love, there is life.”
Bacchan says that “Mere paas Bangla Hai, Gadi hai, Bank Balance hai. – Mahatma Gandhi.
Tumhare paas kya hai? (I have bungalow, car, and bank balance. What
do you have?)”. To this Sammi Kapoor replies, “Mere paas MAA hai (I 2) When I despair, I remember that
have MOTHER)”. A mother is the epitome of love, care, emotion and all through history the way of
compassion. This incident clearly depicts that where there is love, truth and love have always won.
there is life. There have been tyrants and
murderers, and for a time, they
2) Mother Teresa had heard that there were many homeless men sleeping can seem invincible, but in the
on the streets of London, and she asked to be taken to see them. end, they always fall. Think of it–
Noticing one man in particular, Mother got out of the car and went to always. - Mahatma Gandhi.
him. At first, he took no notice of her presence, but when she took his
hand, he looked up and said, ‘It has been a long time since I felt the 3) Love is life, hatred is death-
warmth of a human hand.’ Mother returned to the car and told us, ‘This Swami Vivekanand.
is a sick man. We cannot leave him on the street like this.’ And she took
the man to the Salvation Army. This highlights importance of love and 4) When the power of love
how it gave meaning to her life. She later got Nobel Prize for her selfless overcomes the love of power,
service. the world will know peace. -
William Gladstone.

5) Life without love is no life at all-

Leonardo da Vinci.

6) Life without love is like a tree

without blossoms or fruit. -
Kahlil Gibran.

7) If you judge people, you have no

time to love them.

8) “Choose a job you love and you

will never have to work for a day
in your life.”- Confucius.

9) Gandhi says, “logic be given to a

logical person, rationality to a
rational and love who believes in
love”. He considered soul as
something pure.

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17. Rural India
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Gandhiji’s Ideal village- An ideal Indian village will be so constructed as 1) “The soul of India lives in its
to lend itself to perfect sanitation. It will have cottages with sufficient villages.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
light and ventilation built of a material obtainable within a radius of
five miles of it. The cottages will have courtyards enabling 2) “Almost half of the population of
householders to plant vegetables for domestic use and to house their the world lives in rural regions
cattle. The village lanes and streets will be free of all avoidable dust. It and mostly in a state of poverty.
will have wells according to its needs and accessible to all. It will have Such inequalities in human
houses of worship for all, also a common meeting place, a village development have been one of
common for grazing its cattle, a co-operative dairy, primary and the primary reasons for unrest
secondary schools in which industrial education will be the central fact, and, in some parts of the world,
and it will have Panchayats for settling disputes. It will produce its own even violence.” -A. P. J. Abdul
grains, vegetables and fruit, and its own Khadi. Kalam
18. Women
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Dangal Movie - All along, I was desperate for a son so he could win a 1) “I measure the progress of a
gold in wrestling for India. But what didn't occur to me was that gold community by the degree of
is gold. Whether won by a boy or a girl.” progress which women have
The movie reiterated the need to treat girls at par with boys, for they achieved” — Babasaheb
are both equally capable. The film takes on sexism and stereotyping Ambedkar
existing in sports and stresses the issues girls face when they step
out of their traditional roles. 2) There is no tool for development
"Hamari Chhori, Choron se kam hai kay?" more effective than the
empowerment of women. - Kofi
2) PINK Movie – The boys must realise that No means No. It doesn’t Annan.
matter if the girl who says no is your acquaintance, friend, girlfriend,
sex worker or even your own wife. No means no and when someone 3) Educate a man and you educate
says No, you stop. an individual. Educate a woman
and you educate a family. - A.
3) In 1974, the then India's largest auto manufacturer company TELCO Cripps.
published a job advertisement and it mentioned that only men can
apply. It was easy to let this go, but one woman stood against this 4) "Countries and Nations which
gender bias and written a postcard to JRD Tata complaining gender do not respect women have
discrimination at TELCO. never become great, nor will
And it made the difference, JRD Tata changed the only 'male ever be in future"- Swami
employees' policy and ordered to conduct interviews and Vivekananda.
examinations for female applicants also. And the women who wrote
the postcard was granted a special interview and hired immediately. 5) "There is no occasion for
And thus, Sudha Murthy became the first female engineer hired at Women to consider themselves
TELCO, opening the doors for many. subordinate or inferior to Men,
WhatIn made
Murthy aMurthy was the
strong woman? onlyagainst
Her voice girl in an rather men can never be a
all discrimination.
gender male class. Even professors at the college woman's equal in the spirit of
adviced sudha's selfless service with which
4) “Every medal I have won is aparents to notstruggle.”
story of a difficult get her– Mary
nature has endowed her."-
Komadmission as college didn't have basic facilities Mahatma Gandhi.
Mary Kom recollects her early childhood days as days of extreme
like a separate girls toilet.But despite
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difficulties she graduated top of her class.
Today she is a successful engineer writer and
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struggle with poverty. Making a breakthrough in boxing wasn’t
easy as people saw it as a male sport. Moreover, her 6) “The day a woman can walk
diminutive size made her path more difficult. And through all the freely on the roads at night, that
struggle Mary Kom found her way to win the first World day we can say that India has
Championship medal in Antalya, Turkey in 2002. And the long list achieved independence” –
of glory follows. Mahatma Gandhi
What made Mary Kom a strong woman? Not give up and keep
moving forward. 7) Country can never be developed
without the contribution of the
5) She was a bright student. Her parents were proud of her and life was other half. - Mahatma Gandhi
blossoming in all its glory in everything she did.
Suddenly, the life took a drastic change when she was subjected to a 8) “To be liberated, woman must
brutal gang rape. Her life went down as being the most cursed feel free to be herself, not in
human being and the most dishonoured person. Her family cursed rivalry to man but in the
her for her existence and no children was allowed to talk to her. context of her own capacity
Where do you think the life will go from here? Today, decades ahead, and her personality” – Indira
Sunitha Krishnan is best known for the NGO she co- founded –
Prajwala. The NGO has played an instrumental role in saving more
than 17000 human trafficking victims.
9) "Each time a woman stands up
What made Sunitha Krishnan a strong woman? Her voice to
transform the most tragic experience of her life to become the for herself, without knowing it
crusader of the downtrodden living a similar life. possibly, without claiming it
possibly, she stands up for all
women!"- Maya Angelou

10) "Women are not going to be

equal outside the home, till the
Men are equal inside the home!"-
Gloria Steinem
19. Children
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) One day Thomas Edison came home and gave a paper to his mother. 1) "There is no greater violence
He told her, "My teacher gave this paper to me and told me to only than to deny the dreams of
give it to my mother." His mother’s eyes were tearful as she read the our children." - Kailash
letter loud to her child: “Your son is a genius. This school is too small Satyarthi
for him and doesn’t have enough good teachers for training him.
Please teach him yourself.” Many years later, after Edison’s mother 2) “Greatest gift we can give to our
had died, he was looking through old family things. Now one of the children is roots of responsibility
greatest inventors of the century, he suddenly saw a folded piece of and the wings of independence."
paper in the corner of a desk drawer. He took it and opened it up. On
the paper was written: Your son is addled [mentally ill]. We won’t 3) "Children must be taught how
allow him to school any more. Edison cried for hours and then he to think, not what to think."-
wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison was an addled child that, by a Margaret Mead
hero mother, became the genius of the century.”
4) “I may not have time for
2) Every child is special – Key message from ‘Taare Zamin Par’- Taare adults, but I have enough time
Zameen Par is about a child who suffers because no one around him for children” – Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru
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recognizes that he is a slow learner. He dislikes school and fails every
test or exam. He finds all subjects difficult, and is belittled and 5) “A child can teach an adult
berated by his teachers and classmates. But Ishaan’s internal world is three things:
rich with wonders that he is unable to convey to others, magical a) To be happy for no reason,
lands filled with colour and animated animals. He is an artist whose b) To always be busy with
talent is unrecognised. The film Taare Zameen Par also portrays the something,
tormented life at school and at home of a child with dyslexia and his c) And to know how to
eventual success after his artistic talents are discovered by his art demand with all his might
teacher at the boarding school. that which he desires.” –
Paulo Coelho
3) 'Eidgaah' by Munshi Premchand is an emotionally moving tale of 5-
year-old Hamid, who lives with his poor grandmother after losing his 6) “Everybody is a genius. But if
parents. During the joyous festival of Eid, everyone heads towards you judge a fish by its ability to
Eidgaah for offering their prayers. Hamid's friends from the village climb a tree, it will live its
and other children are excited to buy sweets and toys for whole life believing that it is
themselves. But even as Hamid is tempted to buy something for stupid” – Albert Einstein
himself, he puts the thought away and instead decides to gift his old
grandmother this Eid. He buys a pair of tongs for her just so she 7) “While we try to teach our
doesn't burn her hands anymore while cooking for him. children all about life, our
children teach us what life is
all about.”- Angela Schwindt

8) “Don't worry that children

never listen to you; worry that
they are always watching you.”
- Robert Fulghum
20. Caste Discrimination
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) One day someone dug up a twentieth century city
And ends on this observation. 1) “The purification required is not of
Here's an interesting inscription: untouchables but of the so-called
'This water tap is open to all castes and religions'. superior castes.” Mahatma
What could it have meant: Gandhi
That this society was divided?
That some were high while others were low? 2) “Caste is not just a division of
Well, all right, then this city deserved burying. labour; it is a division of
Why did they call it the machine age? labourers.” - B. R. Ambedkar
Seems like the Stone Age in the twentieth century.
- Daya Pawar 3) “The soul has neither sex, nor
inder meghwal chail singh jalore water caste nor imperfection.”- Swami
2) 'Thakur Ka Kuan’ by Munshi Vivekananda
tankPremchand- Gangi and her husband were
a poor Dalit couple. One day Gangi’s husband got sick. He was very
thirsty. There was a well at Thakur’s haveli, but as Gangi was a dalit, she
was not allowed to take water from the Well. Gangi had access to only
foul and stinky water from the village. As her husband was ill, she risked
her life to fetch water from the Thakur’s well. But it was not easy. She
had to play lots of hide and seek to fetch even small amount of water
from the well so that she doesn’t get caught. This took very long time.
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At home, Gangi’s husband was very thirsty, so he drank the foul and
stinky water. Later he died because of that.

Such was the caste discrimination in pre-independence time and even

today caste discrimination persists in our society. It can be easily seen in
manual scavenging. If we have to progress, we need to eliminate caste
discrimination completely.
21. Sports and Youth
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Sandeep Singh: He made his international debut in January 2004 in 1) “Always work hard, never give up,
Sultan Azlan Shah Cup in Kuala Lumpur. At a time when he was at his and fight until the end because it’s
peak, he was said to have the best speed in the world in drag flick (speed never really over until the whistle
145 km/h). blows.” —Alex Morgan
ruth beitia high jumper from spain
On 22 August 2006, Singh was seriously injured after being hit by an 2) “Don’t be afraid of failure. This is
accidental gunshot in Shatabdi train, while on his way to join the the way to succeed.” —LeBron
national team due to leave for the World Cup in Germany two days later. James
He was almost paralyzed and on a wheelchair for two years of his life.
But Sandeep wasn’t one to give up easily. The Punjabi in him didn’t let 3) “Winners never quit and quitters
him accept defeat and he scripted a glorious comeback, not only never win.” —Vince Lombardi
recovering from a serious injury but also establishing himself as one of
the vital cogs in the Indian side. 4) “Life begins at the end of your
comfort zone.” —Neale Donald
2) Stan Smith: Once rejected to be a ball boy for being clumsy and Walsh
uncoordinated, Stan Smith went on to become successful Tennis star.
Stan went on to win Wimbledon, US Open and eight Davis Cups, and 5) “If you want to be happy, set a
formed one of the most successful doubles team. goal that commands your
thoughts, liberates your energy,
3) Ravindra Jadeja: He used to survive on a mere 10 Rupees a day. His and inspires your hopes.” —
father was a watchman in a shopping complex and he always wanted his Andrew Carnegie
son to join the army. His mother worked as a nurse and spent a
considerable amount of her earnings on Jadeja’s kit. But as destiny had 6) “Being nervous is not something
it, Jadeja lost his biggest support, his mother at 17 and that so you should be ashamed of.
devastated him that he wanted to quit everything. Then he remembered Nervous means you care, you
his mother’s last wish – to see her son don the national colour. Jadeja really want to do well.” —Paula
had an indifferent start and despite breaking into the Indian team, was a Creamer
constant source of being taken a dig at. But nothing could stop him and
he established himself as a top player.
22. Media, TV & Cinema
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Poem on Media/Freedom of expression with responsibility/ hate
speech/fake news 1) "I fear the day that technology
will surpass our human
If an impulse comes to say interaction. The world will have
Some un-thoughtful word today a generation of idiots."-Albert
That may drive a friend away, Einstein.

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Don't say it!
2) “Social Media is about sociology
If you've heard a word of blame and psychology more than
Cast upon your neighbour’s name technology.” – by Brain Solis
That may injure his fair fame,
Don't tell it! 3) “Distracted from distraction by
distraction” ― T.S. Eliot.
Thoughtful, kind, helpful speech,
'Tis a gift promised to each-- 4) Spirit of our Vedas that of
This the lesson we would teach: Vasudhev kutumbakam that
Don't abuse it! means “the entire world is our
2) Social media and democracy: In March 2018. The New York Times and
5) “One reason we use Instagram,
other leading media houses obtained a cache of documents from
WhatsApp, etc. indiscriminately
inside Cambridge Analytica. The documents proved that the firm used
is that they are ‘free’. But are
data improperly obtained from Facebook to build voter profiles.
Cambridge Analytica sold psychological profiles of tens of millions of
Sometimes, the real price is not
American voters to political campaigns.
paid in money.” – Rajan Singh
The Russian connections with Cambridge Analytica further complicated
the case, raising the questions on free and fair elections in USA.
6) “Social media not only snatched
your time, but it also teaches you
3) Dual face of social media: During the initial days of 2020, Donald
attention deficiency.”
Trump put out a series of provocative tweets against the presidency of
Joe Biden. He also indirectly asked his fans to storm Congress. Twitter 7) “Social media is the ultimate
exploded with his supporters sharing the message and they ended up equaliser. It gives a voice and a
storming the Congress, writing one of the dark events in American platform to anyone willing to
democracy. engage.”
A year later, in India, during the second wave of COVID-19, oxygen crisis
had hit the country. People were flooding social media for help. And
they did get help. Unknown people put up their best efforts to ensure
that people get access to beds and oxygen cylinders. Social media
turned out to be a saviour for many.
This is what social media is capable of. It can bring the oldest
democracy to shame and at the same time it can bring the best side of
the humanity.

4) Social media misuse: Ajay, an 18-year-old boy from a village was

introduced to social media by his friend. After few months Ajay made
many new friends in social media and he was very close to some of
them. After a year, one of his social media friends asked money from
Ajay and promised him to return after a week. While Ajay asking for
the reason, he said that some medical assistance is required for his
father. Being compassionate, Ajay transferred money to his social
media friend. But after few days when Ajay tried to find the condition
of his friend’s father, Ajay was shocked to see the deactivated account
of the person and when tried to call him, number was switched off.
Ajay was shattered not because of the money but because of the
breach of trust. This shows how people use social media for selfish
unethical purpose.
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23. Economic Development
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes

1) Story of Viet Nam's economic miracle - When the 20-year Viet Nam War 1) As Pt. Nehru said, “Long years
ended in 1975, Viet Nam’s economy was one of the poorest in the world, ago we made a tryst with destiny,
and growth under the government’s subsequent five-year central plans and now the time comes when we
was anaemic. shall redeem our pledge. The
achievement we celebrate today
By the mid-1980s, per capita GDP was stuck between $200 and $300. But is but a step, an opening of
then something changed. In 1986, the government introduced “Đổi Mới”, opportunity, to the great triumph
a series of economic and political reforms, and steered the country to and achievements that await us.”
becoming a “socialist-oriented market economy”.
2) The ultimate resource in
In essence, Doi Moi focused on the removal of self-imposed barriers to economic development is
progress and the utilization of various market-oriented measures, people. It is people, not capital or
including liberalization of the domestic market, encouragement of foreign raw materials that develop an
direct investment, or FDI, and the private sector, and reduction in economy- Peter Drucker
subsidies to state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
3) Education is both a tool of social
Today, Viet Nam is one of the stars of the emerging markets universe. Its justice as well as a fundamental
economic growth of 6-7% rivals China, and it exports are worth as much driver of economic
as the total value of its GDP. Anything from Nike sportswear to Samsung development.
smartphones are manufactured in this ASEAN nation.
4) The foundation of economic
2) Lessons from the success of the Bangladesh textile industry: development is the acquisition of
more productive knowledge.- Ha-
None had ever thought that in 1971, when Bangladesh come into Joon Chang
existence, that this small country will be the world's second-largest
garment exporter (2.5 times that of India) and that too without a strong
raw material base. Major lessons for India-
a) Leveraging economics of scale: Bangladesh has a huge capacity which
ensures to the global retailers and brands that this country will deliver
their huge order on time and this bulk production also make
Bangladesh cost-effective too. (MITRA scheme in India tries to
leverage this.)
b) Diversification and specialisation: In-house production of a variety of
trims and even packaging material too.
c) Image/perception management: Bangladesh has 135 LEED green ggf
garment factories certified by the US Green Building Council (USGBC).
This country has 9 out of the world's top-10 green garment factories,
on top of which 500 more factories are in the process of getting LEED
d) Timely upgradation to state-of-the-art machines.

3) Participative Development due to Forest Rights Act:

a) Amravati, MH- Village communities have regenerated degraded
forest land, growing bamboo/amla/teak along with water and soil
b) Gadchiroli, MH: Village communities were given ownership rights
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over bamboo in 2014; doubled bamboo productivity in 3 years

4) Corporates and missing sentiments: NESTLE Company behind our

favourite KitKat has few unethical practices associated with its name -
Child labour, unethical promotion, manipulating uneducated mothers,
pollution, and price fixing and mislabelling. In latest episode it came to
light that to promote its drinking water sales in Pakistan, Nestle diverted
village’s water. But since the population were too poor to purchase
bottles drinking water (which technically belonged to them only) were
forced to drink unhealthy, unclean disposed water. It made a huge
outcry in world stage.
24. Democracy, Federalism, Decentralization and Administration
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) During the second half of 20th century, the discrimination against the
Blacks in the oldest democracy-USA was quite prevalent. Rosa Parks 1) Bad officials are the ones elected
became the face of the dissent when she sat on a restricted seat on a bus. by good citizens who do not
Civil rights movement finally led to the equal rights for Blacks in US. What vote. - George Jean Nathan.
would have happened, had Rosa Parks or the Blacks in general not
dissented against the discrimination? It is hard to guess now but it is for 2) “Every election is determined by
sure that USA would not have been the flag bearer of democracy for long. the people who show up.”- Larry
J. Sabato.
2) Civil society: April, 2011 has left lasting memories into the minds of the
people of India. There was an old man named Anna Hazare threatening 3) “The ballot is stronger than the
the Indian establishment with his Gandhian weapon of hunger strike to bullet”- Lincoln.
create an institution of Lokpal ombudsman. Huge crowd came in
4) “Somewhere inside all of us is
support of his demand as India was tired of scams and corruption. And
the power to change the world.”
the common aim was “India against corruption”. What Anna Hazare
– Matilda.
represented was not just a crowd of aspiring Indians, rather it was the
civil society which was determined to change the way things happen in
5) Democracy is “government of,
India. The struggle of the movement ultimately led to the passing of
by and for the people”. -
Lokpal act.
Abraham Lincoln.

6) A great democracy must be

progressive or it will soon cease
to be a great democracy -
Theodore Roosevelt.

7) The lesson of history is clear:

democracy always wins in the
end. - Marjorie Kelly.
25. Environment vs Development, Agriculture
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) e-Choupal is an initiative of ITC Limited, a conglomerate in India, to link 1) We never know the worth of
directly with rural farmers via the Internet for procurement of water till the well is dry- Thomas
agricultural and aquaculture products like soybeans, wheat, coffee, Fuller.
and prawns. Farmers have earned up to 50% more by using e-Choupal.
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2) For essays in agriculture: In the ruins of Harappa, we find pottery and 2) “The third world war is at our
vessels in which grains like wheat barley rice etc. has been traced. This gate, and it will be about water, if
shows the prevalence and importance of agriculture in India since we don’t do something about
ancient times. It is called that agriculture is the only culture of India. In this crisis.” - Rajendra Singh,
the Neolithic, as men began to settle down, they started domesticating known as the “water man of
animals alongside farming practices. The renumeration from India”.
agriculture was sizeable and the house gave man a surplus. This surplus
became the means for starting a society gaining wealth, influence, 3) All the water that will ever be is,
position, etc. Thus, the origins of modern social life that lie in ancient right now.
social life ultimately trace their roots in agriculture itself.
4) "Thousands have lived without
3) The harsh land, scarce water, a limited labour force, and limited trade love, not one without water." -
with neighbouring countries are the challenges in Israeli agriculture. W. H. Auden.
However, the kibbutzim (collective community farming), 'can-do'-
attitude are characteristic of Israeli agriculture. Israel is a world leader 5) "The water crisis is not (or not
in agricultural research and development, which has led to dramatic mainly) one of availability; it is, in
increase in the quantity and quality of the country's crops. The drive to the Indian context, at any rate, a
increase yields and crop quality has led to the development of new crisis of gross mismanagement,
seed and plant varieties, as well as to innovations such as a soil and globally, a crisis of rapacity."
conditioner substance (vermiculite) which, when mixed with local soils, - Ramaswamy R. Iyer.
boosts crop yields, and drip irrigation i.e., less water requirement.
6) The Environment is a common
4) E-technology in agriculture: For Rakesh, a small-time farmer, his good, belonging to all and meant
smartphone is his most valuable asset. On it he receives regular for all.
updates about the weather and accordingly decides the sowing and
harvesting time of his crops. The information about the local mandi 7) A little of the earth belongs to
demands allows him to determine the optimum period when he should those who are living, A little to
take his product to the market to receive adequate returns. Similarly, if those who are dead, But, a large
he has any grievance regarding any crop disease, he can just dial the part belongs to those who are
toll-free number of m-kisan and receive suitable information yet to be born!
regarding how to deal with a problem. Today Rakesh’s entire
8) “We do not inherit the Earth
approach towards agriculture is centred around the information and
from our ancestors—we borrow
it from our children.” It means
5) Raj Shekhar, a farmer in the state of Maharashtra cultivates his 2 that the climate belongs to past,
hectares of land for a living. Since long time, he grew horticultural present as well as future
crops like vegetables, onions and tomatoes but could never realise generations.
adequate returns for his investment. Few years ago, an MNC set up
9) “By polluting the oceans, not
their food processing plant in the district and roped him in under
mitigating carbon emissions and
contract farming. With better quality inputs, better linkage and
destroying our biodiversity, we
assured markets, his income started to grow up.
are killing our planet. Let us face
However, a couple of months ago, he decided to renegotiate the terms it, there is no planet B.”-
of the contract to reflect the market conditions and increasing cost of Emmanuel Macron, President of
living. He met various officials but could never derive any satisfactory France.
response from them. How could he? A small farmer aiming to
negotiate like an equal with a multinational corporation. All his terms
fell on deaf ears and now like many others in the region he was struck

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with a contract which when entered into appeared as boon, has now
came his bane.

The story of Raj Shekhar reflects a concern that India is currently

grappling with. There are various issues with the present agricultural
system in the country which needs an overhaul.

6) Starting in 2015, World Bank-supported project has been helping

pastoralists adopted climate-smart agriculture in the SAHEL—namely
Burkina F a s o , C h a d , M a l i , M a u r i t a n i a , N i g e r a n d
S e n e g a l . The Interventions to improve animal health, promoting
more sustainable rangeland management etc. are boosting productivity
and resilience and thus helping to reduce carbon emissions. It is also
helping in reducing poverty in the region.
26. Water
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Cape Town’s water shock and a warning before all. 1) "We never know the worth of
Cape Town’s water crisis got so bad in 2018 that there were water till the well is dry." -
competitions to see who could wash their shirts the least. Restaurants Thomas Fuller
and businesses were encouraging people not to flush after going to the
toilet. Cape Town faced becoming the first major city in the world to run 2) "Water is life. Don't waste it."
out of drinkable water as the city was just 90 days away from turning off
the taps. (Day Zero). It highlights the looming water crisis and calls for 3) "Save water, and it will save
urgent water justice. you."

2) “Water, water, everywhere, 4) "A slogan on Water is a slogan

And all the boards did shrink; on life.
Water, water, everywhere,
5) "Nothing will be left here
Nor any drop to drink.”
without water."
― Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

3) Water best-usage practices:

a) Vidarbha Farmers Livelihood Project: Sustaining farmers’ livelihoods
through integrated watershed management and conservation of
natural resources. The following activities were performed in the
three phases:
i) Cash for work through implementation of soil and water
ii) Support for irrigation, agricultural inputs, and intercultural
iii) Income-generating activities and capacity building of the
iv) Infrastructural support in schools and for educational and
vocational trainings.
v) Distribution of seeds.
vi) Deepening of wells and farm ponds, distribution of horticultural
plants, smokeless stoves, and the
vii) Construction of toilets.
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i) Many farmers are now practising soil and moisture conservation
in the operational villages.
ii) With the rise of rainwater harvesting on farmlands to enhance
the groundwater table, farmers now have access to improved
irrigation facilities.
iii) Women Self-Help Group (SHG) members have been empowered
through sensitization, exposure, and trainings.
iv) Increase in surface water (stream) flow and soil water retention.
v) Improved productivity.
vi) Change in asset base and living conditions.
vii) Change in outflow of produce from watershed villages.
b) Participatory irrigation management in Uttar Pradesh. Water User
Associations (WUAs) actively managing water management
including irrigation of agricultural fields, checking malpractices such
as illegal water-lifting and canal formation etc.
c) Drought proofing in Maharashtra: “Gaalmukt Dharan and Gaalyukt
Shivar” (GDGS) scheme, under which waterbodies were de-silted
using excavating machines. The resultant silt was given to farmers
free of cost.
d) Low cost irrigation model in Andhra Pradesh: A unique sub-surface,
plantroot-zone-measured moisture system called System of Water
for Agriculture Rejuvenation (SWAR) introduced. SWAR shifts
irrigation from the surface to measure the moisture at the plant
root zone. The root zone also serves as an ecosystem to foster
microorganisms, besides rationing plant water requirements
27. Education
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Three Idiots Movie - Two faces of the education system depicted
a) The professor who says, ‘Life is a race… if you don’t run fast… you 1) Education without morals is like
will be like a broken egg…’ This represents the narrow view of life a ship without a compass merely
pursued relative to the person next to you, where education and wandering nowhere- Martin
success are all tools to get ahead in the rat race. Luther King Jr.
b) On the other hand, the Protagonist says ‘Learn to be capable, not to
be successful’ or ‘don’t run after success, chase excellence, success 2) To educate a man in mind and
will follow you in a blink’. He takes a more holistic view of not in morals is to educate a
education, relating it to enriching life skills, experiences, menace to society – Theodore
capabilities, and possibilities. Here, education is more a personal Roosevelt
experience and not an alienated commodity.
3) “Education without values, as
2) Education without morals: One always hopes to go or send one's useful as it is, seems rather to
children to the best of schools, colleges, and all. Why? How is a person make man a more clever
from an elite school and grand university supposed to act? What do you devil.” – C.S. Lewis
imagine a person who attended from famous university, say Oxford, is
4) “Intelligence plus character-that
like? Pictured something grand, didn't you? Well, one person popped
is the goal of true education.” –
this bubble, you will be shocked to learn that - Osama bin Laden, son of
Martin Luther King Jr.
a billionaire is one of such persons. He definitely had high formal

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education, but his lack of moral values (strong gender bias, deep
orthodoxy, etc.) gave birth to Al Qaeda. And further, brought the 5) “Educating the mind without
downfall of a progressive Afghanistan to its misery of genocide, educating the heart is no
chronic starvation, etc. of 21st century. education at all.” – Aristotle

3) Education and technology: Rani, is a class 10 student studying in 6) “Education that does not mould
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in rural part of Jharkhand. She has great the character is absolutely
interest in mathematics and computing. Due to the collaboration of worthless.” – Mahatma Gandhi
her school with information technology companies, she got a mentor
who was a software engineer from the company. The mentor not only 7) “Let us pick up our books and
developed her in developing coding skills but also helped her in our pens. They are our most
mathematics. The engineer also gifted her a tablet through which Rani powerful weapons. One child,
studied online and did some projects too. Later in life, Rani became a one teacher, one book and one
scientist in ISRO. pen can change the world.” –
Malala Yousafzai.
Kavita is a tribal girl from the same village as Rani. She studies in a local
8) “Education must build character,
government school. Due to the pandemic, her school was closed and
enable learners to be ethical,
the education moved online. She had to walk 5 kilometres to go to the
rational, compassionate, and
nearby village in search of mobile network to attend the classes. Due to
caring, while at the same time
her household responsibilities, this became difficult for her and she was
prepare them for gainful,
forced to miss online classes.
fulfilling employment.” – NEP
The above two stories of two girls from the same village highlights the
opportunities and challenges that the edtech sector is presenting to us.
At one hand, it is revolutionising the field of education in an
unprecedented way while on the other hand. It is making education of
privilege accessible to few.

4) Intolerance d u e t o i n a d e q u a t e education: at around 11:30 PM

i n a n otherwise sleepy village near Dadri, Uttar Pradesh, mob of local
villagers had gathered outside Rehman’s house. The family was
almost asleep when the crowd rushed inside the house dragging
Rehman and his son out. Alleging that the family had killed missing
calves and stored them in their refrigerator. The mob not only invaded
into their home but also brutally murdered Rehman. The grim episode
of 2015 still remains fresh in our memories for hundreds of Rehman
continue to fall prey to the deadly virus of intolerance that
inadequate and improper education has created.

5) Rat race: You will be amazed to see how rigorous is the routine of an
IITJEE/NEET aspirant. The students usually would start their day early
(At 6 or 6:30 am) and it goes on till 10 pm at night. Essentially, the child
would be studying for 16 hrs a day, with a few breaks for food and
personal maintenance.
You could probably train Olympic athletes that way.
What the child misses? There is no time for personality development,
sports, or anything else that might nourish the soul. It is just a grind
until the mind goes numb.
And for the students who enjoy this and love science and maths, it is
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probably manageable – though I still feel it should not be this intense.
But many kids are not there because they wanted this grind – they carry
the burden of their parents’ dreams. At that young age, very few kids
can assert and go against their parents’ desires. And for the unwilling
kids, this can be a severe trauma.
Our kids are not racehorses whose job is to win the race for us. They
have their own life. Let us give them a chance to live.
(Story adapted from LinkedIn post of Mr. Rajan Singh)
28. Research/Innovation/ Reflection
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
Henry Ford hired an efficiency expert to go through his plant. He said, "Find 1) "Research is what I'm doing when
the non-productive people. Tell me who they are, and I will fire them!" I don't know what I'm doing."-
Wernher von Braun
The expert made the rounds with his clipboard in hand and finally returned to
2) “No research without action, no
Henry Ford's office with his report. "I've found a problem with one of your
action without research”- Kurt
administrators," he said. "Every time I walked by, he was sitting with his feet
propped up on the desk. The man never does a thing. I definitely think you
should consider getting rid of him!" When Henry Ford learned the name of 3) “If we knew what we were doing,
the man the expert was referring to, Ford shook his head and said, "I can't fire it would not be called research,
him. I pay that man to do nothing but think - and that's what he's doing." would it?” - Albert Einstein
4) “Be so busy improving yourself
that you have no time to criticize
29. Health
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Local solutions to tackle anaemia: Kavita is not keen on take-home ration 1) In health there is freedom.
(THR) because it does not taste good and it is often a hassle to remember Health is the first of all liberties
to mix it with regular food. But Kavita is anaemic and needs extra – Henri Frederic Amiel
nutrients to nourish her already weak body. There are many women like
Kavita in several villages in the Pauri Garhwal region of Uttarakhand who 2) Healthcare is the cornerstone
need supplements for iron deficiency but do not take the necessary steps of the socialist state. It is the
to take of their health. crown jewel of the welfare
state – Monica Crowley
Ready to eat, tasty and iron-rich Jhangora laddoos come the rescue. 3) The goal of real healthcare
Jhangora or barnyard millet, a rich source of iron and other nutrients, reform must be high-quality,
grows abundantly in Uttarakhand. A Swasth Bharath Prerak developed a universal coverage in a cost-
laddoo recipe using jhangora and distributed it at Anganwadi centres effective way – Bernie Sanders
instead of THR. She found that women loved these laddoos and came
back for more. This idea worked well because it tackles diet diversity by 4) If you look at healthcare today,
using local resources optimally and also creates business opportunities it’s all about disease. It’s not
for local women’s self-help groups who are producing these laddoos at about understanding wellness
scale. It addresses the barrier of taste as well as convenience because it’s at all – Leroy Hood
ready to eat, unlike packed THR. It can be had as a snack, a post-meal
dessert or even on the go but most importantly, it nourishes. 5) I believe healthcare is a right,
not a privilege – Raphael
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2) Dana Majhi, a tribal man in Odisha walked nearly 10 kilometers with
his daughter, carrying his wife's body on his shoulder, after he was
denied a mortuary van from a government hospital. The incident took
place in the backward district of Kalahandi when 42- year-old Amang
Deis died of tuberculosis at the district headquarters hospital. Majhi said
that despite several attempts, he failed to get a vehicle from the
hospital. "I told the hospital authorities that I am a poor man and
cannot afford a vehicle. Despite repeated requests, they said they
cannot offer any help."
On the contrary, the urban India is building systems like apps and
devices for getting instance medical care access. This stark reality
between haves and have nots transverse across sectors in India.
3) A one-and-a-half-year-old child in Jayanagar in Bengaluru, stumbled
and fell, smashing his face onto the edge of the bed which slit his lower
lip. When his parents rushed the child (insured) to a reputed hospital,
they were asked to admit the child. A slew of tests, including an MRI scan,
were conducted. The three-day stay at the hospital, including the tests
and suturing, came to a whopping Rs 78,000.
Unheard of in the days when the general practitioner would simply stitch
up the cut and send the kid back home, the parents felt. In another case,
a child damaged her finger when it got jammed in a door. A private
hospital said the surgical procedure would cost Rs 45,000-50,000. “When
I consulted a trusted doctor for my client’s daughter, they said this
surgery was not needed. When we admitted her in Indira Gandhi Institute
of Child Health, the procedure cost just Rs 1,000.

4) Health is wealth: Untimely death of India’s stock market icon Rakesh

Jhunjhunwala remains a shock to many. If there’s one message to take of
out from this episode, that is, money can’t buy your health, you must
earn it. Nobody can go to the gym on your behalf. Nor can anyone eat
healthy or run on your behalf.
30. Poverty
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Story of mother who refused to live in poverty: Poken Bomjen, hailing 1) "Poverty is the worst form of
from Arunachal Pradesh, got married at the age of 15 and, was widowed violence."- M K Gandhi.
at a young age. From a state of hopelessness, she picked herself to be
one of the most influential figures in the region today, by leading 2) "Poverty is the parent of
turmeric cultivation and capacity building through empowering SHGs. revolution and crime."-
Aristotle, Greek philosopher.
2) Rights based approach to poverty – Job entitlement through MNREGA
a) MNREGA, launched in 2006, entitled all rural unskilled labour of 100 3) If you give a man a fish, you feed
days of guaranteed wage employment. him for a day. If you teach a man
b) According to study by the National Council of Applied Economic to fish, you feed him for a
Research (NCAER), the scheme reduced poverty by up to a third lifetime.
(32%) and gave a large number of women their first opportunity to
earn cash income. 4) Poor's basic mobility is from
village to urban slums.
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c) The programme prevented 14 million people from falling into
poverty. 5) Amartya Sen on Poverty: People
often die of hunger not because
there is a shortage of food but
because there is a shortage of
31. Urbanization
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
Urban planning best practices: 1) The modern city is probably the
1) Contrasting reality of India’s urban planning: Unplanned cities like most unlovely and artificial site
Gurugram growing beyond capacity adding to pollution and traffic this planet affords. The ultimate
hazards while the planned city of Lasava in Maharashtra failed to take solution is to abandon it. We
off and remains devoid of urban life. shall solve the City Problem by
leaving the city. - Henry Ford
Waste management best practices:
1) Alappuzha embarked on a project called Clean Home Clean City that 2) There was no doubt about it: the
focussed on source segregation as the first and foremost step towards City was the culmination of
effective waste management. This decreased the operational cost of man’s mastery over the
dealing with waste as well as created a source of revenue. environment. Not space travel,
not the fifty colonized worlds
2) Surat’s multipronged approach to solid waste management: Surat that were now so haughtily
doubled in size between 1981 and 1991, and faced a massive challenge independent, but the City. -
to manage their solid waste to keep pace with the increased population. Isaac Asimov, The Caves of Stee
It adopted a multipronged approach of achieving 100 per cent source
segregation, investment for construction, operation and maintenance, 3) Growth is inevitable and
channelization of recyclables and refuse-derived fuels to achieve a high desirable, but the destruction of
material processing efficiency. community character is not. The
question is not whether your
3) Paradeep’s social innovation in waste management: Adopted a part of the world is going to
decentralised and community-driven model with micro-composing change. The question is how. -
centres and material recovery facilities. Edward T. McMahon

32. Judiciary
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) The unparalleled legacy of Justice PN Bhagwati: 1) “When the judiciary is the
“Justice for all” also includes the equality of opportunity to approach midwife of tyranny, the law
the courts. In a society like ours, which is riddled with social, political, becomes the most lethal
and economic inequities perpetuated by poverty and casteism, drawing weapon of a fascist state.” ―
the courts' attention to these issues was a difficult task. Suchitra Vijayan

Justice Bhagwati was the messiah of civil liberties in the Indian context. 2) All the rights secured to the
He came up with the concept of Public Interest Litigation (PIL), which citizens under the Constitution
enabled non-affected parties to come to the court on behalf of the are worth nothing, and a mere
down-trodden. bubble, except guaranteed to
them by an independent and
SP Gupta v. Union of India judgment: The court has to innovate new virtuous Judiciary- Andrew
methods and strategies to provide access to justice to large masses of Jackson

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people who are denied basic human rights, to whom freedom and
liberty have no meaning. 3) The judiciary must not take on
the coloration of whatever may
2) Judicial Activism: be popular at the moment. We
Sexual offence in the workplace is a serious assault on the dignity of the are guardian of rights, and we
women. It has not only destroyed the reputation of many public figures have to tell people things they
but also has made workplace unsafe for the women. In the Vishaka often do not like to hear-Rose
Case, the supreme court laid down guidelines for sexual harassment of Bird.
women at workplace. It is popularly known as “Vishakha Guideline”
(1997). 4) The Constitution is a mere thing
of wax in the hands of the
After many years, government passed the Sexual Harassment at judiciary, which they may twist
Workplace (Prevention, prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 which and shape into any form they
seeks to guard women from harassment at their place of work in an please. - Thomas Jefferson
exceedingly abundant wider sense.

Judiciary thus proactively filled the safety vacuum much before

people`s representatives took due legislative action.
33. Administration/Good Governance
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Armstrong Pame, the 'Miracle Man' of Manipur: Armstrong Pame is the 1) “Good governance is the
first IAS officer from the Naga people's Zeme Tribe. The 2009-batch foundation to achieve
officer is called the "Miracle Man" for building the 100km "People's sustainable development” –
Road" connecting Manipur to Nagaland and Assam in 2012 without United Nations
government help. He raised Rs. 40 lakh through a Facebook page for
building the road. He won several awards, including "India's Most 2) “Good governance is the art of
Eminent IAS Officer Award" in 2015. putting wise thought into
prudent action in a way that
2) Santosh Kumar Mishra - IPS officer educates poor children for free:
advances the well-being of those
Santosh Kumar Mishra is a 2012-batch IPS officer hailing from Patna and
governed” – Diane Kalen Sukra
posted in Uttar Pradesh's Ambedkar Nagar district. Apart from fulfilling
his primary duty of maintaining law and order, he also educates 3) “The worst disease in the world is
underprivileged children to improve the state of education, realizing its corruption. And there is cure
importance for the country's future. During his time off duty, he teaches also, Transparency.”
children and has also provided school bags to them.
3) Sanjukta Parashar, the 'Iron Lady of Assam': Sanjukta Parashar is a
2006-batch IPS officer of Assam cadre. She's known as the "Iron Lady of
Assam". Parashar, a hardcore professional, killed 16 Bodo militants and
arrested more than 64 of them while serving in Assam. She supervised
the 2017 Bhopal-Ujjan train blast case. She's also the leading probe
officer in the Sunjuwan terror cases and also investigated the Kashmir
terror funding case.
4) Gandhian Talisman for Governance - Whenever you are in doubt, or
when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test.
Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom
you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is
going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it?

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Will it restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny?
In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and
spiritually starving millions?
34. International Issues & Globalisation
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Four decades back, the burning issue in front of the world was the
widening of the Ozone hole over the Antarctica. Scientists claimed it to 1) Tact and diplomacy are fine in
have long term consequences on the human life. However, the world international relations, in politics,
proved it wrong through a successful implementation Of Montreal perhaps even in business; in
protocol – the most successful evidence of International Corporation. science only one thing matters,
And thus, recent studies indicate the ozone hole to fully heal sometime and that is the facts.
between 2040 and 2070.
2) Globalisation: 2) The ballot is stronger than the
a) Positive Impact: bullet – Abraham Lincoln
Susmita was newly married during 1980s. She is an artist who could
do handicraft on cloths. Though she was very talented and skilful 3) You can choose your friends but
and could make more than 30 handicrafts in a year but due to lack you can’t choose your
of demand, she could hardly sell 3-4 of her handicraft’s shawls in a neighbours. - Atal Bihari
year. She was not even getting the optimum price for that. Many a Vajpayee
times she had to settle for a loss. But these situations changed after
globalisation. After globalisation, she got the market access. Now
she could even export the shawl. Now, Susmita is owning a small
factory, where more than 50 skilful females are working. Recently,
Susmita has exported her shawls in European countries like France,
Germany and England. Her small venture is making lots of profit
every year. She has fulfilled all her dreams through this. This is the
advantage of globalisation has in our society and country. It has
empowered people even at grassroot level.

b) Negative Impact:
Shyam Prasad is living in a small village in Uttar Pradesh. When he
was a child, his family was joint. His grandmother, grandfather,
uncles, aunties, cousins all used to live in same house. There were
lots of respect and love for each other. Everyone listened to what
his grandfather used to say. But after globalisation, the only son of
Shyam Prasad has shifted to USA as he is working in a software
company there. Now, the Shyam Prasad is living alone with her wife
in his house. There is no one to take care of her. Family has been
separated. His brothers have separate families now. This changing
family system from the joint family to nuclear family is due to
globalisation. It has put old aged person in our society in distress
situation. Globalization is a double edged sword.

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35. Technology
Anecdotes/Poems Quotes
1) Stephen Hawking warning on AI:
“Computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence, and exceed it,” 1) “Technology is a useful servant
Stephen Hawking said. “Success in creating effective AI, could be the but a dangerous master.”
biggest event in the history of our civilization. Or the worst. We just
don’t know. So we cannot know if we will be infinitely helped by AI, or 2) Science without humanity is a
ignored by it and side-lined, or conceivably destroyed by it.” “AI could be sin- Gandhi ji
the worst event in the history of our civilization,”
3) “It is only when they go wrong
1999-odisha- paradip cyclone 15000 that machines remind you how
2) The 1999 cyclone killed more than 10,000 people in Odisha;
Later casualaties
invested in weather forecast data and disaster response measures. powerful they are.”
another cyclone hit incasualties
2013, nearly 1 million people were
4) “If future generations are to
evacuated to cyclone shelters, safe houses, and inland locations, and
remember us more with
only 38 people died during and immediately after the storm.
gratitude than sorrow, we must
achieve more than just the
3) Use of Drone: When a glacial breach took place in the Chamoli district in
miracles of technology. We must
Uttarakhand in February 2021, the AGNIi team used drone technology
also leave them a glimpse of the
for the rescue operations. The drones were used for searching such
world as it was created, not just
places for human causalities where normal person could not reach.
as it looked when we got through
Drones were also used to distribute food packets in the flooded zone.
with it.
Along with this, the drones provided surveillance footage of the
adjoining areas.
This shows how technology can be used for disaster management.

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