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Brown Bible Merit

1 Timothy
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© 2010 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802.
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Version 07/2010
This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.
©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Doctrine Testify! 1 Timothy 1:12–17

1 Timothy




· Notes ·
WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT: •• Refer to the Royal
Jesus came into the world to help people. Part of His Rangers Leader Manual
purpose was to help them physically, but ultimately (2010 Edition), chapter
His goal was to help them spiritually. 7, Meetings, for more
information on teaching
Bible merits.
•• Do you know that God can and will forgive you?
•• Do you know that your past can be used for His
glory no matter how dark it is?
•• When was the last time that you shared how God
has changed your life?


•• paper (one sheet per boy)

•• pens (one per boy)

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Doctrine Testify! 1 Timothy 1:12–17

1 Timothy



READ salvation. What an amazing experience it is to

feel both forgiveness and acceptance!
I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has
given me strength, that he considered Try to remember the last time you were either
me faithful, appointing me to his ser- lost or in trouble. Did you know who was going
vice. Even though I was once a blas- to help you, or how you were going to get out of
phemer and a persecutor and a violent that situation? Were you afraid? If people were
man, I was shown mercy because I close by, you probably called on them. The
acted in ignorance and unbelief. The moment help got there and you knew you were
grace of our Lord was poured out on safe, you could breathe normally again and your
me abundantly, along with the faith heart could stop pounding through your chest.
and love that are in Christ Jesus. It’s a great feeling to be rescued! Our testimony
of how Jesus rescued us is just as exciting. We’ve
been rescued from death and given eternal life.
Here is a trustworthy saying that
deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus In the passage above, Paul is testifying about
came into the world to save sinners—of being rescued from a situation that seemed
whom I am the worst. But for that very hopeless. Jesus came into this world not only to
reason I was shown mercy so that in help Paul, but every one of us for this reason—
me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus there is no way out on our own. The good news
might display his unlimited patience as is that Jesus is ready to rescue you when you call
an example for those who would believe on Him. It is a great feeling knowing that your
on him and receive eternal life. Now to parents, family, and friends will help you if they
the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the can whenever you need them. But Jesus will be
only God, be honor and glory forever there no matter what the situation is, no matter
and ever. Amen. 1 Timothy 1:12–17 what the time or day it is. And He is the only one
who can save you from your sins.
Testifying for a Christian is sharing your story
about how Jesus changed and impacted your life. P R AY E R : Jesus, You came into this world to
help us and to save us. You can forgive our past,
One thing that is great about testimonies is no matter what we have done. As a man, I will
that every Christian believer, to some extent, make a daily effort to show my thankfulness for
has had a similar experience. Each of us has a what You’ve done for me, and to share with others
story of how Jesus has given us forgiveness and how You’ve forgiven and saved me. Thank You!

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
God has called all Christians to share the tes-
REFLECT timony of their forgiveness. People will need
your help every day, and your testimony could
Take a piece a paper and on the left side, write be the one thing that they need to hear for
down five things that you have done wrong. strength. Also, never forget that Jesus is always
Then, on the right side of the paper write down there for you when you need Him.
five things that God has done for you. Don’t
write your name on the paper.

After everyone in the group is done writing, fold
the pieces of paper in half vertically, and pass
Over the course of the next week, look for
them to the leader.Your leader will then tear the
opportunities to share your testimony of how
sheets in half, and put the right halves of paper
Jesus has changed your life. A testimony isn’t
in a pile. Your leader will then mix them up and
just for sharing in church, so look for opportu-
pass them back out to everyone in the group.
nities to share it with your friends, classmates,
Feel free to read the testimonies written on that
teachers, or family members. As you spend
piece of paper. While you are reading, your
time in prayer each day, ask Jesus to show you
leader will tear up the left halves of each sheet
who you can share your story with. Ask Him to
into tiny pieces.
help you to recognize the opportunities that He
gives you to share His forgiveness.
This is just a small picture of what Jesus does for
us—He forgives and forgets the things we’ve
done wrong like your leader is tearing up the of
the left sides of the paper. Yet, Jesus also gives
us a testimony to share, like passing along the
right hand side of the sheet. This is what Jesus
has done for you, and will continue to do when
you call on Him to forgive you.

Because Jesus has forgiven you, you should also

forgive others. Think about who you need to for-
give as you see the leader destroy the part of
the paper listing things you’ve done wrong.

7 - D AY Sunday ·
BIBLE Monday · The Fire Bible: Student Edition provides
READING Tuesday · a reading plan that follows a two-year
PLAN Wednesday ·
design for reading the entire Bible.
Follow that reading plan in order to
Thursday · earn the green Bible Reading merit.

Friday ·
Saturday ·

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Sexuality Role Models of Purity 1 Timothy 1:9–11

1 Timothy




· Notes ·
WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT: •• We strongly
God’s laws are a way to help us refrain from sinning. recommend that this
By practicing those laws, we can be a godly role lesson be taught by an
model for how others should live. adult leader, not a junior
•• Why do we need the law if we have the grace?
•• How can I stay pure?
•• How can I live in a way consistent with the gospel?


•• paper (one sheet per boy)

•• pens (one per boy)

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Sexuality Role Models of Purity 1 Timothy 1:9–11

1 Timothy



READ Paul described to Timothy in the passage above.

Some of the best athletes in the history of the
We also know that law is made not for the sports have been very poor role models for how
righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, to behave in relation to the opposite sex.
the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and
irreligious; for those who kill their fathers Some people try to excuse their behavior by say-
or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers ing things like, “I’m not a bad person because
and perverts, for slave traders and liars I don’t kill people,” or “I’m not bad because I
and perjurers—and for whatever else would never hurt a child.” Read the passage
is contrary to the sound doctrine that again and notice that liars and people who sin
conforms to the glorious gospel of the sexually are included in the same sentence.
blessed God, which he entrusted to me.
1 Timothy 1:9–11 Have you ever told someone something that
wasn’t entirely true? Have you ever had an
Media often portrays men like animals that act impure thought? Impure thoughts often lead to
on their impulses. Some TV shows are written impure actions. Jesus even taught that when we
around the idea of men pursuing women for focus on impure thoughts we’ve done wrong in
no other reason than the goal of sexual affairs. our heart. The point Jesus was making was not
Even ads, commercials, and billboards dem- one of condemnation, but to help us overcome
onstrate an inappropriate view of this type of sexual sin by staying far away from it.
sexual behavior. But these kinds of actions are
contrary to the laws of God; He calls Christian Another huge obstacle to overcome on the road
men to be role models for purity. to sexual purity and avoiding the behavior Paul
describes in this passage is peer pressure. Young
What changes do you think would occur if TV men often brag about how cool it is that they did
consistently showed videos of Jesus’ life of sex- inappropriate things with a young woman. Some
ual purity rather than the bad examples they do young men even lie about things they haven’t
now? How do you think people would respond? done with girls as an attempt to fit in. You don’t
How would you respond to it? Would His exam- have to act like everyone else; you can be part
ple encourage you? of a generation who changes these wrong sexual
behaviors.You can be like Tim Tebow—an athlete
Rather than being confronted with the truth of who is not only is known for being incredible at
Jesus’ perfect example, we watch TV and see ath- his sport, but also for standing up for doing what
letes and other supposed role models displaying is right.
immoral behavior. It’s behavior much like what
This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
We have an even better example of purity in the Keep your list with you as a reminder of the
life of Jesus. You should work hard to be the best commitment to purity that you’ve made. If you
at whatever you choose to do with your life. But, read or reflect on them frequently, it will help
it is equally important to work hard to do your you in times of temptation or struggle.
best at being pure, holy, and blameless before
God. You are never alone on your road to purity; Jesus
has set an example for you and will help you
You have the opportunity to be a role model for follow it. Also, remember that you are part of a
other young men. Rather than being another group of young men who are committed to the
poor example in the world, you can be differ- same goal of being a great role model just like
ent and live as an example of purity with God’s you. They are there to support and encourage
help. you along on your journey to purity.

P R AY E R : Heavenly Father, I know I’m not

perfect, but I want to be pure and holy for You RESPOND
and for the people I influence. I want others to
see Your glory in my life. I am so thankful for Learn and say 1 Timothy 1:9–11 to your group
Your Son Jesus and His example. From this day leader or junior group leader.
forward, I want to commit to being more and
more like Jesus. In His name I pray, Amen.

As a group, share at least one way that you can
be a positive role model. After each person has
taken his turn, then talk about how each of you
can help one another to fulfill that role.

Think of laws or principles that will help every-

one stay committed to the group goal of living
a pure life as a role model. Once you’ve agreed
on a few laws that will be beneficial to every-
one, take a few moments to write them down.

7 - D AY Sunday ·
BIBLE Monday · The Fire Bible: Student Edition provides
READING Tuesday · a reading plan that follows a two-year
PLAN Wednesday ·
design for reading the entire Bible.
Follow that reading plan in order to
Thursday · earn the green Bible Reading merit.

Friday ·
Saturday ·

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Godly Manhood A High Standard 1 Timothy 2:8

1 Timothy




· Notes ·
God calls men to a high standard. He requires these
things so that men can be prepared to live the way
that God desires and to be an example for others.


•• What are some standards that God requires of men?
•• Do you pray regularly?
•• How can living to a high standard be beneficial to



This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Godly Manhood A High Standard 1 Timothy 2:8

1 Timothy



READ temptation, getting into trouble, or just needs

someone to listen, then it would make sense
I want men everywhere to lift up holy to go to a person who is living a godly life
hands in prayer, without anger or dis- because he is prepared to help others. Who is
puting. 1 Timothy 2:8 better to ask to pray for you than someone you
know prays? Or who is better for help settling
How would you feel if your entire life were a dispute than someone who has control of his
recorded to video and played so that anyone in anger? God has called us to live with high stan-
the world could see all your actions? Most of us dards for our actions by helping others to live
wouldn’t want that because we mess up some- that way as well.
times. Maybe people would laugh at us dur-
ing our clumsy moments. Maybe you would be Remember Batman? He didn’t have super pow-
embarrassed for people to see you being mean ers, so he had to work very hard to be prepared
to a friend after becoming angry. You would to fight the villains he encountered. Part of
probably worry a lot about what others thought Batman’s preparation was being physically fit.
about your actions and attitudes. Another part of his preparation was having the
right gadgets and tools to make sure he always
But, why worry if you are doing the right things? came out on top. Ultimately, his success was tied
If your life is full of praise to God with no anger to his preparation.
or fighting, you would have much less to worry
about! Sure, you will probably still make mis- It would be good to follow the same model
takes, but if you intentionally try to follow what by making yourself prepared. Of course, we
Paul taught Timothy, you would have much less are warriors for God and not superheroes for
to worry about. Ultimately, Paul was explaining Gotham City. The verse you read from Timothy
that Christian men should live according to a is all about making yourself prepared to be the
high standard. man God wants you to be. Things like learning
self-discipline and spending time in worship
By living to a high standard of conduct, others make us prepared to face challenges.
will notice your actions. People will want to
hang out with you because they know you will Prayer is also a very important part of being
treat them right and would help them when they prepared. It is an exercise that will help mold
need it. and shape us into men of God. When you pray,
God can put the desires He has for you in your
If someone is having trouble resisting heart. But if you stop praying, you close that line

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
of communication. Whether through prayer, because your mind is on the funny stories.
worship, or self-control, you should be ready Likewise if you were in Group B initially, then
to exercise and use every tool God has given it can be difficult to go to Group A and say or
you to be prepared to be the godly example He think about jokes.
wants you to be.
It’s not that having fun or telling jokes is bad.
P R AY E R : God, I want to be the man You This activity illustrates the importance of start-
want me to be. I’m committing to pray to You ing off our day with the Lord. This is one reason
each day so that I can clearly hear Your voice. I it can be beneficial to start the day by praying
also want to prepare myself to be Your witness and then praying throughout the day. Prayer
by behaving the way You instruct me to in Your will help us to keep our priority and focus on
Word. I know that as I draw close to You, You will being the man God wants us to be. Prayer helps
draw close to me and lead me and guide me in us to align our heart and purposes with God’s
Your ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen. heart and plan for our life.

Form two groups of equal size. Have Group A One of the best ways to remind you to pray is to
talk about funny things and share the most com- write it down. Write the prayer that Jesus mod-
ical stories they can come up with. Keep down eled in Matthew 7:9–13 on a piece of paper, put
the noise level so you don’t disturb the other it on your bathroom mirror, and read it while
group. Group B can only talk about what God you are brushing your teeth each morning.
has done for them, or how we can help share After you’re done brushing your teeth, take at
God’s love with more people. After each group least a few moments to pray, asking God to help
has dialogued for a few minutes, bring both you be prepared to do the work He has for you.
groups back together, mix some of Group A in
with Group B, and repeat the activity.

You will notice that whichever group a boy

starts in sets the tone for that person. If you sit
around and tell jokes, then the rest of the day
is all fun and games. It is tough to go to Group
B and hear everyone talk about serious things

7 - D AY Sunday ·
BIBLE Monday · The Fire Bible: Student Edition provides
READING Tuesday · a reading plan that follows a two-year
PLAN Wednesday ·
design for reading the entire Bible.
Follow that reading plan in order to
Thursday · earn the green Bible Reading merit.

Friday ·
Saturday ·

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Biblical Worldview The Truth through Love 1 Timothy 1:3–7

1 Timothy




· Notes ·
God calls us to listen and obey the truth. Also, we are
called to correct Christians who choose to ignore the


•• Who can be trusted to tell the truth?
•• How should Christians respond to the truth?
•• What part does love play in communicating the


•• popped popcorn

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Biblical Worldview The Truth through Love 1 Timothy 1:3–7

1 Timothy



READ teaching—love. Paul made it clear that what he

was telling Timothy could be trusted because
As I urged you when I went into he was giving that instruction out of love. In the
Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so same way, those that act in godly love should be
that you may command certain men able to be trusted more. Those who act in love
not to teach false doctrines any longer are most concerned with giving godly guid-
nor to devote themselves to myths and ance and are looking out for your best interest.
endless genealogies. These promote Their godly love makes them concerned for the
controversies rather than God’s work— best interests of others. When you share God’s
which is by faith. The goal of this com- Word and truth with others, do you think that
mand is love, which comes from a pure your love affects how they receive it? Can oth-
heart and a good conscience and a sin- ers trust what you have to say based on your
cere faith. Some have wandered away love for them?
from these and turned to meaningless
talk. They want to be teachers of the Once we have learned God’s truth, it becomes
law, but they do not know what they our responsibility to share that with others in
are talking about or what they so confi- love. Sometimes that can lead to correcting
dently affirm. 1 Timothy 1:3–7 other Christians that are confused about the
truth. How do we do this? If we read the Bible,
All Christians have days that they learn some- ask the Holy Spirit to help us, and learn from
thing new that challenges the way they think. our parents or other godly role models, then we
Things can become very confusing though, can be prepared to help correct those who are
when that information seems contradictory to doing wrong and misleading others.
something that you thought to be true. Could
you imagine how confused people were when As Christian young men, you should stand up for
someone theorized that the earth was round? what is right and talk to your friends about the
While some accepted that idea, most were right way to live. You should help advance God’s
skeptics. Sometimes it’s just not easy to figure kingdom and show others that God is love! As
out what information is true and what informa- a young man, you are called to do all things out
tion is false. of love, whether sharing the truth or correct-
ing someone. The same goes for your leaders,
The Bible verses you just read suggest an friends, and family as well—when you do some-
important factor in determining whether thing wrong, they are supposed to act out of love
or not something you’re told is true or false and correct you. If you learn to listen to truth and

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
communicate it with love, the goal of sharing When one person helps another person, they
God’s love with others will be successful. are both able to do better. Jesus came into the
world and showed us how to live! Similarly, you
P R AY E R : God, help me to act out of love should act in love so that others can see your
every day. If I am doing wrong, help me to be good example and follow you as you follow
receptive to other Christians who correct me. Jesus.
Also, if a brother or sister in Christ needs cor-
rection, please help me to do it in love and with
wisdom. Please give me the discernment to RESPOND
know when to speak, and when to wait on You.
In Jesus’ name. Amen. In addition to the Scripture you read earlier,
think about the following quotes that relate to
friendship and doing good. How do they apply
REFLECT to this lesson?

Choose a partner and spread out evenly across “Do good to your friends to keep them, to your
the room. Each Ranger should be about 10 feet enemies to win them.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
away from his partner. One person will try to
throw popcorn into his partner’s mouth. The “I destroy my enemies when I make them my
goal is to try and get as many pieces of popcorn friends.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
you can get into your partner’s mouth.
What characterizes true friendship?
The person catching the popcorn can’t move
from a standing position. After ninety sec-
onds, switch jobs and have the person catch-
ing the popcorn now throw the popcorn. After
the switch, the partner catching can move any
way possible to catch the popcorn. Encourage
your partner during the second half of the activ-
ity. After another ninety seconds pass, stop the
game and talk as a group about how each of you
did. How do you think you could have improved
as a team?

7 - D AY Sunday ·
BIBLE Monday · The Fire Bible: Student Edition provides
READING Tuesday · a reading plan that follows a two-year
PLAN Wednesday ·
design for reading the entire Bible.
Follow that reading plan in order to
Thursday · earn the green Bible Reading merit.

Friday ·
Saturday ·

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Cultural Issue Learning to Lead 1 Timothy 3:1–12

1 Timothy




· Notes ·
In order to be a leader in the church, a person must
live in a way that honors God.


•• Do you desire to serve?
•• How can you help and minister to the church body?
•• How can you be a more effective leader?


•• pieces of rope or string (one per boy)

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
Cultural Issue Learning to Lead 1 Timothy 3:1–12

1 Timothy



READ women worthy of respect, not mali-

cious talkers but temperate and trust-
Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone worthy in everything.
sets his heart on being an overseer, he
desires a noble task. Now the overseer A deacon must be the husband of but
must be above reproach, the hus- one wife and must manage his chil-
band of but one wife, temperate, self- dren and his household well. Those
controlled, respectable, hospitable, who have served well gain an excellent
able to teach, not given to drunken- standing and great assurance in their
ness, not violent but gentle, not quar- faith in Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 3:1–12
relsome, not a lover of money. He
must manage his own family well and People always expect a lot out of a leader. They
see that his children obey him with want to know how the leader lives in order to
proper respect. (If anyone does not know that the leader can be trusted, is experi-
know how to manage his own fam- enced, and is prepared for the position. Leaders
ily, how can he take care of God’s are often someone who knows what they‘re
church?) He must not be a recent doing because they’ve done it right many times
convert, or he may become conceited before.
and fall under the same judgment as
the devil. He must also have a good How many times do you think Peyton Manning
reputation with outsiders, so that he has thrown the football? He practiced throw-
will not fall into disgrace and into the ing warm-up passes even minutes before the
devil’s trap. 2010 Super Bowl game because he wanted
to be prepared. He had been the Super Bowl
Deacons, likewise, are to be men wor- MVP three years before, but he knew that to
thy of respect, sincere, not indulging lead his team to another championship he
in much wine, and not pursuing dis- had to be ready.
honest gain. They must keep hold of
the deep truths of the faith with a clear In the church, there are some very specific
conscience. They must first be tested; requirements for specific leadership positions.
and then if there is nothing against Paul described for Timothy, in the lengthy pas-
them, let them serve as deacons. sage you just read, some of the qualifications
for those positions. You may be thinking, I don’t
In the same way, their wives are to be even know if I’ll ever be in any of those positions.

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.
But, there is a principle to be found in these P R AY E R : Heavenly Father, today I want to
requirements. God has high expectations for be the man You want me to be. I want to be a
those He allows to be leaders. man that lives a godly life so that I can help lead
Your people in the right direction. When I’m
As a young man, you have many opportunities doing things that aren’t pleasing to You, please
to lead. You can be a leader to your younger convict and give me the strength to change. In
brothers or sisters at home, you can be a leader Jesus’ name. Amen.
at school, and you can even be a leader at
church. The key to being a good leader is to be
prepared and qualified by living right before
God. If you step into a leadership role, others
will watch you to make sure you’re worth follow-
Take a piece of rope or string. First, you are
ing. It’s your responsibility to do your best to do
going to see who is the fastest at making a slip
what is right when they are, and even when no
knot. (Feel free to ask your leader to teach you
one is, watching.
if you don’t know how.) Whoever is the fastest
at making the slip knot is then going to teach
Jesus led by example. He showed people how
everyone else how he ties the slip knot so
to live by living a righteous life openly before
quickly. After the winner shows everyone how
those around Him. By examining Jesus’ life, we
to tie the knot, then the whole group will try to
can find a model for relationships with those
tie the slip knot again and see if anyone can
we could potentially lead. In addition to the
beat the first winner’s time.
example of Jesus, the prompting of the Holy
Spirit can help guide you to live in a godly way
A good leader should help others to be just as
that will enable you to be an effective leader
good as he is or even better no matter the activ-
for others.
ity. Jesus didn’t just show people how to live and
expect that they couldn’t do it. He called His
Sometimes, leaders can get big heads and
followers to follow Him wholeheartedly, believ-
become overly confident in their own abilities.
ing that they could do it. A good leader will do
Do you ever read in the Bible about Jesus acting
more than simply give orders; he will also be a
as though He was a hot shot? Do you ever read
teacher and helper to those he is leading.
about Jesus having a huge ego? No. His exam-
ple shows you that a good leader doesn’t act
that way. In the Bible, you will notice that godly
leaders try to avoid pride and arrogance. A
godly leader should try to be sincere and hum-
ble, like Paul described in these verses. Even
if you never are in a leadership position, you
still have the opportunity to lead to others to
live godly lives. By trusting God and following
Jesus’ example, you can be exactly the leader
God desires you to be.

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.

Look for opportunities to lead this week. Even

if you feel like there’s no one following you
at the moment, this practice can help you to
be an effective a leader whenever the right
opportunity to lead happens. Think about the
godly leaders in your life. What characteris-
tics do they have that you respect? Which of
those characteristics could you incorporate
into your life?

7 - D AY Sunday ·
BIBLE Monday · The Fire Bible: Student Edition provides
READING Tuesday · a reading plan that follows a two-year
PLAN Wednesday ·
design for reading the entire Bible.
Follow that reading plan in order to
Thursday · earn the green Bible Reading merit.

Friday ·
Saturday ·

This license grants permission to Tomas Barraza to use and reproduce this sheet from Dec 15, 2022 to Dec 30, 2023 for use in a local outpost/group or self-study. Any
unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the agreement and may result in the revocation of TRaCclub membership.

©2010 by Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved worldwide.

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