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B20 “aE SA 01210] B01 FSR)] UO! ASSP gels EHC. ‘ @ FA APPAS BRUCE Dela MRSC > © SAE LAS SEUC Ta SS SF SUCh ° O SABA ABS] 4S ASU. Tel Ss euch 2 © AAS Bg SOIC, Tei YeHES cigs SopsLIcy. > AFL BS VS ABS AHS BAALQ, Introduce your friend or family using ‘2 Al API] OFS S702. A\7t SOLD SSH. 0/3 We|7} Boje. A\7t AQ/ Aole/ BSo|o2Q £0| AL/ Ao sts gole oie} Zoig/ woke SSsh2/ sulsi2 WO! ofwie/ aryzt012 39em7(0) 1119 Of 2M2 SLIP S12) MW AALS In what order do you do the following? Number them in order. “TE SASAL OFZ Of OG VO|LY SAO] ALLE SMO|| CHa} WO] IS SS a ASIC, ‘The clausal connector ‘-11" is attached to the verb stem and can be used to indicate a sequence of action ‘meaning ‘and then’. Thatis, the action/event in the first clause occurs before the action/event in the second clause. + ASS YT BSS woj2, + YS Melo Basp2. VE SASAO| ALM] HHO] BA] LOO] AAAI} Seywo| F047} SQSHch, Masta} SAS Bet HHH EPS ee ICH. Tense markers such as ‘-2t/21~" cannot be attached to this function of ‘=i’. The subject ofthe first clause and the subject of the second clause are identical. + MSS Wa SSUHL, (CO) ASS WRT YBNI. (x) + 82 US Fn (Be) giA8 2. (2 AAS ol HS Hoi2. G We F SNH) USO] HSS Sets Leb Uf AP BSPUE SICH, (~ Sei 39) “-il'is also used to connect two sentences/clauses with the meaning of ‘and’, see Grammar 39) 43602 (2) 1 129 130 B81 EGE 28s Ff Szloz adsto sSHIAIe. Make a sentence by connecting two sentences. O #2 WSUC 2a Be ASUCt > @ AAS oHI2. TAT Fe CHa. > © OA 12S WSU. ATS osc. > © USO] SYS 702. Beja AAS 712, > GED wile We Set nists esraig, Choose the appropriate verb and complete the dialogues. ct SIC} ect wstotct slaorct ° XN ELA Ml, O12] 4 OLR? Ur ATS de SS SD AVS Hoe, © 7k MA, RE ALP NOH] IAL? Ue a ed __ oH, 7k 24, BB LPIA. UF Uf, QPSLICH © 7k MAP AML a 042 Ur Sat Stet GOIES SF 710112. © 7E QzBtO HA BBL? UU), 823 BARA. GED 219) SF QUIC. Tele 7 YIZIO| AaA2, This is Khan's day. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks, ARAB ttt S38 Sct S218 stct AES Belstct AE OFS 7AIOH BOSC. ( ) OFFS ASSUCH Alo SAO SAS ASU SHEA ( ) ADB OMASUC}. QS0}= ( ) S22 MSU. THO ( ) Boll S0reuUct. , 43002 (2) 1131 71 ee 1 OP) BN Hes OAY POS SLI}? OOF7[3H HFAA|S, what programs are on TV?Talk about it 9:00pm 10:00 pr 11:00 pm 9:00 10:00 10:50 11:00 KHU A Eeof AEE FA eae ‘NEVO ‘THATS AIZHS LHEHAS SAP SlOH BO} OF QIOILF AFZIO| 712A LYEHLICH, zh OA “EPO ‘THAD 3 SILISE MBH APBSE 4 Ch BEY OF LHEHL}OA OFEH QIO|LF AHZIO| HOWLHE AIZHO] ALN O|O|SEa “MHRT'SH EFL O1 GIOIL} AFZHO| QIOILHE AIZES| BS qaqa, Attached to nouns indicating time, “S+E{’ and ‘7X|" mean ‘from and ‘to’. The two don't have to co-occur ‘together. One of them alone can beused. *#E{' indicates the starting point of the time period, whereas ‘It AY’ indicates the ending point ofthe time. + OFS DAIHE] OF 1A] S101 +210 SSCL + 1249) SAAIZHRIUC, + SAI APPA OMI. g BAS NSa SS Yeh MS CO ES ASSL (~ BE 53) To indicate the starting and ending points of te location, ‘OJ’ and HRP are used. (= see Grammar 53) a2 ee1 GED FES SAIS, complete the sentences. ou1sd R200 BA CHOI, ashy ALS ste. _ BAAIZOIOLR. BFE HBS 712. *AR: holidays © 7E BAPE] SAA] B01 E10] NHL? ue O 7E HABE B AITIA| BSAIZHOlO 2? up © 7k OF SB AIHEY SH AIA] SAIS MOQ? O 7b Yet0] Silo? ub: 4 26mme\ EAI | 83 B41 ee) CHEHS SHISLALAI®. complete the dialogues. © 7: 1xIEEt BISIOH| A890? uF © 7 2 SPOS Bt ALAE AIA? ub © 7 HAMA] SiO} 2127 (pie 3 1629 |" Ko) OfS7] O10}7/SILITI? TAS WT We 2S TEMAS, What is the appropriate expression? Look at the picture and choose the correct one. SAE QO SEB a2, OR] OLBIO SEB (HOIQ/ 82), ABE BES (MOB/ sh2), UN ORIOLE SES HOIG/ BH2/ 4012), (Qe A200) “(Q)2 AVE SASA 012401] Of O}2H2] SOL} APS'S LHEHACY, (2) 7104.2" isa sentence ending expressing the probable future, When itis attached to an action verb, itindicates a future event or plan. + SUA ES AS 02, + 7h Ole 2eat0H| 2 St 74042? Ub eget 710112. HAO] Us SASAOME -S ACQ’7t Bal BAO SE SASAS = 74012" 7+ BEI After a consonant ending verb stem, “- 74012" is used. After a vowel-ending verb stem, “2 Oi, is attached. + ACh + S AOIQ — 4S 702 + 7h + 2 AGIA — BAA ° “(Qhe AE sHt2| FHS Eb WH APSAPIE SICh, (~ Se 40) ‘-(Q}2 HOLS’ is also used to express probability or the speaker's conjecture. (e" see Grammar 40) 4 eaAM(S)= HD) 197 GERD 22S HSYALS. complete the table below. 4g Hola +2! BY SAE = AOL'S BEI, When the verb stem ends in “=, “= ALA’ is used, AIFLQ} SHA] O|OF7 [SH ALAL@., Make a conversation with your friend using the following. 0 87s wu @ EAHA SHC © GOES dict © SOA Act © S35 Sct Oesact @ 42 act © Ayo Sct acy CALA 2 Q)e AMIV= SAt 12401] SO S112] Tj Bea} AS HegOe SSS AS Yet MH APgBICL, ‘=(2)2 AOL" isa sentence ending attached tothe verb stems. Itconveys the speaker's guess or conjecture based on his/her knowledge or past experience. + ELAS FIO ABO! WS 702, + OfO} | Zhe Ale BBS 102. #2l0] Sli SAORS -S HOLe7} wT wAl0] Gite SALOME = 7401271 wt After a consonant-ending verb, -& 7{04]2’ is attached. After a vowel-ending verb, “2 7404] is used. + RCh+ g iOle — 8B 701s + OC} + = 7102 — of IOI g “(Q)e ACL'E O12] SOLE ASS LYEbe OF ANSE SICH. (= Se 31) (2) HOI" is also used to express a future event or plan. (@ see Graminar 31) 7 4oram(e)= ots (2) 1 121 6 GED 2 7 BE 20] WS SNA. Listen carefully and mark ¥ to the correct picture a 21g EFED CS SES UHPALAIS. change the following sentences as shown in the example, dey YE SME HSESHS, > WOl KITE OFA Holla, © ALAS AZO] Boe. > @ Bele Ale AL. > O SS8z 7/7 AQ. > > @ HABE Sola. EAS ASAI. complete the sentences. car AYOIOI2. sHalAo| AZOl BFS owe. (BIH © BE BF oHmH2, Ofot (21717) BCH) © 22 S217} E02. oft (38 2 2c) © GUA J/7t AQ. ofot (SFB Batch © AE SA HAS! SHH, OOF (gig 2 ach Che Ol0}71S TA AAAIO, Change the following story as shown in the example. = ERO SAL oa Ae Galo SHS 7a, he oS ee OAL FAL OM AL SEAL O4 Of O11 A} APSE UA, Jao Aoi MPSS Aca, Alou Gey s = WES ol SAIS Yon, Olt AObS OF% ZHDIOLO1 A. 7 Aoem(o)e 74S (2) 1123 By ST HE HOll WS SYA. Listen carefully and mark W to the correct one. a 1. © BL BizO12. © SLY YHAR, 2.0 SM} B12. @ Sur aaa. = B74 SAt ‘a B42 ‘o’ PHOS BUS SAO] SSOP ALSSHE Of0/7} BOM ‘w’O| ‘P'S HIE AS Sstch, ‘When the verb whose stem ends in ‘ts’ is followed by a vowel, ‘i!’ changes to ‘@". This is referred to as ‘ta’ irregular, + BOA Stan] 7H. + APU BAL AOt FAQ. “SCL, SCS] SPOS QSOS AASHE O10|7} BOM ‘v'0] ‘O'S YPC Forthe verbs “ECH’ "BCH, "s” changes to ‘2’ when followed by a vowel + SC +0}2- EQ + GLt + Ob SH “BU, UCL SCH S| SROs SSOS ASKS O1O|7} BOE ‘wy'0| ‘O/H HAA] QHECh, “BCH, SICH, AICP are not 's irregular verbs and thus do not follow this rule. + 80/5 sore. + LS Bl AOA FAQ. Q 01 Sons: SAO CBA, SPAN, A BEAT, ‘= BFA! So} Vic In addition to °s irregular verbs, there are "2" irregular,‘ irregular, and ‘a’ iregular verbs. 584 B41 SA | 169 HIZES RHPHALG. complete the table below. ect cae C4 Hota. unr gguce Sct Soe Sspoin S9umt seu *ec} ayo ayajoia. qoum | aygucr “sch QC}, BCL, SCH BCP SS aA] SAO, Note that some verbs such as "IC, 2, ECF and "@Cy follow the regular conjugation rules. ole CHSHS SHAISPALAL2., complete the dialogues. co 7k: Sis MIDE O}mHa? Ra. (EACH) O 7: Se204 SSSI! Aig? Ur OF. Of/ 012. (HAH @ 7b BAM OHA? UBS o1/012. (ICH) © 7k: AIEOH AAO} ZAAIQ? OfLO]Q? Us Sxl 1 OF WRAL. OFBYCH * ZR: scenery CHES SHIStAA|®, complete the dialogues. ect act fact osc O 7: SoA of/o2. Ur OFLjoj12. O 7E BHO} SH OfHQ? ur Alet AO|QO2. © 7: O47] AD] USSUCh (QVM RASA. U: ul, TeSUCH © 7: 0] Al 8 aati Of/O1M FHI. Ub Ul, OAS UICH 586 BASAL 71

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