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\N SIHAT AMALAN KITA 1H DAI : Torikh GED BERS Tijuxan Buk Tok: MS. 38 a ee 3. MARI BERSENAM sP5.1.7 [BANDE @ Lisan Kalang bersenam di taman rekreasi _ pukul 8:00 pagi pukul 9:30 pagi. Kim Ho dan Hashim bermain badminton gelanggang badminton. Biki dan rakannya berjoging waktu petang. Semua murid telah berkumpul di padang wal pagi untuk aktiviti senamrobik. 9 aon a . a (1. toman rekreasi: skiA/ 2. gelonggang: 85% 8, senomrabik ” = ee SEONG FS __ 8. senamrobik: iit ‘Band gercerita dan mencerifokan tentang sesuotu perkara dengan betul [)menguoss [J eetum Menguosc 20 Tori nit BERSIM DAN SIHAT AMALAN KITA Rujukan Buk Toks: MS. 41 @ UNIT 9 SEDAP DAN BERKHASIAT «Tulisan sP3.6.2 [BANBIS) Tulis pengumuman berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan. PERTANDINGAN MELUKIS POSTER Tema: Buah-buahan tempatan Tarikh: 29 Mei 2016 Masa: 2:00 petang hingga 5:00 petang Tempat: Dewan SJK(C) Chong Bin Syarat-syarat pertandingan: * Terbuka kepada murid-murid tahun 4, 5, dan 6. * Poster hendaklah mengikut tema yang ditetapkan. * Peserta hendakiah membawa pensel warna dan krayon sendiri J PENGUMUMAN Selamat sejahtera kawan-kawan, Sekolah kita akan mengadakan (1) —— — —_________________. Tema pertandingan pada tahun ini ialah (2) — Pertandingan tersebut akan diadakan pada (3) bermula dari pukul (4) — Sees INGOd (9) eee Pertandingan tersebut akan diadakan di (6) — . Penyertaan terbuka kepada murid-murid sahagja. Peserta hendaklah membawa (7) —__ — | (8) ——______—_—_— 7 ___ sendiri. Menulis untuk menyampaikan maklumat berbentuk pengumuman dengan Menguasai betul dan bahasa yang santun. en 2i Hari Tarikh: untr 7-9 Rujukan Buku Toks: M.S. 29 ~ 42 PRAKTIS TOPIK 3 A. Baca dialog. Garisi kata yang betul. ie : = ——— ) Swami, Kita) mestilah mandi 2} sekurang-kurangnya dua kali Ea \g-kurangny B. Isi tempat kosong dengan kata yang paling sesuai. minta ) tolong ) y 1. Kalang, —_______— ambil dua biji bola di stor. oy, 2. __— semua murid tumpukan perhatian semasa doktor menerangkan cara menggosok gigi dengan betul. 23 Ss Lee Awatl (. Lined 1. C. Lengkapkan ayat dengan kata yang bet! : ua 2 “meminta menyjhatkan eo yey 1. Bersenam dapat ———————— badan kita. 2. Adik Kim Ho bersenam mendengar muzik. 8. Murid-murid berkumpul padang sebelum pertandingan bermula. 4. Ibu _____kakak menghiris bawang. a ae — 5. Kim Ho berlatih bola sepak —— Pukul 4:30 petang. 24 WW (WoeremoeR) ©) BHERNSR. 4% 1 BPAAT, KAM BER (AYR) &, 4 ' ' 2, BAER PAYA (HY BL) RHR AAR, 3. HR BILATAGL: RRR et (RY BY)” 4. ATMA, ME CRRMAHS BRK LY Z) a, ‘D) AS ERIE. 8% aim. GRA _CaeREReRT (E) EMR. 209 4 = i «}7 2 KF REE L mFS ge 6172 a Ae ER. —_—v By AG . MA FRARALR GE Sth EB eC 2. MRR SE AHH? _ = | we | sae BARAT, BERD abe DA 3 peak a T. Bi # + 10 peared oR” fe RRA c ae + 13 WERE? ARR 3. MABEL LAA? BR A te (nuan hé) C He B #44 (md yang) C # (shéng shui ) . ARG IEA AG EH ? A aH = = B Mat RLY RUM, ARE : RAPES, Ci 4 . LF ORE Bh 7 2 4. MP BRM FH EA SR” Pik HHA? A Be RH Bea C HALF A HES ASEAN EAH EDS Mk BK. 5. BA GAG RAF? A% Be C# HX ISB a Afi BR CH WH (RameRRoeR) F) BSF. 12% 4th 4a ASR, A LILA (a EDAMOUER, 4 (b: F, HH) AMAR, 1 REM s, SAP OMRAL, Ra] @ (b) Ka tf) KT HRRERLT SORT, renee | (b: 4b, 4) 34. 2. RHEAMS, SAP OORAL, 24] (a) —________ (b) 3. RHR, BABB, [54] @o @ © @ @ RHERABIMA, TPRUEA, | REERKEIRHA. FER, A SRT BA” OLGA BAA FRR, Bal #3 ER Fok Modules 6- 10 *~okus Penilaian, RX sahasa Inggeris A-Read the passage and answer the questions. My patents took us fora Picnic on the beach during the last | weekend of the School holidays, We woke up at six o'clock that | | Saturday, took a shower and had breakfast. We helped Mother | to pack food and dtinks into the picnic basket. | carried the | picnic basket and Mike carried other items to the car. At the beach, my brothers and| changed into our swimwear and dived into the sea. We had a good time swimming and splashing in the water. Father lay down on the big mat and | sunbathed under the sun. Mother sat and read a book under the shade of a big tree. When it was time for lunch, Mother called out to us, We ran | ashore and ate together sitting on the mat. We were hungry and | the food tasted very delicious. We ate happily. | After the meal, we helped to clear up and put the rubbish | in the litter bins. We walked along the sandy beach, picking up |, Shells and enjoying the cool sea breeze before going home. Sei 1 When did the writer's family go on a picnic? 2 At what time did the children wake up to go on the picnic? English Monthly Assessment Yeor3 47 iving i ater? 3) What did the children do before diving into the w ; imming? 4 What did their parents do while the children were swimming 5 What did they do before going home? {B/Complete the sentences with ‘There is’, ‘There are’, ‘Is there’ or ‘Are there’, CO many people watching the football match in the stadium. ———— a group of tourists looking at the roadside durian stalls. —_— 9 taxi taking you to the airport? ————— any more apples in the basket? ~~ 4 good reason why he is always late? No milk in the refrigerator, 4B Enoisn Meiny Assesment Youd ¢ Unscramble the letters to make words. etcohalco heenkic seehce maj aebrd epecr D Give correct directions using the words given. ie past turn right | tur left Jon your right go straight on Museum Train Station Hospital 0) sony ae — \ Supermarket eax Sports Club Park afl >| a) You are here ll Woman : Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the supermarket? You : From here, 1 and 2S at the crossroads. Go — hr CO Walk along the road and you will SS find the supermarket 5 Enalsh Monthy Assessment Year 3 49 Bo Complete the dialogue. You Waiter You Waiter You Waiter You lease. : Waiter, I'd like the 1 —____— p : Here you are, Are you ready to order now? a» : Yes. I'll have some 2 beef steak and some 3 : How do you like your 4 tare, medium or well-done? : Well-done, please. : What would you like to drink? :§ @ , please, steak | fries salad menu Iced_ lemonade XKAME, KHAMY XA? A mat Bw RK Cc a8 D tt AR ALM GR — ARI AK RE, Je BLA Ae RAY AL? A B ERAS FERAL TOM APEMUAA! ae 4. oo e Pm RAB ERTRAAS > MRL BR Be EL 1? A LRHANT B eHee Te C Sta He D RAF eR IR . BLEAK AR. 2 RD TEAMEY AREA ZI? A Ka AUK BREAD BRAD HE AG AR GR SEAK 008 © Tunas Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. Bassee vay KARRI ap BS 2a— sia, 8. ASE BA A Ey Re RR ae Dik 43 PARAL fo YY x Y A| ® | fe B| At 4 C| At | 4% AS p| + | ae A eee AQ RPS 7. BARRA ahd FRM, BQ. SRP Ces a DS. P.QR 9. Fi Rin Rsk Ha, I -wz MARL BARI? pues A HPF RE hoe BRK ALT Amb Hk AE 5h 9 C RFE Als BIeL D Hee teRT Cl#@K D KF © Tunas Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. ’ 10. MRAMSF ES Anny Hz A cm B cm? cm D cm? ue B6 2A AMET, HE AEF LRT RAKE SD Bit ERY ALA AMARA Icm>., (| Ey BX TY B6 MAR KBE RAR EMT? A X fe ¥ 9 KARP Y HRB DLA AME BX C X atk Ane 20. cm? DY EE 6 ALARA HEM BEREF I neoem 26 IE do RAG 2 IAG 0 HR ILA AE KE, eu AT BRAD WRREA-B AP Al PRR GLA EAH? AX HBR KK BY #98 Ett Xb CZHBRRYK D KMEELYRZR MRAP aD RE AE REP HEsw? C HER D AFtR AS © Tunas Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. Basone ung 5. 48 sxAm eo © Tunas Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. KRM TR AX SORE 0b HER, ae Re 2. oe oe GRR er i ae RURX BAA? A i C ak B te D vbit - AILRAMA LHR PRI. Ag RL EEF 85? AX RARWRAEE BXAHLRE CX LAAMAE D XH AR-MH 3654 & . ABRIL AT BK AA Ha , PIA FY HE 4 EH HES? A REZ, KE, WR, KE B KE, wk, AE. KER C REZ, WH AZ KE D KR, WR, KER RE ae 18. 20. psp Rit RAT EAE AM Ak? ; A PEOKEKD EA : 8 es KMiseH FA Cc fp BRERA PI D HEAL AEP B10 Baw —AP pL. 7 10 BEAN fh BR A ER HE RE 4? A do RE) B ikbiy Re C feb As S| Ht 0 AR EHHee Bll Bag, x Tate 3 HF TOR A EL BB nxseq Lee 4 AA RRA MA pHa RA BA (0) RF 2 $3 BIR? ERERLGA Co — — 42K L j #21 C } HI CJ i [i] (b) Y¥ 22 app ae yy ee ad? Qk Ema se, Dk aR BB a ahi, ' [29] () 42 P HAHEHBER 350°C, FE QHAMFHBER 460°C, 7 ZRMAGHHBER IC, HABE ODRAL, AEA RRA APY Ie a (d) RAW “TRL” , BK mapa RRB, ELTHAM, BLRKW Oh BA, ' Lt © Tunas Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. ' C20. iq B31 iWin 7 of 2m | e a o({ cohen | Peeied __ “tes *( KanaE | we. (aR seanne ——~ EERMRERHER/. SEA AER ita (jameere (j\aax (Jamun Camexan RERH 3 eo ne aire AREER, (aero) $4 20K am. I, 2. 32 _ BARE ‘ a >, mawizia) ReiRiF (as D (@ x) Fokus ~Fokus Penilaian 7?) “2 Ia] ae Matematik GE SHU PRIS BR, mn B gq QQ KLEBHSR, mi a 24) a y d ai

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