Iot For Home Automation

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Iot For Home Automation

Presented By:
● Introduction
● Components and Architecture
● Circuit Diagram
● Block Diagram
● Working
● Challenges
● Conclusion
❖ IoT-based home automation refers to the integration of IoT technology and home
automation systems to create a smart and interconnected home.

❖ IoT-based home automation offers several benefits such as increased

convenience, energy efficiency, improved security, and enhanced home
entertainment and multimedia experiences.

❖ The concept of home automation has been around for several decades, but it was
the advent of the internet and the emergence of the IoT technology that led to the
development of IoT-based home automation.
❏ The architecture of IoT-based home automation includes the sensors, actuators,
controllers, gateways, and cloud infrastructure that work together to create a
smart and connected home.

❏ Required Elements:

-> Hardware Element

-> Software

-> Online Platforms


The Arduino Uno board is a

microcontroller board based on the
ATmega328P microcontroller. It is one
of the most popular boards in the
Arduino family and is widely used for
creating projects in the field of
electronics and robotics.
The Arduino Ethernet shield is an expansion
board for the Arduino microcontroller board
that enables the Arduino to connect to the
internet using an Ethernet cable
A passive infrared motion sensor (PIR
sensor) is a type of electronic sensor that
detects motion by sensing changes in
infrared radiation. It is called a "passive"
sensor because it does not emit any
energy of its own but instead detects the
energy emitted by other objects.

a). Smoke Sensor b). Temperature Sensor c).Magnetic Door Sensor


➢ The Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software application

that is used to write, compile, and upload code to an Arduino microcontroller
board. It is a free, open-source application that is available for download on the
Arduino website and can be installed on various operating systems, including
Windows, macOS, and Linux.
➢ One of the key features of the Arduino IDE is its support for a wide range of
microcontroller boards and shields. The IDE includes a large library of pre-written
code examples and libraries that can be easily imported into your own projects. It
also provides a built-in board manager that allows you to easily add support for
new boards and download the necessary drivers and software.
➢ Adafruit is an online platform and community that provides resources, tutorials,
and products for makers, hobbyists, and professionals interested in electronics,
DIY projects, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

➢ At, you can find a wide range of products such as microcontroller

boards, sensors, motors, and other electronic components, as well as tools, kits,
and accessories for electronics projects. In addition to products, the website also
features tutorials and guides on a variety of topics, including programming,
electronics, and DIY projects. The tutorials and guides are designed to help makers
and hobbyists learn about electronics and develop their skills.
1. Sensing: Sensors installed in different parts of the home detect changes in the environment
and send data to a microcontroller or gateway. For example, a motion sensor can detect
when someone enters a room, and a temperature sensor can detect changes in room
2. Data transmission: The data collected by the sensors is sent to a central hub or gateway
through a wireless network such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or ZigBee. The gateway acts as a bridge
between the sensors and the cloud-based services.
3. Data processing: The data received by the gateway is processed and analyzed by a
cloud-based service or software. The service can include features such as data storage,
analytics, and machine learning algorithms that help to identify patterns and make
4. Decision making: Based on the analysis of the data, the system can make decisions and take
actions. For example, if the system detects that the room temperature is too high, it can send
a signal to the air conditioner to turn on.
5. Action: The system executes the decision by sending a command to the appropriate device.
For example, if the system decides to turn on the air conditioner, it sends a signal to the air
conditioner through the gateway, and the air conditioner turns on.
● Arduino burned
● LCD Connection
● Damaged wires
● Poor internet connection
● Coding of temperature sensor
● Connection of door sensor
This proposed home automation system can be scaled upto apartments but
when it will be implemented on large scale then the security issues will be
occurred, proper actions should be taken like weeping the bell for alert the
human for avoiding problems will occur in home. All the appliances like light,
fan and cooler, fridge, air conditioning system can be remotely controlled by
Internet enabled device. The home doors will automatically controlled on
remote by the portable internet enabled. provides the account
creation means authentication and authorization on every account so that the
authorized person can control, monitor and also can take actions according to
what they need hence the home automation system can have more and more
options for making, updating, modifying or making it smarter.

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