Agms Project Report in Shubham

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Project Report


Art Gallery Management System


Shubham R. Deore

Guidance of

“Prof. Bharati Ramagiri”

Master of Computer Application

P.E. Society’s

Modern Institute of Business Studies, Nigdi,

Savitribai Phule Pune University
Progressive Education Society’s

Modern Institute of Business Studies

Nigdi ,Pune-44


This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled Art Gallery Management System
is submitted by Shubham Rajendra Deore a bonafide student of this institute,
studying for a Master of Computer Application, has successfully carried out MCA
semester-II Mini Project documentation. This project report is submittedin partial
fulfilment of M.C.A. Semester II (A.Y. 2022-23) curriculum as per the Savitribai
Phule Pune University norms.

Director Internal Guide External Examiner


It is my proud privilege to express my profound gratitude to the entire

management of Progressive Education Society’s Modern Institute of Business
Studies and teachers of the institute for providing me with the opportunity to
avail the excellent facilities and infrastructure of the institute. The knowledge
and values inculcated have proved to be of immense help to my career.

I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Bharati Ramagiri PES MIBS for

their inspiration, constructive suggestion, mastermind analysis and affectionate
guidance in my work, without which this project work completion would have
been impossible for me. Sincere thanks to all my seniors and colleagues at the
company for their support and assistance throughout the project.

I would like to thank all the faculties for providing me with an

opportunity to pursue my industrial training, as it is an important part of the
MCA course.

I feel proud and privileged in expressing my deep sense of gratitude to

all those who have helped me in presenting this assignment. I would be failing
in my endeavour if I do not place my acknowledgement.



1.01 Introduction of project 2
1.02 Existing System and Need for System 3
1.03 Scope of Work 3
1.04 Operating Environment - Hardware and Software 4
1.05 Detail Description of Technology Used 5
2.01 Proposed System 6
2.02 Objectives of System 6
2.03 User Requirements 6
3.01 Analysis 7
3.02 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 10
3.03 Sequence Diagram 11
3.04 Component Diagram 12
3.05 Deployment Diagram 13
3.06 Class Diagram 14
3.07 Use Case Diagrams 15
4.01 Introduction to Software Testing 17
4.02 Test cases 17
07 MySQL Data Tables 27

 Introduction of project
The Art Gallery Management System has been designed to override the
problem of existing manual system. This web application is supported to
eliminate and in some case reduce the hardship faced by manual system.
The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while
entering the data. Its also provide message while entering invalid data. No
formal knowledge is required for the user to operate this system. Overall
we said that Art Gallery Management System is user friendly.
In Art Gallery Management System we use PHP and MySQL Database.
This project keeps the records of user enquiry, art products and art artist.
Art Gallery Management System has two module i.e. admin and user.

Admin Module
1. Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view the total number
of artist, total answer enquiry, total unanswer enquiry, Total Art Type,
total art medium and total art products.

2. Art Type: In this section, admin can manage art type


3. Art Medium: In this section, admin can manage art


4. Art Product: In this section, admin can manage art


5. Enquiry: In this section, admin can view and maintain the enquiry.

6. Search Enquiry: In this section admin, can search enquiry with the
help of enquiry number.

6. Page: In this section, admin can manage about us and contact us


Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the

User Module
1. Home: It is a welcome page for users.

2. About: It is a about us page of website.

3. Art Type: In this section, users can view art products according to art
type and sent enquiry for art products.

 Existing System and Need for System

The present scenario offers manual data entry. A lot of time is wasted in
creating the reports as well as maintaining them. In case, if any query arises
to get the information about the enquiry, artist, art type, art medium and art
products the whole report is re-typed or xeroxed. This seriously affects the
authentication of the system. This Art Gallery Management System is
totally outdated and involves high risk of ambiguity and redundancy.

 Scope of Work
This software project is aimed to create a platform where artists,
exhibition organizers and customers can interact. Artists can display their
artistic skills to attract the potential customers.

The platform manages and displays exhibition details so that the art
lovers can know about the upcoming exhibitions.

The artists can maintain their stock of uploaded paintings details. The
customers and admin can see the details of all the paintings by all the
artists. An artist can see the stock of his own paintings.

Customers can see the purchasing transactions done by them. The admin
can see the purchase details of all the customers and evaluate the sales.

 Operating Environment - Hardware and Software
1. Hardware: Servers for hosting the system's database, workstations
for gallery staff, and mobile devices for visitors.

2. Software: Operating systems compatible with servers and

workstations, database management systems, web browsers, and
mobile operating systems.

3. Networking: Local Area Network (LAN) for internal device

connectivity and reliable internet access for online features.

4. Security Measures: Firewalls, network security, data encryption,

and access controls to protect system and data integrity.

 Detail Description of Technology Used

Art Gallery Management Systems typically employ the following

1. Database Management Systems (DBMS): Used to store and

manage artwork details, customer records, sales transactions, and
event information.

2. Web Development Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and

frameworks like Django or Ruby on Rails create user interfaces for
web-based access to the system.

3. Mobile Application Development: Swift (iOS) or Java/Kotlin

(Android) enable the creation of mobile apps for features like audio
guides and virtual tours.

4. Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress

or Drupal facilitate efficient website content management.

5. Online Payment Systems: Secure payment gateways (e.g., Stripe,

PayPal) enable online transactions for ticketing and artwork sales.

6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Salesforce,
HubSpot, or Zoho CRM store and manage customer data for
personalized interactions.

7. Digital Signage and Display Technologies: LCD or LED displays

with content management software showcase dynamic content in
the gallery.

8. Data Analytics and Reporting: Business intelligence platforms and

data visualization tools generate reports and insights from visitor
and sales data.

9. Integration APIs and Middleware: APIs and middleware enable

seamless integration with third-party systems like ticketing
platforms and payment gateways.

10.Security and Networking Technologies: Firewalls, encryption

protocols, and networking infrastructure ensure data security and
reliable connectivity.


 Proposed System
The proposed Art Gallery Management System is to have everything
completely automated and computerized. The software is very easy to use
and manage even for a non technical person. The redundancy and
ambiguity will be removed by assigning every enquiry a unique number
(i.e Enquiry Number).

 Objectives of System
The main objective of the Art Gallery Management System project is to
manage the details of enquiry, artist, art type, art medium, and art products.
This Art Gallery Management System will definitely reduce the time,
energy and money wasted in manually searching the details of the enquiry.
With the help of this software, all the services and users can be properly

 User Requirements
Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified the
software design involves three technical activities - design, coding,
implementation and testing that are required to build and verify the
The design activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this
activity, decisions ultimately affecting the success of the software
implementation and its ease of maintenance are made. These decisions
have the final bearing upon reliability and maintainability of the system.
Design is the only way to accurately translate the customer’s
requirements into finished software or a system.
Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software
design is a process through which requirements are translated into a
representation of software. Software design is conducted in two steps.
Preliminary design is concerned with the transformation of requirements
into data



The present scenario offers manual data entry. A lot of time is wasted in

creating the reports as well as maintaining them. In case, if any query arises to

get the information about the client, the whole report is re-typed or Xeroxed.

This seriously affects the authentication of the system. This Client Management

System is totally outdated and involves high risk of ambiguity and redundancy.

Disadvantage of present system:

• Not user friendly: The present system not user friendly because data is

not stored in structure and proper format.

• Manual Control: All report calculation is done manually so there is a

chance of error.

• Lots of paper work: Visitors maintain in the register so lots of paper

require storing details.

• Time consuming

Design Introduction:
Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques and
principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or system in sufficient
detail to permit its physical realization.

Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified the software
design involves three technical activities - design, coding, implementation and
testing that are required to build and verify the software.
The design activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this
activity, decisions ultimately affecting the success of the software
implementation and its ease of maintenance are made. These decisions have the
final bearing upon reliability and maintainability of the system. Design is the
only way to accurately translate the customer’s requirements into finished
software or a system.

Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software design is

a process through which requirements are translated into a representation of
software. Software design is conducted in two steps. Preliminary design is
concerned with the transformation of requirements into data

UML Diagrams:
A coherent set of roles that users of use cases play when interacting with
the use `cases.

Use case: A description of sequence of actions, including variants, that a system

performs that yields an observable result of value of an actor

UML stands for Unified Modelling Language. UML is a language for

specifying, visualizing and documenting the system. This is the step while
developing any product after analysis. The goal from this is to produce a model
of the entities involved in the project which later need to be built


Use case diagrams model behaviour within a system and helps the developers
understand of what the user require. The stick man represents what’s called an

Use case diagram can be useful for getting an overall view of the system and
clarifying who can do and more importantly what they can’t do.

Use case diagram consists of use cases and actors and shows the interaction
between the use case and actors.

• The purpose is to show the interactions between the use case and
• To represent the system requirements from user’s perspective.
• An actor could be the end-user of the system or an external system.


A Use case is a description of set of sequence of actions. Graphically it is

rendered as an ellipse with solid line including only its name. Use case diagram
is a behavioural diagram that shows a set of use cases and actors and their
relationship. It is an association between the use cases and actors. An actor
represents a real-world object. Primary Actor – Sender, Secondary Actor

 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

● Sequence Diagram

 Component Diagram

 Deployment Diagram

 Class Diagram
A description of set of objects that share the same attributes operations,
relationships, and semantics.

 Use Case Diagrams


Chapter 4: Testing

 Introduction to Software Testing

The goal of the system testing process was to determine all faults in our
project.The program was subjected to a set of test inputs and many explanations
were made and based on these explanations it will be decided whether the
program behaves as expected or not. Our Project went through two levels of
1. Unit testing
2. Integration testing

 Test cases

This form is used for log in of administrator of the system. In this form
we enter the username and password if both are correct administration
page will open otherwise if any of data is wrong it will get redirected
back to the login page and again ask the details
 Report Generation: admin can generate report from the main database.

 Drawbacks and Limitations
1. Cost: Implementing an art gallery management system can be expensive.
The initial setup costs, including software development, hardware, and
training, can be significant for smaller galleries with limited budgets.
2. Complexity: Managing an art gallery involves numerous intricate tasks,
such as inventory management, sales tracking, artist information, and
exhibition planning. Creating a comprehensive management system that
caters to all these aspects can be complex and time-consuming.
3. Learning curve: Transitioning from manual processes to a digital system
may require staff to undergo training to learn how to use the new
management system effectively. This can take time and might affect
productivity during the initial stages of implementation.
4. Technical issues: Like any software system, an art gallery management
system may encounter technical issues, such as bugs, glitches, or server
downtime. These problems can disrupt gallery operations and require
timely technical support.
5. Data security and privacy: Art galleries handle sensitive data, such as
customer information, financial records, and artist details. A robust
management system must prioritize data security and privacy to prevent
unauthorized access or data breaches.
6. Customization limitations: Off-the-shelf art gallery management systems
may not perfectly align with the specific needs of every gallery.
Customizing the software to accommodate unique requirements can be
challenging or costly.
7. Connectivity and offline functionality: Some art galleries might have
limited internet connectivity, especially if located in remote areas or
historic buildings. The system should have provisions for offline
functionality to ensure uninterrupted operations during connectivity
8. Artwork representation: Representing artwork accurately on digital
platforms can be challenging. Colors and details might not appear as
vivid as in real life, potentially affecting the perception of potential
buyers and visitors.
9. User experience: The user interface and overall user experience of the
management system are crucial for its successful adoption. A poorly
designed interface can lead to frustration and reduced efficiency for
gallery staff.
10.Compatibility issues: The art gallery management system should be
compatible with various devices and operating systems to accommodate
the diverse technological landscape.
11.Maintenance and updates: Regular maintenance and updates are
necessary to keep the system secure and functioning optimally. Failure to
do so can lead to vulnerabilities and hinder performance.
12.Limited creativity: While management systems are beneficial for
administrative tasks, they might not fully capture the creative aspect of
curating and displaying art in a physical gallery space.

 Proposed Enhancements

As an AI language model, I can suggest several potential enhancements

for an art gallery management system. These improvements aim to
streamline processes, enhance visitor experience, and improve overall
efficiency. Here are some ideas:

1. Online Art Catalog: Develop a comprehensive online catalog that

showcases the gallery's artwork collection. Include high-resolution
images, detailed descriptions, artist biographies, and pricing information.
This allows potential buyers and art enthusiasts to browse the collection
remotely and increases accessibility.
2. Digital Signage: Install digital signage throughout the gallery to display
dynamic content such as upcoming events, artist interviews, and
interactive maps. This creates an engaging and informative experience
for visitors, keeping them updated and immersed in the gallery's
3. Mobile App: Create a mobile app for visitors to navigate the gallery
easily. Include features like a digital map with recommended routes,
audio guides, and the ability to bookmark favourite artworks.
Additionally, integrate the app with the online catalog for a seamless
browsing experience.
4. Online Ticketing and Membership: Implement an online ticketing
system that allows visitors to purchase tickets in advance, reducing
waiting times. Offer online membership registration and renewal to
provide exclusive benefits, such as early access to exhibitions,
discounted tickets, and virtual previews.
5. Artwork Management: Enhance the system's artwork management
capabilities. Include features such as digital inventory management,
artwork tracking (including loaned or borrowed pieces), conservation
and restoration records, and automated alerts for maintenance or
insurance updates.
6. CRM Integration: Integrate the gallery management system with a
customer relationship management (CRM) platform to capture visitor
data, such as contact information and preferences. This allows for
personalized communication, targeted marketing campaigns, and tailored
event invitations.

7. Online Sales and Auctions: Enable online sales and auctions directly
through the gallery's website. Provide secure payment options and a
streamlined checkout process. This expands the gallery's reach beyond
physical visitors, attracting a wider audience and potentially increasing
8. Analytics and Reporting: Implement robust analytics capabilities to
track visitor demographics, exhibition popularity, and sales performance.
Generate comprehensive reports to gain insights into visitor behavior,
identify trends, and make data-driven decisions for future exhibitions and
marketing strategies.
9. Collaborations and Partnerships: Develop features that facilitate
collaborations and partnerships with other galleries, artists, or
institutions. This could include shared exhibition calendars, joint
promotional campaigns, or even an inter-gallery loan system.
10.Accessibility Features: Incorporate accessibility features into the system
to ensure inclusivity. This could include options for closed captions or
transcripts for audio-visual content, wheelchair accessibility information,
and specialized tours or experiences for visitors with disabilities.

This Application provides a computerized and automated version of Art
Gallery Management System which will benefit the hotel companies and their

It makes entire process online and can generate reports. It has a facility of
user’s login where users can view their booking details.

The Application was designed in such a way that future changes can be
done easily. The following conclusions can be deduced from the development
of the project.

• Automation of the entire system improves the productivity.

• It provides a friendly graphical user interface which proves to be better
when compared to the existing system.
• It gives appropriate access to the authorized users depending on their
• It effectively overcomes the delay in communications.
• Updating of information becomes so easier.
• System security, data security and reliability are the striking features.
• The System has adequate scope for modification in future if it is








MySQL Data Tables:

Admin Table :(Table name is admin)

This store admin personal and login details.

Artist Table (Table name is tblartist)

This store the detail of artist.

Art Medium Table: (Table name is tblartmedium)
This store the art medium.

Art Type Table: (Table name is tblarttype)

This store the art type.

Enquiry Table: (Table name is tblenquiry)

This table stores the data of enquiry which is raise by users.

Art Product Table: (Table name is tblartproduct)

This table stores the data of facility art

Page Table: (Table name is tblpage)

This table stores the about us and contact us details of hotels.


Project URL: http://localhost/agms

Home Page

About Us Page

Art Type Product

Contact Us

Admin Panel

Login Page

Forgot Password

Reset Password



Change Password

Add Artist

Manage Artist

Update Artist

Update Artist Image

Add Art Type

Manage Art Type

Update Art Type

Add Art Medium

Manage Art Medium

Update Art Medium

Add Art Products

Manage Art Products

Un Answer Enquiry

View details of un answer enquiry

Answer Enquiry

View Answer Enquiry

Search Enquiry

About Us Page

Contact Us Page


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