An Independent Work of Lexicology

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An independent work of Lexicology

Group: 11 3-ing 20
Khamidov Sardor

Theme: Archaisms
In English lexicology, the term "obsolete words" refers to archaisms, that is, words
that have finally left the language, which are marked as "old". Their meanings are
clear, but they are almost never used. It is unlikely that today we will hear the
following words: here, here, there.
Archaisms include words and expressions that are outdated and are not used in
modern speech, because they have corresponding synonyms, or, on the other hand,
words that do not have synonyms belong to archaisms, since the concepts
expressed by these words have ceased to play any role in speech. The reason for
the appearance of archaisms is in the development of the language and in updating
its vocabulary.
Archaisms are divided into the following types: linguistic, lexico-semantic,
grammatical, morphological, poetic and lexical. The term "linguistic archaic"
means that the subject still exists, but is already called by a different word: valley,
bad luck, chance. Long-term meanings of words have disappeared from lexico-
semantics, and new ones have come in their place. F-e: A beautiful light black
maid. They are hard to hear. In modern English, grammatical archaisms are, for
example, words with the suffix -en translated into -es, horse - horses, but you can
still find the previous form in the words kids and oxen. Morphological archaisms
are obsolete forms of the word, such as: 3rd person singular verbs ending in "th"
(doth, hath, heeth) abbreviated forms (tis, twas, twill). Archaisms used to give
speech a high solemnity, a pathetic tone, are considered poetic. Here are a few
examples: wave, consecration, fare, whatever. Let us consider in more detail the
group of lexical archaisms. This is a category of obsolete vocabulary that has
arisen as a result of the division of vocabulary. Lexical archaisms belong to book
vocabulary, in the modern language they are interconnected by synonyms. Lexical
archaisms are also divided into various subgroups: lexico-phonetic and
derivational. Derived archaisms include obsolete words that occupy words that are
synonyms of one root, but differ from them by affixes, affixes or their absence.
Lexico-phonetic archaisms are archaisms that differ from modern variants of
English words only in the presence of additional sounds. Archaisms and
historicisms are often used in works of art when it is necessary to create a certain
color in the image of antiquity. In the texts of historical novels, stories in order to
recreate the historical flavor of the era. It is also necessary to mention the style of
business documents. The function of archaisms in this style of speech can be
conditionally called a terminological function. Many English laws have not
changed in the last 600 years. Naturally, therefore, in the language of English law
there are a large number of archaisms. The language of various legal documents,
business letters, contracts, agreements, etc., trying to get as close as possible to the
language of laws, is replete with archaisms. Archaisms also serve to convey the
comic tone of speech, they can also perform a satirical function and reflect the
features of foreign language speech.
1. What is the function of archaism?
2. Why don't we use archaisms today?
3. What are the examples of archaism?
4. What is the relationship between archaisms and neologisms?
5. Is archaism a figure of speech?
6. Why do poets use archaism?
7. What is the archaic meaning of the word 'fair'?
8. Archaism can occur in what form?
9. What is semantic archaism?
10. What is grammatical archaisms?

Multiple choice

1. Archaism is language that is in today's times considered _____.

a) Outlandish
b) old-fashioned
c) other-wordly
d) obsolete

2. What is the archaic meaning of the word 'fair'?

a) Just
b) Compromising
c) Beautiful
d) Merely

3. Archaism can occur in what form?

a) A word
b) A phrase
c) Syntax
d) All answers are correct

4. Which from the following is not an Archaic word?

a) Hath
b) Asunder
c) Wealth
d) Thine

5. Is a style of language that is informal and is not considered part of standard

a) Literacy
b) Slang
c) Dialect
d) Archaic Word

6. It is a figure of speech in which a used phrase or word is considered very old

fashioned and outdated.
a) Colloquialism
b) Slang
c) Archaic Word
d) Obsolete

7. Which word is an Archaic Word?

a) Yours
b) Thine
c) Cure
d) Wanna

8. Archaic is from the Greek word called:

a) Arρhkios
b) Archkcïos
c) archaïkós
d) archiyaos

9. One usage refers to a variety of a language that is a characteristic of a particular

group of the language's speakers.
a) Literacy
b) Traditional Language
c) Society
d) Dialect

10. ___________ like slang, are informal, the only difference being that it is
considered standard.
a) Slang
b) Colloquialism
c) Dialect
d) All of the above

11. This means “to or towards that place” (Archaic).

a) Thither
b) Thou
c) Thine
d) There

12. This means “before (in time)” (Archaic).

a) Nay
b) Betwixt
c) Thee
d) Ere

13. __________having the characteristics of the language of the past and surviving
chiefly in specialized uses.
a) Figures of Speech
b) Archaic
c) Dialect
d) English

14. These are usually found in sacred texts, especially in old translations of the

a) Religious Text
b) Ancient Language
c) Archaism
d) Scriptures

15. __________ though have similarities to its language of basis, are very different
and usually unintelligible to non-native speakers.
a) Dialect
b) Colonialism
c) Slang
d) Mother Tongue

16. These do not pop up in most conversations and writings nowadays.

a) Slang
b) Colloquialism
c) Obsolete
d) Imperialism

17. ________ are no longer used but occur in earlier literature and was commonly
used in older times.
a) Obsolete Words
b) Archaic Words
c) Ancient Words
d) Old Words

18. ________ is the standard dialect of the English language as spoken and written
in the UK.
a) Indian English
b) American English
c) Australian English
d) British English

19. ________ special words and phrases that are used by particular groups of
people, especially in their work.
a) Profession
b) Literacy
c) Jargon
d) Jorgan

20. ____ is one kind of _____.

a) Historical inaccuracy…anachronism
b) Anachronism…archaism
c) Archaism…anachronism
d) Anachronism…historical inaccuracy

1. What are archaisms?
o words not normally used anymore
o words recently invented
o combinations of words
o overly polite and fancy words

2. When are archaisms used?

o in typical speeches
o frequently in everyday conversation
o in certain areas of activity
o when discussing the future

3. Which of the following is an archaism?

o this
o through
o though
o thou

4. What is the relationship between archaisms and neologisms?

o archaisms replace neologisms
o neologisms are a specific type of archaism
o neologisms replace archaisms
o archaisms are a specific type of neologism

5. For the avoidance of doubt it is ________ declared that an instrument may be

executed on behalf of a person by a donee of a power of attorney either as provided
in this section or as provided in any other Ordinance.
o hereby
o herein
o hereunder
o herewith

6. Meetings of church councils shall be in accordance with the rules of procedure

set forth in the Appendix ________.
o hereto
o herein
o hereinafter
o herewith

7. Save as ________ mentioned, a bill of sale shall be void, except as against the
grantor, in respect of any personal chattels specifically described in the schedule
thereto of which the grantor was not the true owner at the time of the execution of
the bill of sale.
o hereto
o herein
o hereinafter
o herewith

8. Provided that if the defendant cannot be found, and the place of abode of the
defendant is not known or admission ________cannot be obtained for serving the
originating summons, the posting up of the originating summons on some
conspicuous part of the premises shall be deemed to be good service on the
o thereto
o therein
o thereof
o therewith

9. Unless the Court otherwise directs, an affidavit for the purposes of this
paragraph may contain statements of information or belief with the sources and
grounds __________.
o thereto
o therein
o thereof
o thereinafter

10. If a person to whom dividends are payable desires that they shall be paid to
some other person, he may lodge with the trustee a request to that effect which
shall be a sufficient authority for payment of the dividend to the person
__________ named.
o thereto
o therein
o thereof
o thereinafter

11. Where there is a duly stamped policy, reference may be made, as _________ to
the slip or covering note, in any legal proceeding.
o hereby
o herebefore
o heretofore
o hereupon

12. Every inmate shall, on the day of his admission or as soon as possible
_________, be separately examined by the medical officer.
o hereafter
o thereafter
o heretofore
o thereby
13. A partner who retires from a firm does not ________cease to be liable for
partnership debts or obligations incurred before his retirement.
o therewith
o thereto
o thereon
o thereby

14. Such determination shall be final; and the Registrar shall proceed in accordance
_____________, without reckoning the time that has elapsed since the issue was
o therewith
o thereon
o herewith
o hereon

15. Which of the following is NOT anachronistic?

o Braveheart in a kilt
o Someone selling a paper phone book in 2015
o King Arthur and his knights wearing plates of armor
o None of these are anachronistic

16. ____ is one kind of _____.

o Historical inaccuracy…anachronism
o Anachronism…archaism
o Archaism…anachronism
o Anachronism…historical inaccuracy

17. Anachronisms can be useful for…

o Showing the reader that you have done your research
o Critiquing the literary value of a novel
o Making a reader laugh
o Nothing. Anachronisms are always a mistake.
18. How can you avoid anachronisms?
o When in doubt, use what’s “too early” for the setting
o Write about a time period you know very well and do ample research.
o Avoid slang
o All of the above

19. What is the archaic meaning of the word 'fair'?

o Just
o Compromising
o Beautiful
o Merely
20. Archaism can occur in what form?
o A word
o A phrase
o Syntax
o All answers are correct

1 Highest level of development at the present time (5,2,3,3)
8 Tavern (3)
9 Principal church of a diocese (9)
10 He paints (anag) (8)
11 Leer (4)
13 Of poor quality (6)
14 Gap in a sequence (6)
16 Unforeseen irregularity (4)
17 Archaism (anag) (8)
20 Telltale (9)
21 Fitting (3)
22 Pass a critical point and improve (4,3,6)

1 Wooden shoe (French) (5)
2 Accept a difference of opinion without further argument (5,2,6)
3 Exciting adventure (8)
4 Excessively wealthy person (3,3)
5 List — scoundrel (4)
6 Perfectly well (2,5,2,4)
7 Cashiers (7)
12 Words of an opera (8)
13 Survive at minimal level (7)
15 Sherpa (anag) (6)
18 Fragrant essential oil from damask roses (5)
19 Small hard particles — determination (4)

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