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Revision Worksheet

Class X

Give Reasons
1)Shimla is colder than Jalandhar although both are situated almost on the same

2)Coastal Tamil Nadu receive winter rain.

3) The coastal areas of India do not experience a significant variation in temperature
between summer and winter months.
4) The annual rainfall in Rajasthan is less than 25 cm.
5) Red soil is not suitable for agriculture.
6) Petroleum known as ‘Black Gold.

7)The cotton textile industry is concentrated around Mumbai.

8)Kanyakumari experience equable climate.
9)Forest conservation is a matter of national priority.
10) Forest are grown in and around the iron and steel industries.
11)Well irrigation is practiced in North India.
12) Tank irrigation is circulated mainly in South India.
13)The Thar gets very little rainfall.
14)Kochi has a lesser annual range of temperature than Agra.
15)Patna receives heavier rain than Delhi.
16)Alluvial soils also called Riverine soil.
17)Afforestation prevents soil from getting eroded.
8)Black soil does not get leached.
19)Tropical deciduous forests are of economic importance.
20)Trees affect the climate of an area.
21)The southern hills do not have much variation in vegetation.the Tidal forest trees have aerial roots.
22).Tube wells are preferred over surface wells.
23)The rocks of the deccan plateau favour tank irrigation
24)Inundation canals are being converted to perennial canals.
25)Solar panels require less maintenance cost.
26) Petroleum has a wide application.
27)Manganese is indispensable for the steel industry.

28)The sugar industry is fast developing in the deccan plateau region.

29)Roadways are not developed in North East India.
30) Railways help in accelerating the development of agriculture.
31)The BRO performs a vital role in our country.
32)Trees must be planted in the industrial areas.
33)Chemical fertilizers must be replaced by organic manure.
34)Multi purpose dam projects cause environmental problems in the long run.
35)“We should not throw plastic bags in open”. Give two reasons.
36)“The waste accumulation damages the aesthetic of the area.” Justify by giving two
37)Why is the handling of solid wastes a major problem?
38)why is the rail transport the most convenient means of transportation in the northern plains?
39)Why is road transport difficult in the northern mountainous areas?
40)Give two reasons to explain why water transport is considered to be cheap.
41) Open Dumping of waste is not safe.

42) People have begun using bags of jute or cotton.

43) It is important to recycle the wastes.

44) Waste management is essential. Give two reasons.

45)Give two reasons as to why reusing of waste is important.

46) Why is rail transport more comfortable and popular in India?

47)Why is the western coastal region in Kerala suitable for development

of inland waterways?

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