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A short summary of the pitch deck, including the business idea and the vision behind it

As a group we decided to make products which are eco-friendly and are sustainable.
While doing the research on such products, we found that Bamboo Wood is the most eco-
friendly product which can replace single use plastic. This can solve
Three major global problems.
1. Replace Single-use plastic bags
2. Reduce the impact of Global Warming
3. Reduce Deforestation

Our Mission
Our mission is to make environmentally-sustainable products readily available to today's
consumers, while also promoting conscious consumption and awareness of eco-friendly
We strive to provide a growth platform for artists, artisans, and small businesses who
produce environmentally-sustainable products.
As we operate our eco- friendly and sustainable business, we are committed to planting
and maintaining one million trees to support reforestation efforts.

Our Vision
The current global crisis demands that we change our consumption patterns to create a
positive impact on society.
Your key contributions to Part 1 of the project (mention at least 3 contributions)

1. To choose the product (idea)

2. Made the presentation
3. Final Editing

Your key learnings from the project and teamwork (mention at least 3 learnings)

1. Learnt how to collaborate with team having different ideas and background.
2. Coordination
3. Communication with team having different skillset.

If you were to undertake the same project again, what would you do differently and what would
you retain the same? Why?

If I will have to do the same project again, I will definitely do it on the same idea. This
business has a very bright future and can serve the customers not only in India but
throughout the world.

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