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9/26/23, 9:36 AM Important updates to Zoho CRM's email deliverability

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Important updates to Zoho CRM's email

Nizamuddin Sohel SK Announcement 2 months ago

Dear All,

We're thrilled to talk about the enhancements that are coming up to improve Zoho
CRM's email deliverability, as well as the systems we have in place today to support our
customers' email communications.

As you might know, our current systems help users send nearly 100 million emails
every month via Zoho CRM, be it through features like workflow rules, mass emails,
emails sent for meetings, 1-to-1 sales communication purposes and so on. We're
looking to update these systems and make some in-product changes to ensure that
customer emails have the best possible delivery rate without any bounces and that our
email-sending IPs and domain have the best sender reputation​​s.

We believe this is a crucial update to our email features, as improving sender

reputation results in higher deliverability of our customers' emails, which in turn gives
them high conversion rates in their business communications and sales pipelines. To
help us achieve this, we're working to ensure that all emails that go out from Zoho
CRM only do so from email addresses connected to authenticated domains.
What is domain authentication?

Our systems have to recognize that users actually own the domains connected to the
email addresses from which they send emails. When users add the necessary SPF and
DKIM files to their domain's DNS settings, their email-sending domains will be 1/1

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