Modelling 7th

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Considering your knowledge of supply chain

models, give examples of some places in supply

chains that can be modelled?

- Supply chain models can be applied to various aspects of

supply chain operations to optimize efficiency, reduce
costs, and improve overall performance. Here are some
examples of how supply chain models are used in different
 Inventory management models.
 Models for warehouse management.
 Network models (distribution, transmission).
 Retail management models.
 Models to improve the entire supply chain

1- Inventory management models:

- Economic order quantity (EOQ) model: This model
determines the optimal order quantity to minimize
inventory costs.
- Material requirements planning (MRP) model: This
model tracks inventory levels and calculates demand
forecasts to ensure that the right products are in the right
place at the right time.
- Just-in-time (JIT) model: This model minimizes
inventory levels by delivering products just as they are
- Safety Stock Models: These models determine the
appropriate amount of safety stock to hold to buffer
against unexpected fluctuations in demand or supply

2- Warehouse management models:

- Warehouse layout optimization model: This model
determines the optimal layout of a warehouse to
minimize travel time and maximize storage capacity.
- Order picking optimization model: This model
determines the optimal order picking route to minimize
the time it takes to pick and fulfill orders.
- Inventory slotting model: This model determines the
optimal location for products in a warehouse to minimize
order picking time and maximize storage efficiency.

3- Network models (distribution, transmission):

- Vehicle routing problem (VRP) model: This model
determines the optimal routing for a fleet of vehicles to
deliver products to customers.
- Network flow optimization model: This model optimizes
the flow of products through a network of
suppliers, warehouses, and customers.
- Transmission network optimization model: This model
optimizes the flow of energy through a transmission
- Distribution Centre Location Models: These models
identify the optimal locations for distribution centres to
minimize overall distribution costs, considering factors
like demand distribution, transportation costs, and
facility costs.
4- Retail management models:
- Demand forecasting model: This model predicts future
demand for products, which can be used to make
decisions about inventory levels, pricing, and
- Store layout optimization model: This model determines
the optimal layout of a retail store to maximize sales and
minimize customer churn.
- Assortment optimization model: This model determines
the optimal mix of products to offer in a retail store.

5- Models to improve the entire supply chain:

- Digital twin model: This model creates a digital replica
of the supply chain, which can be used to simulate
different scenarios and identify potential problems.
- Supply Chain Simulation Models: These models simulate
the behaviour of the entire supply chain to identify
potential bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and
evaluate different supply chain strategies.
- Supply Chain Risk Management Models: These models
assess and quantify supply chain risks, such as supplier
disruptions, natural disasters, and transportation delays,
and implement mitigation strategies to reduce their
- Supply Chain Sustainability Models: These models
evaluate the environmental and social impacts of supply
chain operations and identify opportunities for
improvement, such as reducing waste, optimizing
transportation routes, and sourcing from sustainable

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