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1: - Revelation: -

Revelation literally means to say but in Islamic term it means the message given to the
prophets of Allah by Allah Almighty himself.

ALLAH the Great has created man with knowledge and understanding but in order to pass a
successful life he needs guidance from ALLAH. This Guidance has been provided to him by
ALLAH, through the Prophets by means of revelation

We have been sent into this world with specific duties to perform one of which include to
worship Allah and to act according to his commands. For this purpose and to provide
guidance to his people Allah almighty send his messengers also known as prophets. The
process of prophethood was started by Hazrat Adam and the last prophet sent into this
world is Hazrat Muhammad. The sole purpose of sending prophet into this world is to
increase our knowledge of Islam and to guide us to the right path.

The basic teachings of inspiration were the same but how to pass life by the people was got
changed from time to time with the needs of those times but finally the teaching of
inspiration of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is a complete in all aspect
without any need of a small change till the Last Day i.e. The day of resurrection.

Quran says: - “This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour
upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion”.


Belief means habit of placing trust or confidence one who has faith and belief
on some matter keeps himself strictly follows the rules in his belief and does
not change it at all. His all works and actions are strictly according to his belief.

In Islam the basic believes are as under: Strict faith on One ALLAH the Great,
the Angels, the Holy Books, The Prophets, The Last Day and hereafter, faith
and belief on the life after death. Some important Verses of the Holy Quran
and Hadiths, on most important factors are as under:

2: - Tauheed: -

The prime belief of a Muslim must be Tawheed (Monotheism). He must believe

on “There is no god but ALLAH the Great”. Monotheism means that ALLAH is
one, He is the creator of each and every thing of the Universe. All matters,
works, jobs in the universe take place by Him. Only ALLAH is to be worshiped.
All of the prophets i.e. from hazrat Adam to hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h gave us
the same teachings, they told us that everything in this world is created by
Allah and hence will be destroyed by him too. Therefore, Allah is the only one
who needs to be obeyed and worshipped.

Occurrence of two gods can be considered like two owners of the same house,
two prime ministers of the same country. Like in the above-mentioned
conditions survival of the house and country is nearly impossible similar is the
case with two gods too in the presence of whom the world would be

If there were more than one God, the System of the earth the Universe would
have completely failed. For example, one would say that “I want to rise the sun
from the east” and the other would say “I want to rise the sun from the west”
there would be always clashes between them and the system
thereforecompletely failed. But as He is Only One, His orders are final and
there is No One to change it at all.

Allah is surely only and only one. If there were more than one God, the system
of the universe would have been completely failed. One would say it is night is
better. In this way the system of the universe would have been completely
collapsed. But the system remains the same, there is uniformity in day to day
events. Hence clear cut proof of oneness of Allah except His Highness.

Quran say: - “Had there been within the heavens and earth gods besides
Allah, they both would have been ruined. So exalted is Allah , Lord of the
Throne, above what they describe.”.

“Say He is God the One and Only, God the Eternal Absolute, He begets not nor
is He begotten and there is none like Unto Him”

Properties of Allah: -

1. Noone has the properties which Allah has.

“There is nothing whatever like unto him and He is the One that hears and sees
(All things)”. (42-11)

2. Only Allah has the property to be worshiped.

“The do we worship and thy aid we seek” (1-5)

3. Only Allah is Powerful. All matters are performed by Him Only.

“To God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the Earth” (2-107)

4. The Doer, performer of all affairs is only Allah the Great. He has the full
power to perform.

“God does what He wills” (14-27)

“And your God is one God. There is no God but He the most Gracious and most
merciful” (2-163)


Everyone knows that the house in which he lives was constructed by someone.
It was not built by itself. The vehicle in which he travels was made by some
people in some factory. Similarly, the universe we live in was created by
someone too. It was not made by itself. The owner and the creator of this
universe is Allah the exalted. How, when and why was this universe was
created is still unknown the answer of which is known by Allah only.

“He Who has created seven heavens in harmony. You do not see any fault or
incongruity in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look yet again: can you see any rifts”.

Sun revolves in its orbit. Similarly the Earth and the moon have their own
orbits. They all revolve and travel in their own way / orbit, No collision takes
place between them as well as stars. The system is stable who does all this?
The doer is only Allah.

“It is not permitted to the sun to catch up the moon nor can the night outstrip
the Day, Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit. (According to Law)”. (36-40)

This system is running for the last unknown time and no major collapse to
undo the system has been occurred. Every star, planet, sun and moons as well
as earth are Ok.There must be someone who must be alone and that someone
is surely Allah, the Great.

“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the Earth and the alteration and
alteration of night and day there are indeed signs for men of understanding”.
The system of the world is enough to prove evidence of Allah’s existence. Even
without these evidences it is a part of human’s nature to believe in Allah
because we don’t find peace without believing in Allah.

“Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]? Or
did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain.”. (52-

Man is weak. In the past most of the nations were illiterate, they had a mind
set that there is creator and all things done by His order. It means that the
thought about Allah the Great is in human nature. Even each and every non-
Muslim invites His help when he has some problem to face.

Allah the Great Says:

“Say! It is Allah that delivers you from these and all (other) distresses and yet
you worship false gods”. (6-64)

“Say! He has power to send calamities on you from above and below or to
cover you with confusion in party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance
each from the other see how we explain the signs by various (Symbols) that
they may understand”. (6-65)

Man is weak, whenever he faces some difficult situation he seeks help from
Allah, He may not be Muslim but he naturally calls Allah to help him. Human
sense feels that Allah is one. If gods were more than one then the system of
the universe would have been banished completely. He is hundred percent one
and therefore all the suns, moons, planets and stars keep themselves revolved
in their own orbits and there is surely no chance of any collapse.


One who honestly believes and thanks that Allah the Great is only One and all
affairs are done by His will, these take many firm changes in his daily life and
these changes can be surely felt by common people from the shadow of his
daily life. These can be explained as under:

1. RIGHTEOUSNESS and its effects

The belief in Allah the Great brings positive changes in the life of that person.
He tries to speak truth, He tries to help the needy people, He tries to earn on
righteousness and does not make any fraud. The reason is that as bad actions
are disliked by Allah, he tries not to make the Allah Almighty angry. Due to this
reason his personal life is completely changed and he starts to follow the right


Person who tries not to angry Allah Almighty starts to pass a stable life. He
does not frighten from anyone except Allah. He does not tell lies. He believes
that happiness and unhappiness as granted by Allah only and therefore he
starts to pass a happy life.


A good Muslim always keeps his hopes onto Allah. He does not want from
human being but, whenever he feels difficulties, he starts to pray to Allah the
Great. Because he keeps his hopes only to Allah to be performed as there is no
one except Allah to help him out.


A good Muslim is always self-confident because he believes that the helper and
giver is only Allah the Great. He does not try to seek help from human beings
but always requests Allah the Great to help him out.


In a good person there is no sign of any arrogance. Such person believes only
on Allah and seeks helps only from him. In his own life he is a polite person. He
helps others to his level best and people find him a humble person rather than
an arrogant man who has no feelings for the poor.


Prophet literally means messenger. In Islamic term they mean messengers of

Allah. Allah the Great has sent His teaching to the mankind through different
prophets (messengers) in different time for different nations right from Adam
to Muhammad peace be upon him, from time to time. The total number of the
prophets (messengers) sent by Allah is about One lac and twenty four
thousands (approximately). Their duty was to convey message from Almighty
Allah to the mankind. The first teaching which is common among all the
prophets is that Allah is only one, He is the creator and sustainer. Other orders
for men changed from time to time and these orders were about the human
beings that how they should pass life in the world peacefully and safely. Belief
in prophethood means to belief that all these messengers were sent by Allah
to guide us to the straight path.

“And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger,”. (16-36)

The apostles performed their duties well although about all of them faced
difficult times from their nations.

The last apostle complete in all respects was surely Muhammad Peace be upon
him. The teachings he gave to us is through Quran and Hadith. Jews and
Christians also have their own books but complete in all respects is the Holy
Quran. It has ancient and most modern teachings for man and it is surely for
men up to the LAST DAY.

In light of the completion of the Holy Quran and Hadith, there is surely no need
of another apostle. Muhammad Peace be upon him is therefore the LAST


Apostle is a great person sent by Allah the Great. He gives new sharia to
people. It may be new or taken from another apostle but it may be new for his
own nation. Like Torah etc. Apostle is a good person who leads or advocates a
new cause. Prophet is a person who speaks by means of Devine revelation
.One who predicts the future is also called prophet. Muhammad Peace be
upon him was last prophet.

In the great book Quran we have (all the Muslim) have been ordered to obey
the orders of the Apostle.

“So fear Allah and amend that which is between you and obey Allah and His
Messenger, if you should be believers.”. (8-1)

“But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O
Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves
and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and
submit in [full, willing] submission”. (4-65)

In the religion each and every Muslim must obey the orders of Muhammad
Peace be upon him Allah the Great orders to obey the Apostle Muhammad
peace be upon him without any resistance and dis-happiness. It is true to say
that what Muhammad Peace be upon him were the orders of Almighty Allah
conveyed to the Muslims.


If any person refuses to believe on Allah’s messenger, he is surely on the wrong

path and is considered to be a disbeliever.

“It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His
Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice
about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly
strayed into clear error.”. (33-36)

“Then let those beware who withstand the Apostle’s order, lest some trial
befall them or a grievous penalty be inflicted on them”. (24-63)

For Muslims the words of the Apostle must be obeyed. The result of non-
obedience is very dangerous. In the war of Ohad, some Muslims disobeyed the
orders of the Apostle and the result was that the Muslims faced many
casualties and suffered greatly in the hands of opposition.


Belief in the hereafter is the third belief of the basic believes of Islam. In
Islamic term hereafter means the life after death. This world’s life is really the
cultivation place of the hereafter.Whatever we do in this world we will bear its
results in the hereafter whether it is good or bad. . We cannot have complete
result of our doings in this world. Example is that a man, terrorist goes to a
building where about hundred people are present. This terrorist blasts bomb
and all the hundred workers are dead. The terrorist tries to rush to a safer
place but the police catch him. The result becomes that the court decides
death penalty to the terrorist, this man is killed. But the real thing is that no
proper decision had been there. The terrorist had killed hundred people where
as he is one. He cannot be equaled to the hundred he killed. The decision shall
surely be done by Allah, but not here. It will be after death and the penalty will
be given to the terrorist in the hereafter. It is therefore sure that for proper
judgment the life of Hereafter is must.

The life in this world is temporary. After a person dies, he/she will be
presented before Allah where he will be given accord of his deeds. The
righteous will be given the record in their right hands whereas the wrongdoers
will be given in their left hand. After that they will be punished or rewarded
according to their deeds.

“Indeed, the righteous will be in pleasure, And indeed, the wicked will be in
Hellfire.”. (82-13,14)

“Then as for one whose scales are heavy [with good deeds], He will be in a
pleasant life. But as for one whose scales are light, His refuge will be an abyss.”.
(101-6 to 9)

The Last Day can be understood as under:

1. One day Allah the Great will vanish all the animals, human being, and all living
things that will be the LAST DAY.

2. Then Allah the Great will make alive all the dead bodies and will grant
them another life. That will be the time of results.
3. The results of everything done in life by people will be put in front of Allah
the Great for further decisions.
4. The good deeds and bad works done by a man will be put in Balance, If
the good deeds are more than the person will be called successful and will
be placed in heaven. On the other hand if the bad works weight is more
than the good deeds weight, then the man will be sent to hell.
5. The successful people will be placed in heaven, whereas the bad people
will be placed in hell.


Apostles and prophets, if studied have passed a very tough time in this would,
some have been beaten, where as some have been killed. On the other hand
some bad people had much influence and much money. They passed good
lives, it is therefore clear that Justice, and the real Justice does not take place
in this world. As earlier said a man kills hundred people but the best decision in
this world is to kill him. In this way hundred person killer was killed but he was
killed only once , in this way no proper judgment can be made in this world.
Hence it is necessary that there must be a second life so that the bad doer is
punished properly. In the second world the killer of hundred men will be killed
then he will be made alive and killed this process will be kept continued up to
the number hundred. This is Inshallah proper justice which is not possible in
this world but will be carried out in the second world. Hence according to the
human mind it is must that there be second world.

There are some people who consider the life in this world as everything and
they deny that after death they will be reborn. They were present in the life of
all the prophets, Apostles. When Muhammad Peace be upon him started
Preaching, some people felt it strange that they will be reborn after death.
Holy Quran Says,

“And they say, "When we are bones and crumbled particles, will we [truly] be
resurrected as a new creation?"’”. (17-49)

The Holy Quran has answered their question in a nice way as:

“Have they not considered how Allah begins creation and then repeats it? Indeed
that, for Allah, is easy.”. (29-19)

Allah created man out of sawdust. Just as he created him for the first time it is
no big of a hassle to resurrect him again.

“Say, "He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all
creation, Knowing.’”. (36-79)

“Say, " Allah causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you
for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt, but most of the people
do not know."”. (45-26)


The thought of LAST DAY, affects the human life in all respects. Few are stated
as under:

1. Love with good and hate with bad. Man starts to think that he will have
to answer for what he did in this world so he will do good and stop the
bad, he helps the poor and serves the human being.
2. Preparation for the LAST DAY

All the people now believe that everything in this world is temporary and
the real world is the life in the hereafter. He starts to serve the poor and
tries to do good instead of doing bad. He starts to spend money on the
needy ones and discourages gathering of wealth.
3. Fulfillment of rights of Allah: such a person will obey all the commands
of Allah and will avoid all the things prohibited by Allah
4. Sense of sacrifice: - A good Muslim scarifies his own benefits for other
needy Muslims.This makes him satisfied and contended.
5. Believe in death: - Such a person believes in death and the life after
death . He also has firm believe that death occurs by will of Allah and is
considered to be Allah’s present.
6. Cause of life: - Believing in ,life after death confirms that human was
send into this world with a cause that is to worship and obey Allah and
to act according to his commands.
7. Patience and endurance: - By believing in that life after death a person
believes that whatever problem or hardship, he faces is by Allah
therefore he should endure it with patience. Also, no matter how big the
problem is he remains steadfast and have strong faith in Allah.

“Or did you think that We created you in vain, and that you should devote all your
time to play and entertainment, and that you would not be brought back to Us?” (23-


The disbelievers face many problems. The result is that they do not feel real
happiness in life. These are as

1. The disbeliever thinks that his life has no importance. This brings
2. The disbeliever is impressed by unimportant things in life and did not
aware of its aftereffects.
3. The unbeliever looks to be benefitted just in this world, where as the
benefits in this world are very small. Since he is unbeliever he sees
things on their face only. He does not know it’s after all effects.
4. The unbeliever becomes proud. He looks down upon other servants
of Allah and is unthankful to Him.
5. The unbeliever is indulged in harmful acts and doesn’t follow the
straight and righteous path taught by the messenger of Allah.

1: - PRAYER: -

Allah the Great has created us in this word not in vain but for a special purpose
which is WORSHIP. Allah the Great Says:

“I have only created Jinn and men that they may serve Me”

Worshiping Allah the Great is clear cut sign of obedience of the orders of Allah.
A good Muslim must keep in mind that the important points of clear cut Islam
as six

1. Belief of Monotheism: That Allah the Great is only one.

2. Salat or Prayer: After Monotheism the importance of Salat (Prayer) is too
much, Prayer is a solid proof of obedience of orders of Allah the Great.

Monotheism is of Prime importance then is the value of prayers. Those who do

not pray will surely be placed in hell. They may be Muslims by name and would
have been the believes in Monotheism but failing to say prayers is clear cut
disobedience of the orders of Allah the Great. One who says prayer regularly
and completely becomes habitual to obey the orders in Sharia also and he
suerly become a good Muslim. He becomes good memorizer of Allah’s Holy
properties and kindnesses.


The importance of prayer in Islam is great as it is the foremost duty of Muslims

and the chief pillar of Islam on which the structure of Islam rests. It is the
distinguishing feature between a believer and disbeliever. Holy prophet once
said ‘what stands between a man and disbelief is abandonment of Islam’

Holy prophet also said that the first thing which a person would be called to
account for on the day of judgement is salat. This hadith shows the importance
of prayer in Islam. A Muslim should never give up on prayer intentionally as it
is said that those who give up on prayer has indeed disbelieved.

“And establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise”. (20-14)

Man who says regular prayers becomes regular praiser of Allah the Great
which must be the purpose of every Muslim.

There is a hadith:
“Man is near to Allah when he is prostrating” “One who say prayers whispers
to Allah”

Quran says: - ‘And establish prayer and pray zakat’

Muhammad Peace be upon him says “That who knowingly leaves to after
prayer. Allah the great is not responsible for his welfare”

The difference between believer and disbeliever is Salat.

In the hereafter angels will ask man placed in hell:

“What led you into the hell fire?”. (74-42)

The Man will answer
“They will say ‘We were not of those who said prayers”. (74-43)


1. Prayer is like a stair by which one gets close to Allah.

2. Prayer is a process to get kindness of Allah.
3. The example of person who prays is like a person who take a birth and get
rid of the dirt on his body. By praying we get rid of all of our sins.
4. By establishment of prayers a person get rids of all the evil thought.
5. By praying regularly, a person is safe from all the punishment and
disasters of the world.
6. Prayer brings discipline and regularity in one’s life.
7. In a society are many people have a particular thoughts common and they
talk about it jointly, naturally they become near to each other and they
start love instead of hate. Similarly when the Muslim get together in
Mosque for the prayer they become near to each other and there is now
no hate they treat like friends pay Salam to each other and offer good
8. Prayer gives us a sense of equality. No matter what caste creed we belong
to all of us are equal in eyes of Allah.
9. Prayer makes a person humble. He bows down before Allah and stand in
front of him in order to worship him.
10.Saying prayers is a clear cut sign of repentance. The sayer of the
prayer considers himself equal to the other men and gets satisfaction.

11.Prayer in the Mosque gets us near to our mates. We get together and
become aware of our health and safety, which is necessary in a good society.


Prayers can be done separately (alone) but there are many benefits to say with
other companions in Assembly in Mosque. Allah the Great blesses those who
are careful in this respect. The benefits of prayers in Assembly in mosque can
be summarized as under.

1. One becomes time conscious and tries not to waste time.

2. Todays life is very busy and noone has sufficient time to see each other
and know about eatch others wellbeing. Assebly in mosque provides
clear cut opportunity to the participants to know each other problems.
Any one in need can be helped out without late.
3. People of different faculties and jobs get together in mosque and they
are benefitted with each others experiences.
4. Community thinking takes place in the assemblies of mosque and
people know each other well.
5. Discipline is observed in the mosque because all the Muslim friends
follow one Imam (Leader).
6. Muhammad peace be upon him has therefore instructed to say prayer
in mosque in the assembly. We must obey his orders.
7. He expressed that, he wants that too much fire wood be collected and
the houses of those be fired who say their prayers in home without
particular reason, and do not come to the mosque.


In Islam, Zakat is necessary. It is a monetary obligation which has to be

performed by people who have money up to a certain level. In this way
the poor are helped out in the Holy Quran it is as under:

“Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness and establish

regular prayers and regular charity will have their reward with their
Lord” (2-277)
There are two types of zakat: - One whose benefit is purely on base of
improving relationship with Allah and second whose benefit is on basis
of relationship with other people. Charity is therefore very much
importance in the Holy Quran in more than hundred places is written.
Faith in Allah the Great is must but after that we have to help the poor,
the needy one as well.

We cannot become good Muslims if we do not act upon the orders, and charity
is surely a part of faith. A Muslim who says prayers heartedly also cares to
obey the second order i.e. he pay zakat.


According to the Holy Quran and Hadith the purposes are three.

One who pays Zakat, becomes satisfied that he has obeyed the order
of Allah the Great. Holy prophet says that Allah has enjoined zakat
onto u so that rest of your wealth is cleansed through it.
Zakat is clear cut right of the poor and needy people and hence it is
necessary that it may be paid out.
“And those in his wealth is a recognized right for the (needy) who ask
and him who is prevented (for some reason from asking)” (70-24, 25)
Many Zakat may also be spent to help the religion.
Quran says:’ and those who believe in the unseen are regular in prayer
and spend of what we have provided for them’

Payment of Zakat is necessary. The poor and the needy persons are
helped out. Some needy persons do not ask for money from others but
it is very much good to help them through Zakat. Wealth is no doubt
very much liked by man. Allah the Great therefore says:
“By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely) of
that which you love” (3-92)
Spending money in the way of Allah saves one from many problems,
difficulties and illnesses. The orders of Allah are not beneficial for Allah
the Great in person. But these orders are for the goodness and welfare
of man as well.

Whenever a needy person cries in front of Allah asking for help in

terms of money Allah put this thought in mind and heart of his
righteous people who then helps the person. Also, when a person
gives freely of what he loves his mind and heart are purified of all the
negative influences. Also giving of zakat is a great method of getting rid
of all the ill fate that we may face otherwise.

3: - Fasting: -

Fasting literally means to restrain. In Islamic term it means to restrain from

food, drink and sexual relations.


Fast produces patience in man which is the source of a successful life.

“O who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those

before you that you may (learn) self-restraint” (2-183)

Self-restraint can only be obtained when man has patience. He controls his
soul from his illegal and wrong desires. A good Muslim therefore control
himself from the desires which are not liked by Allah, Who has ordered Fast in
Day time.When a person learns self-restrain he has the power to control
himself when and where required and this is the only means by which a person
can fulfills the orders of Allah. Muhammad peace be upon him says:

“Fast is a safety (from Sins) Shell”

Fasting is a worship in which there is no showoff. It is an action which depends

on ones own will. Allah likes this worship very much.

Muhammad peace be upon him says: “There is no show in Fasting”

There is another Hadith in which He says:

“The reward of every good work done by a man will be given to man. It may be
ten times exceeding up to seven hundred but there is no match for Fasting
because it is only and only for Allah the Great. In fasting one keeps him
separate form all his personal wills”

• By fasting a person obeys Allah. He gets up early in the morning to do

sehri and remains hungry and thirsty throughout the day hence this
shows his strong faith and belief in Allah.
• During fast, wealthy and poor, a common man and a lord, all are hungry
and they all feel that they are men created by Allah the Great. Any proud
that was there, finishes out and all the people feel that they are one this
produces a clear cut change in the society and people who have money
and power start to help the needy people. This creates sense of
similarity in people and every one feels that he should play a good role
for the wellbeing of society. The Apostle Says: “(Fasting) is the month of
• Month of Ramzan is the month of equality. No matter what cast creed you belong to
all are equal in this month and they all go through the similar kind of feeling as felt by
poor in normal days.
• Fasting prepares the person for jihad In Ramzan a person learns to endure all the hunger
and thirst which prepares him for the jihad plus also teaches a man to remain steadfast no
matter what and to spend in way of Allah.
• The month of Ramzan also develops a sense of unity in Muslim as they all fast in the
same month and worship Allah together

Demands of fast: -

Before starting fast there must be a determination or will to fast in the way of
Allah. He must think that what he is doing is by the order of Allah. He must
believe that his action is good for him in this world and for the benefits of
hereafter. The faster must not think that he is being kept hungry just for
nothing but he must have a strong belief that fasting is a gift from Allah the


Hajj is the fifth and last part of Islam. The meaning of this word is to visit. As
one has to see / visit Kaba, hence it is called Hajj.

A man, who has wealth and can bear the expenditure of this visit, must
perform Hajj at least once in his life. This is his duty but men who do not have
money are not required to perform Hajj. Allah the Great orders: “Pilgrimage
thereto is a duty, men owe to Allah those who can afford the journey”

Hadith says: “ if a person is not hampered by any disease, real necessities, or a

tyrannical ruler and yet doesn’t perform hajj his death or a death of Jew or
Christians is regarded the same”

Allah will Insha’Allah grant paradise to whom honestly and surely performs
Hajj. “The reward of Hajj is paradise”

In Hajj Kaba is visited which was constructed by Abraham and Samuel “And
remember Abraham and Ismail raised that foundations of the House” (2-127)
When Kaba was constructed, Allah the Great ordered Abraham: “And proclaim
the Pilgrimage among them” (22-27)

“The first house (of Worship) appointed for men was that at Bakah (Makah),
full of Blessing and of guidance for all kind of beings” (3-96)

Abraham arranged to live hajora and Samuel near Kaba and requested Allah
Almighty as under:

“Our Lord! Send amongst them an Apostle of their own who shall rehearse
Your Signs to them and instruct them in scripture and wisdom and sanctify
them” (2-129)

Allah Almighty heard the request of Abraham and after some years
Muhammad peace be upon him was born.


1. Haji wears white suit during Hajj. The white dress is worn by everyone;
this is a clear cut show of the unity and simplicity of the Muslim Nation.
2. The simplest dress which the Haji wear shows that the Muslims are one
nation. The pilgrims came from different parts of the world. Their dress
are basically quite different from the dresses of other countries but during
Hajj it remains the same and simplest. This is a sign of one-ness of Muslim
nation. The words “Allah, I am present” is spoken by every haji. This is a
sign that all the Muslim accept the Greatness of Allah and indicate that
they will obey His orders.
3. The scene of Kaba is a clear cut, proof that Abraham request was accepted
by Allah Almighty after the day Muhammad peace be upon him was born,
and that he is a man of this Great Nation.
4. Running around the Kaba, in one and simple dress shows that the Haji
obey the orders of Allah. This also shows that no matter how many
differences are there between Muslims of different country the have the
same basic belief and they obey the same God.
5. Running between Safa and Marwa is a promise of Haji that a person will
strictly follow the path followed by Hazrat Ibrahim and Ismail and will
never deviate from it.
6. Gathering of Hajis in Mina,Arafat and Muzdalifa,shows that all the
Muslims are one Nation and they all obey same orders which are from
Allah the Great.
7. 7.Stoning of “Jamarat” indicates that all the Muslims are one nation and
they will punish those who are equal and are against the Muslims.
8. After the stay in Arafat, the Muslims (Hajis) scarifies animals. This is a sign
that they will not to hesitate to make any kind of sacrifice for Muslim
cause and our soul and bodies surely belongs to Allah only.


Hajis make stay in the field of Arafat on 9th Zilhajj. They show that they are one
nation. They are all the one dress and say prayer after one imam (Leader), in
one time with same words. The stay in Arafat produces unity on Muslims. In
USA, black people are hated by whites.. He came to perform hajj. He saw that
the blacks and white are in one dress, they speak the same words. They
perform the same functions. There is no difference in them. When he came
back to USA, he was a different man. He stopped hating the white. This was
only due to Hajj, in which he stayed in Arafat. Therefore, hajj develops a sense
of unity between Muslim communities no matter what race they belong to.


1. Hajj is a kind of prayer because it is full of remembrance of Allah.

2. It is also a kind Zakat, because Zakat means to spend in way of Allah and
in hajj we sacrifice our wealth to please Allah.
3. It is similar to fast too because in hajj to we put aside our wish and
desires similar to what we do in fast.
4. The scene of Kaba is a proof of Monotheism. Because it construction was
done by Abraham and Samuel on the consideration of Monotheism.

5. Hajj is also remembrance of Last Day. Because the purpose of spending

money and struggle to remember Allah is to seek safety and heaven in
the Next World.
6. Hajj is a good lesson to learn, act, and adopt patience, likeness of Allah,
love, Sympathy, courage, sacrifice, satisfaction, and human equality.

4: - JIHAD
A Muslim should act according to Allah’s commands. Obeying Allah's command
is compulsory for every individual Muslim. Jihad literally means to try In Islamic
term it means to strive for the good of Islam and good deeds. It does not really
means killing someone although during some times, to achieve good, killing
becomes necessary in Allah’s way. But the purpose is to fight against bad
works, bad deeds, and bad people in the way of Allah for the betterment of
Human Society. There are different kinds of Jihad: -

1. Jihad against Sole: To fight against one evil wish and desires is
considered to be a jihad against foul. For example, when one is sleeping,
and he hears azan sometimes he thinks of skipping prayer because he is
way too lazy. During this situation he must fight against his evil thoughts
and should perform prayer. Muhammad peace be upon him says: “Man
who dies in a way that neither he performed Jihad nor he had wish for
its performance his death is in the form of disagreement”.

He was asked: “what / which is the better Jihad?” He replied:

“When you fight against you sole and make it your obedient”

2. “Fighting against those who reject Faith”

Fighting against those who spread false information about Islam is also a
kind of jihad. If one doesn’t get the chance to do physical jihad writing
about Islam and preaching it is also considered to be a kind of Jihad. In
this kind a person must invest his time money as well as his life and
spending these in way of Allah is one of Allah's favorite act.
3. Jihad against the Non-Believers, passive resistance and active resistance
is a kind of Jihad against the Non-Believers. Passive resistance is the act
of endurance while active resistance is to fight against the nonbelievers.
Not everyone gets a chance to fight in way of Allah however the desire
of Shahadah should be there in heart of every Muslim.



Right from the start of humanity quarrels, fights, killing and loots are taking
place. Such actions are no doubt part of living in this world. But Islam has
given, these difficulties a new shape. In Islam Jihad in the way of Allah, is
permitted only. In the way of Jihad certain conditions need to be take cared of

1. Combats are killed where as noncombat are not harmed.

2. Women and children are not killed.
3. Torturing before death/killing, must be avoided.
4. Harming the dead bodies of enemies is strictly prohibited. Cutting of
hands, removal of eye should be avoided at any cost.
5. During the capture of MAKAH city, Muhammad peace be upon him did
not kill the people who took refuge in their homes. Neither was anyone
burnt in the fire. No child and woman was killed and nothing was looted.

Until now no better law and suggestion has been made/provided concerning
jihad. The Holy Quran says:

“And let not the hatred of others to you, make you swerve to wrong and
depart from justice. Be just that is next to piety”. (5-9)

A Hadith says that “When Muhammad peace be upon him reached the living
places of enemies in night time, he always waited till the day time and then
started attack”

Rights of enemies: -

1: - Burning in Hell Fire: Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said that only those people will
be burnt in hell fire who create fire in this temporary world.

2: - Disgracing bodies of enemies: Muhammad peace be upon him ordered not

to disgrace enemies’ dead bodies. No part of their bodies be cut.

Muhammad peace be upon him ordered during capture of Makah that no

wounded enemy should be killed. Enemies who are fleeing they must not be
followed. Furthermore, People who enter their homes and shut their doors
should not be harmed. Injured person no matter if he was a Muslim or not
should be taken care of and should be provided with the best of medical
facilities. Muhammad peace be upon him arranged proper care of the
prisoners. They were provided proper food as well as safety. The Holy Quran

“And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the
captive,”. (76-8)

In a Hadith Muhammad peace be upon him says:

“Release the captives, feed the hungry and visit the patients (ill people)”

Doctors are very important people in the society. They provide medical aid to
the patients and injured people. No doubt that this statement is true and
correct for the doctors in Europe and America’s places. We are Muslims but
quite strange that our doctors are only and only after money. Good doctors
may be there but surely speaking their ratio may not be more than one
percent here in our beloved country. Our doctors if they become true Muslim,
they will have good feelings for humanity. May Allah the great guide us all to
serve the human being in true spirit. The medical colleges should pay more
attention to this important subject, so that our doctors know how much it is
important to serve people honestly not only for money.


The role of doctors is no doubt very important in a society but in a hospital

nurses are also very important. According to the advice of the doctors they
practically serve the patients. They serve their patients, day and night which is
one of Allah’s favorite act, this brings clear cut satisfaction to the patient and
their healing is surely expedited.

In western history this job/ work was started in 1860 AD. Florence Nightingale
is a famous name. But in Muslim History this job is too old. Before 1400 years,
in the time of the Holy Apostle, Bibi Rafida Bin Kaal was a famouse Nurse.She
belonged to Madinah and Her father was Mr. Saad who was a famous doctor
those days. In the jihad of Ahzab where she served the injured. One of the
injured was Saad Bin Muaz who was cured by her too. Holy prophet also
allowed Bibi rafida to stay inside Masjid Nabwi.

Hazrat Asma was a famous nurse. She was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakar
Siddique, who was first Caliph (Khalifa) in Islam. This shows that the job of
nurses is very important. Without nurses the job is doctor is incomplete too for
example no matter how successful the operation had been if nurses are
unavailable there would be no one to look after the patients and they will


Ethic means principles of right and good conduct. Allah has given man power
over all the other living creatures. We are smaller in size than elephants but it
is quite strange that we have control over elephants which are approximately
hundred times heavier than man. A lion has a very powerful body but man
with less power has also control over lions. Allah has granted man powerto
hear,see,listen, talk and feel. Many animals have also the same properties but
in real sense man has been gifted to use those properties properly. One power
which man has been granted by Allah the great is thinking.
One more important power which has been granted by Allah is ETHICS, this
power is only with man. There is no ethics in animals, plants or stones etc. Man
has a thinking of doing good with his fellow beings whereas no animal has
power or ethics to think for the wellbeing of his fellow animals.A person should
have the wisdom to identify the good and bad code of conducts. Some actions
doesn’t require to think for e.g. breathing etc. which are involuntary and
doesn’t need to be considered before being performed.

Some properties which man has, which are neither present in animals nor in
plants are discussed as under:

1. Man works for the betterment of other human beings where as plants
do not do so. For example man cultivates food items for the society
where as animals and plants cannot do so.
2. Man likes beauty, he dresses well, and he wants to remain clean
whereas such attributes aren’t present in animals and plants.
3. Allah has given him power to invent. Man has made Car, Trains, and
Airplanes etc. no animal or plant can do it.
4. USE OF KNOWLEDGE AND THINKING: - Man has the power to use his
thinking and brain to make decision unlike human.
5. USE OF WEAPONS: - Man uses necessary items for his day to day work
where as no animal can use Sword, Gun and Knife etc.
6. MAKING OF DECISIONS: - Some decisions are not made by man alone.
For such purpose he gathers people. hold meetings and the gathering
makes decisions which are then acceptable to all. Animal and plants
cannot do it.
7. Man obeys the orders of Allah the great whereas the plants and animals
have no knowledge.
8. Man makes some things as his property where as animals and plants
cannot hold any property.
9. Man feeds himself,other people,animals and plants.
10.Man tries to keep his character good.

These properties are because of Ethics which Allah has granted to man and we
must be thankful for his kindness. There are some attributes in humans which
are present in them as soon as they enter this world which includes their
nature to love and to care, their feeding habit i.e. to eat and to drink, they
keep their bodies clean as well as to obey Allah willingly and to act according to
his commands. To take care of other rights is also one of the attributes of

All the laws made by Islam have some aims to fulfill. Islam is a religion that
guides us not only to recite his Holy name but guides us to spend a successful
life. In human society that is much necessary the Holy Quran is a strange and
worthy book which clear this point.

In it in more than hundred places the words “Bring faith in Allah the Great and
do good deeds”have been mentioned. If one sits in a certain places alone
leaving his affairs with the society and recites His name day and night, though
he is a Muslim but not a good one. To know this one has to study the life of
Muhammad peace be upon him. He recited the praises of Allah but he did not
leave society. He was the most active person. He fought against the causes of
Islam. He helped the poor, the widows, orphans and the needy persons
throughout his life. He captured countries but did not kill people. He did not
loot them at all. He clearly becomes a wealthy personality, but what he
earned, spent it on the needy persons and the poor. He became the king of a
good piece of the world but when he died, he had to pay a Jew shopkeeper
some money which he had borrowed for helping poor people. He clearly
followed the orders of Allah the great

“Bring faith but perform good deeds”

In a jihad the daughter of Hatim Tai was captived. She was brought to
Muhammad peace be upon him, she said that she is the daughter of Mr. Hatim
Tai, who was a very kind man. He always helped the poor and in his life he did
not deny to help anyone. Muhammad peace be upon him became very happy
and said “O Girl! Such are the acts of a good Muslim, you are now free”.

Muhammad peace be upon him once said “A man who has a good character
will be entered in heaven by Allah”. The character of Muhammad peace be
upon him was clearly according to the teaching of Quran.

As for as the profession of doctors is concerned, a doctor who has a good

character, nice dealing with patients and treat his patients honestly is a good
doctor and a back bone of the society. A patient heals quickly if he is treated
with love and kindness, but sorry to say that in our country most of the doctors
are only and only after money. They have no love for humanity. May Allah
guide them so that they become successful doctors.
What is Sharia? Sharia is full description of matters, relating to human beings
in the light of Islam (i.e. the Holy Quran & Sunnah). Sunnah can be known as
“The body of traditional Muslim Law observed by the Muslims and based on
the words and acts of Muhammad peace be upon him”. These are as under:

1. Protection of Religion
2. Protection of Wealth
3. Protection of Generation
4. Protection of Body
5. Protection of Mind

World Health Organization says that health is not only protection of human
body from diseases and inability but it is protection of man from diseases,
concerning his body and soul. Soul can be described as “The animating and
vital principle in human kind credited with the faculties of thought action and
emotion and conceived as forming an immaterial entity distinguished from but
temporarily coexisted with the body. It is the spiritual nature of man
considered in relation to Allah the great, regarded as immortal separated from
the body at death and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state, the
disembodied spirit of a dead human being.

Muhammad peace be upon him says: “Your body has right over you”

This right can only be achieved when we take care of our physical, mental and
spiritual health. We should keep a balance between all of them. He also said
that for a man’s satisfaction, good health and happiness is important. A man
can be happy only when his soul is satisfied. Purposes of Sharia can be
described as:

1. Cleanliness of human body aswell as soul.

2. Good relations with relatives.
3. Try not to make unhappy one own self as well as other human beings.
4. There should be sound relation between people and societies, in terms
of education, health, safety and religious knowledge.
5. To advocate research for better life of man in the world.
6. To know about Islamic life and to teach others for better human life not
only in this world but for the hereafter as well.
The soul of a man is most important thing in life. If a man is happy and
satisfied, he can help other fellow beings. But if he is ill and dissatisfied,
he can do nothing for the benefits of the society. Doctor’s duty is
therefore too much important. He must cure his patients honestly, not
only to catch money from patient’s pockets but to help them on
humanitarian level. The Holy Quran has stated the story of Habeel and
Qabeel. Habeel was killed by Qabeel. The Holy Quran says:

“On that account We ordained for the children of Israel that if any one
slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land,
it would be as if he slew the whole people, and if any one SAVED a life, it
would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there
came to them our Apostles with clear signs yet even after that many of
them continued to commit excesses in the land” 5-35
The Holy Quran also says:

“And who invoke no other deity along with God, and do not kill any soul – which
God has made forbidden – except by right (for just cause and after due process),
and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse.

It also says: A human should avoid certain things some of which are to associate
deity with God, disobedience to one’s parents, killing of your children due to
fear of their provision, getting involved in unlawful things and killing of a person
which is prohibited by God.

Mohammad peace be upon him said:

“The greatest sins are to make partners to Allah, to kill men, disobedience
of parents and to speak lies”

He also said:
“A Muslim remain part of his religion until he kills another person
“On the day of judgement the first thing a person will be asked about is
prayer and second decision that will be made will be between people who
killed someone in this world’
Soul of a man is therefore very precious. This is very much necessary that
doctors must be careful during treatment, so that no one loses their life
due to negligence of doctors . A doctor must not play his part in case of
abortion of women. This is a clear cut case of killing a soul.
In Islam MERCY KILLING is strictly prohibited. The soul of every patient is
precious. That must be taken care of. In Islam suicide is also strongly

Quran says: “And do not kill yourselves [or one another]

“And make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction”

Another aspect of Shariah is to take care of one own’s mind for this
purpose Islam has prohibited drinking of wine etc which may damage a
person health and mental state. Islam has also forbidden unlawful actions
with women, so that the persons born may not be unlawful. Stealing has
been prohibited and the safety of one’s own and others is must, for the
maintenance of the society in a good way.


Body of a man consists of his physical existence as well as his soul. Just as
physical existence of a person is necessary similarly his soul is necessary too.
From the time a human came into this world there in came health and illness

Hazrat Ibrahim once said: -“And when I am ill, it is He who cures me” 26-80

Allah is the one who gives cure and shifa to person, but doctors are His
ambassadors in this world. Life and death occur by will of Allah but Allah’s
decision is carried out by doctors.

Jesus Christ once told his people:

“And I cure the blind and the leper, and I give life to the dead - by permission of

Man is superior to even angels and that is due to the knowledge that Allah
has gifted to man.

Iman Shafi says;

“Real knowledge are two, the knowledge of religions and the knowledge of
human body”
Once a companion of Holy prophet Abu Darda told Holy prophet that he finds
being thankful for good health much better and important than suffering from
illness patiently. To which Holy prophet replied that your prophet likes health
and cure from illness more too.

Holy prophet said: “There are two blessings which many people loose: health
and free time for doing good “Holy Prophet once said the first dua which a
person should ask after praying is for his long and good health.

It shows that medical knowledge is very important as one’s safety is

considered important. He also said: “Pray to Allah, for safety in this world as
well as the hereafter” He also said;

“Allah, I request you for health with faith, which should be with the happiness
of people. I request for a success after which You may grant me safety. I wish
for your kindness, my good health and safety, and your kind good will”

Once he ordered a companion: “(When night falls) Cover your utensils and
cover the opening of jugs, close the door and turn the lights off”
It is clear that these advices were for the complete safety of man.


Right from the inception of human era prophets have come who taught people
as per the needs of that time. Medical field is vital for human beings. Therefore
all prophets gave instructions to their followers about this field. Jesus Christ
was gifted by Allah the Great, for curing many diseases.

Mohammad peace be upon him also instructed the Muslims about medical
fitness. He himself liked to brush his teeth and he instructed the Muslims to
brush their teeth after every meal. When the Apostle woke up, his habit was to
clean his teeth first. He himself used to eat very less food and instructed his
followers to do the same. It is a fact that eating less or more plays a vital role in
the health of a person. A man who eats less will be healthy, but a man who
eats too much suffers from different diseases. In hadith it is written that “The
Apostle used to brush his teeth whenever he woke up after sleep”> Holy
Prophet also told us about the method of brushing teeth too. It is said, “The
Apostle used to brush his teeth up and down” . Similarly, the use of maswak is
preferred too. Not only does it provide benefits for our body (liver, mind etc.)
but it has mane spiritual benefits too for example if one uses maswak during
wuzu the reward of that prayer is 70 times more than the other prayers. Once
someone asked Hazrat Ayesha what is the foremost thing that Holy Prophet
does after entering home. Hazrat Ayesha replied Maswak. Islam also advised
cutting of nails, cleaning of hair, adding of water into nostrils.

Furthermore, the suggestions given by different prophets about treatment are

still in use by doctors for example in the past prophets always prescribed
washing of hands and feet in case of severe fever. Similarly, today too when a
person is suffering from severe fever cold sponging is advised.

Drinking of wine is prohibited from the time of prophet days. Wine is

responsible for destroying mind, liver and health of a person. Whatever Islam
said by wine at that time is proved by science now on the basis of scientific
facts. Islam also advised eating of honey as it saves us from many diseases.
Eating of honey four times a month is advised by Holy Prophet.

Medical field is a very important field for human beings. A healthy man is liked
by all and he also likes others. He also thinks positively for betterment of
human beings. He helps others and by doing so, he feels happiness. The Holy
Quran in more than hundred places instructs man to believe in Allah and
perform good deeds. Good deeds means to help the poor and needy and to
help the whole society. One should therefore surrender his head only and only
to Allah the Great and should try to help his human beings. Furthermore, he
should avoid being a burden on other human beings and should avoid giving
them distress and tensions.

A patient tells all his body secrets to doctor and seeks necessary advise from
him. He thinks the doctor as his real friend and believes what is said by the
doctor. The doctors should therefore have sympathy for his patients. Not
sympathy for money only. They should try to learn about their field and that
learning is impossible when they are only after money. We are Muslims, we
must think that it is only Allah who feeds the people, not the money of the
poor patients. May Allah the Merciful guide us all to help the needy persons.


As the field of Medicine is for good health of human beings therefore it is as

old as the inception of humanity. Progress in Medical Field in Muslims era
started from286 H.D/ 900A.D. The caliphs arranged to collect Medical books
from all over the world and got them translated into Arabic language. In this
way Medical Field as well as scientific research was started in true sense.

A Muslim doctor Abubaker or Rhazes (300 H.D/912A.D) born in a poor family

was born in Iran. At the age of 38, he went to Iraq where he studied Medicine
books and became a good doctor. He wrote about 250 books on different
subjects out of which about half are on Medical Field. One of his books on
medical field is ‘AL-HAADI’; which consists of 25 parts. For many years this
book was taught in Europe in different medical colleges. In Paris where the
curriculum consisted of nine books his book had the honor to be one of those.

He was also appointed as chief executive in one of the biggest hospital of his
hometown where he earned a lot of fame and respect. Abubacer then shifted
to Bhagdad where he was made in charge of construction of a hospital. After
completion of its construction he was appointed as its chief executive. His
another book “Al-Mansoor” also earned great fame and remained part of
Europe medical institutions for along time.

Rhazes also contributes a lot in medical field. For treatment he found

Mereurial Oinment, used stiches for wounds. He also used animal Guton
sutures, obsteties and Gynaecology. He made many researches in Ophthalmic
Surgery as well. One Europeon scientist Andres Vasalus, who knew Arabic
translated the books of Rhazes. His work became a good part of Medical
knowledge in Europe.

The contributions of Abdullah Ibn Cena are very much important too. He also
wrote a number of books. One of his book “Qanoon fe talab” consists of
sixteen editions. Each book has five different sections on different topics.

Among the muslim doctors is one Mr. Haly Abbas who worked too much in the
field of medicine. His book “Kamil Masana” was one of the famous books of
medicine in Europe. Apart from his books his investigations on poisons and
their effects are also very important in the world of medicine.

Our Mr. Abulcasis or Abbucasis or Al-Sharavious remained a famous and

learned Doctor in Europe. He was the first doctor who performed Medical
Surgery. He introduced Cauterization as well as suggested performing of
surgery to remove stones. One of his great contribution was the introduction
of walcher position in field of medicine. Stopping of blood by keeping cloth on
it as well as union of bones by the application of plaster are his other
contributions. He also payed great attention to the improvement of surgery
equipments. Together with all of these contributions he also wrote a large
number of books which benefitted doctors all over the world.

There are hundreds of Muslim Doctors and Scientists who worked too much in
their field. The medical and other scientific institutions in Europe are still busy
in their works studies and the world. Our people are benefited from their hard

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