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Đề thi học sinh giỏi lớp 9 quận Đống Đa năm 2015-2016

Môn Tiếng Anh - Vòng 1 – Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

Giám thị coi thi
Điểm (Bằng số) Điểm ( Bằng chữ) Giám khảo 1 Giám khảo 2 Chủ tịch HĐ
Chữ kí & Họ tên Chữ kí & Họ tên Ghi số phách
Họ và tên Ký

(Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy thi này)

SECTION 1: PHONETICS (10 points) Chủ tịch HĐ
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from Ghi số phách
that of the others.
1. A. suggestion B. question C. bastion D. congestion
2. A. purpose B. replace C. purchase D. surface
3. A. roofs B. coughs C. ploughs D. Smith’s Kì thi học sinh giỏi lớp 9
4. A. watch B. wartime C. water D. walker Năm 2015-2016
5. A. wanted B. sacred C. decided D. baked
II. Choose the word that has a different stress from that of the others.
6. A. university B. industry C. circumstance D. interesting Họ tên thí sinh
7. A. photography B. committee C. bakery D. development
8. A. towards B. boredom C. although D. until ………………………
9. A. entertainment B. imagination C. nationality D. possibility ………………………
10. A. compulsory B. innocent C. infamous D. recipe
Ngày sinh:……………
SECTION 2: VOCABULARY – GRAMMAR (45 points) Lớp: ….Trường:……
I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps. (15 points)
11. This TV programme __________ towards children of all ages. Phòng thi số:………
A. is directing B. is directed C. directed D. directs Số báo danh:…………
12. The problem of pollution is a _______ topic.
A. hotly debating B. debating hotly C. debated hotly D. hotly debated
13. Everyone has the right to his or her own ___________.
A. believing B. believes C. believe D. beliefs
14. Sally is talented _________ beautiful Môn thi Tiếng Anh
A. except B. besides C. as well as D. in addition to
15. We can leave for the airport ________ Bill finishes packing his suitcase.
A. until B. since C. once D. afterwards
16. You look quite pale - Have you been feeling _________ lately?
A. under the weather B. over the clouds
C. in the rain D. over the rainbow Thí sinh không được kí
17. Researchers are studying immune cells _________ protect against infection. tên hoặc viết bất cứ dấu
A. their function can B. whose function it is to
C. that’s function to D. which function in order hiệu gì vào tờ giấy thi.
18. The problem is not with the lesson ______, but rather the way it is taught.
A. with or without itself B. in and of itself
C. just by itself D. all by itself
19. In a job interview, you may be asked a question _________.
A. for that you did not prepare B. that you are not prepared for
C. that you do not prepare for D. that for which you did not prepare
20. That red bird is native _________ this region.
A. near B. of C. to D. for
21. ______ the university to raise tuition fees, many students might decide to
transfer somewhere else.
A. Was B. Were C. If D. Whether
22. In 2002, the university carried out a study of people _________ campus.
A. who lived in B. living on C. lived on D. who live in
23. It is ______ impossible to find an inexpensive place to eat downtown.
A. approximately B. literally C. substantially D. reasonably
24. Margaret wasn’t sure which university to attend, but she finally ______
South State.
A. settled on B. arranged with
C. concluded in D. determined for
25. The professor __________ the idea because there wasn’t enough
evidence to support it
A.dismissed B. discontinued C. dissolved D. disengaged

II . Identify ONE error in each of the following sentences. You do NOT

need to correct the error. (10 points)
26. The government has taken measurements to tackle pollution in Hanoi.
27. If you are sure that you are in the right, you would not mind an independent
examination of the case.
28. The number of non-violent movies have increased dramatically of late.
29. The engineer, who is renowned for his ingenuity, has designed
a very unique time-machine that allows travelling back in time.
30. Of the two theories, I suspect that the former one is the most convincing.
31. The conversation had a more profound affect on her than she had expected.
32. The reason for her absence was because she went down with an attack of a
mysterious illness.
33. Which I observed in the sky last night was doubtless a UFO.
34. Your busy schoolwork should not discourage you to take regular exercise.
35. Since it played as the rules, the team was given a standing ovation even
though it did not win the game.
III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (10 points)
36. One of the most important qualities in friendship is _____________ (SELF)
37. Although he’s a beginner, he played with ________________ (ENTHUSE)
38. Her kind friends were very _________________ when Anna said that her
grandfather had passed away. (SYMPATHY)
39. My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little______________
40. The ______________ of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt (ARRIVE)
41. I have known her so well that there is no _________________ between us.





42. My closest friend is a warm and ________________ person. (CARE)
43. Scotland is famous for its _______________________. (HOSPITABLE)
44. Last summer, they _____________ on the beach. (PICNIC)
45. It is sometimes hard to _________________ between a good friend and a bad one. (DIFFER)
IV. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition (10 points)
a) I'm afraid I'm not very good (46) ____________ animals.
b) I was (47)______________the impression that you liked Indian food.
c) He was (48)____________ arrest for smuggling.
d) Since he believes (49)________ me, he always confides (50)_____________ me.
e) I have always been interested (51) _________ English, so I am going to specialize (52) _______ it.
f) She got married (53) _________ a wealthy man, (54)______whom her parents strongly disapproved.
g) How can you do that? You should be ashamed (55) ________ yourself.

SECTION 3: READING (25 points)

I. (56-70) Read the passage and choose the best option that fit each gap (15 points)
Working Mothers
Carefully conducted studies that have followed the children of working mothers have not been able to
show any long-term problems, compared with children whose mothers stayed at home. My personal
(56) _____ is that mothers should be allowed to work if they wish. Whether we like it or not, there are a
(57) _____ of mothers who just have to work. There are those who have invested such a big part of
their lives in establishing a career that they cannot (58) _____ to see it lost. Then there are many who
must work out of pure economic (59) _____. Many mothers are not (60) _____ out to be full-time
parents. After a few months at home with a much loved infant, they feel trapped and isolated.

There are many options when it (61) ____ to choosing childcare. These range from child minders and
nannies through to Granny or the kind lady (62) _____ the street. (63) _______, however, many parents
don’t have any choice; they have to accept anything they can get. Be prepared! No (64) _____ how
good the childcare may be, some children are going to protest wildly if they are left. This is a (65)
_____ normal stage of child development. Babies separate well in the first six months, but soon after
that they start to get a crush on Mum and close family (66) _____. Make sure that in the first week, you
allow (67) _______ time to help your child settle in.

All children are different. Some are independent, while others are more (68) _____ to their mothers.
Remember that if you want to (69) _______ the best for your children, it’s not the quantity of time you
spend with them; it’s the (70) _____ that matters.

56. A. view B. idea C. thought D. decision

57. A. percentage B. class C. number D. proportion
58. A. afford B. decide C. hope D. expect
59. A. reason B. duty C. necessity D. task
60. A. made B. cut C. brought D. born
61. A. refers B. concerns C. turns D. comes
62. A. of B. opposite C. across D. next to
63. A. In addition B. In faith C. In reality D. In contrast
64. A. way B. matter C. surprise D. exception
65. A. perfectly B. extremely C. very D. certainly
66. A. people B. adults C. members D. grown-ups
67. A. little B. no C. lots D. plenty of
68. A. used B. attached C. keen D. fond
69. A. make B. give C. have D. do
70. A. quality B. attitude C. behavior D. manner

II. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage (10 points)
Our Sweet Teeth
We are, it seems, pre-determined to love the taste of all things (71) _________. Evolutionary biologists
argue that survival once depended on our ability to take in quickly high amounts of nutritional energy, a
major source of such energy being found in carbohydrates, (72) __________ include sugar.
(73) __________ frugivores, we generally prefer our fruit as ripe as possible, its degree of edibility
being signalled by sweetness, too. While sweetness signals calories, bitterness in contrast may indicate
the (74) __________ of toxins. It appears that our predilection (75) __________ sweetness is, like the
incest taboo, a cross-cultural phenomenon, and that it is ubiquitous and, in all (76) __________, innate:
the facial expressions of new-borns, for example, display unambiguous pleasure when sugar is placed
on their (77) __________. We appear, moreover, to have raided beehives for millennia: there is
evidence in Mesolithic cave paintings that feeding on honey has always been part of our primate nature.
We share our love of sweetness with most other mammals, the sole (78) _____________ being felines.
Psychoanalysts would mobilize a different model to explain our affection for candies, cakes and
chocolates, pointing to the sweetness of mother’s milk, and to the fact that, colic notwithstanding, this
earliest of our encounters with nourishment tends to be firmly aligned with comfort and pleasure.
Another core function of the consumption of sweets is thus also to provide solace, by transporting us
back into the domain of the oral stage (79) __________ the sensory responses of the mouth and taste
buds reigned supreme. As Proust has shown, madeleines and their equivalents can also be the vehicles
of memory, taking us back to (80) __________.

SECTION 4: WRITING (20 points)

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Use between 2-5 words (10 points)
81-82. It wasn’t a good idea for you to delete that file without asking for my permission.
You should not have …………………………………………………………for my permission.
83-84. I can’t afford to buy that coat.
That coat is too ……….………………………………………..
85-86. “Don’t be late next Friday,” the teacher said to us.
The teacher reminded us…………………………………………………………next Friday.
87-88. She will only phone if she gets lost.
Unless she gets ……………………………………………………………………phone.
89-90. I haven’t seen her since she came to visit us.
I last ……………………………………………………………………to visit us.

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Use between 2-5 words, including the word given. Do NOT change the word given (10 points)
91-92. You ought not to cheat in examinations. (BETTER)
You …………………………………………………………………………examinations.
93-94. The computer was cheaper than I expected. (SO)
The computer was ……………………………………………………………………I expected.
95-96. How many portraits did Picasso paint? (BY)
How many portraits……………………………………………………………………………Picasso?
97-98. I’d rather not go out this afternoon (FEEL)
I do ……………………………………………………………………this afternoon.
99-100. I spend one hour every day doing homework. (TAKES)
Doing ………………………………………………………………………………every day.

======= The end ==========

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