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User Stories

Employee Management System

Table of Contents
1. EMPLOYEE REGISTRATION:..................................................................................................................3
US#1 - Authentication-Login....................................................................................................................3
US#2 - Personal information....................................................................................................................3
US#3 - Previous employer details............................................................................................................4
US#4 - Document upload.........................................................................................................................4
2. HR-Manager............................................................................................................................................5
US#5 -Pre-Arrival.....................................................................................................................................5
US#6 -On-Board - Personal Information..................................................................................................5
US#7 -On-Board – Previous Employer information.................................................................................6
US#8 -On-Board – Employee setup.........................................................................................................6
US#9 -On-Boarded employees.................................................................................................................7
US#10 - On-Board – Collect Documents..................................................................................................8
US#11 - Orientation scheduling...............................................................................................................8
US#12 - Orientation:................................................................................................................................9
US#13 - Survey scheduling.....................................................................................................................10
3. Admin....................................................................................................................................................11
US#14 – Dashboard...............................................................................................................................11
US#15 - User Management – Add user..................................................................................................11
US#16- User Management – Edit user...................................................................................................12
US#17 - User Management - Change password....................................................................................12
US#18 - Pre-Arrival................................................................................................................................13
US#19 - On-Boarded employees............................................................................................................13
US#20 - Meeting Scheduler – Create Meeting.......................................................................................14
US#21 - Meeting Scheduler – Edit Meeting...........................................................................................14
US#22 - Meeting Scheduler – Cancel Meeting.......................................................................................15
US#23 - Meeting Scheduler – Meeting Listing.......................................................................................15
US#24 - Meeting Scheduler – End Meeting...........................................................................................16
US#25 – Reports....................................................................................................................................16
US#1 - Authentication-Login

As a user, I should be able to login the application using the credentials shared by the
admin so that I can get into the application
1. Ability for the user to enter username
2. Ability for the user to enter password
3. On clicking login, user shall be able to log into the application.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. User can login the application only when both username and password fields
are filled
2. If the user tries to enter invalid data, system should throw error message
“Invalid Credentials”
3. Username and password should not be same

US#2 - Personal information

As a user, I should be able to add personal information so that I can register my details
in the organization
Following are the details involved in personal information:
a. Name
b. DOB
c. Gender
d. E-mail address
e. Phone number
f. Blood group
g. Marital status
h. Address
i. Next – On clicking this button, added data should be saved
j. Clear– On clicking this, added data should be cleared

Acceptance Criteria:

1. Name – 1 to 75 characters
2. DOB – Choose from date picker
3. Gender – choose from drop-down
4. E-mail address – 1 to 100 alphanumeric characters including special characters
5. Phone number – 10 to 15 integer
6. Blood group – 1 to 5 characters
7. Marital status – Choose from drop-down
8. Address – 5 to 200 alphanumeric characters including special characters

US#3 - Previous employer details

As a user, I should be able to add previous employer details

Following are the details involved in personal information:
a. Name of the employer
b. Location
c. Job title
d. Employment type
e. Start & End date
f. Next – On clicking this button, added data should be saved
g. Clear– On clicking this, added data should be cleared

Acceptance Criteria:

1. Name of the employer – 5 to 100 alphanumeric characters including special

2. Location – 200 alphanumeric characters including special characters
3. Job title – 75 alphanumeric characters including special characters
4. Employment type – Ability to select from drop-down
5. Start & End date – Ability to select from the date-picker

US#4 - Document upload

As a user I should be able to upload documents
4. Ability to upload document
5. Ability to delete document
6. Once the document uploaded successfully, success mark should be displayed
indicating that document uploaded successfully
Acceptance Criteria:
1. User should be able to submit only when all the required documents
uploaded successfully. If anyone of the required document has not
uploaded then the system should throw a message “Please upload the
required document”.
2. HR-Manager
US#5 -Pre-Arrival

As a user, I should be able to view the list of employees who are registered so that I can
check their details and on-board them

Ability to view the registered employees list in grid with the following fields
a. Name
b. E-mail address
c. Phone number
d. Gender
e. Action
o On-board - User should be able to click onboard button to check
the employees details and on-board them (refer US#6,US#7 &
o Ability to active/inactive the user
Acceptance Criteria:
1. If the employee is in in-active state, user should not be able to on-board the
2. The on-board button should be disabled for the in-active employee. It
should be enabled only when the user is in active state

US#6 -On-Board - Personal Information

As a user, I should be able to navigate to this section so that I can view the details of the
employee’s personal information
In this section, User should be able to view the following details (read-only).
a. Name
b. DOB
c. Gender
d. E-mail address
e. Phone number
f. Blood group
g. Marital status
h. Address
i. On clicking “next”, user should be navigated to next section
Acceptance Criteria:
1. User can move to listing screen on clicking back navigation arrow
2. On clicking “Next” button, the data should be saved.
3. User can move to next section only by clicking “Next” button
4. User SHOULD NOT be able to move next section through the progress bar.

US#7 -On-Board – Previous Employer information

As a user, I should be able to navigate to this section so that I can view the details of the
employee’s previous employer detail (read-only)

1. In this section, User should be able to view the following details (read-only).
a. Name of the employer
b. Location
c. Job title
d. Employment type
e. Start date
f. End date
2. On clicking “next”, user should be navigated to next section. User should be able to
move previous section by clicking progress icon at the top
Acceptance Criteria:
1. On clicking “Next” button, the data should be saved.
2. User can move to next section only by clicking “Next” button
3. User SHOULD NOT be able to move next section through the progress bar.

US#8 -On-Board – Employee setup

As a user, I should be able to enter the employee’s details so that I can on-board them.

Ability for the user to enter following details for on-boarding.
1. Date of Joining – Ability to pick date from date picker
2. Recruiter – Text field
3. Designation- Text field
4. Department- Text field
5. Working model – Ability to choose from drop-down
6. Employ id - Text field
7. Work e-mail address -Text field
8. Reporting manager-Text field
9. Shift time
i. Start & End time – Ability to pick time from the time picker
10. Equipment status – checkbox
11. Upload document- Ability to upload document on clicking upload
12. View document – Ability to view the uploaded documents
13. On-Board – On clicking this button, employee should be on-
14. Cancel – On clicking this button, user should be navigated back to
listing page (pre-arrival)
Acceptance Criteria:
1. User should enter all the required fields in-order to on-board the employee
2. If any one of the required field is not filled, then the system should throws error
message, “Please fill the required field”.
3. User should be able to move previous section by clicking progress icon located
at the top of the page.
4. Once the employee on-boarded successfully, the data should disappear from
the list.

US#9 -On-Boarded employees

As a user I should be able to view the list of on-boarded employees in a grid format so
that I can check and verify the employees

User should be able to view the on boarded employees with the following fields:
 Employee id
 Name
 Work e-mail
 Department
 Designation
 Search – Ability to search based on the keyword
 Action
o Collect documents- If the user clicks this button, user should be
navigated to document collection page where document can be
verified and approved (refer US#10).
o Schedule Orientation – This button should be enabled only after
approving all the required documents. On clicking this button, user
should be navigated to orientation scheduling page(refer).
o Edit – User should be able to edit the above details
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Schedule orientation button should be enabled, only when the documents
are collected and approved.
2. Once the orientation has been scheduled to an employee, the data should
disappear from the list
3. Check whether appropriate documents are uploaded

US#10 - On-Board – Collect Documents

As a user I should be able to collect documents so that I can verify and approve.
1. On clicking collect documents button, user should be able to navigate a
document collection page
2. Document name(view only)
3. View – On clicking this button, user can able to view the uploaded document
4. Download - On clicking this button, user can able to download the document
5. Is Approved? – If the document was verified and approved, user can click the “Is
Approved?” checkbox
6. Submit – Ability for the user to submit the data. On clicking this button, user
should prompt a message, “Do you want to schedule orientation?”
 Yes – Navigate user to orientation scheduling page (refer US#11).Once the
user clicks this button, user can’t be able to view the documents page again.
 No – User should navigate back to listing page.

Acceptance Criteria:

1. User should be able to click approve button, only when the document was
2. User can view & download the document even after approval.
3. User can view & download the document for multiple times. There is no
restriction in it.

US#11 - Orientation scheduling

As a user I should be able to schedule orientation so that I can conduct orientation in the
scheduled time.

1. Orientation can be scheduled based on employee’s date of joining
2. Based on the date of joining, Day 1,Day 2 and Day 3 to 15 dates and the concerning
orientation names should be assigned by default
3. Following are the fields involved in scheduling orientation
o Date (assigned by default based on DOJ). For the day 3 to 15, user
should be able to select date from date picker
o Orientation name(assigned by default based on DOJ)
o Day
o Time – Ability to choose time from time-picker
o Duration – Ability to choose duration
o Person-in-charge – Ability to choose the person-in-charge
o OK – On clicking this button, data should be saved
o Cancel – On clicking this button, user should navigate back to listing
screen(on-boarded employees)
Acceptance Criteria:
1. User should be able to submit the data, only when all the required fields are filled
2. Before submitting the data, the system should check whether the selected time slot and
the person-in-charge combination have schedule already with the selected time. If it’s
yes, then the system should throw an error message, “Slot already booked. If it’s No,
slot can be booked

US#12 - Orientation:

As a user, I should be able to view the list of scheduled orientations so that I can
conduct orientations

1. Once the orientations scheduled, the data should be listed in this section.
2. Scheduled orientations should be listed in a grid with the following fields(read-
a. Employee id
b. Date
c. Department
d. Designation
e. Lead
f. DOJ
g. Day
h. Action
i. Conduct – On clicking the button conduct, user should be
navigated to external 3rd party where the orientation can be
ii. Edit – Ability for the user to edit the details
iii. Active/Inactive – Ability to active/inactive the user. If the
i. Completed – Ability to check/uncheck.
j. Filter – Ability for the user to filter the data
Acceptance Criteria:
1. User should not be able to conduct or edit the data, if the employee is in in-
active state
2. Once the orientation completed, the conduct button should be disabled. But
user can still edit the details until the user enables the completed button.
3. Once the user clicks completed, then the status (active/inactive) should not be
changed. The data which is completed should disappear from the list within 48
hours of time.
4. The in-activated data will be displayed in the grid upto 48 hours and then it
should disappear from the list automatically

US#13 - Survey scheduling

As a user I should be able to view the list of surveys scheduled so that I can view the
status of the survey

1. Once the orientation completed, the data will be displayed in this section.
2. Ability to view the survey list with the following fields
 Employee id
 Date
 Department
 Designation
 Lead
 Date of joining (DOJ)
 Day
 Action
o Edit – Ability to edit the details
o Active/Inactive
 Completed – Ability to check/uncheck
Acceptance Criteria:
1. User should not be able to edit the data, if the employee is in in-active state
2. User can edit the details until the user enables the completed button.
3. Once the user clicks completed, then the status (active/inactive) should not
be changed. The data should disappear from the list within 48 hours of time.
4. The in-activated data will be displayed in the grid upto 48 hours and then it
should disappear from the list automatically
3. Admin
US#14 – Dashboard

As a user I should be able to view the dashboard so that I can view the statistical data.
1. Ability for the user to view the statistical data for the following
a. Pre-arrival employees
b. On-Boarded employees
c. Orientations
d. Surveys
2. Ability for the user to select date range from the drop-down

US#15 - User Management – Add user

As a user I should be able to create users so that I can add them in the organization.
o Add User
a. Ability for the admin to add user with the following fields
i. Role selection – Ability for the user to select the role from the
drop-down (Employee/HR-Manager)
ii. Name
iii. E-mail
iv. Phone number
v. Reporting to (For HR-Manager role)
vi. Employee id (For HR-Manager role)
vii. Username
viii. Password

Acceptance Criteria:

Following are the validation criteria for the fields listed

1.Name – 3 to 75 characters
2.E-mail – 3 to 75 alphanumeric characters
3.Phone number – 10 to 15 integer
4.Reporting to – Select from drop-down
5.Employee id - 2 to 50 alphanumeric characters
6.Username – 5 to 20 alphanumeric characters including special characters.
7.Password - 8 to 20 alphanumeric characters with one special character,one
uppercase,one lowercase letter. If the password field not satisfies the criteria,
prompt an error message “Password should include one special character,one
uppercase,one lowercase letter”

US#16- User Management – Edit user

As a user I should be able to edit users so that I can update them in the organization.
Edit User
b. Edit – Ability for the admin to edit the following fields
i. Phone number
ii. Reporting to (only for HR-Manager role)
iii. Password (refer US#17)
iv. Save –On clicking this button, edited details should be saved with
the success toast “Updated Successfully”
v. Cancel – User should navigate back to listing screen

Acceptance Criteria:

If the user is in in-active state, then they should not be edited

US#17 - User Management - Change password

As a user I should be able to change password so that I can share the
credentials to the user.

On clicking change password button, a pop-up appears where user can
change the password with the following fields
vi. Old password – Password field
vii. New password - Password field
viii. Confirm password- Password field
Acceptance Criteria:
1. If the new password matches with old password then system should
throw an error message “New password is same as old one”
2. If the new password and confirm password mismatches then the
system should throw an error message as “New Password &
Confirm Password should be the same”

US#18 - Pre-Arrival
As a user I should be able to view the list of employees who are registered so that I can
know the total number of employees listed in this section.

o Ability for the user to view the employee list with the following fields (read-
a. Name
b. E-mail address
c. Phone number
d. Gender
e. Action – Ability to active/in-active the user
Acceptance Criteria:

If the user in-active an employee, It should be impacted in HR-Manager portal as


US#19 - On-Boarded employees

As a user I should be able to view the list of on-boarded employees so that I can know
the total number of employees listed in this section.
Ability for the user to view the employee list with the following fields (read-only)
a. Employee id
b. Name
c. E-mail address (official)
d. Department
e. Designation
f. Date of joining
g. Action
i. Active/Inactive – Ability to active and inactive the user
Acceptance Criteria:
If the user in-active an employee, It should be impacted in HR-Manager
portal as well

US#20 - Meeting Scheduler – Create Meeting

As a user, I should be able to create a schedule of series of same meeting
o New meeting can be scheduled with the following fields
a. Meeting title
b. Meeting description
c. Meeting duration
d. Meeting type – Ability to select the meeting type from the below
i. One time meeting
 Date
ii. Daily Occurrence
 Start date
 End date
e. Invite Attendees – User can enter attendee’s e-mail address to invite
f. Send – On clicking this button, meeting link should be generated and
sent to all attendees
g. End Meeting series– On clicking this button, User can end meeting
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Meeting Title – 5 to 250 alphanumerical characters including special
2. Meeting description – 5 to 750 alphanumerical characters including special
3. Meeting duration – Ability to select duration from the time picker
4. Attendees – Ability to add/remove the attendees

US#21 - Meeting Scheduler – Edit Meeting

As a user, I should be able to edit a schedule of series of same meeting
1. User can edit the meeting on clicking edit icon.
2. On clicking edit icon following details can be edited
a. Meeting title
b. Meeting description
c. Meeting duration
d. Start & End date
e. Attendees
f. Send – On clicking this button, a new meeting link should be generated
and sent to all attendees
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Only host can edit meeting
2. Once the invitation has been sent to all attendees, the meeting invite should display
the edited item.

US#22 - Meeting Scheduler – Cancel Meeting

As a user, I should be able to cancel a series of same meeting


1. User can cancel meeting by clicking cancel button from the meeting listing
2. On clicking a cancel button, meeting should be cancelled and cancel invite
should be sent to all attendees
Acceptance Criteria:
Only the host can cancel meeting

US#23 - Meeting Scheduler – Meeting Listing

As a user, I should be able to view the list of meeting series scheduled


On clicking meeting scheduler module, user should be able to view the list of meeting
series scheduled with the following fields

a. Title
b. Duration
c. Meeting type
d. Start & End date
e. Edit
f. Cancel
g. End meeting
Acceptance Criteria:
Application should display only upcoming meeting series
US#24 - Meeting Scheduler – End Meeting

As a user, I should be able to end the meeting series
1. User should be able to end meeting, on clicking end button from the meeting
2. Once the end button clicked, user should prompt an error message “Do you
want to end the meeting series?”.
o Yes – On clicking Yes, the meeting series should be cancelled
o No – On clicking No, the user should be navigated back to meeting
listing page.
3. On cancelling the meeting, user should receive the cancel notification

Acceptance Criteria:
1. Meeting series can be cancelled by either host or attendees

US#25 – Reports

As a user, I should be able to view the reports so that I can view the past data

As a user, I should be able to view the following reports by selecting the date.

1. Registered employees
a. Name
b. E-mail address
c. Phone number
d. Gender
e. Registered date
2. On-boarded employees
a. Employee id
b. Name
c. Work e-mail
d. Department
e. Designation
f. DOJ
g. On-boarded date
3. Inactive users
a. Name
b. E-mail address
c. Phone number
d. Gender
e. User name and role who have inactivated the employee

4. Orientation
a. Select the following from drop-down
i. Day 1 orientation
ii. Day 2 orientation
iii. Day 3 to 15 plans
b. Following are the fields available in the report
i. Employee id
ii. Day 1 or Day 2 or Day 3 to 15 date
iii. Department
iv. Designation
v. Lead
vi. Date of joining
vii. Date of Completion
5. Survey
a. Select the following from drop-down
i. On the day of joining
ii. Orientation feedback
iii. General feedback on workplace
b. Following are the fields available in the report
i. Employee id
ii. Day 1 or Day 2 to 15 or Day 30 survey date
iii. Department
iv. Designation
v. Lead
vi. Date of joining
vii. Date of Completion
6. Date Selection
a. From date
b. To date
7. Filter – Ability to filter the data in the list

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