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Draft, submitted to ICPADM 2003, 'Intl. Conf. on Prop. and Applic. of Dielectric Mat.

', Nagoya, Japan, June 1-5, 2003

Signal Transmission and Calibration of on-line Partial Discharge Measurements

Detlev W. Gross
Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH
Bruesseler Ring 95a, 52074 Aachen, Germany

Abstract: Relevant standards such as the IEC60270 [1] and spreads over the entire winding in case of a machine
concentrate on a measurement frequency band below 1 stator.
MHz and on lumped, i.e. non-distributed test objects. On- At its point of origin, the bandwidth of the partial dis-
line partial discharge measurements often require using charge impulse under nitrogen, which is the dominating
higher frequencies to avoid noise interference. gas of our atmosphere, covers DC up to several hundreds
With respect to the basic gas discharge physics, the rise of MHz.
time of an electron avalanche under nitrogen atmosphere With any real insulation system, this original bandwidth
results in a partial discharge signal bandwidth of several will be limited due to the properties of the involved con-
hundreds of MHz at its origin. ductor, its construction and insulation. Besides the mere
However, in terms of high frequency properties, distrib- limitation of the bandwidth, other properties of the high
uted test objects, such as the stator winding of a rotating voltage equipment lead to a more complex distortion of
machine, for instance, act as a highly complex network. the original impulse. Several effects must be considered.
Mismatch of impedance, dispersion, attenuation, and
other effect influence the applicability of different fre- Attenuation
quency bands and calibration techniques for partial dis-
charge testing. Signals travelling a non-ideal line undergo attenuation
depending on the line properties. With high voltage con-
Introduction ductors the resistance of the line is the dominant parame-
ter. With higher frequencies the influence of the skin ef-
With on-line partial discharge measurements conven- fect dominates.
tional techniques often find their limitations. Addition-
ally, most standards were written with a focus on the Dispersion
controlled environment of a well-screened test room.
However, depending on the signal properties of the high In general, the travel time of signals over conductors is
voltage equipment to be tested under field conditions, not constant, but a function of the signal frequency. Espe-
measurement principles can be applied, which allow ex- cially, this effect is found in case semi-conductive layers
tending the idea of a calibration in terms of charge into are used to control the electrical field. Prominent exam-
higher frequencies not yet covered by standards. Hence, a ples are extruded high voltage cables and bars of rotating
comparison with results obtained by lab-type measure- machines. In both cases the insulation system must be
ments becomes possible [4,5,7]. seen as a stacked insulation system combined of a lossy
Firstly, this contribution focuses on listing the various ef- 'insulator' (i.e., the semi-conductive layer), the polyethyl-
fects hampering partial discharge measurements in differ- ene or epoxy-mica insulation, and another lossy semi-
ent frequency bands on specific high voltage equipment. conductive layer. With this configuration, signals above a
Secondly, conditions and limitations are discussed where certain frequency, which is determined mostly by the
the rules of calibration remain valid even when applied at thickness of the semi-conductive layers, will not only suf-
higher frequencies on distributed equipment. fer from a strong attenuation, but also undergo a change
of their travel time (group delay).
Impulse Properties Practically, this means that higher frequency compo-
nents arrive at a different time, which cause a distor-
Under nitrogen atmosphere, the rise time of an electron tion of the impulse's shape. If viewed in frequency
avalanche is in the range of 1ns. The internal charge domain, this dispersion appears as a phase shift. This
transport of a partial discharge in a gas inclusion embed- effect especially hamper the accuracy of the location of
ded in solid or liquid dielectric result in a displacement partial discharge sites in cables, as the high frequency
current, which can be observed externally. With distrib- components are needed to get the time-of-flight infor-
uted configurations, such as a stator winding of a rotating mation. With cable systems, depending on size and
machine, for instance, this current impulse cause an im- construction, the corner frequency where the disper-
pulse voltage on the conductor's impedance. Subse- sion becomes dominant is found between 5 MHz and
quently, this voltage impulse travels along the conductor 10 MHz, mostly [12,13].
With generator coils the semi-conductive layers are usu- Cross Coupling
ally taped and less thick than with cables. Thus, the in-
ception of the dispersion effect is somewhat higher than In case unscreened or poorly screened conductors run in
with cable systems (up to 20 MHz). At frequencies of parallel over a certain distance, so-called cross coupling
above 100 MHz, the contribution of the dispersion to the may occur. I.e., a conductor receives signals being radi-
overall attenuation of a stator coil dominates all other ef- ated by an adjacent conductor. This effect is typical for
fects [2,5,6]. windings such as with transformers or with the overhang
With gas-insulated switchgear, the dispersion influences of stator windings [3,5].
the transmission of partial discharge signals in two areas. Typically, cross coupling is found in higher frequencies as
Firstly, below the corner frequency given by the geometry, the impedance of stray capacitance decrease and the effi-
transmission of the H10 wave is not possible. Close to this ciency of antenna effects increase. Often, cross coupling is
corner frequency the effect of dispersion appears as at- a 'short cut' for the signal. I.e. the high frequency compo-
tenuation. Secondly, a similar situation as described with nents of a signal are coupled to the adjacent coil, while
the stator coils and cables is found in the UHF frequency the low frequency components travel the winding. Thus, a
range, where the internal paint layers and coatings must similar effect as with the dispersion is observed: Different
be seen as a lossy part of the overall insulation [8,9,11]. frequency components of the original impulse arrive at
different times and distort the shape of the impulse.
With any conductor, a travelling wave undergoes a re-
flection in case the impedance of the conductor changes. With complex networks, such as large power transform-
Such change in impedance is found frequently with real- ers, parts of the structure can act as a resonator for spe-
life conductors in power engineering. cific frequencies. Mostly, the resonating elements are
With cable systems, for instance, each accessory cause formed by coil inductance and unevenly distributed stray
reflections due to the geometry and material change with capacitance.
the transition of the coaxial cable into the (larger) acces- The apparent resonant signal behavior found with large
sory and back into the cable. This effect can be used to gas-insulated switchgear is mostly caused by multiple re-
locate cable joints [12,13]. flections due to impedance mismatch and T-stubs.
With rotating machines, the slot section of the stator coil
can be seen as a coaxial cable [2]. With respect to the ge- Charge referred Partial Discharge Measurements
ometry, the impedance is found in the range of 10-20
Ohms within the slot. Traditional partial discharge measurements, as described
With the transition to the so-called overhang, the im- with the IEC60270, revised in 2000, rely on the (quasi-)
pedance changes to well above 100 Ω (Fig. 1). Thus, integration of the voltage impulse detected at the so-called
high frequency signals above a corner frequency, quadrupole or measurement impedance. According to
which is determined by the length of the bar, remain IEC60270, for a wide-band partial discharge detector the
trapped within the slot section because of a positive recommended values of the lower (f1) and the upper (f2)
corner frequency are 30 kHz ≤ f1 ≤ 100 kHz and f2 ≤ 500
kHz [1].
However, the used frequency band can be widely ex-
ZL > 100 Ω
panded if few basic rules are met. First of all, the principle
of quasi-integration with a low pass filter remains valid, if
Slot Section: the upper corner frequency of the detected PD signal fpd is
ZL ~ 10-20 Ω large compared to the upper corner frequency of the de-
tector fpd >> f2. The same condition, of course, must be
met by the signal bandwidth of the charge calibrator used
Overhang: to obtain a valid calibration.
ZL > 100 Ω Additionally, using heterodyne techniques allows further
expanding the frequency range of charge referred meas-
Fig. 1, Modeling a stator winding of a rotating machine. urement [4]. In such cases, the demodulator filter that
follows the mixer forms the low pass filter offering the
reflection at each slot exit (Zoverhang >> Zslot). With quasi-integration. Care must be taken that the resolution
large turbine generator bars, this effect incepts at bandwidth is selected large enough to process and sepa-
much lower frequencies than with large hydro gen- rate the individual partial discharge impulses.
erators having relatively short bars [2]. However, with The typical epoxy-mica insulation of rotating machine
hydro machines the multiple reflections due to the stator coils with their multiple partial discharge sources
large number of bars must be considered. show discharge activity of a high repetition rate.
Thus, the resolution bandwidth must be chosen wide Thus, with field measurements, other than with lab-type
enough. Likewise, narrow band detectors such as the tra- acceptance testing, emphasis is more put on the identifi-
ditional RIV meters often produce misleading results, if cation of the defect type and the risk assessment than
applied on equipment having high repetition partial dis- solely on the apparent discharge magnitude [2,3,5].
Additionally, ultra wide band processing can be used. If
an adequate low pass filter follows the detector circuit,
charge referred calibration is possible. The goal with all
the above techniques in general is to acquire the integral
of the discharge impulse and not to refer to the peak volt-
age, which is for distributed equipment mostly determined
by the effects of reflection and cross coupling. Thus, often
the detected peak amplitude has a poor correlation with
the original amplitude.

Usage of the Term Calibration

Calibration, i.e. referring a measurement to an established

standard, is a strong word and implies accuracy, repro- Fig. 2, Stator coil, discharge and excitation noise.
ducibility, and traceability.
An impulse charge calibrator for partial discharge meas- With on-line measurements on large generators, partial
urements is in principle a step voltage source along with discharge measurements are often hampered by noise in-
an injection capacitor. The injected charge Q simply terference caused by the excitation system. Fig. 2 shows a
equals Ustep times Cinj. The procedures given with the ϕ-q-n pattern, taken at 100-800 kHz, which is dominated
IEC60270 to validate the charge output are simple and by the six switching pulses of a static excitation. In the
reproducible. frequency band below 1MHz, i.e. covered by the
In case of small, lumped test specimens referring a partial IEC60270, those noise impulses can be removed by an
discharge detector to the signal of an impulse charge cali-
bration source can surely be called 'calibration'. However,
care must be taken that the injection capacitance is com-
parably small versus the specimen's capacitance.
In all other cases, where the earlier mentioned influences
hamper the impulse integrity, the process of 'calibration'
shall be seen as the evaluation of the sensitivity of the
measurement rather than as a calibration in the strong
sense of the word.
Especially with large power transformers or large stator
coils obtaining the calibration or cross coupling matrix by
connecting a calibrator to accessible points, couplers, or
sensors and observing the readings on the other coupling
points is an important measure to understand the high
frequency properties of the equipment [10]. Further, this Fig. 3, Excitation impulse noise removed using gating.
cross coupling matrix gives important indications con-
cerning the location of a defect. However, usage of the
term calibration is misleading.

Apparent Charge Level vs. Pattern Identification

Considering the attenuation and other effects causing

distortion and modification of the partial discharge im-
pulses, the mere partial discharge magnitude becomes less
important as the observed magnitude strongly depends on
the location of the defect.
On the other hand, the structure of the partial discharge
pattern, i.e. the ϕ-q-n pattern, is not affected by any of the
effects mentioned, since both phase position and ampli-
tude relation of the acquired pulses are invariant. Fig. 4, Discharge activity acquired at 9.4 MHz.
event-triggered noise gating, which blocks the acquisition [6] Binder, E. et al, "Development and Verification Tests
for few microseconds (Fig. 3). on Diagnosis Methods for Hydro Generators," CIGRE
Alternatively, the acquisition frequency can be set to an 38th Session, Paris, France, August 2000, Paper 11-301.
elevated frequency, where the amplitude spectra of the [7] Fruth, B. Gross, D., "Partial Discharge Signal Gen-
excitation pulses already significantly decreased, while eration, Transmission, and Acquisition," IEE Proc., Sci-
the spectra of the partial discharge activity prevails. Fig. 4 ence, Measurement and Technology, Vol. 142, No. 1,
shows a measurement on the same machine, but taken at January 1995, pp. 22-28.
9.4 MHz. Appearance and shape of the dominant internal [8] Judd, M., Farish, O., "Transfer Functions for UHF
discharge is found identical with both frequency bands, Partial Discharge Signals in GIS," 11th International
while the disturbance signal was detected up to 3 MHz, Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, London, UK,
only. The pattern was acquired using a spectrum analyzer August 23-27, 1999
as pre-processing unit followed by a phase-resolved par- [9] Muto, H., Doi, M., Fuji, H., and Kamei, M., "Reso-
tial discharge analyzer (ICMsystem, Power Diagnostix) nance Characteristics and Identification of Modes of
for the acquisition of the pattern distribution. Electromagnetic Wave excited by Partial Discharges in
With this example, the conclusion that this is an internal GIS," 11th International Symposium on High Voltage En-
discharge activity of the main insulation is drawn from gineering, London, UK, August 23-27, 1999
the properties of the pattern, such as the typical triangular [10] Gross, D., Soeller, M., "Partial Discharge Accep-
shape. Further information concerning the defect, such as tance Testing and Monitoring on Power Transformers,"
the inception voltage and severity is derived when ana- ETG Fachtagung, Diagnostik el. Betriebsmittel, Berlin,
lyzing the distribution, magnitude, and phase position. Germany, February 26-27, 2002, ISBN 3-8007-2671-8,
pp. 213-216.
Conclusion [11] Gross, D., Soeller, M., "Partial Discharge Monitor-
ing and Breakdown Location on GIS Equipment," ETG
Field type partial discharge measurements referring to an Fachtagung, Diagnostik el. Betriebsmittel, Berlin, Ger-
impulse charge calibration offer comparing lab type re- many, February 26-27, 2002, ISBN 3-8007-2671-8, pp.
sults with on-site findings. 165-168.
Measurement techniques using the principle of 'quasi- [12] Gross, D., Hesse, W., "On-Site Partial Discharge Di-
integration' can be applied at significantly higher frequen- agnosis and Location on Power Cables on Power Trans-
cies in environments of strong electromagnetic noise in- formers," ETG Fachtagung, Diagnostik el. Betriebsmittel,
terference. However, the limitations introduced by the Berlin, Germany, February 26-27, 2002, ISBN 3-8007-
high frequency behavior of real-life high voltage equip- 2671-8, pp. 293-296.
ment must be taken into consideration. [13] Gross, D., "On-site partial discharge diagnosis and
Using broadband impulse-charge calibration sources help monitoring on HV power cables," Conf. Proc. of Jicable,
to understand this behavior and to assess the location de- June, 1999, Versailles, France, pp. 509-514.
pendent sensitivity.


[1] IEC60270, High-voltage test techniques - Partial dis-

charge measurements, CEI/IEC 60270:2000.
[2] Gross, D., "Partial Discharge Measurement and
Monitoring on Rotating Machines," ISEI 2002 Confer-
ence, Boston, MA, April 7-10, 2002, 02CH37316, pp.
[3] Gross, D., "On-line Partial Discharge Diagnosis on
large Motors," CEIDP 2002 Conference, Cancun, Mex-
ico, October 20-24, 2002, 02CH37372, pp. 474-477.
[4] Fruth, B., Gross, D., "Phase Resolving Partial Dis-
charge Pattern Acquisition and Spectrum Analysis," Proc.
of the ICPADM, July 1994, 94CH3311-8, pp. 578-581.
[5] Hudon, C., Torres, W., Bélec, M., and Contreras, R.,
"Comparison of Discharges Measured from a Generator's
Terminals and from Antenna in Front of the Slots,"
EIC/EMCW Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, October
2001, 01CH37264C.

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