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The 19 International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Pilsen, Czech Republic, August, 23 – 28, 2015


Detlev W. Gross
Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH
52074 Aachen, Vaalser Str. 250, Germany
Email: gross@pdix.com

Abstract: Partial discharge (PD) activity in large power transformers being detected dur-
ing acceptance testing, or with on-site testing triggered by alarming DGA results, must be
located as precise as possible to start corrective actions.

Here, acoustic location of the activity is a valuable tool and sources offering a direct oil
path to the accessible tank wall are usually an easy find at high precision. However, often
the location is deeper buried in the winding and, hence, acoustic transmission is ham-
pered by attenuation, reflection, dispersion, and transmission following oil channels,
spacer gaps, and other paths. Thus, "textbook solutions", such as solving the sphere
functions produce misleading results and understanding the limitations as well as the re-
maining possibilities of acoustic location is essential.

Additionally, adequate handling of acoustic noise sources helps to improve the sensitivity.
Moreover, the use of an electrical trigger signal in combination with advanced trigger logic
helps to improve detection, separation, and location.


Attempts to acoustically locate problems in liquid Already in the early days of high voltage insulation
filled power transformers are as old as such trans- systems, partial discharge activity – then called
formers. Severe problems produce sound that corona – was understood as a prominent indicator
make them already audible from distance. for deterioration of insulation materials and incipi-
ent failure [3]. In the early 1990s partial discharge
detectors with pulse counting functions offering the
recording of amplitude-phase-height distributions
(-q-n-pattern) became commercially available [4,
5]. Further understanding of the gas discharge
physics controlling the partial discharge process
was gained with help of this technique [6,7]. Espe-
cially distinguishing and visually separating inde-
pendent discharge activities that occur at the same
time in the specimen became possible. Figure 2,
for instance, shows the superimposal of at least six
spherical gas inclusions in polymeric material.
Here, each activity "writes" its own trace depending
on the cavity's size and location.
Figure 1: "Original Defekt-Sucher" (1930, approx.)

Already in the 1930s specialized, stethoscope-like

instruments were available to mechanically guide
and amplify sound signals (Figure 1). Already here,
versions with an isolating rod were offered to in-
vestigate items under (moderate) high voltage. The
piezoelectric effect was already found 1880 by
Jacques and Pierre Curie [1]. Later Marie Curie
used it for her research. Around 1916, the principle
caught the interest of researchers for the detection
of submarines. However, its widely industrial appli-
cation started only in the 1950s. Later, especially
semi-conductor based charge amplifiers supported
the application of this technique as well on liquid
filled power transformer [2]. Figure 2: -q-n-pattern of several voids
Thus, with the limitations of the pulse processing winding forms the opposite electrode of the partial
capabilities due to the IEC60270 [8] frequency discharge site and, hence, the discharge activity is
range, partial discharge activity of different sources between the two electrodes. Figure 5 shows such
can be acquired and visually separated. Figure 3 example. Here, the upper trace shows the domi-
shows an example of such superimposed inde- nant signal on X1 terminal, while the 2nd trace with
pendent activities, which can be clearly separated. the swapped signal belongs to X3 (tertiary below).

Figure 3: Several independent activities Figure 5: Vs. time signal common 1&3, tertiary 1&2


According to current standards, such as IEC60076-
3 [9] or IEEE C57.113 [10], partial discharge activi- Generally, on-site measurement conditions are not
ties are acquired in parallel on up to nine channels as nicely controllable as in a lab environment.
for HV, LV, and if present, tertiary. Hence, the Therefore, the frequency band used for partial dis-
cross coupling ratio between the different bushing charge detection often cannot meet the require-
taps, i.e., the different windings is already known ments of the IEC60270 [8] and the relevant trans-
during calibration of the multi-channel PD detector. former standards [9,10].
Figure 4 shows a screenshot of such cross-
calibration matrix as taken during calibration.

Within a power transformer acoustic signals of

various sources are present. Besides the often
quite faint signals of partial discharge activity,
partly strong and dominant signals hamper sensi-
tive acquisition.

The Barkhausen noise [11] is one of the most

prominent sources of such acoustic signals being
present in an energized transformer. This noise
originates from discontinuous changes of the orien-
tation of clusters in ferromagnetic materials during
magnetization and demagnetization. As such
"clicks" of the Barkhausen effect in common ferro-
Figure 4: Calibration matrix, cross coupling magnetic materials used in transformer design
have a rise time of a couple of µs, the resulting
This calibration cross coupling, of course, reflects signals reach up into several tens of kHz in fre-
the properties of the winding, the differences be- quency domain [12]. Of course, Barkhausen noise
tween Y and delta, differences between disc and does not only originate in core material, but in any
layer winding and the overall configuration. Thus, ferromagnetic material that is being magnetized.
with inception of PD, comparison of the calibration Here, as the piezoelectric transducers are usually
cross coupling versus the partial discharge ap- placed on the tank wall, stray flux in wall material
pearance on the different taps is an indication of and wall shunts is of importance. However, in case
the location. Further information is gained, if com- of transformer acceptance testing in the lab, this
paring the time domain signals of the different taps. effect is less significant, as such tests are typically
Here, signals having a cross talk with an identical made at higher power frequencies, and, hence, the
polarity indicate mere coupling, whereas signals flux and the resulting Barkhausen noise is propor-
with an opposite polarity show that this part of the tionally lower.
Additionally, there are other mechanical sources, 3.4 Non-Ideal Conditions
such as pumps, tap changer, vibration, and ther-
mally induced clicking sounds. Further, atmos- Sadly, there is no real-life transformer fulfilling the
pheric sources (rain, ice, and wind) hamper field above-mentioned conditions and, hence, various
tests [13]. side effects of the non-ideal, real-life transformer
must be taken into consideration, when attempting
3.1 Acoustic Emission of PD Sources an acoustic location:

The electrical signal of partial discharge under Ni- 3.4.1 Tank Wall
trogen atmosphere has a rise time of about 1 ns
and, hence, posing a literally instantaneous excita- As the tank wall has a certain thickness, lateral
tion for the acoustic emission under transformer oil, transmission has to be considered. Thus, for a
which is found in a frequency range up to about given sound source location, there is a corner an-
300kHz. Thus, at its origin the acoustic signal gle within which direct oil path signal arrives the
shows an even amplitude spectrum and a sharp earliest. This angle is a simple function of the ve-
pressure increase at the wave front. However, this locity of the compression waves in oil vs. steel (2).
ideal situation persists only for a clear oil path with
homogenous properties.
 = arctan voil (2)
3.2 Properties of Transformer Materials
Thus, the fastest signal path is partly in steel for
Transformer oil offers a good signal transmission any incoming signal under an angle of more than
of the acoustic pressure wave. However, the 14°, given the aforementioned ratio of about 0.25
transmission speed is temperature dependent. At between velocities in oil vs. steel. The conse-
20°C the velocity of propagation is 1415 ms-1 [14], quence is that two neighboring sensors having
while it is typically 1200 ms-1 at 80°C. Solid materi- both a viewing angle of more than 14° cannot pro-
als, such as steel, wood, pressboard, and fiber- duce a valid location result based on the first arri-
glass do offer besides the compression wave also val. In theory, the incoming oil-path signal creates
the shear wave, whereas the velocity of propaga- a distinct increase in magnitude over the leading
tion differs for both modes. Moreover, some struc- tank wall signal, if the signal path deviates more
tured materials, such as pressboard show different than 14° from the straight view. The two lower
transmission properties depending on the orienta- traces of figures 13 show the signal of such case
tion of the fibers. with the smaller leading steel signal. However, in
real-life situations, the signal paths often are more
Especially, the speed of the compression wave in complex and such nice signals are not so common.
steel, as used for transformer tanks is substantially
higher than the acoustic transmission in oil. Here, 3.4.2 Wave Guide
the compression wave (longitudinal wave) travels
at a speed of about 5900 ms-1, which is more than If, for instance, the partial discharge source is lo-
four times faster than the transmission in oil. The cated at the far tip of a stick, the sound travels in-
shear wave (transverse wave) in steel propagates side the stick approximately 40% faster than in the
at about 3200 ms-1 [14, 15]. surrounding oil. At the stick's near end, this sound
is then radiated and leads to a false location point-
3.3 Triangulation ing to this near tip, but indicating a closer location.

Triangulation is based on the differences in arrival 3.4.3 Acoustic Window

time of signals at different receivers or sensors.
Generally, the location is calculated with solving Acoustic emission of hidden partial discharge, for
the set of equations of the sphere functions (1). instance on the core surface, behind a stack of
insulation material on top of a LV winding, a buried
(x-x1)2 + (y-y1)2 + (z-z1)2 = (v • t1)2 glue drop with an air bubble, or an otherwise hid-
den source may take an angled path to the sensor.
(x-x2)2 + (y-y2)2 + (z-z2)2 = (v • t2)2 (1)
For instance, the sound may emit from an oil
2 2 2 2
(x-x3) + (y-y3) + (z-z3) = (v • t3) channel or between sticks. In case, the triangula-
tion falsely points to the oil channel emitting the
This basic, "classical" triangulation requires two signal, but indicates the length of the overall path.
central conditions fulfilled for a tank-type specimen:
Firstly, the interior of the tank must be homogene- Figure 6 (next page) shows the situation of such a
ously filled with a liquid, i.e., otherwise empty and, case, where it is essential having drawings at hand
secondly, the tank wall must be a thin membrane and where experience helps. Here, the location of
without any lateral transmission capabilities. In the window was precisely known and the remain-
case, of course, a location is an easy task. ing path had to lead up the core. Thus, even here
the location can be estimated relatively accurate.
However, under field conditions it can be advanta-
geous that besides placing sensors, no further in-
stallation or interference is needed on site [13].
4.2 Standard Electrical Trigger
Using electrical trigger for the acoustic triangulation
is the predominant method for test room applica-
3 tions. Here, the usual situation is that a transformer
failed to complete the acceptance test and, hence,
focus is on finding the root cause of the partial dis-
charge. Therefore, eliminating any acoustic signal
that is not caused by partial discharge is appreci-
ated. Further, using averaging techniques based
on the precise electrical trigger helps to improve
Figure 6: Indirect signal path and false location
the signal-to-noise ratio and to reduce the impact
of the signals caused by the Barkhausen effect.
3.4.4 Reflection
Typically, an analog output of a partial discharge
Of course, acoustic waves undergo reflection detector is taken as trigger. Preferably, wide band
within the structure of a transformer and its tank. detectors are used, as their internal signal process-
However, in principle reflections do arrive after the ing causes only a delay of few microseconds,
first, direct signal and, hence, are not likely to which can be neglected against the acoustic travel
hamper a correct triangulation. On the other hand, time [13].
identification of reflected signal could help to vali-
date the interpretation of acquired signal. Figure 7 In a field situation it may be more convenient using
shows the signal of partial discharge at the center a split-core RF current transformer for instance on
conductor of a tube-like high voltage link to a cable a neutral or ground lead as trigger source. Like-
box. Here, it was possible to calculate the few cm wise, UHF signals captured with drain valve sen-
offset from the center, as the reflected signal trav- sors can act as trigger source to start the acquisi-
els the distance to the far wall twice. tion. Generally, of course, the electrical signal is
analyzed beforehand to make sure that it reflects
the partial discharge signal in question [16].

Figure 8 shows a typical trace of such a measure-

ment with el. trigger and three sensors in a row.

Figure 7: Direct and reflected acoustic signal


Two main methods exist to trigger acoustic triangu- Figure 9: Averaged acoustic signal with el. trigger
lation. Both have their advantages and disadvan-
tages under different applications.

4.1 All Acoustic

In general, a location is possible based on just

three acoustic signals, when solving the equations
of the sphere functions. However, as mentioned
above, various signals of other sources than partial
discharge are present in a transformer especially in
the field. Here, the placement of sensors is a key
point and it must be avoided to combine signals to
fake location that do not belong together. Figure 10: Location result based on figure 9
Figure 10 (previous page) shows the correspond-
ing location result for the "flat problem", as the
three sensors are mounted in a horizontal (or verti-
cal) line. The main point of the third sensor is to
validate the results of the two other sensors. The
distance calculation can be set to reflect the travel
path in the tank wall. In case, the circle changes
into a line for an angle above the corner angle.

In an iterative process, the sensors are replaced to

give a clear signal within the corner angle. With the
then found location result for the said flat problem,
the sensors are swapped from horizontal to vertical
(or vice versa) to solve the second flat problem. Figure 12: Independent -q-trigger areas
Here, the software always tilts the previous result As this function is implemented in the (hardware-)
layer using the newfound location. With a clear oil state machine routine to accumulate the -q-n pat-
path, this leads to a precision of about 2 cm [16]. tern of the (electrical PD) trigger channel, the over-
all performance of the instrument does not suffer
4.3 -q-based Electrical Trigger from the additional task.

However, the "standard" electrical trigger runs into This allows now firstly to get valid averaging results
problems in case of high magnitude noise, high for multiple sources even with activities having ex-
repetition rate noise signals, and several parallel tremely different repetition rates and with signals
activities competing during averaging. Here, a trig- buried in high-level or scattered impulse noise.
ger based on a -q-n-pattern greatly improves the
signal acquisition under difficult situations. To minimize confusion, all traces (acoustic chan-
nels) belonging to one trigger area are displayed in
This function is now part of a multi-channel parallel the same color as the marked trigger area in the -
partial discharge detector (Figure 11). The current q-n-pattern. Currently, this function is limited to
version of this instrument offers a built-in 100 three independent trigger areas, which are shown
Msample DSO for each channel of the up to nine in red, blue and green. Figure 13 shows an exam-
parallel acquisition channels. ple with two sets of separately averaged traces
shown in blue and red, while the upper black trace
indicates the trigger signal and the t0 reference.

Figure 11: 8-ch. parallel PD and RIV acquisition

Besides the standard mere level-based trigger
function, as found usually with oscilloscopes, here,
the circuits that accumulate the -q-n pattern can
provide a smart trigger to have only signals con-
tributing to the averaging process that are likely to
come from the same source.

Practically, the trigger is set using a -q-editor to

mark areas to provide a trigger within a -q-n-
pattern acquired on the unit under test. Figure 12 Figure 13: Displaying results of two trigger classes
shows an example of such partial discharge pat-
tern and the areas to provide a trigger with blue The blue signal corresponds to the blue trigger
and red marking, while all other pulses are ne- area shown in figure 12. Likewise, the red traces
glected. Technically, the instrument can handle up belong to the red trigger area as marked in figure
to eight independent trigger condition areas. Sub- 12. The blue activity is somewhat left of the three
sequently, the instrument acquires the traces of the sensors (~58cm), while the stronger red activity is
up to eight acoustic channels into independent av- located at a closer distance (~40cm), but to the
eraging "baskets" for each trigger class, which then right hand side and slightly beyond the corner an-
rules out remaining "wrong" traces. gel with respect to the current sensor position.
Of course, displaying the different trigger classes REFERENCES
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