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Suyash Yadav : 1RV20IM052

Problem Statement:
Develop a comprehensive Library Management System (LMS) capable of efficiently
managing multiple libraries' book inventory, issuing records, student details,
availability status, and book locations.

Double Diamond Illustration:

1. Discover Phase :
a. Research & Exploration
i. Observation: Study existing library management practices across
multiple branches.
ii. Interviews: Engage with librarians, administrators, and students to
understand challenges and requirements.
iii. Data Analysis: Review current systems, inventory management
processes, and borrower records.

b. Insights
i. Findings: Identify challenges in inventory tracking, borrower
management, and decentralized operations.
ii. Common Issues: Lack of centralized database, inefficient tracking
of book availability, and manual issuance systems.

2. Define Phase :
a. Problem Definition
i. Problem Statement: Inadequate multi-branch library management
system affecting inventory accuracy and borrower experience.
ii. Key Needs: Centralized database, streamlined book issuance, and
efficient borrower record management.

b. Ideation & Conceptualisation

i. Brainstorming: Generate ideas - SQL-integrated centralized
database, streamlined issuance process, and reporting tools.
ii. Prioritization: Rank solutions based on impact, feasibility, and
potential scalability.
3. Develop Phase :
a. Prototyping & Experimentation
i. Database Schema: Develop SQL-based database schema for book,
student, and issuance records.
ii. CRUD Operations: Implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete
functionalities for managing book and student information.
iii. Issuance Management: Develop issuance and return functionalities,
updating availability status.
b. Iteration & Refinement
i. User Testing: Pilot database and issuance systems in select library
branches, gathering feedback from librarians and users.
ii. Feedback Analysis: Analyze feedback to refine database structure,
improve user interface, and streamline issuance process.

4. Deliver Phase :
a. Implementation & Scaling
i. Full-Scale Deployment: Implement refined Library Management
System across all branches.
ii. Training & Support: Provide training to librarians and
administrators on system usage and troubleshooting.
b. Evaluation & Continuous Evolution
i. Monitoring & Analytics: Monitor system performance, book
availability, borrower records, and system utilization.
ii. Feedback Iteration: Continuously gather feedback, iterate on
system features, and adapt to evolving needs.
Output :

The developed Library Management System using SQL databases will provide librarians
with a robust tool to effectively manage book inventories, track issuances and returns,
monitor edition availability, and streamline library operations across multiple branches.
The system will facilitate quick and accurate retrieval of information, aiding in efficient
library services and informed decision-making.
Database Design :

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