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Students' learning environments are the classroom and the school grounds.

As a result, the elements

that make up these two could have an immediate impact on how well children learn. Whether a pupil
learns successfully or not is determined by everything that goes into the classroom and the school. For
instance, children may learn more effectively and produce positive learning outcomes if the classroom is
tidy, comfortable, and distraction-free. This is because there will be a calm atmosphere surrounding
them, providing them with a conducive learning environment. On the other hand, disorganized
classrooms might have an impact on students' performance. In conclusion, one of the elements
influencing the physical environment is the classroom and school grounds. Because of this, the school
and the teachers must en-sure that the these learning spaces are conducive to learning

The concept of "nature vs. nurture" in child and adolescent development—specifically, the idea of what
the "nurture" sought to emphasize about the child's development—is correlated with the idea that the
school environment is one of the most significant factors in the success of students' learning. According
to this theory, social interactions, the people and surroundings a child is in, as well as other
environmental elements, all have an impact on a student's learning and development. This means that
the school campus, which serves as a crucial learning environment, must positively influence pupils and
assist them in developing their moral principles and personal growth.

to create a classroom that is useful for education. I'm going to do the following:

 Encourage the pupils to assist in keeping the room tidy by providing them with cleaning supplies.
By doing this, I'm also assisting the children in developing self-discipline and teamwork in their
interactions with classmates as well as an awareness of their obligations.
 Establish a functional seat plan for the classroom that is updated each term. Students' social
skills will improve and relationships with their classmates will be forged thanks to this.
 radiates happiness in the classroom by valuing each student's diversity and individuality, meeting
their needs in an efficient manner, instilling in them the importance of morality, and encouraging
them to make the right decisions in all facets of their lives.
 -Apply a student-centered learning strategy in which students take charge of their education and
learn to solve problems on their own, look for solutions on their own, and not depend on
instructions from teachers.
 The final step is to be a successful teacher who goes above and beyond what is required of them
in their role as role models and community and school leaders.
 In essence, a school is a place where education and study take place. It's there that we pick up
new skills, have priceless experiences, form significant connections with others, and discover
deep inner values. However, in order to accomplish all of these goals, a school must be a secure
environment for learning, support high-quality instruction, enable simple access to learning
resources, and give students chances for autonomous but hands-on learning. If the community,
parents, teachers, students, and the head of the school work together to accomplish all of these,
all of these will be feasible.

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