6DOF - ANN - Roll No 17,20,36

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Darpan Theng (200933026) – Roll no 17

Kadar Basha Azad (200933032) – Roll no 20

Ashwinraj Manikandan Renuka (200933066) – Roll no 36


A low-cost, one-third-scale Yak-54 RC plane is used as the research platform
throughout this evaluation process.
Step 1: Developing Aircraft Dynamics Model
Step 2: Mathematics-Based different Mode Dynamics Analysis
Step 3: Open Loop Dynamics from the Time Domain Response
Step 4: Development of the 6DOF Nonlinear Model using MATLAB/Simulink
The Model Algorithm

Block Diagram of the Model

Coordinate System

Earth Centered Earth

Fixed coordinate system.
ECEF rotates about the
Earth Centered Inertial
reference frame.
Equations of Motion
Modules and Block sets

 6-DOF Module

 Aerodynamics module
The aerodynamic forces are composed of three forces, which are the lift,
drag, and side force. These forces generate moments with respect to the
center of gravity about the X, Y, Z-axis and are described as the rolling
moment, pitching moment, and yawing moment.

The aerodynamic forces and moments are first described as dimensionless

coefficients, which are associated with the stability and control derivatives
given in the modeling results.

The forced are then transformed from Stability Axis to Body fixed Axis
using the following transformation.
 Propulsion module

For a given throttle input, the corresponding RPM output is determined

according to the RPM curve. This RPM value is then used to calculate the
advance ratio with the current airspeed feedback from the simulation model.
The thrust coefficient can then be obtained from the thrust coefficient curve
according to the calculated advance ratio value. Finally, the thrust force is
computed using the equation given below.
 Atmosphere module

This MATLAB/Simulink COESA model implements the mathematical

representations of the 1976 COESA values and provides absolute temperature,
pressure, density, and the speed of sound for a given geodetic altitude.

This model is being worked on and we try to complete the model in the final
design report. Here we are facing problems regarding the inputs in the model.

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