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Draft, submitted to INSUCON 2006, '10th International Insulation Conference', Birmingham, UK, May 24-26, 2006


Detlev W. Gross and Markus Söller

Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH, Aachen, Germany

ABSTRACT Thus, analyzing the partial discharge activity offers

assessing various electrical, mechanical, thermal, and
The typical epoxy-mica insulation system of rotating environmental problems that affect the integrity of
machines is a 'forgiving' insulation system. Due to this the insulation system.
electrical stability, partial discharge activity acts as an Although already considered very early in the techn i-
indicator for a variety of defect mechanisms. cal application of the impregnated mica insulation of
On-line partial discharge diagnosis using phase-resolved rotating machines [1], only further progress con-
partial discharge pattern serves to identify defect types cerning the detection and the processing of partial
and their risk potential. Examples of defect types and discharge activity allowed a deeper understanding of
their typical partial discharge pattern are discussed. the influence of basic gas-discharge physics on the
Adequate application of on-line diagnostic measure- observed activity [2, 3].
ments and continuous on-line monitoring including the On the instrumentation side, the use of the phase-
operation condition of a machine allows keeping track resolved partial discharge pattern or ϕ-q-n pattern
of the ongoing degradation of the insulation system and strongly improved the interpretation and correlation
helps to increase the system availability. of the partial discharge activities with different defect
The structure of a partial discharge monitoring system mechanism [4, 5, 6, 8] and their simulation [2, 3].
of a larger utility is given as an example. Here, with
each power plant a local server communicates with the
instruments installed via the local TCP/IP network. The
acquired data is then made available to the monitoring
center using IP forwarding with the utility's WAN. Di-
rect routing allows remote measurements to further
evaluate the machine's condition..



The epoxy-mica insulation system, as used with the

majority of high voltage rotating machines tolerates
partial discharge to a certain extend. Mica, a silicate
mineral, has a layer oriented stable tetrahedral crystal Fig. 1 – PRPD pattern, thermally aged insulation
structure, whereas the layers can be relatively easily
detached. The ϕ-q-n pattern is a three-dimensional representa-
Thus, mostly, even freshly impregnated epoxy-mica tion of the count distribution versus phase and am-
insulation show internal partial discharge activity plitude. As an example, Fig. 1 shows the ϕ-q-n pat-
with the embedded flat gas-filled pockets between the tern of a thermally aged rotating machine insulation.
mica layers. Moreover, thermal cycling of the insula- A high number of thermal load cycles has caused the
tion, when running the machine, increasingly opens epoxy-mica insulation to delaminate at a multitude of
further areas of delamination between the mica la y- locations. The resulting pattern shows symmetrical
ers. Ongoing electrical aging of the contributing sur- count distributions of the typical triangular shape for
faces eventually changes the appearance of the partial both half cycles. This indicates that the delamination
discharge activity. Additionally, for instance, weak- does not affect the conductor or ground wall.
nesses, contamination, or aging of the field grading Fig. 2, instead, shows a typical pattern of so-called
area at the slot exit will cause typical partial dis- slot discharge or ground wall delamination. Here, the
charge activity. typical triangular pattern is found in the negative half
However, because of the high stability against partial cycle, only, because of differences in the processes
discharge that the composite epoxy-mica insulation starting the electron avalanche for both polarities.
offers, if compared with other technical insulation The activity shown with Fig. 3 is caused by a pro b -
systems, often this discharge activity does not pose lem with the field grading at the slot exit [9]. Here,
an immediate thread for the insulation, but clearly improper processing and curing of a globally vac-
identifies an upcoming or ongoing problem. uum-pressure-impregnated (VPI) large motor caused
Fig. 2 – Motor, slot discharge activity Fig. 4 – Slot exit defects of a VPI motor insulation

Fig. 3 – Slot exit defects, initial stage Fig. 5 – Slot exit defect, final stage, heavy sparking
initially small cracks in the insulation at the slot exit duced to smoothen the electrical field and to prevent
(Fig. 4). The resulting discharge activity increasingly slot discharge. With increasing frequency, the con-
widens the gap, while deteriorating the semi- duction process concentrates on the surfaces and,
conductive layer. In the final stage, sparking between hence, turning the insulation above a certain corner
the bar and the pressure finger (Fig. 4) causes high frequency into a stacked, lossy insulation.
level discharge (Fig. 5), which punctures the main The second strong impact is caused by the reflections
insulation and which will subsequently cause a severe found with every impedance change of a conductor.
machine failure. While in the slot of the core, a generator bar has a
This machine was followed over a period of several comparably low impedance, as the core turns it into a
years showing the early indications during off-line shielded, coaxial cable, whereas the bar's impedance
testing during an outage, several corrective actions, in the overhang is significantly higher, since it is un-
and finally keeping it in service with continuous on- shielded (Fig. 6).
line monitoring until recent replacement. The resulting effect of a positive reflection, when the
signal leaves the slot and a negative, when it re-enters
APPLICABLE DETECTION FR EQUENCIES the slot section strongly attenuates frequency comp o-
nents above a frequency, where the physical length of
The rise time of an electron avalanche [10] under the slot comes in the order of magnitude of the
Nitrogen atmosphere at ambient pressure is about
1ns, while it is about one order of magnitude shorter Overhang: Z L > 100Ω
under pressurized hydrogen, as it is used with large
generators. Thus, at its origin, a partial discharge im-
pulse has an evenly distributed amplitude spectra up
to several hundred MHz and above.
Slot Section: Z L ~ 10-20Ω
However, when traveling a real world winding, the
signal integrity suffers from different influences such
as attenuation, dispersion, reflection, and skin effect,
for instance, as machine bars are not designed to
conduct high fr equency signals [11]. Overhang: Z L > 100Ω
One major cause of the increasing attenuation vs.
frequency is due to the semi-conductive layers intro- Fig. 6 – Modeling a stator winding of a rot. machine
wavelength [12]. For large turbine generators this
effect becomes dominant above few MHz already.
Thus, partial discharge measurements must concen-
trate on a frequency band not exceeding about
10MHz in order to reasonably cover the entire ma-
chine. However, because of the higher attenuation,
elevated frequencies in return offer excellent near-
field detection capabilities to find and locate individ-
ual defects using antennas or near-field probes [7].


During outages rotating machines become available

for off-line partial discharge testing. In case, a regu -
lar high voltage test set or a variable frequency res o-
nant test set is used to energize the entire winding or Fig. 8 – Capacitive coupler installed at the flex link
the phase coils individually. Fig. 7 shows such a
setup to test a smaller turbine generator. providing the partial discharge signals, the coupling
capacitors, if equipped with suitable circuits, offer
the synchronization voltage needed for the partial
discharge measurements as well. Fig. 8 shows such
coupling capacitor installed at the flex link of a mid-
size turbine generator.
Alternatively, high frequency current transformers
can be used for partial discharge coupling, if inserted
in the ground lead of so-called surge capacitors. With
large motors supplied by medium voltage cables, op-
timized Rogowski coils offer a further alte rnative.
Because of the stability of the insulation system,
schedule based on-line partial discharge measure-
ments are an option especially for large machines in
the upper voltage class.
Generally, care must be taken when comparing pa r-
tial discharge measurement results. Especially, the
thermal condition and the load situation must be
comparable to allow a comparison of the discharge
Fig. 7 – Off-line testing (ICM ®system), rotor removed pattern and magnitude. Further, especially for dis-
charge activity with the field grading at the slot exit,
However, since the entire winding or coil is ene r- monitoring the humidity of the cooling air is needed
gized, this configuration strongly differs from the to correctly assess the trending information of the
normal operation condition of a rotating machine. In discharge activ ity.
case, the neutral side of the winding is facing the
same voltage as the line end. Thus, areas that not yet CONTINUOUS ON-LINE PARTIAL DIS -
have been electrically aged are exposed to high volt- CHARGE MONITORING
age. The discharge pattern of electrically not aged
delaminations, for instance, differ from the pattern Using permanently installed couplers a multi-channel
acquired from an identical defect that underwent partial discharge detector is used to sequentially scan
electrical aging for a while. The main effect is that all input channels for their partial discharge activity.
the ongoing partial discharge in such areas corrode Fig. 9 shows such an instrument (ICM ®monitor) in a
the contributing surfaces, cracks chains of polymeric stand-alone configuration. The unit offers an alarm
material and, hence, offer more starting electrons for relay, which is tripped in case preset levels for dis-
partial discharge activ ity. charge magnitude and average discharge current were
Typically, therefore, in most cases off-line tests pro- exceeded. The instrument stores locally the trending
duce higher discharge magnitudes than comparable information. The ICM ® monitor software running on a
on-line tests under the normal field distrib ution. notebook computer can be used to download the
trending information locally and to change into ex-
ON-LINE PARTIAL DISCHARGE TES TING pert mode for the ϕ-q-n pattern acquisition. The same
functionality is offered remotely via modem.
On-line partial discharge testing and monitoring re- Besides this stand-alone configuration, the instrument
quires permanently installed couplers. Preferably, allows various levels of further integration and net -
coupling capacitors are used as couplers. Besides working.
Generators G1 G2


ICM ®monitor

TCP/IP Intranet

Local PC:
ICM ®monitor

TCP/IP Intranet
Fig. 9 – On-Line PD monitoring, stand-alone unit

Hydraulic Pump Storage Plant Monitoring Center

ICM ®pilot S/W
Hydro generators in pump storage plants are facing a
severe thermal and mechanical aging because of their
demanding load cycle. Pump storage plants are used Fig. 11 – Structure of a PD monitoring system
to provide short-term peak power.
Fig. 10 shows the partial discharge couplers installed Therefore, the ICM ® monitor can be equipped with an
at the ring bus of such a generator. Here, six couplers additional analog board accepting four or eight chan-
are install to offer a better coverage of the entire nels of 4-20mA signals, which are trended along with
winding. the pa rtial discharge activity.
Typically, such machines face full load within one With this example all six generators are equipped
minute after startup from still-stand. Thus, the cold with the ICM ® monitor, while a local computer cycli-
insulation is facing the mechanical forces of the full cally connects to the instruments to collect the data
load condition. Mostly, such machines are exposed to using analog modems and the plant's telephone net -
this thermal cycle several times per day. Further, work.
during the frequent start and stop sequences, critical Simply sharing the drive of this local computer with
parts, such as the overhang often encounter vibration the utility's Intranet provides access to the locally
during the transition phase. stored data.
Thus, other than with base-load power plants, partial
discharge monitoring must strongly consider the Combined Cycle Power Plant (IPP)
overall operation parameters including power, reac-
tive power, and several temperatures, for instance. The four generators of an independent power pro-
ducer's gas-fired combined cycle power plant have
been equipped in a similar way.
However, here an isolated TCP/IP network was used
to connect the ICM ® monitor units to the local PC,
which provides scanning, storage, and alarm han-

Multiple Combined Cycle Power Plants

In this case, a larger number of combined cycle

power plants located in different countries are mon i-
tored. With each power plant the local configuration
is identical (Fig. 11).
A local server (Windows Server) runs the
ICM ® monitor software in locked mode as a service
and not as an application (Fig.12). Depending on the
local situation, this server connects to one or up to six
Fig. 10 – Couplers installed on a hydro generator local ICM ® monitor units via a fiber-optic TCP/IP
[3] Heitz, C. "A Generalized Model for Partial Dis-
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[6] Binder, E. et al, "Development and Verification
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[7] Hudon, C., Torres, W., Bélec, M., and Contreras,
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2001, Paper 7G.
Fig. 12 – Local server to scan the ICM ®monitor units [9] Gross, D., "On-line Partial Discharge Diagnosis
network. The software automatically stores the re- on large Motors," CEIDP 2002 Conference, Can-
sults and handles the alarm flags. cun, Mexico, October 20-24, 2002, 02CH37372,
The overview on the entire system's status is the re- pp. 474-477.
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CONCLUSION [12] Gross, D., "Partial Discharge Measurement and
Monitoring on Rotating Machines," ISEI 2002
Phase resolved partial discharge pattern analysis Conference, Boston, MA, April 7-10, 2002,
(PRPDA) offers identification of a variety of defect 02CH37316, pp. 570-574.
types of epoxy-mica and other insulation systems. [13] Gross, D., "Partial Discharge Diagnosis of Motor
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monitoring allows keeping track of the health of the Finland, June 11-13, 2003, ISBN 952-15-1034-X,
insulation system. pp. 21-28.
Adequate and cost-optimized maintenance actions can
be planned based on the trending results of on-line
monitoring, whereas off-line partial discharge test along
with additional testing serves to determine the needed

[1] Peek, F.W., Dielectric Phenomena in High Volt-
age Engineering. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Contact information:
1915, pp. 216-217. Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH
[2] Niemeyer, L. "A Generalized Approach to Partial Brüsseler Ring 95a, 52074 Aachen
Discharge Modeling", IEEE Trans DEI, Vol. 2, Tel.: +49 241 74927, Fax: +49 241 79521
No. 4, August 1995, pp. 519-528. Web Site:

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