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• A bibliography is an alphabetical list of all materials consulted in the preparation of the report.

• It is an integral part of the report.

• Bibliography word derive from Latin word


• Biblio(BOOK)

• A bibliography can be defined

A list of reference materials (involving any kind of content; text music, painting, video etc.)
elucidating the type,
nature and other
detailed information
omthe basis of name,
date and genre of the
materials" Graphia(
Reasons for iting

To acknowledge
and give credit
to sources of
words, ideas,
quotations borrowed or any materials summarized or paraphrased

To show that you are respectfully borrowing other people's ideas, not stealing them. i.e to pr ve
that you are not copying

To offer additional information to who may whish to further pursue

your topic.

To give opportunityno—check Oilt your

sources for-accuracy. An honest bibliography!þnspires reader
confidence in your writing
Styles usqd_ln bibliography

• There are various formats used in the creation of a bibliography such as:

• APA style

• MLA style

• AMA style

• Turabian style

• Chicago-style

• APA (American
Association) s
le: Fo research
paper in
psychology, e
ucation and
other social

• MLA (Medical
Library Association) style: For research papers in literature, arts and humanities.

• AMA (American Medical Association) style: For research paper in medicine, health and biological

• Turabian style: Designed for writers of team papers, theses and dissertations.
• Chicago style: Used with all subjects in the real world by books, magazines, newspapera •d other
Format of a s anda1Žd Bibliography

• Bibliographyformatfor a book: A standard bibliographWTor


the following

• Bibliographyformatfor periodicalR journal article•

A bibliography entry for a journal or periodical article contains the following information.

• Author(s)

• Article / Journal Title

Volume Number

• Pages
Date of publication
Guideless for formatting

• When assembling a final

bibliography, list your sources (texts, articles, interviews and so on) in alphabetical order by
authors' last name

• Sources that don 'tauthors (encyclopedias, movies) houldl be alphabetized by title


Book With One Author

• Author's last name with initial. Year of publication, Titlf of the Book. Edition(if not first), City:

Name the Publisher, page no/nos

• Book with two authors

• Author's last name, first "name and second author's full name(with initial). Year of publication
Title of the Book. Edition(if not first), City:
Name ofthe


Book with

three authors
• Author's last name, firs name, second author's full name and third author's full name (with initial).
Year of publication, Title of the Book. Edition(iEnot first), City.—Na1i1e of the Publis er, page

Book with more than
three authors
• Author's last name et al. Year of publication, Title of-thei Book. Edition(iñnot first), City: Name of
the Publishers pageno/nos

Journal article

• Author's last name(with initial)Year of publication, Title of the Article. Magazine title,

volumeA10„ n /nos
Encyclopedia Article:
• Encyclopedia Title, Year Of Publication. Edition Date. Volume Number, "Article

Title",-Page Number

• Author's last name,(w

initial), year of publication. "article title". Magazine title, monthofpublicationypag no News

paper article
• Author's last name,(with initial). Year of publication. "article title". Newspaper title, date of
publication, edition if nece sary: sectionifnecessary: page_number
A film

• Title, year, Director, Distributor

• Disc title: Version, Date:tArticle title",pages if given. Publisher

A web Page-

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