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~~ Adiabatic Saturation Temperature 511 jd heat: The humid heat cy is the heat energy required to raise the temperature of unit vr ary air’ with the accompanying water vapour by one degree. At ordinary temperature mass O sure the heat capacity of dry air may be taken as 1,005 ki/kg:K and that of water vapour and Pe kK. Ifthe humidity of a sample of moist air is ¥, its humid heat can be calculated asf from the following equation. 005 + 1.88Y, in kI/(kg dry air)(K) (10.6) Enthaipy: Enthalpy of a sample of air appears in the energy balance equation of water coating and many similar operations. Like humid volume and humid heat, itis also expressed on the basis of unit mass of dry air. Thus the statement “the enthalpy of a sample of air is H” Ki/kg} vpeans that 1 kg of “dry” air with accompanying water vapour has a heat content of 1” KY with frapect to the specified reference states of air and water, The reference states may be chosen ‘poitrarily. The common choice is: dry air and liquid water, both at °C and 1 atm (1.013 bar) sure. Pron equation for the calculation of enthalpy of a stream of moist air at 1 atm pressure and of humidity ¥” and temperature 7¢°C is given below. It is assumed that ¥” kg water is vaporized atthe reference temperature (7)°C) and mixed with 1 kg of dry air at the same temperature, To°C, to get (1 + ¥’) kg moist air. If Ap is the latent heat of vaporization of water at the reference temperature, the enthalpy is given as H = Y%o + — cu(Tg - To) (10.7) (Enthalpy) (Latent heat) (Sensible heat) cue where cy is the humid heat of the air. If the reference temperature is 0°C, we take Ap = 2500 kI/kg; cy is given by Eq. (10.7). So the enthalpy is H’ = 2500Y’ + (1.005 + 1.88Y’\(Tg — To), in kJ per kg dry air (10.8) The basis of Eq. (10.8) is schematically shown in Figure 10.2. (1+ ¥) kg humid air at 75°C (14 ¥') kg water at 76°C t + ey (Tg~ To) 5 +Agh WS 1 Teg diy air at TyeC f= |+{¥" kg water vapour at eC] Fk water at °C] Figure 10,2 The basis of Eq (10.8) illustrated (Tp"C = reference temperature). 10.2 ADIABATIC SATURATION TEMPERATURE mu an important quantity in relation to air-water contacting. In order to explain the quantity, m =| the air-water contacting arrangement shown in Figure 10.3, Water is continuously a aa in the humdification chamber through the spray pipe, The water at the bottom of the max cis recirculated by a pump as shown. An air stream continuously enters into the chamber with he ught in intimate contact with the water spray. The air stream attains thermal equilibrium: ese ser at temperature 7, and also gets saturated with water vapour at that temperature leaves the chamber. A small quantity of water at the temperature T, may be fed ee 512 Chapter 10 _Humidificat m and Water Cooling [Humidification chamber] Insulated walt Water spray Makeup water atl, Water at 7, Figure 10.3 Schematic representation of adiabatic saturation of ar continuously inorder to compensate forthe vaporization loss of water. The walls of the can, are well-insulated and the system operates adiabatically. The temperature 7, attained by the g (which is the same as the temperature of water) is called the ‘adiabatic saturation temperany: (also denoted by 7a,). Suppose ¥’ is the humidity of the inlet air and 7c; is its temperature; j; the heat of vaporization of water at the adiabatic saturation temperature, T.. If 7, is also ty reference temperature (chosen for convenience) and Y, is the humidity of the saturated exit a, Enthalpy of the inlet air = cy(Tg - T,) + A,Y’ , in kJ per kg dry air Enthalpy of exit air = ¢y(T, - T,) + AY/ = AY! Because the water temperature does not change, its enthalpy remains constant. The enthalpy ¢ air also remains constant as there is no heat exchange with the surroundings. At steady st, we have 4 HT -T)+ AY =A = (Tq — Te) = (We ¥) 1H (109) Equation (10.9) may be used to make a plot of ¥” versus Tz for a given set of values of J, nd 4, Such a plot is called an ‘adiabatic saturation curve’. It is slightly curved because of te dependence of cy on ¥’. An adiabatic saturation curve terminates on the 100% saturation cur’ of the ‘psychrometric chart’ shown in Figure 10.6(a) and discussed in Section 10.5. Thus, adiabatic saturation curve is the constant enthalpy locus of the point (7G, Y’) on the 7-¥ plane. The point (7, ¥/) lies on the 100% humidity curve. 10.3 WET-BULB TEMPERATURE Consider a drop of water suspended in air atthe tip of a thin wire. If the vapour pressure of wate at the temperature of the drop is higher than the partial pressure of water vapour in the ambien! Gane ation of water will occur, The latent heat required for evaporation will be supPli () partly by the surrounding air by convective heat transfer to the waver drop, and (ii) partly bY the water drop itself. The temperature of the drop falls as a result, Ac the temperature ofthe dP seereases with ime, the vapour pressure of water inthe drop also decreases causing art" in the Partial pressure driving force and consequently in the evaporation flux, Howeves. So th wa driving force for heat transfer from the ambient ai to the water drop will incre So the contribution of heat transfer from the ambiemt air towards the lence heat ot vaporizatio® of water will gradually increase. If sufficient time is allowed, the drop will eventually avait * Steady-state temperature, At steady stat, the heat ux from the ambient fs equal othe latent Wet-Bulb Temperature __ 513. reqired forthe evaporation flux. The temperature of Suspension hole the drop does not decrease any further under this Wet-bulb AM ition. This temperature of the drop is the wet- thermometer bulb temperature. "Te wet-bulb temperature can be measured by ; Dy-bu awe thermometer shown in Figure 104. One ermometr Swinging gad of a wick wraps the thermometer bulb and the ita handle Shyer end is dipped into a water pot. The wick Cimains wet by water by capillary action, The ‘ready state temperature of the wick indicated by the 1 ig the wet-bulb temperature. The dry- thermometei bulb temperature of air Te and its humidity Y", LE primarily determine its wet-bulb temperature. However, factors such as air velocity and the shape Figure 104 Sing thermometer. of the thermometer bulb have some effect on the et-bulb temperature. At an air velocity above 30 km/h, the wet-bulb temperature depends upon the dry-bulb temperature and the humidity of the air only. The particular type of thermometer, called the ‘sling thermometer’ shown in Figure 10.4, gives the ‘true’ wet-bulb temperature. The thermometer is kept fixed on a panel that can swing rapidly so that a relative air velocity above 30 kmph may be maintained. A combination of a dry-bulb and a wet-bulb thermometer is called apsychrometer. Heat and mass transport through the air-film on the moist wick are illustrated in Figure 10.5. isi iim sve fey St Ti A wick P| % Tas] | t | | flux | | Ee] ea | fe % Reo {@) Schematic of the wick and the air-fim; (b) the profile of temperature and partial pressure of water vapour in the srature with the dry-bulb ‘ficients. If the steady- ipour pressure of ss flux We determine below the quantitative relation of the wet-bulb tempe temperature, the humidity of the air, and the heat and mass transfer coe! = temperature of the wick (i.e. the wet-bulb temperature) is Ty, and the ‘ter at this temperature isp, the expressions for the heat flux and the evaporation ma can be written as ~ pa) (10.10) Heat flux, q = ho(T ~ T,)i molar flux of water vapour, Na = , ™~ ‘ment of latent heat of vang.: Aporizati ion of S14 Chapter 10 Humidification and Water Cooling Since the heat flux is just suffi at steady state, nt to meet the requi Taig hig(To — Tu) = AyMko(w ~ px) = Ady ~ ¥") where (104, +g = heat transfer coefficient of the air-film g = mass transfer coefficient for moisture transport through the air-film M, = molecular weight of water 4, = latent heat of vaporization of water ky: = mass transfer coefficient for moisture, in kg moisture/(m?)(h)(Ay’) Y’ = humidity of the ambient air, ¥, = saturation humidity of air at temperature 7, From Eq. (10.11), = Alki -¥') Tg - Ty = higlky- (10.12) The difference 7 ~ T,, is called the ‘wet-bulb depression’. The above equation can be calculate the wet-bulb temperature if hg and ky: are known oF are estimated using a correlation. The quantities 7,, and ¥’ are related through the vapour pressure equation. Hi the psychrometric data show that under moderate conditions the ratio of the heat and t transfer coefficient, hg/ky: = 0.227 keal/kg-°C. This is again equal to the humid heat air cy at moderate humidities, This very useful and interesting result can be expresse Zz =cy ie. ae 1 (10.13) The above equation is known as Lewis relation. If itis combined with Eq. (10.12), we get an eauation identical to Eq, (10.9), and itis found that T;~ ,,.So the adiabatic surating temperature and the wel-bulb temperature are nearly equal forthe ait-water system, But this certainly ax jrut for any other gas-liquid system. The following correlation can be used to extinare the ne higlky: for any system Used tp of moist d as @ = 1.231S8c° kivkg-K (10.14) = 10.4 THE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART AND ITS USE The seven quantities, i.e. the dry-bulb temperature, the wet-bulb temperature, the et humidity, the absolute humidity, the dew point, the enthalpy and the specific volume are _ related. The psychrometric chart represents this interdependence. If any two of these aan are known, the other five can be readily obtained from this chart shown in Figure oe the air-water system. The chart can be Prepared by using the vapour pressure data oF equation for water and the definitions of the above quantities. ‘The dry" The use of the chart is illustrated on a Portion of it reproduced in Figure 10.6(b). erature bulb temperature and one more quantity like humidity, relative humidity or wet-bulb tempt rate are generally used to specify the state or condition of a sample of air, If Tg is the ait rasan and its humidity is ¥’, its state is denoted by the point a in Figure 10.6(b). It falls on the ¢ a4 ya The Peychrometrie Chart and lis Use__ 515 ae Aap Sop “CA peNNUD = 7 £8888 2 fssess 8 ee are Aap Symodea sae By ‘Aupreuny onyosqe =A eznaes|eses se 0.01 130 120 60 70 Temperature, °C 30 g g i 3 & B & : i z 5 5 E & 40 30 20 10 14 aye Aap Su “sumo preuny = "4 13 and Water Cooling 10 _Humidification 516_Chapter 100% humidity Humid: volume & & = 2 s & z a 3 Humid volume] & 3 of dry air 2 2 ° e3 i i 2 4 I ‘Temperature Figure 10.6(b) Reading the humidity chart. humidity line, P%. The adiabatic saturation line through a [these are a series of almost parallel lines as shown in Figure 10.6(a)] is ac. The adiabatic saturation temperature Ty, is obtained by drawing the vertical Tine through c, For the air-water system, the wet-bulb temperature T, is Practically the same as 7. The humidity of the adiabatically saturated air is given by the Point e. The dew point 7, is given by the point d that can be reached by moving horizontally from the point a to the 100% humidity line and then moving vertically down to the temperature axis, {he humid volume of saturated air at a temperature Tg corresponds to the point f and that of idiy" air at To is given by the point g. The point m gives the humid volume if the humidity is ¥" Its reached by interpolation between g and f. Enthalpy of a sample of air can also be obtained from the humidit i it . Figure 10.6(2) shows the enthalpy plots for dry ai EaeeeTiC r Tt may be useful to elaborat bulb temperature. Fora coma et ese tO quantities—the adiabatic saturation temperature and the wel To is almost linear with cpm’ on (and the corresponding saturation hi With a slope of cy/A, (see Ey, 10,9 ieee 1 a plot of ¥” versus 7%; for a constant oa of rN a eee eae a menedliys TV aleolyistis aia

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