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Integumentary System • Keratin gives the stratum corneum its structural
• The integumentary system consists of the skin
and accessory structures, such as hair, glands, • Cells of the deepest strata perform mitosis.
and nails.
• As new cells form, they push older cells to the
• Integument means covering. surface, where they slough, or flake off.
• The appearance of the integumentary system • Excessive sloughing of stratum corneum cells
can indicate physiological imbalances in the body. from the surface of the scalp is called dandruff.
Integumentary System Functions • In skin subjected to friction, the number of layers
in the stratum corneum greatly increases,
1.Protection. The skin provides protection producing a thickened area called a callus.
against abrasion and ultraviolet light.
• Over a bony prominence, the stratum corneum
2. Sensation. The integumentary system has can thicken to form a cone-shaped structure
sensory receptors that can detect heat, cold, called a corn.
touch, pressure, and pain.
3. Vitamin D production. When exposed to
ultraviolet light, the skin produces a molecule that • The dermis is composed of dense collagenous
can be transformed into vitamin D. connective tissue containing fibroblasts,
adipocytes, and macrophages.
4. Temperature regulation. The amount of blood
flow beneath the skin’s surface and the activity of • Nerves, hair follicles, smooth muscles, glands,
sweat glands in the skin both help regulate body and lymphatic vessels extend into the dermis.
• Collagen fibers, oriented in many directions, and
5. Excretion. Small amounts of waste products elastic fibers are responsible for the structural
are lost through the skin and in gland secretions. strength of the dermis and resistance to stretch.
Skin • Some collagen fibers are oriented in more
directions than others, forming cleavage lines.
• The skin is made up of two major tissue layers:
the epidermis and the dermis. • Cleavage lines, or tension lines, in the skin, are
more resistant to stretch.
• The epidermis is the most superficial layer of
skin. It is a layer of epithelial tissue that rests on • An incision made parallel with these lines tends
the dermis. to gap less and produce less scar tissue.
• The dermis is a layer of dense connective • If the skin is overstretched for any reason, the
tissue. dermis can be damaged, leaving stretch marks.
• The skin rests on the subcutaneous tissue, • Dermal papillae are projections toward the
which is a layer of connective tissue. epidermis found in the upper part of the dermis.
• The subcutaneous tissue is not part of the skin. • The dermal papillae contain many blood
• The dermal papillae in the palms of the hands,
• The epidermis prevents water loss and resists the soles of the feet, and the tips of the digits are
abrasion. arranged in parallel, curving ridges that shape the
• The epidermis, known as the cutaneous overlying epidermis into fingerprints and footprints
membrane, is a keratinized stratified squamous Skin Color
• Factors that determine skin color include
• The epidermis is composed of distinct layers pigments in the skin, blood circulating through the
called strata skin, and the thickness of the stratum corneum.
• The stratum corneum, the most superficial • The two primary pigments are melanin and
stratum of the epidermis, consists of dead carotene.
squamous cells filled with keratin.


• Melanin is the group of pigments primarily • The color of blood in the dermis contributes to
responsible for skin, hair, and eye color. skin color.
• Carotene is a yellow pigment found in plants • A decrease in blood flow, as occurs in shock,
such as squash and carrots. can make the skin appear pale.
• Most melanin molecules are brown to black • A decrease in the blood O2 content produces a
pigments, but some are yellowish or reddish. bluish color of the skin, called cyanosis.
• Melanin provides protection against ultraviolet Skin Cancer
light from the sun.
• Most common cancer
• Melanin is produced by melanocytes and then
packaged into vesicles called melanosomes, • Mainly caused by UV light exposure
which move into the cell processes of • Fair-skinned people more prone
• Prevented by limiting sun exposure and using
• Epithelial cells phagocytize the tips of the sunscreens
melanocyte cell processes, thereby acquiring
melanosomes. • UVA rays cause tan and is associated with
malignant melanomas
Melanin Transfer to Epithelial Cells
• UVB rays cause sunburns
Color • Sunscreens should block UVA and UVB rays
• Large Types of Skin Cancer
Basal cell carcinoma:
• cells in stratum basale affected
• cancer removed by surgery Squamous cell
amounts of melanin form freckles or moles in
some regions of the skin. • cells above stratum basale affected
• Melanin production is determined by genetic • can cause death
factors, exposure to light, and hormones.
Malignant melanoma:
• Genetic factors are responsible for the amounts
of melanin produced in different races. • arises from melanocytes in a mole

• Since all races have about the same number of • rare type
melanocytes, racial variations in skin color are • can cause death
determined by the amount, kind, and distribution
of melanin. Subcutaneous Tissue
• Exposure to ultraviolet light—for example, in • The skin (cutaneous membrane) rests on the
sunlight— stimulates melanocytes to increase subcutaneous tissue.
melanin production. The result is a suntan.
• The subcutaneous tissue, which is not part of
• Although many genes are responsible for skin the skin, is sometimes called hypodermis.
color, a single mutation can prevent the
production of melanin and cause albinism. • The subcutaneous tissue attaches the skin to
underlying bone and muscle and supplies it with
• Carotene is lipid-soluble; when consumed, it blood vessels and nerves.
accumulates in the lipids of the stratum corneum
and in the adipocytes of the dermis and • It is loose connective tissue, including adipose
subcutaneous tissue. tissue that contains about half the body’s stored
• If large amounts of carotene are consumed, the
skin can become quite yellowish. • The amount and location of adipose tissue vary
with age, sex, and diet.


• Adipose tissue in the subcutaneous tissue • The loss of hair normally means that the hair is
functions as padding and insulation. being replaced because the old hair falls out of
the hair follicle when the new hair begins to grow.
• The subcutaneous tissue can be used to
estimate total body fat. • Hair color is determined by varying amounts and
types of melanin.
• The acceptable percentage of body fat varies
from 21% to 30% for females and from 13% to • With age, the amount of melanin in hair can
25% for males. decrease, causing the hair color to become
faded, or the hair can contain no melanin and be
Hair white.
• In humans, hair is found everywhere on the skin, • Each hair follicle is attached to smooth muscle
except on the palms, soles, lips, nipples, parts of cells called the arrector pili muscle, which can
the genitalia, and the distal segments of the contract and cause the hair to become
fingers and toes. perpendicular to the skin’s surface.
• Each hair arises from a hair follicle, an Glands
invagination of the epidermis that extends deep • The major glands of the skin are the sebaceous
into the dermis. glands and the sweat glands.
• A hair shaft protrudes above the surface of the • Sebaceous glands are simple, branched acinar
skin; glands, with most being connected by a duct to
the superficial part of a hair follicle.
the root is below the surface • They produce sebum, an oily, white substance
rich in lipids.
the hair bulb is the expanded base of the root.
• The sebum is released by holocrine secretion
• A hair has a hard cortex, which surrounds a and lubricates the hair and the surface of the skin,
softer center,the medulla. which prevents drying and protects against some
• The cortex is covered by the cuticle, a single • There are two kinds of sweat glands: eccrine
layer of overlapping cells that holds the hair in the and apocrine.
hair follicle.
• Eccrine sweat glands are simple, coiled, tubular
• Hair is produced in the hair bulb, which rests on glands and release sweat by merocrine secretion.
the hair papilla.
• Eccrine glands are located in almost every part
• The hair papilla is an extension of the dermis of the skin but most numerous in the palms and
that protrudes into the hair bulb and contains soles.
blood vessels.
• They produce a secretion that is mostly water
• Hair is produced in cycles, with a growth stage with a few salts.
and resting stage.
• Eccrine sweat glands have ducts that open onto
• During the growth stage, hair is formed by the surface of the skin through sweat pores and
mitosis of epithelial cells within the hair bulb; are for thermal regulation.
these cells divide and undergo keratinization.
• Sweat can also be released in the palms, soles,
• During the resting stage, growth stops and the armpits, and other places because of emotional
hair is held in the hair follicle. stress.
• When the next growth stage begins, a new hair • Apocrine sweat glands are simple, coiled,
is formed and the old hair falls out. tubular glands that produce a thick secretion rich
• The duration of each stage depends on the in organic substances.
individual hair. • The glands open into hair follicles in the armpits
• Eyelashes grow for about 30 days and rest for and genitalia.
105 days, whereas scalp hairs grow for 3 years • Apocrine sweat glands become active at puberty
and rest for 1 to 2 years. because of the influence of sex hormones.



• The secretion generally is odorless, but when • Although hair does not have a nerve supply,
released quickly breaks down by bacterial action sensory receptors around the hair follicle can
giving body odor. detect the movement of a hair.
Nails Vitamin D Production
• The nail is a thin plate, consisting of layers of 1. UV light causes the skin to produce a precursor
dead stratum corneum cells that contain a very molecule of vitamin D.
hard type of keratin.
2. The precursor molecule is carried by the blood
• The visible part of the nail is the nail body, and to the liver where it is enzymatically converted.
the part of the nail covered by skin is the nail root.
3. The enzymatically converted molecule is
• The cuticle, or eponychium, is stratum corneum carried by the blood to the kidneys where it is
that extends onto the nail body and the nail root converted again to the active form of vitamin D.
extends distally from the nail matrix.
4. Vitamin D stimulates the small intestine to
• The nail also attaches to the underlying nail bed, absorb calcium and phosphate for many body
which is located distal to the nail matrix. functions.
• The nail matrix and bed are epithelial tissue with
a stratum basale that gives rise to the cells that
form the nail. Temperature Regulation

• A small part of the nail matrix, the lunula, can be • Regulation of body temperature is important
seen through the nail body as a whitish, crescent- because the rate of chemical reactions within the
shaped area at the base of the nail. body can be increased or decreased by changes
in body temperature.
• Cell production within the nail matrix causes the
nail to grow continuously. • Even slight changes in temperature can make
enzymes operate less efficiently and disrupt the
Integumentary System Protection normal rates of chemical changes in the body.
The integumentary system performs many • Exercise, fever, and an increase in
protective functions: environmental temperature tend to raise body
1. Reduction in body water loss
• In order to maintain homeostasis, the body must
2. Acts as a barrier that prevents microorganisms rid itself of excess heat.
and other foreign substances from entering the
body • Blood vessels in the dermis dilate and enable
more blood to flow within the skin, thus causing
3. Protects underlying structures against abrasion heat to dissipate from the body.
4. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet light and protects • Sweat also assists in loss of heat through
underlying structures from its damaging effects evaporative cooling.
5. Hair protection: The hair on the head acts as a • If body temperature begins to drop below
heat insulator, eyebrows keep sweat out of the normal, heat can be conserved by the constriction
eyes, eyelashes protect the eyes from foreign of dermal blood vessels, which reduces blood
objects, and hair in the nose and ears prevents flow to the skin.
the entry of dust and other materials.
• Less heat is transferred from deeper structures
6. The nails protect the ends of the fingers and to the skin, and heat loss is reduced.
toes from damage and can be used in defense.
• With smaller amounts of warm blood flowing
Sensory Receptor through the skin, the skin temperature decreases.
• Many sensory receptors are associated with the Excretion
• The integumentary system plays a minor role in
• Receptors in the epidermis and dermis can excretion, the removal of waste products from the
detect pain, heat, cold, and pressure. body.



• In addition to water and salts, sweat contains • Third-degree (full-thickness) burns damage the
small amounts of waste products, such as urea, complete epidermis and dermis.
uric acid, and ammonia.
• The region of third-degree burn is usually
• Even though the body can lose large amounts of painless because sensory receptors in the
sweat, the sweat glands do not play a significant epidermis and dermis have been destroyed.
role in the excretion of waste products.
• Third-degree burns appear white, tan, brown,
Diagnostic Aid black, or deep cherry red.
• The integumentary system is useful in diagnosis Burn Healing
because it is observed easily.
• In all second-degree burns, the epidermis,
• Cyanosis, a bluish color to the skin caused by including the stratum basale where the stem cells
decreased blood O2 content, is an indication of are found, is damaged.
impaired circulatory or respiratory function.
• The epidermis regenerates from epithelial tissue
• A yellowish skin color, called jaundice, can in hair follicles and sweat glands, as well as from
occur when the liver is damaged by a disease, the edges of the wound.
such as viral hepatitis.
• Deep partial-thickness and full-thickness burns
• Rashes and lesions in the skin can be take a long time to heal, and they form scar tissue
symptoms of problems elsewhere in the body. with disfiguring and debilitating wound
Treatment of Burns
• A burn is injury to a tissue caused by heat, cold,
friction, chemicals, electricity, or radiation. • To prevent complications of deep partial-
thickness and full- thickness burns and to speed
• Burns are classified according to their depth. healing, skin grafts are often performed.
• Partial-thickness burns are classified as first- • In a procedure called a split skin graft, the
degree and second-degree. epidermis and part of the dermis are removed
• A full-thickness burn is a third-degree burn. from another part of the body and placed over the
First-Degree Burn
• When it is not possible or practical to move skin
• A first-degree (superficial) burn involves only the from one part of the body to a burn site,
epidermis and is red and painful. physicians sometimes use artificial skin or grafts
from human cadavers.
• Slight edema, or swelling, may be present.
Aging and the Integument
• They can be caused by sunburn or brief
exposure to very hot or very cold objects, and • Blood flow decreases and skin becomes thinner
they heal without scarring in about a week. due to decreased amounts of collagen
Second-Degree Burn • Decreased activity of sebaceous and sweat
glands make temperature regulation more difficult
• Second-degree (partial-thickness) burns
damage both the epidermis and the dermis. • Loss of elastic fibers cause skin to sag and
• If dermal damage is minimal, symptoms include
redness, pain, edema, and blisters.
• Healing takes about 2 weeks, and no scarring
• If the burn goes deep into the dermis, the wound
appears red, tan, or white; can take several
months to heal and might scar.

Third-Degree Burn


Components of Skeletal System Bone Cells
• Bones • Osteoblasts are responsible for the formation of
bone and the repair and remodeling of bone.
• Cartilages
• Osteoblasts produce collagen and
• Tendons proteoglycans.
• Ligaments • Osteoblasts also secrete high concentrations of
Functions of the Skeletal System Ca2+ and phosphate ions, forming crystals called
1. Body support
• The formation of new bone by osteoblasts is
2. Organ protect called ossification.
3. Body movement • Osteocytes are cells that maintain bone matrix
and form from osteoblast after bone matrix has
4. Mineral storage
surrounded it.
5. Blood cell production
• Osteocytes account for 90–95% of bone cells
Bone Histology and are very long-lived.

• Bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments of the • Osteocyte cell bodies are housed within the
skeletal system are all connective tissues. bone matrix in spaces called lacunae.

• Their characteristics are largely determined by • Their cell extensions are housed in narrow, long
the composition of their extracellular matrix. spaces called canaliculi.

• The matrix always contains collagen, ground • Osteoclasts are bone-destroying cells.
substance, and other organic molecules, as well
• They contribute to bone repair and remodeling
as water and minerals.
by removing existing bone, called bone
• Collagen is a fibrous protein that provides reabsorption.
flexibility but resists pulling or compression.
• Bone breakdown is important for mobilizing
• Matrix ground substance contains proteoglycans crucial Ca2+.
which are water trapping proteins that help
• As bone is broken down, the Ca2+ goes into the
cartilage to be smooth and resilient.
• The extracellular matrix of tendons and
ligaments contains large amounts of collagen
fibers, making these structures very tough, like Spongy and Compact Bone
ropes or cables.
• Mature bone is called lamellar bone. It is
organized into thin, concentric sheets or layers,
called lamellae.
Bone Matrix
• Bone can be classified according to the amount
• Bone matrix is about 35% organic and 65%
of bone matrix relative to the amount of space
inorganic material by weight.
within the bone.
• The organic material is primarily collagen and
• Spongy bone has less bone matrix and more
space than compact bone, which has more bone
• The inorganic material is primarily a calcium matrix and less space.
phosphate crystal called hydroxyapatite
• Spongy bone consists of interconnecting rods or
plates of bone called trabeculae.
• Collagen fibers lend flexible strength to the
• Between the trabeculae are spaces, which in life
are filled with bone marrow and blood vessels.
• The mineral component gives bone compression
(weight-bearing) strength.


• The surfaces of trabeculae are covered with a • In the fetus, the spaces within bones are filled
single layer of cells consisting of osteoblasts with with red marrow. Just before birth the red bone
a few osteoclasts. marrow starts to get converted to yellow marrow.
Compact Bone • This continues well into adulthood.
• Compact bone, or cortical bone, is the solid, • In adults, most red bone marrow is in the flat
outer layer surrounding each bone. bones. The long bones of the femur and humerus
contain yellow marrow.
• The functional unit of compact bone is an
osteon. It is composed of concentric rings of Periosteum and Endosteum
matrix surrounding a central canal.
The outer surface of a bone is covered by a
• Central canals are lined with endosteum and connective tissue membrane called periosteum.
contain blood vessels, nerves, and loose
connective tissue. • The outer layer of periosteum contains blood
vessels and nerves.
• Lamellae are concentric rings of bone matrix
which surround the central canal. • The inner layer is a single layer of bone cells,
including osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
• Osteocytes are located in spaces called lacunae
between the lamellar rings. • Where tendons and ligaments attach to bone,
fibers of the tendon or ligament become
• Small tunnels called canaliculi radiate between continuous with those of the periosteum.
lacunae across the lamellae.
• The endosteum is a single cell layer of
• Canaliculi connect osteocytes to one another, connective tissue that lines the internal surfaces
transport nutrients and remove waste. of all cavities within bones.
Structure of a Long Bone • The endosteum includes osteoblasts and
• The diaphysis is the center portion of the bone
which is composed of compact bone surrounding Bone Formation
a hollow center called the medullary cavity.
• Bone formation in the fetus follows two
• Some spongy bone tissue lines the medullary processes:
• Intramembranous ossification starts within
• The ends of a long bone are called epiphyses embryonic connective tissue membranes.
They contain mostly spongy bone, with an outer
layer of compact bone. • Endochondral ossification starts with a
cartilage model.
• Within joints, the end of a long bone is covered
with hyaline cartilage called articular cartilage. • Both types of bone formation can result in
compact or spongy bone.
• The epiphyseal plate is located between the
epiphysis and the diaphysis. Growth in bone Intramembranous Ossification
length occurs at the epiphyseal plate. • Intramembranous ossification occurs when
• When bone stops growing in length, the osteoblasts begin to produce bone within
epiphyseal plate becomes ossified and is called connective tissue.
the epiphyseal line. • This occurs primarily in the bones of the skull.
Bone Marrow • Osteoblasts line up on the surface of connective
• Cavities in spongy bone and the medullary tissue fibers and begin depositing bone matrix to
cavity in the diaphysis are filled with soft tissue form trabeculae.
called marrow. Intramembranous Ossification
• Red marrow is the location of blood forming • The process begins in areas called ossification
cells. centers and the trabeculae radiate out from the
• Yellow marrow is mostly fat. centers.


• Usually, two or more ossification centers exist in Bone Growth in Width
each flat skull bone and mature skull bones result
from fusion of these centers as they enlarge. • Bone growth occurs by the deposition of new
bone lamellae onto existing bone or other
• The trabeculae are constantly remodeled and connective tissue.
they may enlarge or be replaced by compact
bone. • As osteoblasts deposit new bone matrix on the
surface of bones between the periosteum and the
Steps in Intramembranous Ossification existing bone matrix, the bone increases in width,
or diameter.
1. Osteoblasts within the center of ossification
produce bone matrix around collagen fibers of the • This process is called appositional growth.
connective tissue membrane. Once the
osteoblasts are embedded in bone matrix, the Bone Growth in Length
osteoblasts become osteocytes. Many tiny • Growth in the length of a bone, which is the
trabeculae of woven bone develop. major source of increased height in an individual,
2. Additional osteoblasts gather on the surfaces of occurs in the epiphyseal plate.
the trabeculae and produce more bone. • This type of bone growth occurs through
Trabeculae become larger and longer. Spongy endochondral ossification.
bone forms as the trabeculae join together.
• Chondrocytes increase in number on the
3. Cells within the spaces of the spongy bone epiphyseal side of the epiphyseal plate.
specialize to form red bone marrow, and cells
surrounding the developing bone specialize to • Then the chondrocytes enlarge and die.
form the periosteum. Osteoblasts from the
• The cartilage matrix becomes calcified.
periosteum lay down bone matrix to form an outer
surface of compact bone. • Much of the cartilage that forms around the
enlarged cells is removed by osteoclasts, and the
dying chondrocytes are replaced by osteoblasts.
Endochondral Ossification
• The osteoblasts start forming bone by
• Endochondral bone formation is bone formation depositing bone lamellae on the surface of the
within a cartilage model. calcified cartilage.
• The cartilage model is replaced by bone. • This process produces bone on the diaphyseal
side of the epiphyseal plate.
• Initially formed is a primary ossification
center, which forms bone in the diaphysis of a Bone Remodeling
long bone.
Bone remodeling involves:
• A secondary ossification center forms bone in
• removal of existing bone by osteoclasts and
the epiphysis.
• deposition of new bone by osteoblasts
Steps in Endochondral Ossification
• occurs in all bones
1. Chondroblasts build a cartilage model, the
chondroblasts become chondrocytes. • responsible for changes in bone shape, bone
repair, adjustment of bone to stress, and calcium
2. Cartilage model calcifies (hardens).
ion regulation
3. Osteoblasts invade calcified cartilage and a
Bone Repair
primary ossification center forms in the diaphysis.
1. Broken bone causes bleeding and a hematoma
4. Secondary ossification centers form epiphysis.
5. Original cartilage model is almost completely
2. A callus forms which is a bone cartilage
ossified and remaining cartilage is articular
network between and around the bone fragments.
3. Woven, spongy bone replaces the callus.
4. Compact bone replaces the spongy bone.


Bone and Calcium Homeostasis
Calcium is a critical nutrient involved in many
physiological processes including:
• Stimulation and regulation of skeletal and
cardiac muscle contraction
• Exocytosis of cellular molecules, including those
important for neural signaling
• Bone is a major storage site for calcium.
• Movement of calcium in and out of bone helps
determine blood levels of calcium.
• Calcium moves into bone as osteoblasts build
new bone.
• Calcium moves out of bone as osteoclasts break
down bone. • The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones
of the upper limbs, the lower limbs, and the two
• Calcium homeostasis is maintained by girdles.
parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin.
• The term girdle, refers to the two zones where
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) the limbs are attached to the body.
• Secreted by the parathyroid gland • These two zones are the pectoral girdle and
• Increases formation and activation of the pelvic girdle.
osteoclasts, the principal bone-reabsorbing cells Bone Shapes
• Stimulates reabsorption of Ca2+ from urine in • There are four bone shape classifications: long,
the kidney, reducing the amount of Ca2+ excreted short, flat, and irregular.
in the urine.
• Long bones are longer than they are wide;
• Indirectly increases Ca2+ uptake from the small examples are upper and lower limb bones.
intestine through the activation of calcitriol.
• Short bones are approximately as wide as they
Calcitonin are long; examples are the bones of the wrist and
• Secreted from C cells in the thyroid gland when ankle.
blood Ca2+ levels are too high • Flat bones have a relatively thin, flattened
• Rapidly lowers blood Ca2+ levels by inhibiting shape; examples are bones of the skull and
osteoclast activity sternum.
• Irregular bones include the vertebrae and facial
bones, which have shapes that do not fit readily
Skeletal Anatomy Overview into the other three categories.
• The average adult has 206 bones. Skeletal Terminology
• Bones are segregated into the axial skeleton Foramen:
and the appendicular skeleton.
• hole
• The axial skeleton consists of the bones of the
skull, the auditory ossicles, the hyoid bone, the • Example - foramen magnum
vertebral column, and the thoracic cage. Fossa:
• depression
• Example - glenoid fossa


Process: Cranial Bones
• projection Frontal bone
• Example - mastoid process • Anterior part of cranium, the ‘forehead”
Condyle: Parietal bones
• smooth, rounded end • Sides and roof of cranium
• Example - occipital condyle Occipital bones
Meatus or canal: • Posterior portion and floor of cranium
• canal-like passageway Temporal bones
• Example - external auditory meatus • Inferior to parietal bones on each side of the
Tubercle or tuberosity:
• Temporomandibular joint
• lump of bone
Sphenoid bone
• Example - greater tubercle
• Forms part of cranium floor, lateral posterior
portions of eye orbits, lateral portions of cranium
Axial Skeleton anterior to temporal bones

• The axial skeleton is composed of the skull, the • Sella turcica

vertebral column, and the thoracic cage. Ethmoid bone
• The skull has 22 bones divided into those of the • Anterior portion of cranium, including medial
braincase and those of the face. surface of eye orbit and roof of nasal cavity
• The braincase, which encloses the cranial • Nasal conchae
cavity, consists of 8 cranial bones that
immediately surround and protect the brain. Facial Bones
• The bony structure of the face has 14 facial Maxillae
• Forms the upper jaw, anterior portion of hard
• Thirteen of the facial bones are rather solidly palate, part of lateral walls of nasal cavity, floors
connected to form the bulk of the face. of eye orbits
• The mandible, however, forms a freely movable • Maxillary sinus
joint with the rest of the skull.
Palatine bones
• There are also three auditory ossicles in each
middle ear (six total). • Form posterior portion of hard palate, lateral wall
of nasal cavity
Cranial Sutures
Zygomatic bones
The cranial bones are connected by immovable
joints called sutures • Cheek bones

There are four principal sutures: • Also form floor and lateral wall of each eye orbit

• coronal Lacrimal bones

• sagittal • Medial surfaces of eye orbits

• lambdoid Nasal bones

• squamous • Form bridge of nose

• In midline of nasal cavity


• Forms nasal septum with the ethmoid bone • The sacral and coccygeal regions together
curve posteriorly
Inferior nasal conchae
7 cervical vertebra
• Attached to lateral walls of nasal cavity
12 thoracic vertebra
5 lumbar vertebra
• Lower jawbone
1 sacrum
• Only movable skull bone
1 coccyx
Paranasal Sinuses
Several of the bones associated with the nasal
cavity have large cavities within them, called the • 1st vertebra
paranasal sinuses which open into the nasal
cavity. • holds head

The paranasal sinuses are: Axis:

• Frontal • 2nd vertebra

• Ethmoid • rotates head

• Sphenoid Functions of Vertebral Column

• Maxillary • Supports body weight

Hyoid Bone • Protects the spinal cord

• The hyoid bone is an unpaired, U-shaped bone • Allows spinal nerves to exit the spinal cord
that is not part of the skull and has no direct bony • Provides a site for muscle attachment
attachment to the skull or any other bones.
• Provides movement of the head and trunk
• The hyoid bone has the unique distinction of
being the only bone in the body that does not
articulate with another bone.
Thoracic Cage
• The hyoid bone provides an attachment for
Protects vital organs
some tongue muscles, and it is an attachment
point for important neck muscles that elevate the 12 pair of ribs
Vertebral Column
• breastbone
• The vertebral column, or spine, is the central
axis of the skeleton, extending from the base of True ribs:
the skull to slightly • attach directly to sternum by cartilage
past the end of the pelvis. False ribs:
• In adults, it usually consists of 26 individual • attach indirectly to sternum by cartilage
bones, grouped into five regions.
Floating ribs:
• The adult vertebral column has four major
curvatures: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and • not attached to sternum
Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb
• The cervical region curves anteriorly.
Scapula: shoulder blade
• The thoracic region curves posteriorly.
Clavicle: collar bone
• The lumbar region curves anteriorly


Upper Limb Bones • subclasses are sutures, syndesmosis, and
Humerus: upper portion of forelimb
Ulna: forearm
• united by means of cartilage
Radius: forearm
• subclasses are synchondroses and symphysis
Carpals: wrist
Metacarpals: Hand
• joined by a fluid cavity
Phalanges: fingers
• Most joints of the appendicular skeleton

Pelvic Girdle
Functional Classification of Joints
Where lower limbs attach to the body
Pelvis: includes pelvic girdle and coccyx
• non-movable joint
Ischium: inferior and posterior region of hip bone
• Example – skull bone articulations
Ilium: most superior region of hip bone
Acetabulum: hip socket (joint) of hip bone
• slightly movable joint
• Example - between vertebrae
Lower Limb Bones
Femur: thigh
• freely movable joint
Patella: knee cap
• Example - knee, elbow, and wrist articulations
Tibia: Larger bone of lower leg
Synovial Joint
Fibula: Smaller bone lower leg
• Synovial joints are surrounded by fluid filled
Tarsals: ankle joint cavity. The cavity is created by the joint
Metatarsals: foot capsule and is full of synovial fluid.

Phalanges: toes and fingers • The joint capsule helps hold the bones together
while still allowing for movement.
• The joint capsule consists of two layers: an outer
Articulations fibrous capsule and an inner synovial
• Articulations (joints) are where two bones come
together. • The fibrous capsule is the outer layer of the joint
capsule. It consists of dense irregular connective
• Joints can be classified structurally as fibrous,
tissue and is continuous with the fibrous layer of
cartilaginous, or synovial, according to the major
the periosteum that covers the bones united at
connective tissue type that binds the bones
the joint.
together and whether a fluid-filled joint capsule is
present. • The synovial membrane is the inner layer of the
joint capsule. It lines the joint cavity, produces
• Joints are also be classified in functional
synovial fluid, a viscous lubricating liquid.
categories according to their degree of motion as
synarthroses, amphiarthroses, or diarthroses.
Structural Classification of Joints
Fibrous joint:
• united by fibrous connective tissue


Types of Movement
• Flexion: bending
• Extension: straightening
• Abduction: movement away from midline
• Adduction: movement toward the midline
• Pronation: rotation of the forearm with palms
• Supination: rotation of the forearm with palms up
• Rotation: movement of a structure about the
long axis
Effects of Aging on the Skeletal System and
1. Decreased Collagen Production
2. Loss of Bone Density
3. Degenerative Changes

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