JR286 DAK Vertra Amazon Seller Central Flow 07122023

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AZN 1.

0 Is customer
Yes Decision box
Create Process step that is a identified ?
Sales Order manual activity or
happens outside Oracle

OM-004 Subprocess. Must

OM 1.1 Process step that occurs OM-004 Hold Applied have reference to
Book Sales Order in an Oracle that Hold Applied another process
performed by a User. flow

Oracle-OM UI

Integration Flow
SO1 between Oracle,
Legacy OMS System Legacy or any
WMS 2.0 To Create/ Update/ Delete external system
Oracle Sales Order Process step that occurs in an Sales Order with Route Information
Creation Oracle RF/ UI that performed
by System automatically.
Oracle-OM UI

Receipt Extract Input to a step/

OM 3.0 loaded in process or output
Print BOL and Process step that occurs in Oracle through staging table. from a step/process
Packing Slip Shipping a RICE. Must have RICE reference
Documents RICE stands for Report, Interface,
Customization, Extension.
Oracle-OM UI
JR286 DAK Amazon seller center FBA Process Flow (Transfer Order from 451 – DAK Torrance to 458 – DAK Amazon Inventory Org.)

Approved IR will be set to Approved and Scheduled Job:

eligible for Internal Sales Order. - Create Internal Order (send the IR info
Warehouse will be able to edit/ change to Order Management Module)
Rejected IR - Import Internal Sales Order (Create ISO)

Email or other
Email or other communication
Sales to Inform Warehouse
Amazon Sales Report
Product Transfer from to Perform Sales Order
Receive Transfer Order Approve Internal Internal Sales Order Created, Confirm that Inventory
Torrance Received by Transfer (IRISO) Intransit
Start Transfer from Torrance
From Amazon Requisition Booked

Amazon DC Onhand From 451 to 458 -

Received in their DC
AZN Subinventory.
Order Management External System - Amazon External System - Manual Manual
External System - Manual Internal Requisition

Debit Inventory Intransit to 458

Source Inventory Organization: 451 Credit Inventory (451)
Destination Inventory Organization: 458 Internal warehouse transfer
Destination Subinventory: AZN - No AR invoice created
IR will go through JR’s approval hierarchy. - Original Item Cost carry over from
Warehouse (451)

Warehouse team creates Internal Requisition, then source inventory org. to destination
Sales Team will approve it. Shipping Document generated by Oracle inventory org.
(Packing Slip, …)

ISO Pick Released, Pick, Onhand Decremented in 451.

IR Packed and Shipped from Intransit Inventory Onhand to
Create and Submit for
Request ‘451’ 458 Created .
Internal Requisition Approval

Internal Requisition

Specify the receipt date

Debit Inventory (458)
Warehouse (458)

For past date transaction

Credit Inventory Intransit to 458

Onhand Decremented in
Warehouse to Perform
Intransit Inventory.
Receipt into AZN
Onhand Incremented in AZN
Subinventory (458)
Subinventory (458).


Opportunity to automate this step in the future

Default SO Line Subinv = ‘AZN’ (based on order type/ customer)
Pricing automated based Pricing Setup in Oracle New Order Type with Inventory Interface – Non Ship Workflow
*Unit selling price and charges based on Amazon Sales Report. (Line Flow – Generic, Bill Only with Inventory Interface)
* Amazon Ship Date = SO REQUEST DATE in the csv upload template - Decrement Inventory from ‘AZN’ Subinventory from ‘458’
Opportunity to automate this step in the future * Order type: Amazon Final Order - DAKINE US Inventory Org. Code
For more details, please refer to document in BOX: - Recognize Deferred COGS
Amazon Inventory Transfer - Functional spec_V 1.4.doc - Close Sales Order Line and Interface to Receivables Module

Amazon Portal,
Report Export, ...
Transaction Sales Report
from Amazon. Daily/ Prepare SO Upload Template Scheduled Program to Auto
Weekly Communication CSV File and Run Sales Order Ship and Close the Sales
From Sales Team to the CS Upload Program Order Lines
External System – Manual Order Management Order Management

Create Cash Receipt and

Apply to AR Invoice
Program Name: XXJR: AUTO
Account Receivables

Scheduled Program to
Revenue, Margin and Royalty
Generate AR Invoice End

Account Receivables Account Receivables

Perform Inventory Adjustment in

458 warehouse in Oracle

Amazon Portal,
Report Export, Bank
Report, ...
Reconcile Monthly Transaction
Sales Report from Amazon with
Bank Deposit. Reconcile
Amazon DC with 458 AMZN
Oracle Inventory Onhand
External System - Manual
New Item Assignment Request to 458 (Amazon Inventory Organization)


Prepare the List of Items


that needs to be Assigned Email to Initiate Internal Requisition
Start Request
to 458 Inventory flexsupport@jr286.com Request to Warehouse Team

External System - Manual External System - Manual External System - Manual



Flex Team to re-trigger the

Confirm Back to Requestor
Item Update to Oracle

External - Flex External - Flex


Oracle Auto Assign Item to

458 Organization.

JR286 Amazon Return Including Ship Back to Dakine Torrance

Biz will perform the same step for reverse logistic.

Example: Amazon runs out of space for Surplus Dakine
Product, so they ship it back to Dakine Torrance.

Inform to CS to Create
‘RA Order Credit only -
Bill Only Scenario => Manual Debit Sales to Inform Warehouse to
Perform Inter-org Intransit
Transfer From AZI (458)
Scrap at Customer Site Future Opportunity: Automation using file upload.
External System - Manual Item, Qty, Subinv. Transfer Date, Transfer Back to Subinventory to 451
including tracking Number (if any)
From Subinv and To Subinv. DAK Torrance
Weekly Notification from Sales to Warehouse Warehouse Manual
- Business to manually identify which
transaction type in Amazon Sales Report
that map to Oracle Return Scenarios Put Back to

Email or Amazon Sales to Inform Warehouse
FBA Portal Amazon Sales Report
Transfer to Perform Inventory
Start Confirm that Inventory
Scenario? Transfer from AZI to AZN
Received in their Inventory
Start Amazon Sales Report Identify Return Scenario External System - Manual Manual
Scrap at
Amazon Site
External System - Manual External System - Manual
Sales to Inform Warehouse
to Perform Inventory Scrap
From AZI Subinventory
Intransit From Customer (458)
to Amazon DC

Booked RA will go through RA Approval Process

RA Line Status = Booked
RA Line Status = Closed

Run SO Upload to Create RA RA Order Credit only - DAKINE

Customer Service

Approve by Dakine CSR Manager

Order Credit only in Oracle Created, then Booked by CSR

OM OM OM RMA Date, Inventory Transaction Date, Credit Memo

Transaction Date
Oracle RMA Type: RA Order Amazon - DAKINE US
RMA Receive Subinventory: AZI (Amazon Intransit)
RMA Reference to Original Shipped Sales Order

Customer Service to
Run SO Upload to Create RA Order Amazon - DAKINE US Customer Service to inform
Prepare the Upload RMA Created, then Booked by CSR
RMA in Oracle Warehouse the RA Number
CSV (Include Charges)

External System - Manual OM OM Manual

Debit Inventory (458) Specify the receipt date

Credit COGS Debit Inventory for past date transaction Debit Intransit Inventory Account to 451
Debit Same Scrap GL Account with Torrance
Warehouse (458)

Future Opportunity: Automation integrated with RA Upload Credit Inventory Credit Inventory (458)
Credit Inventory (458)

RA Virtually Receive by Onhand Incremented in AZI

Warehouse Perform Onhand Decremented in AZI. Warehouse Perform Inter-Org Onhand Decremented in AZI
Warehouse in AZI Subinventory and Closed Warehouse Perform
Onhand Decremented in AZI Subinventory Transfer from Onhand Incremented in AZN End Transfer from AZI (458) (458).
Subinventory RMA Line Automatically Inventory Issue from AZI End
(458) AZI to AZN (458) Subinventory. Subinventory to 451 Intransit Intransit Onhand to 451
Subinventory (458) Onhand Created

Debit Sales
Debit Sales
Credit Amazon Charge
Credit Amazon Charge
Credit Receivables
Credit Receivables

Credit Memo Created and

Applied to Original Invoice Credit Memo Created and
Applied to Original Invoice


Transfer to Dakine Sell-able Transfer to Dakine

Inventory Torrance Inventory

Debit Inventory (451)

Credit Intransit Inventory Account to 451
Warehouse (451)

QC Accept

Incoming Transfer from

Amazon. Physically Verified Receive and Put away in
by Dakine Torrance Oracle to AZN Subinventory in Debit Amazon Scrap GL Account
including QC and 451 Credit Inventory (451)
Disposition Process
Manual INV

QC Reject
Warehouse Perform
Onhand Decremented in AZN
Inventory Issue from AZN
Subinventory (451)


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