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What would happen to Earth’s temperature if the energy absorbed from the sun was less than the
emitted energy leaving the Earth?

Theoretically speaking, if the earth absorbs less solar energy than it releases, then there will be a major
drop in global temperatures. This concept is vividly illustrated in the film “The Day After Tomorrow,”
where a rapid and severe climatic shift is depicted following disruptions in the ocean currents. While the
movie dramatizes the immediacy and intensity of the cooling effect, the scientific principle holds true: a
reduced input of solar radiation relative to the global radiative flux would give rise to general trend of
global cooling. This emphasizes how sensitive the planet’s climate is, and how important the balance of
solar radiation is for preserving temperatures are.

2. In your own practical way to probably avoid climate change, kindly list down ways (at least 5) how to
mitigate in its effect and adapt to its consequences. Support you’re answer by integrating Nano

Nanotechnology presents novel approaches in tackling climate change through the mitigation as well as
adaptations measures. This involves improving energy efficiency using nanomaterials in building
insulation so as to cut down on greenhouse gases’ emission. The second one has to do with nano-
enhanced solar panels and wind turbines, which will transform renewable energy sources to be more
effective and available. Additionally, nanotechnology can be utilized in environmental remediation
activities such as gas sequestritation. This includes nanoimprovements in agriculture including
application of precision farming techniques that enhance resource utilization while minimizing negative
interference with natural systems. Lastly, nanomaterials have the potential for significant advancements
of carbon capture and storage strategies that could also substantially reduce the levels of CO_{2} in the

3. What factors influence the circulation of the Earth’s atmosphere, thus producing our weather?

A lot of factors contribute to circulation of Earth’s atmosphere, which determines how the weather is
changed on earth. Solar radiation is crucial, which forms temperature differences between the
equatorial and polar regions. Listade: Discipline, responsibility, and work ethics are the fundamental
principles that are required for effective communication within an organization. Coriolis effect is caused
by the rotation of the earth that changes direction into which air moves. Besides, it is the topography of
the earth comprising mountains and valleys that greatly modifies winds. The above mentioned individual
factors make up a comprehensive description for the complexity involved in atmospheric circulation. For
instance, “The Day After Tomorrow” is a highly dramatic depiction of how these elements interact with
each other, creating severe climatic occurrences, but exaggerated for effect.
4. What are greenhouse gases? And what would the theoretical global average temperature be without
the greenhouse effect? Answer scientifically.

Carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor are known as greenhouse gases that make the earth warm
enough for livings. The gases hold in the heat close to the surface of the planet, thus forming a kind of
natural greenhouse, that is necessary for the survival of life on earth. Without this effect, the world
mean temperature drops to around – 18 C̊ unlivable for earth. A scientific fact that is usually left out
when we discuss climate change as it focuses on undesirable levels of GHGs.

5. 5. Will clouds improve or reduce the warming due to future increases in greenhouse gases? Explain

There is an ongoing research on the effect that clouds have, as greenhouse gases increase. While clouds
can reflect incoming solar rays thereby resulting into cooling, they also trap outgoing infrared radiation
that causes warming. Whether or not this will have any effect depends in great part upon such particular
characteristics as the kind of cloud, their height, and especially where in the world they are located.
Thick low-lying clouds cause cooling, whereas high-altitude thin clouds lead towards warming. The
increasing difficulty in creating a more appropriate representation of future climates under increased
greenhouse gases can be attributed to this complexity.

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