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Second Test
Std. XI (2022-23)
Economics (030) Date: 21/12/2022
Time allowed: 2 hours
Maximum marks: 60
Name: .iav..
.. ... **

Div..A.. Roll No.....
General Instructions:
Read the
following instructions very carefully and
strictly follow them:
(i) Please check that this
question paper contains 4 printed
Please check that this pages.
(i) All the
question paper contains
24 questions.
questions are compulsory.
(iv) There are no internal
(V Write the correct
question number in the answer book.
(vi) 15 minutes time has been allotted for
(vii) Do not write any answers on the reading the question paper.
question paper.
1. The mean of eight
observations is 25. If five is subtracted from each
number, what will be the new mean?
(A) 13
(B) 30
(C) 16
(D) 20
2. Given that Mode of
find Mean.
asymmetrical distribution is 370. If Median is
300, 1
3. Calculate 85th Percentile from the
following data: 1
Marks of students:
Calculate Cost of living index number for the current
year using Family 1
Budget method:

Commodity w(POQ0) R (P1/PO*100)

B 60 120
C 80 125
D 30 150
5. Considering the base year salary to be R4000, Current index number = 200
and the current salary received
by an individual = F8500. Find out if the
employee has really gained? If so, by how much in real terms?
6. Choose the correct alternative for the
following question
Statement Sum of the Deviation from actual mean is
Statement II Mean
is not affected by extreme observations in the given
statistical series

Second Test/ Std XI/ Econonmics 2022- 2023

Page 1 of 4
(A) Statement I is true, and Statement Il is false.
(B) Statement I is false and Statemnet lI is
(C) Both the statements are true. true
(D) Both the Statements are false.
7. Find the missing frequency 3
where D6=70.
20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
Frequency 1 3 ? 2
8. 360 parents applied for admission of their child in a school. Out of the 3
totalapplicants, 280 belong to EWS (Economically weaker section)
category and remaining are from general category. In the general carego
parents are of service class, 32 are self-employed and remaining are of
Dusiness class. In the EWS category, 190 parents belong to service class.
If the total business class
applicants are 1030, then tabulate the given
9. Calculate Median and Mode for the following 4
0-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No of
2 3 2 12 4 7
10. Calculate the value of lower quartile, upper quartile and D5:
Class Interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
Frequency 22 38 46 35 20

11. Calculate Arithmetic Mean from the following data: (Step deviation method) 4

X 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-6060-90

Frequency 9 | 20 12 4

12. Calculate the price index using the following information. Use the following 6
methods to calculate the price index:
(a) Laspeyre's method
(b) Paasche's method
(c) Fisher's method

Commodity Base year (1998) Current year (2009)

Price () Quantity (units) Price ()Quantity (units)
A 100 3 100
B 200 10 50
10 300
D 6 400
15 100
10 50

Second Test/ Std. XI/ Economics 2022 2023 Page 2 of 4


1. What is meant by cardinal measurement of

2. As long as marginal utility is total
positive, utility
(A) remains contant
(B) falls
(C) increases
(D) all of these
3.3. Read the following statements- Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Choose one of the corect alternatives given below
Assertion (A). Extension of demand refers to rise in demand of a
commodity due to fall in its price assuming other factors remaining
constant. It is shown by movement from an upper point to a lower point
on the same demand curve (movement along the demand curve).
Reason (R). Other things, being equal, when demand of a commodity
falls due to rise in its price is represented by movement from a lower
point to an upper point on the same demand curve (movement along the
demand curve).

(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the
correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

(C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.

(D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
4. Price of a good rises from Rs. 10 to Rs.12 and its demand falls from 120
units to 100 units. Calculate price elasticity of demand. (Use Percentage
5. "ATC and AVC curves intersect." True or False.
6. When MR is constant, TR at constant rate. (Fill in the blank.)
7. What is the relationship between AC and MC? 3
8. Explain any three factors determining price elasticity of demand. 3
9. The following schedule gives the number of ice-creams consumed and
the total utility derived from each level of consumption. Given that the
price of ice-cream is fixed at Rs. 2 per unit, determine the optional level of
consumption, assuming MU of a rupee is 2 utils. Give reason. opHmum

No. of

TU (Utils)



4 5

15 14 12

Second Test/ Std XIWL.conomics 2022 2023 Page 3 of 4

10. With the help of a table, explain the relationship between AR, MR, and
TR when Price is not constant
11. Explain any 4 factors affecting demand for a commodity by a consumer.
12. With the help of a diagram, explain the likely behaviour of total product
and marginal product when for increasing production only one input is
increased while all other inputs are kept constant.

Second Test/ Std XI/ Economics 2022-2023 Page 4 of 4

[;~ ·
Second Test
Std. XI (2022-23)
Business Studies (054) Date: 15/12/2022
Time allowed: 2 hours
Maximum marks: 60

Name: .. H.i~~. ..................... School: ..0.d~.m. .. ................ Div .... A..... Roll No ... 11. ...... .

General Instructions:

Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:

{i) Please check that this question paper contains 5 printed pag_,es.
(ii) Please check that this question paper contains 26 question~.
(iii) All the questions are compulsory.
(iv) There are no internal options.
(v) Write the correct question number in the answer book.
(vi) 15 minutes time has been allotted for reading the question paper.
(vii) Do not write any answers on the question paper.

Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each) 15

1. ·,
Which of the following statement is not true about a minor partnership?
(A) 1 He can inspect the accounts of the firm
(8) t,e shares only the profit9--
(C) He actively participates in the manageme~
(D) He has an option to continue with a firm even after attaining majority
2. Which of the following factor not only contributes to self-satisfaction but als·o
instills confidence in one's abilities?
(A) Quick decision making
(B) Confidentiality of information
(C) Ease of formation and closure
(D) Sense of accomplishmenJ
3. Ms. Geeta bought a washing machine from a reputed company wnich stops
working after use of few days. She filed the case on toll free number of
customer care but did not receive any help. She decided to write an email to
quality control manager of the company. Identify the scope of e-business
highlighted in this case.

(A) Business to Business

(B) Customer to Busines~
(C) Customer to Customer
(D) Intra - B Commerce
4. _ _ _ _ _ are unsecured short-term deposits made by a company with
another company.
(A) Inter corporate depositf

Second Test/ Std. XI/ Business Studies 2022 - 2023

Paqe 1 of 6
(B) Equity shares
(C) Public deposits
(D) Debentures
5 Mr. Abhay has newly started a business of manuacturing and selling eco
friendly cloth bags . He is facing challenges in increasing the sales. His ~ale~.
manager suggested him to make people aware about the utility and ava1labIl1ty
of product through advertisemnet. As the firm is a start-up, Mr. Abhay is facing
cash crunch and finding it difficult to make fund arrangements for
advertisement.The funds required by Mr. Abhay to advertise in the newspapers
is an example of_____ ·

(A) Ploughing back of profits

(B) Trade credit
(C) Fixed capital requirement

(D) ~orking capital requiremen
For which of the following source of finance, a company is required to mortgage
its assets?
(A) Debenture~
(B) Equity shares
(C) Retained earnings
(D) Preference shares
The capital of the company is divided into number of parts each bf which is
called _____ '
(A) Dividend
(B) Profit
(C) Interest I
(D) Share; I
8 Mr. Vaibhav Duggal has started a company named 'The Greenway Grameen
Infra' with investment of ~1crore. The company makes smart stoves .that
addresses the common use of mud stoves and indoor open fires that causes
millions of deaths each year. Greenway Smart Stove is a single-burner cooker
that generates 80% less smoke and uses 65% less fuel. If alsQ performs better
than an electric fan stove due to an air-flow generator that provides clean
combustion. Affordable and safer, it has gained quick'popularity and has been
well accepted by customers. As a result, company had annual turnover of ~4.5
crore. What category of enterprises 'The Greenway Grameen Infra' fall into

(A) Large enterprises

(B) Medium enterprises
(C) Small enterprises
(D) Micro enterprises,
9 Which of the following cannot be considered as a contribution of small business
in rural India?
(A) Multiple sources of income
(8) Increased migration of rural people to urban areao/
(C) Reduction in poverty and unemployment

Second Test/ Std. XI/ Business Stu~ies 2022 - 2023 Paqe 2 of6
(D) Accelerated industrial growth
Which of the following was set - . .
th wth f . up in 19 55 with a view to promote aid and foster
e gro O small business units in the country? '
(A) National Small Industries Corporation
(8) National Small Industrial Centers
(C) District Industries Centers Y
(D) District Industrial Corporation
11 Rina and he_r family went to Himachal Pradesh during vacation. They visited a
Tea factor~ in a small village named Kangra. Their guide informed them that the
tea grown 1n Kangra Tea gardens is world famous for its quality, unique aroma
and tinge of fruity flavor. It is exported to many foreign countries. Kangra Tea is
an example of_____ ·

(A) Trademark
(8) Copyrights
(C) Plant Variety
(D) Geographical Indication
12 What kind of goods are not re~ommended for mail-house trading?
(A) Graded and standardised
(8) Have ready demand in the market
(C) Perishable in nature or bulki
(D) Available in large quantity throughout the year
13 Raju is a small retailer who opens his shop at differrent places on every Sunday.
He mainly deals in low-priced goods of daily use and caters to lowe~-income
group of customers. What kind of trader is Raju?
(A) Market trader;
(B) Hawker
(C) Cheap jack
(D) Street trader
14 Ms. Nita runs an excrusive showroom named 'LittleCuties'. She procures and
sells variety of clothes only for infants. At present she is running only one such
store but soon she is planning to expand her business by starting stores at
different locations in the city. What kind of store Ms. Nita is running?
(A) General stores
(B) Single line stores
(C) Street stalls
(D) Speciality stores,
15 Mr. Raman Shah, a trader in Gujarat runs a store that deals in winter clothing.
He places order for 500 jackets, 300 hoodies and 200 sweatshirts to Mr.
Parmeet Singh, a trader in Ludhiana. The order is dispatched and delivered
according to the agreed terms and conditons by both the traders. What kind of
tax will be levied on such transaction?

(A) Central GST

(B) State GST
(C) Integrated GS~
(D) Central and State GST

Second Test/ Std. XI/ Business Studies 2022 - 2023 Paqe 3 of 6

16 Diksha and Suman joined the law university in Ahmedabad. three Y!~~sand
they both have started a firm. Wherein both are co-owners d1~1ding the P_
loss. After a year they thought that there are certain rights which are _dern~d t 0
their firm , as its not registered . Explain the consequences of non reg1strat1on of
the firm .

17 The manufacturing of cars requires assembling of a large number of . 3

\ components, which are being made by different firms. The car manufacturing
\} can be an example of which scope of E-business? Explain .
18 Mr. Anil singh has been running a restaurant for the last two years . The 3
excellent quality of food has made the restaurant popular in no time. Motivated
by the success of his business, Mr. Singh is now contemplating the idea of
opening a chain of similar restaurants at different places. However, the money
available with him from his personal sources is just sufficient to meet the
expansion requirements of his business. He needs funds to meet the operating
expenses of the new chain. Mr. Anil requested the suppliers of raw food material
to extend credit for three months. Supplier agreed to do so after making an
enquiry regarding the reputation of Mr. Anil's restaurant. On the basis of
aforesaid information about Anil singh ,answer the following questions:

(a) Identify and explain the source of finance used by the company to meet its
operating expenses .
(b) State any two merits of rais ing funds through the source specified in part
19 Why is IPR important? Explain . 3
20 Bata stores are networks of retails shops owned and operated by Bata India Ltd . 3
Bata stores operate in different parts of country. One can easily identify Bata
stores in any market as they have same appearance; even thei~ interior decor is
also identical. All the Bata stores are supplied the foot wears from head office.
The policies for the stores are decided by the head office. All the stores sell
goods at uniform prices. On the basis of the given information about Bata India
Ltd. , answer the following questions:

(a) State the type of retail store mentioned in above case.

(b) Explain any three advantages of the above retail store.

Second Test/ Std . XI/ Business Stud ie s 2022 - 2023

Paqe 4 of 6
"' P7,,,
7 . 1 Mayank Vecma has started

~ommerce start-up . His com a a company named 'NurseryOnline', an E- 4
tools , pots and planters to th~ cny delivers plants , seeds, fertilizers, gardening
under the Companies Act u~omers. He has _got his company registered
'NurseryOnline ' has ac .'
2013 · ram th ~ da~ of rts incorporation,
persons 'NurseryO . q~ rred a separate 1dent1ty from its members. Like natural
and ent~r into cont n 1ine can purchase property, incur debts, borrow money
th t racts . '.he board of directors of 'NurseryOnline' will appoint
e op management officials for running the business
. . and . explain th e 4 f ea t ures of company form of· business
. . .
h1ghl1ghted rn the above case.

22 lnf~sys Technologies Ud. has a fully developed website 'Sparsh' , through 4

which employees get 1n touch with their colleagues, get information on
company pol1c1es, code of conduct, etc. It provides the facility of easy
nav1gat1on to access other departmental portals for information on training and
development_programs . Also, the employees can apply for leave on line. Which
kind of e-busrness model is adopted by Infosys? Explain in brief.

23 The Startup India Scheme is a flagship initiative of the Government of India 4

with an objective to carve a strong ecosystem for nurturing innovation and
startups in the country. Explain the action points taken by the government
under this scheme.

24 Differentiate between equity shares and preference shares on the basis of 6

following : '
(i) Rate of dividend (ii) Voting rights
(i ii) Suitability (iv) Convertibility
(v) Control (vi) Risk
25 Aka sh, Pooja , and Taran have finished their Masters, with specialisation in 6
entrepreneurship last year. They conceived an innovative idea of setting up a
firm named 'Wow! Momo ' that sells diiferent kinds of momos. They started
their business by opening two outlets in Kolkata. From corn cheese momos to
momo burgers , they offer a wide variety of incredibly delicious momos . The
taste, flavours and quality offered by them is loved by the customers. In the
short span of time, their stores have become popular and there is continuous
increase in the demand . Gaining confidence from the success achieved, three
of !hem are planning to expand their business by opening chain of stores in
cities like Delh i, Bengaluru, Chennai, Pune , and Ahmedabad . They need to
raise funds for the same . Suggest them any four methods of raising funds for
their startup , expla ining each one of them in detail.

Paqe 5 of 6
Second Test/ Std . XI/ Bus iness Studies 2022 - 2023
26 Ms. Sheena Sahni is involved in the business of sell ing vegan leath er products. 6
She buys these products in bulk from Delhi based firm named Orisoft Ltd. and
sells them PAN India. Ms. Sheena provides immense help to Orisoft Ltd . in
marketing and distributing the goods produced by them . Ms . Sheena has tied
up with various retail stores located in major cities and supplies them vegan
leather products according to their requirement. Help provided by Ms. Sheena
relieves the firm from selling activities and enables them to focus on production
activity. Explain in detail any other four services that Ms. Sheena can provide to
Orisoft Ltd. than the one dicussed in this case.

Second Test/ Std . XI/ Business Studies 2022 - 2023 Paqe 6 of 6

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