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Assessment of Opinions and Thoughts

This dialog is for questions 1 to 3.

Danar : Have you put on make-up?

Nia : I have. Why?

Danar : Would you help me put on my tie?

Nia : Sure. How do you like me to tie it?

Danar : Similar to the one when attending Uncle Evan’s wedding, please. I’ve tried to do it, but in vain.

Nia : Why don’t you just tie it in a simple one?

Danar : I don’t want it. It is a special occasion.

Nia : I see. By the way, what time does your graduation ceremony begin?

Danar : At 9 o’clock.

Nia : O.K., it’s done.

Danar : Thanks.

1. Who are the speakers?

a. Mother and son
b. Uncle and niece
c. Aunt and nephew
d. Brother and sister
e. Father and daughter
2. Where will the speakers go?
a. To a watch store
b. To a beauty saloon
c. To a wedding ceremony
d. To a fashion store
e. To a graduation ceremony
3. What can we infer from the dialog?
a. Uncle Evan is single.
b. Danar can put on a tie in different ways.
c. Nia has been tying a tie for an hour.
d. The event will be held in the morning.
e. Danar forgets about the agenda of that day.
4. Adam : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e-learning?
Rika : In my point of view, e-learning is more practical. You can learn anytime and anywhere. It's simple.
a. What do you think of
b. Do you like
c. What do you know about
d. Would you like to join
e. Could you open your
5. Seth : Tell me what do you feel about replacing human with robots in a factory?
Tisa : . . . . . . . . Robot can work faster and more effective, but we can't completely relay on robots, we still need human to take control and make sure
everything runs well.
a. I agree
b. I disagree
c. I couldn’t agree more
d. I don't have any comment on that
e. What I have in my mind is that
6. Ruben : If you see teenagers' life today, they prefer to spend most of their time on the gadget than have real interaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Mika : Well, there's no much I can say about it. Technology, the internet and gadget change some habits in our today's society.
a. Do you agree
b. My comments are
c. In my opinion
d. Have you got any comments on that
e. I bet you disagree with that
7. The following expressions is used to ask for someone's opinion, except . . .
a. Have you got any comments on
b. What is your opinion about
c. Tell me about your feeling
d. How do you feel about
e. What do you think of

This dialog is for questions 7 to 10.

Romy : Does this place even have a free Wi-Fi network? I don’t see any notice on the wall.

Aulia : I believe it does. Last time I went here, there was a Wi-Fi network. Look! There is one.

Romy : What is the password?

Aulia : I don’t know. It looks like they change the password. Just ask the waiter for the password after we place the order.

Romy : That’s clever. That way, only customers can use the Wi-fi.

Aulia : That’s right. If they are written on the wall, people from outside can see it and use the Wi-Fi without permission.

8. Where does the dialog occur?

a. On the street
b. In a restaurant
c. In a supermarket
d. In an office lobby
e. In a meeting room
9. What is Romy’s opinion about the Wi-Fi system?
a. He thinks the system is upsetting.
b. The Wi-Fi can only be used by the costumers.
c. He believes the Wi-Fi is not secure enough.
d. The place needs to be more open about the Wi-Fi.
e. People will easily find out the Wi-Fi and password.
10. How can the speakers get the Wi-Fi password?
a. They only need to ask other visitors.
b. They need to ask the employees.
c. They need to order something first.
d. They should subscribe to the place’s social media.
e. They should change the password.

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