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are getting
there! We are turning
300! This year marks the
first of the three-year
preparation of the 300th
year of the Augustinian
Recollect Sisters. We are
the second oldest
female congregation in
the Philippines and the
third oldest in Asia.

As we prepare for this great milestone of our Congregation,

each individual Sister is encouraged to look inward to see for
herself how it has been since she professed her vows
according to the Rule of St. Augustine. Individually and
collectively as a congregation, it is a must to assess growth in
all aspects so that remedies can be applied to where it is
needed. As for the matters of the soul, transformation is not an
option, it is imperative!
We dedicate this issue to individual religious who struggles to
better herself after having gone through intensive assessment
of her own self. To really make this milestone worth for what it
stands for, holiness should be the guiding principle of every AR
Sister as she goes through her day to day duties and activities.

Hurrah to 300 years!

By: Sr. Maria Aurora M. Baygan, AR

We’re moving so close now to the 300th year of the foundation of

our Congregation. With this reality, I often ask myself, how has it
been? Well, to be able to answer this question means looking
around and looking deep inside (individually) and looking into the
structure of the entire Congregation. This time, I’d like to focus on
one of the ancient and tradition-backed apostolate of the
Congregation--- scapular making.
No one knows for sure when this apostolate was taken up by the
AR Sisters before us. What is sure is the purpose of this apostolate--
to promote the devotion to our Lady of Carmel and the wearing of
the brown scapular.

To ensure the continuity of this

devotion, the Sisters in the
Motherhouse community
made sure that there will be
enough scapulars to be
distributed to the faithful the
whole year round. The demand
goes up on the days
approaching July 16, the
universal feast of our Lady of
Mt. Carmel and during the first
month of the year since the
time the Recollect Fathers
decided to move the feast of
our Lady of Mt. Carmel de San
Sebastian to January 29. For
some years now, Sr. Teodora
Gentapa, AR spearheads the
making of the brown scapulars.

Scapular making follows a
procedure requiring patience
and skill. First is having the
white cloth printed with the
image of our Lady of Carmel
and the cross in three different
sizes. Second, cutting the big
brown felt cloth into the
desired sizes, then pairing it up
with the white cloth bearing
the image of our Lady of
Carmel and the cross. Sewing
the white cloth to the brown
felt with the attached
crocheted brown cord comes
next. Then trimming all the four
sides of the scapulars using the
triangular pinking shears.

The procedure is not as easy as it sounds. There are many things to

check to make the brown scapular represent the mission our blessed
Mother Mary wants to convey to her devotees. First is to make sure
that the image of the blessed Mother and the cross are visible and
clear in the white cloth. Second, the image should be that of our
Lady of Carmel de San Sebastian. And needless to say, the
workmanship in sewing and cutting should be neat and tidy.

Sr. Teodora Gentapa encountered

some problems with the printing of the
image of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel de
San Sebastian. Up until now, she is still
trying to make contacts with local
printers who can do the job well, nice
and clear.

The demand of the brown scapulars sewn
by the Sisters in the AR Motherhouse had
been up the last few years but the
community lacks the manpower to
increase its supply. Lately, the mother-
house community already sought the
help of the intern service scholars to man
the sewing machines. In the girls’
absence, Sr. Teodora Gentapa does the
sewing herself. Sr. Salome Paderogo,
Sr. Pia Pineda, Sr. Dolores Daquilanea,
Sr. Teresita Baco, Sr. Agustina Santos, and
other elderly sisters contribute their effort
by crocheting the brown cord.
Sr. Marietta Angelica Gunayan in
between her classes and during
recreation crochets the brown cord too.
Sr. Mary Grace Judith Alamares and
Sr. Leah Eseo do their share in the
production of the brown scapulars by
skillfully sticking the white cloth to the
brown felt. Others consider this a tedious
step for it requires nimble hands and
sharp eyes. Some full-time teaching
sisters volunteer their services during
holidays when classes are off.
As I volunteer myself too sometimes, I
heard the story that some Catholics tried
to locate Saint Rita College to buy the
brown scapulars of Carmel made by the
Sisters themselves. This made me think
about how Catholics is still value their
devotion to the Blessed Mother and their
trust and confidence in religious Sisters.
This led me to think that we are still
relevant after all. This led me to close my
eyes and whisper a sincere ‘thank you’ to
Him and to the Blessed Mother. It’s such a
humbling experience and my fervent
prayer for the congregation is for us,
Sisters to really stand true to the name
‘Recoleta’, recollected, humble, loving
and zealous in our service to the Lord and
to his people.

By Sr. Mary Grace Judith Alamares, A.R.

was wondering why she could

endure those long hours folding the
thousand pieces of gauze cloth alone and in
a daily basis – morning and afternoon.
Perhaps you may wonder too who is this am
I referring to. She is known for this task of
folding gauze pieces alone in the AR
Motherhouse. She is Sr. Ma. Lea Eseo, A.R.

According to her, when the pandemic

started, she had companions but because of
health reasons, one by one, her companions
declined to help her so she was left all
alone. Knowing her as a Jubilarian who just
celebrated her 60th anniversary in religious
life and somehow advanced in age, I believe
in her capability and her skill. With all the
desires of her heart, she continues to
patiently work on the gauze material up to
this day.

As I was gathering the data, I learned

from her and from other respective sources
that she accepted the task because a friend
of the Sisters, who is a Doctor and a medical
gauze manufacturer offered gauze folding
to us. Sr. Lea Eseo said we get incentives for
gauze folding but what is important is being
of help to people who needs it.

In less than a month she finished folding 30 In a deeper sense the gauze could
packs containing 90 folds in each pack be the grace of God that would sustain
making a total of 2,700 folds. And each fold and keep us strong in times of
has 2 pieces of gauze cloth. Wow! She was suffering, the Word of God that gives
able to do that alone. Yes, by the grace of us strength and enlightenment, the
God she can finish that much in a few comfort that we receive from someone
weeks, neat and tidy. In fact, I asked her when we are discouraged, and Jesus
about her motto in gauze folding. Sr. Lea
himself as we encounter Him in the
simply uttered that despite the difficulties,
celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
she survived with the grace of God.
Moreover, the challenge here is for us
Her words kept me awake that time inside
to be like the gauze --- someone who
the recreation room because while helping
with the scapulars, I was always yawning. cares and protects others in the
process of healing. In Book 4, Chapter
1 of The Imitation of Christ written by
Thomas À Kempis, it is stated that He
himself is our path to holiness, our way
to salvation, it is he who comforts us
on our journey and who is the eternal
happiness of the saints. Therefore, as
imitators of Christ he needs our great
response as to what extent and how
true we are being His disciples. For he
said, “If you keep my
commandments, you shall abide in my

Hence, I asked myself, ‘What is really the

relevance of gauze folding in our
religious life, our spiritual life?’ It is a
common fact that medical gauze is for
cleaning, scrubbing, covering, and
securing a variety of wounds.
The manufacturers produce the products
and the dealers distribute them to all are
available. In the religious life we
also need something that would bind our
wounds. We need a gauze to keep us
healed of our woundedness and in order to
protect it as we undergo therapy or go
through the process of healing.

hen the community was informed that we all need to move to the
recreation room for community prayers, it was just like any other ordinary
order that we have to obey for the love of Jesus and the community. Along
with it comes the joy and challenges of having to endure the close proximity
of each other considering that it was still pandemic time.

Fast forward to December of that same year, barely three months in the
recreation room, the community again found themselves hauling their
belongings back to their old place in the big chapel--- this time something
new unraveled before their very eyes!

The new altar was incredibly beautiful!

The flat wall before seemed so vast with its bland pale gray color. It was
perfect for the traditional way of sticking biblical passages cut from
polystyrene sheets and painted with glitters according to the color of the
liturgical season! Admittedly, putting up those individually cut Styrofoam
letters require a lot from the chapel in-charge. And perhaps this is why such
traditional way of decorating the altar lost its popularity among capilleras.

The new wall in contrast is scaled down, leading the viewer’s eye into
partitions with the brightest in the middle encasing the crucifix and
tabernacle. The two sides encased the statue of the Blessed Mother on the
left and St. Joseph on the right. The two side walls offer something new to
the eyes as it was a spectacle of small and glittery specks of earth hues.

The windows are simply beautiful! The old
jalousies acquired a new look. It has gone ‘archy’
with stained glass. When the morning sun goes
through it, it is quite a scene from up above!

The crucifix is something to reckon with. It is the

same bloody Jesus Christ but the cross has gone
to half pieces. The transcendental aspect
represented by the vertical line cannot go past
the horizontal beam. The line is broken! But in
my meditation, the soft whispers say, “The bloody,
broken body of Jesus holds these two dimensions

It surely does…

The new tabernacle on the other hand, is square

in shape with huge, shiny rays. It is bigger and
placed a little bit lower. I love the comforting
strength and stability it offers as I keep gazing at
it from my pew.

The ceiling of the rest of the chapel can be

compared to that of a luxury hotel. It has a false
ceiling design with cove lights. It’s quite
impressive. However, if you try to get a picture of
the entire chapel from the choir riser, the lit
ceiling grabs all the attention drowning the
physical appeal of the altar.

Over all, the newly renovated chapel was another

reason for the Sisters to be truly grateful to our
heavenly Father. What is new is to be accepted
with unparalleled joy. What was before is the
object of the present study to produce a serene,
polished, and divine beauty for all to see and

It’s interesting to realize that knowing what is

priority helps one to focus in her contemplation
and prayer.

ollaboration is the big word when we The members of the Recollect
work with a team. But more so when living in communities in the Philippines are
a religious community where one does not companions of each other in their
only have any random team member but a journey. Even before the Catholic
brother or sister to closely collaborate with. Church came up with synodality,
The collaboration is deeper or more tight we’ve been walking together with
because there is a qualifying description to our hearts open to the possibilities
that collaboration—fraternal collaboration. of what God will bring to our
Augustinian Recollect communities practice respective communities in His
common life. The observance of ‘One mind name as we serve His people
and one heart in God’ brings to life the very entrusted to us. In our own little
essence of the Augustinian concept of living way, the Recollect communities
harmoniously in the community. Our join forces to better our lives and
observance of humility and charity teaches
the lives of those we care. As of
us to see the complexity of individual
this time, there are no grand
personalities and how its strengths and
limitations complement each other in collaborations, just simple actions
varying degrees. We finally understand now which truly warm the heart!
that we need each other to walk through
joys and pain in this journey we are in. Hold-
ing hands and engaging in dialogue and in-
tense prayer, we see ourselves as pilgrims
moving towards the direction of the eternal
city, promised by the Lord.

The covid pandemic brought us all clos-
er together. While holed up in each of
our communities, the Motherhouse
community gave rosaries and scapulars
for the Recollect Fathers in San Sebas-
tian-Manila to distribute to the frontliners
in the hospitals and on the streets and
cash donations to augment the food
packs for distribution. The Sisters also
take turns in their vigil to the Blessed
Sacrament every day for the end of the
pandemic and all the problems it
brought to our communities, to our
country and to the whole world.
Now that covid restrictions are easing
up, the Motherhouse community is back
to their usual show of support by their
Saturday evening choir in the San
Sebastian Basilica, distribution of Holy
Communion during Saturday and
Sunday masses, weekly counting of
monetary collections every Monday, Our sick and aged sisters in t
taking care of the vestments and altar Motherhouse benefit from this apostolate of t
linens. The aspirants of the Recollect Fathers very much. The proximity
congregation also take turns in giving the San Sebastian community allows for ea
Catechism classes to the children in the administration of the Sacrament of Anointing
parish during summer time. These are the Sick when badly needed by a sick sister
small tasks the Motherhouse the brink of death. Most times, when t
community happily extends to the OAR community holds wakes of a dead AR, t
Fathers in their service to the Recollect Fathers come in their own convenie
parishioners of San Sebastian, Manila. time and say mass for the deceased. Fune
As of this time, the San Sebastian Parish masses are always done in concelebration w
is involved in major projects such as the the Recollect Fathers from the different
Restoration of San Sebastian Basilica
and the creation of the Quiapo
Heritage Zone. Both projects are well
supported by the Congregation. As for
the creation of the Quiapo Heritage
Zone, the Superior General wrote a
letter to the Committee on Basic
Education and Culture of the House of
Representatives of the Philippines
declaring the Congregation’s official
position on the Substitute Bill of the
Quiapo Heritage Act.
The Recollect Fathers in San Sebastian-
Manila give the best gift to the
Motherhouse community for they make
alive the presence of Jesus to the
Sisters every day through the celebra-
tion of the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Every last Saturday of the month, they
come to hear confessions.

houses within the Manila area and
neighboring provinces.
The Monthly ARSE recollections are
conducted by the Recollect Fathers.
During the pandemic, all the other AR
houses including those in other countries
join in the recollection via zoom for the
conference. With the easing of the
covid restrictions, the AR sisters can now
have the ARSE retreat in Tagaytay by
batches with the OAR Fathers as retreat
During the huge fire which ravage the
houses of the parishioners of San
Sebastian last Christmas 2022, the
Motherhouse community did their own
share of feeding and clothing the
victims. They also asked help from the
other houses of the Congregation in the
Visayas and Mindanao islands.
the Christmas Day is the grand reunion of the
the Recollect family. The Provincialate, the
y of Recoletos Formation House, the
asy Novitiate and Pre-Novitiate House in
g of Antipolo, all the Recollect Convents in
r in the greater Manila area and Cavite and
the all the AR houses in Metro Manila and
the neighboring provinces gather together
ent in the Motherhouse for this affair. The
eral day is always full of fun and food and
with laughter, songs and stories!!!
The AR communities in Cebu are the
merriest when they celebrate Christmas
with the Recollect Fathers in USJ-R every
25th of December. Besides the
Christmas Day banquet, they also play
bingo where every sister wins the game.
Nobody goes home sad on that day, all
hands are full with the day’s winnings!

The AR communities in Palawan
is again another story of close
ties with the Recollect Fathers in
Inagawan and in the island
parish in Casian. The Sisters
rallied together to support the
Fathers specially when they
were still starting their mission
stations in Palawan.
During the aftermath of super
typhoon Yolanda, our AR
community in Bantayan Island,
Cebu suffered greatly. The
USJ-R Fathers in Cebu City
braved the 5-hour drive and two
-hour sea travel to Bantayan
Island to bring the Sisters
provisions and generator.
The communities of the OAR
Fathers love to visit the home of
the elderly Sisters (Tahanang
Talangpaz) in Tagaytay City.
The Fathers and the seminarians
would sing songs and bring
healthy goodies to the old sisters
every now and then. The OAR-
Cavite community members
take turns celebrating mass with
the elderly during weekends.
The Recollect Fathers have a
big farm in Alfonso, Cavite.
During harvest time, they never
forget to let us taste the sample
of their produce!!!
More importantly, a good
number of Recollect Fathers
come from the AR Schools all
over the country. And right
now, a growing number of AR
Sisters are coming from the OAR
parishes. This is the result of the
concerted efforts of the
Recollect family looking after
each other with one mind and
one heart in God.
As we walk together sharing our
joys and sorrows, we adhere to
what St. Augustine said, Only
one thing is needed: the
heavenly unity, the unity by
which the Father, the Son and
Holy Spirit are but one thing.
(s. 103, 3)
By Sr. Isis Vita T. Villagonzalo, AR

he famous Socrates says "an unexamined life is not worth living." This is the life-blood of a
simple but meaningful scrutiny of my life-for-awhile experience. Given the chance to see one-
self out of the picture and lived a life on the other side of the fence offered a better angle and

To decipher the vividness of the experience, an acronym

ISISVITA is formed, Inward journey, Solitude, In-
tegrity, Satisfaction, Vitality, Interelatedness, Thankful, As-
INWARD JOURNEY. It was an introspection INTEGRITY. Preserving religiosity in a secular
experience, an inward movement to review environment strengthened a life of integrity,
my entire life in order to put it in the right upholding the values of the gospel that are
vantage point. Time was at my disposal. challenged by the realities of the world. A
Everyday pacing was reading again the challenge to create an atmosphere that a nun
journals I have written through time, was in the neighborhood confronted me. An
reminiscing my prayer reflections and organized prayer group to pray the angelus
devouring the unread spiritual books, and holy rosary at 6pm echoed among the few
ruminating its contents and messages. houses surrounding the locale. Every Sunday,
SOLITUDE. Finding at home and minimizing we walked together at early dawn to the town
contacts from others was like dwelling in my Church for the Sunday Mass where I served to
cocoon. Solitude was in placed. The silence help distribute Holy Communion.
at home with environs surrounded by SATISFACTION. The life of material poverty in
mangrove trees and their habitats with the reality brought me satisfaction and content to
sea breeze added to the atmosphere of mold a better version of the evangelical
living in silence. It was developed amidst the counsel. The scarcity of my brother's family
noise of demanding situations that prodded made me realize how lucky I was to have them
in the guise of immediate decision and with my journey. Their smiles and joy in spite
action. of their financial instability spelled their

anawim experience - in God they truly trust THANKFUL. This disposition is what I am
and abandon themselves. from now on. I am totally convinced of
God's loving mercy and compassion. He has
VITALITY. Out of the blissful experience showered me all the blessings even from
emerged the youthful vivacity when zeal to the beginning of time. He has created and
serve the Lord was on its height. I was able to made me according to His perfections but
trace when loving the Lord started, when His gives me freedom to do my part to become
call was first heard. "Keep on being faithful to worthy of the Great Plan He has for me. I
what you were taught, to what you know He does not need me to enrich His
believed."(2Tm 3:14) He was the reason, is the being a perfect God. My life offering in His
reason and will be the reason for "He is the service does not make Him more to become
same yesterday, today and forever." (Heb God. What He wants from me is to get back
13:8) People I met, are meeting and will be to Him and say 'thank you, God' enfleshed
meeting along this journey were, are and will in the Holy Eucharist.
pose only as embellishments at the sides.
Clinging to what have been taught to me in ASSIDUITY. Our Congregation's forebears
my younger years in the religious life specifically our Founders, the Talangpaz
revitalize my zeal. Sisters, lived and perfected the life of
assiduity. I pray to possess a diligent
INTERRELATEDNESS. To savor the depthness attitude, to give personally and persistently
of my experiential realities, I have to bear the needed attention to live a life of
only an eye to see its totality and its holiness, to always remember to live a life of
wholeness. All that happens are put together love in the Lord - to live in perfect charity.
to direct the truth that God has gifted me the This is what I vowed to live when I said
vocation of an Augustinian Recollect Sister. I before my Sisters: In honor of God
designed a program of integration to almighty.... I consecrate myself.... according
celebrate this reality. Unwelcoming to the Rule of St. Augustine, our Father and
experiences, non-synodality behaviors and the Constitutions of the Augustinian
individual differences of communities opened Recollect Sisters.... to live in perfect charity....
some wounds. However, I considered them For now, I am always struggling to be
part and parcel of the whole with the faithful in my resolutions, realizations and
personal resoluteness that I will never let commitment. Please say a prayer always for
others undergo similar situations. (God help me. My life-for-awhile is a sort of
me.) examination to live a life worth-lived. With
the Psalmist I say: Blessed be God who
trains my hands for battle, my arms for war.
(Ps. 144:1) Unless the Lord builds the house,
in vain do its builders labor. (Ps. 127:1) For
in Him, we live and move and have our
being. (Acts 17:28).

“Blessed are they who have kept the word of God with a generous
heart and yield a harvest through perseverance.”

y experience is very unforgettable achievements particularly on Laudato Si

because what has been done was which makes the school campus colorful
unexpected. Imagine how awesome it and beautiful. She said, the Laudato Si
was to become a care giver to my sick program was participated actively by the
sister and a brother who was operated children, teachers and parents.
five times. My sister was very much sick My stay in Roxas had its share of
and suffering from body pain and could challenges and what challenged me most
not even walk to Sunday masses was when I was catechism in the parish
regularly. I helped her doing simple level and in the public schools. It came to
exercises daily for one week and my knowledge that the public schools
massaged her in the evening until she were deprived of catechism of the
recovered. I did likewise to my only Catholic faith. It came as a big surprised
brother. I applied the same formula to to me when I discovered that there are
help him regain his strength. I was just four elementary schools now in the town
thankful that they both received proper established by the retired DEPED
monthly maintenance. I believed God’s supervisor. The parishioners however,
hands had helped them because it was dreamed that someday a Catholic School
done with faith and love in order to get will be built because, at the moment, they
well. In helping them I also feel healed. are sending their children to other
Our new parish priest invited me to private, sectarian but non-Catholic
give recollection to all the members of schools.
the Apostolate of Prayer in our town,
During this time, I met many people. I met
Roxas, and then to all the groups in the
parents asking for financial help for their
barangay level. My coming home was
children’s school needs. I told them to
very timely because it was Lenten
pray to God for their needs. Then, I had a
season. Truly when we allow God to use
close conversation with a retired
us, God is happy and our work becomes
supervisor who was the vicariate
light and successful.
President of the Apostleship of Prayer in
I was also thankful to God because our parish. She pleaded for my help
when I arrived home after long hours of because she is new in managing the
travel, my request to have the tomb of Church organizations. To help her, I
my parents blessed by our Parish Priests became conscious of my conduct as a
was accommodated. Then, I offered a religious and I went around offering my
mass intention for all souls in purgatory help to the different organizations of the
especially the soul of my mother on her Church. I did my best to organize the
death Anniversary and for the soul of Senior and Junior Legion of Mary. Then, I
my father as well. tried to become available when needed in
One day, I visited my ALMA the Parish. I also got involved in the
MATER, ANDRES SORIANO MEMORIAL formation of the youth: Bible Study. It
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL after the Holy came to my knowledge that Bible study
Mass. I met the school principal in her for the youth was stopped because of
office and we had an interesting sharing some problems in the parish. I pity the
of school development Programs and brokenness they experienced. But
activities. I congratulated her for her because pf their longing and hunger for
God they moved to another parish and
became very active and engaged there. Indeed, a pastor’s situations about the church role in evangelizing the
witnessing to his parishioners is important and is a great example people of Roxas especially the youth until one day I had
of the Synodal way of serving God and neighbor. the chance to have sharing with the Parish Priest and
presented myself to help. I worked six months. At first
In consultation and coordination with the Parish Priest I
observed the flow of their Bible Sharing on how they
volunteered to work on the Awakening & Orientation of newly
manage the children. Personally I was asked to help by
recruited catechists. I also encouraged the old catechists to come
the Retired President of AP to assist her program for the
back and be active again in the ministry. At this point, I thank the
young youth in the Paris. “ Bible Study/ sharing of the
Lord for the inspiration and guidance. They were commissioned
word of God every Sunday without neglecting my prayer
after their initial formation with in the Sunday Mass. Then they
life and purpose of doing apostolate to my Family clan
were assigned at once to three elementary schools in the town
and relatives. From my observations of 3 Sundays I
proper. There was no money involved in the training—everything
proposed to give orientation to the youth about the
was self-help done in good faith. “Magagawa naman pala kahit
Bible, introducing the simple method of Bible Study and
walang pinaguusapan na budget. Ang mahalaga lahat ay nagkakaisa
how it is being done applying the same in my family clan.
at may goal.” Referrals and Coordination played an important role
Added to the demand and call of the church was the
for unity and progress.
Legionaries who also asked my help in catechizing the
With God’s grace, all three schools with more than 400 recruited unbaptized children, young adults and adult
pupils not counting tutorial classes of high school students, had aging 37 with the presence of their parents and sponsors.
their First Holy Communion on March 5, 2023. Everything I spent 4 weeks doing it to the residence area of my
happened in total trust to God’s Divine will and plan. All for the brother. It was a very touching experienced doing the
Glory of God who cares and love us all. Of course, it was done work instead of them doing their apostolate because the
with much preparation such as regular classes for catechism, legionaries also need to be taught about the sacraments.
meeting of their parents, Baptism of those who were not yet My brother I didn’t know was just observing me. I
baptized, Confirmation, recollection and Confession, and song remember one time he said to “ you are always out” I
practice for one week during their semestral break, recollection just answered just observe what I am doing in the Parish
and Confession, practice of the liturgy with the choir. Evaluation and people coming to be taught in your garage. Later he
of the Activity also took place in the regular meeting of the was silent and showed kindness to my surprise upon
catechists. The spiritual formation of catechists continued after reaching home he prepared me food for breakfast. I
the First Communion of the public school children. They were attributed many surprises to God on His Mighty works,
sent to the Vicariate for more updating and more Catechists’ God is a good provider.
Month of October we initiated the Living Rosary at
The opening of the 400 yrs. Of Christianity in the Province the end of the Month that many says their first time to
of Palawan was something I did not expect to attend. But there it experience in the Parish. That conclude of their
was and I was given the chance to be a part of it! At last, my awareness of what we have done long time ago I was
dream to visit Cuyo, my assignment when I was a government employed but doing the task our devotion to Mama Mary
FTOW/MPO was realized. It was in Cuyo that my cherished as Legionary. I organized the Junior Presidium and Senior
vocation was realized. I am thankful for this great experience. It Presidium. Every existing organizations in the Parish
gave me the chance to see Saint Joseph Academy which was were top to participate with tableau every mysteries of
once owned and administered by the AR Sisters but was turned the Rosaries. The working committee were all volunteers
over to the then Diocese of Palawan, now Apostolic Vicariate of with the help of the Assistant parish Priest who lead the
Taytay. sacristans and supervision of the parish Priest. In many
In November 2022, during the Pastoral Visit of His instances different faces comes to the house of my
Eminence, Most Rev. Broderick Pabillo, D.D., Bishop of the brother to have story telling with me in just a short
Apotolic Vicariate of Taytay, our parish priest gave me the special moment they would asked and interviewed me. That’s
task of prepare for the accommodation of the good bishop. the beginning of establishing familiarities and friendship
to avail my time when needed for guidance and
In October 2022, the plan of the parish was the recitation of the
counselling. It opens my experienced in the government
Holy Rosary daily and at the end of the month to have the Living Rosary.
Thousands of Rosaries with Prayer Guides and Bibles were donated by a
service, my employment assigned in our town before my
sponsor who worked at BDO. Her advocacy was for the whole family entry to the AR Congregation after I was transferred to
to pray the Rosary and Bible Study for the Filipino youth. Cuyo Island where AR sisters knew me and invited me to
The living Rosary was participated by the parishioners. A
tableau was presented in each of the mystery. The assistant I also visited our Mayor say hello and talk about
Parish Priest with the proper coordination of the parish projects that affected many and open suggestions for
organizations made the presentation of the tableau meaningful improvement of drainage because of my experienced
and solemn. The parishioners were heard saying that it was their during the strong rain that my left foot was drawn in the
first time to witness a tableau. canal near our house, cleanliness of the town and with
honest sharing of new plans of town site and widening of
To my Congregation led by Mo. Lucena Antipala, thank you roads in the town proper in close door sharing. It was an
very much. You are all part of my journey. I prayed, discerned well open talk about national budget down to local program
and your blessing yielded fruits of love. So here I am back to the plans reckoning my employed activities in the town as
walls where I should be with gratefulness to you all and youth adviser in our barangay. So healthy sharing
thanksgiving to my God, your God, our God, who guided, cared because the government of Roxas has done great help to
and loved me outside of the walls of the convent. I am happy to the religious activities of the church. The most
surrender my will and all that I am for the glory of God. interesting Church involvement was the Apostolic Visit of
The formation of the young youth in the Poblacion. The iraised Most Reverend Bishop Broderick Pabillo, DD where I was
question had motivated me to act voluntarily challenged to the invited personally by the Parish Priest. There I had the
call of Senodality of the three elements participation , chance getting along and emerged myself to assigned
communion and Mission. I sense something captured my work toping the help participation of organization of
attention I could no just ignore thus I sat down and listen to her identifying candidates for Confirmation aging 12 up .
story of the
The whole barangays were visited by the Bishop, meeting the people especially all existing organizations of the Parish. How nice
and peaceful it was to feel when everybody are working together and capable of contributing their plenty to serve good
accommodation , food preparation, needed materials and the unity of helping the Bogsayan Feastivity of celebrating the 400 yrs.
of Christianity in the Province of Palawan. The new Organized Catechists of the Parish hosted a dinner with the Bishop warmly. He
was my professor at Don Bosco before during our Juniorate formation. He played a joke seeing me that he is getting old. So blest
we were visited because I did not the chance to see him when I arrived due to financial constrain. During his visit I did my role per
request of the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Rey Palanca. After his visit we focused on catechism in the three Public Schools after finishing
their “ AWAKENING AND ORIENTATION OF CATECHIST and Commisioning Rites. Almost 6 months the Catechists did their best
catechizing the four Pillars of Faith with weekly updating for lesson planning in preparation for First Communion of Grade 4,5,6
pupils and tutored children in other sect schools as well as interested Grade 7,8 and 9 High schools students. These had happened
I believed answers the prayer I asked “ Lord, use me In the way you want me to work for you.” I was calm and at peace in facing
the reality of exercising the goodness of God that I experienced His body I received everyday in the Holy Eucharist gives me
strength in carrying His work in patient endurance before the great work was done on March 5 2023 the realization of proposed
date of First Holy Communion. What more shall I asked? God has given we do all work together at a given time and date and place
to accomplish His work. Lord Jesus I Thank you very much for allowing to experience the gratefulness of your mercy and love. I
also ask forgiveness whatever are my failures that you see in me consciously and unconsciously. Every shortcomings and mistakes
done I atone and do penance for them. May I ask your forgiveness to everyone of our catechists their failures I also mine. We are
very sory Father in Heaven for all that was committed on the process of doing your work that hurts others. We are very sorry. For
all that pleases you O my God we Thank you for guiding us and experience your presence in hard time and difficult moments. We
thank you for sustaining us with your strength and all our needs in our journey. Thank you so much for all who have help us in unity
in the spirit of love , justice and peace.
To my Congregation whom I am identified and brought home to the mission land the charism and spirituality, the goodness
and full support of Rev. Mother General Mo. Lucena Antipala, AR and the General Council and our Secretariat of Vocation who
monitored and guided my purpose of Leave of Absence who knows very much my health conditions as my peers in our years of
formation. I thank you all very much. You are all part of my journe .I prayed for it, discerned well and your blessing yielded fruits of
love so here I am back to the walls where I should be with gratefulness to you all and Thanksgiving to my God your God, our God
who guided , cares and love outside of the walls of the convent. Happy to surrender my will and all that I am for the glory of God ,
the author of my life who saves me from 50/50 sickness in Masbate and ups and downs of my life. The God whom I am Rescued
from controversial job NPFPOP but had contributed much learning I applied in many works achieved till it ends up to by the grace
of God that God’s calling reveals my identity as Augustinian Recollect. Is there any words I can say? All for the Glory of God. Here I
am O Lord!
To my Congregation whom I am identified and brought home to the mission land the charism and spirituality, the goodness and
full support of Rev. Mother General Mo. Lucena Antipala, AR and the General Council and our Secretariat of Vocation who
monitored and guided my purpose of Leave of Absence who knows very much my health conditions as my peers in our years of
formation. I thank you all very much. You are all part of my journe .I prayed for it, discerned well and your blessing yielded fruits of
love so here I am back to the walls where I should be with gratefulness to you all and Thanksgiving to my God your God, our God
who guided , cares and love outside of the walls of the convent. Happy to surrender my will and all that I am for the glory of God ,
the author of my life who saves me from 50/50 sickness in Masbate and ups and downs of my life. The God whom I am Rescued
from controversial job NPFPOP but had contributed much learning I applied in many works achieved till it ends up to by the grace
of God that God’s calling reveals my identity as Augustinian Recollect. Is there any words I can say? All for the Glory of God. Here I
am O Lord!
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for children that has been neglected d is growing Elementary School to know and appreciate
some improvements until we end up of having formal arrangement as needed regarding the Catechism Program of the Parish to
schools. I find it interesting the fact that catechists are inactive in the parish for more than 6 years. I brought to the knowledge of
the two months arrival of the new Parish Priest what transpired to our conversation. I was advice to connect to the Pastoral
Ministry to the person assigned-charge of Education Ministry. Just a week I formulated an activity presented after creating on the
spot meeting of inactive catechists and recruited new applicants. I presented the agreed schedule of AWAKENING and topics to be
taken up on the ORIENTATION of Catechists presented the program with respect and proper coordination to the parish Priests.
After our conference with him his concern he positively approved the action plan. He signaled to start the following day.
Throughout the week activities the group do not talk about budget but decided to the so called “ KKB”. Everyone works together
with love and prayers. After the Orientation followed by a “Commissioning Rites” to pronounce publicly their commitment before
the sending out. What a powerful pledge of giving up life in the Church teaching ministry. It was done within the Sunday Mass in a
very solemn Reception of pronouncing their individual commitment. Each one received their Bible and Medal. The cooperation
and conviction to stand up for service to the church made all things possible because love is the root of giving oneself in good
The parish had initial number of 13 catechists. They are experienced graduates of college except one. We look into a proper
deployment in three Elementary Schools such are ANDRES SORIANO MEMORIAL SCHOOL, my Alma Mater located in Barangay 1,
BAQUIAO MEMORIAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL of Barangay 4, BLISS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Barangay three. Sad to say we were
not able to extend to another Elementary School in Barangay 1 because of limited catechists. It is a hard work for the sake of
loving the children who desires to receive their First Holy Communion. Attendance to meeting the pupils of respective barangays
are regular and self - sacrificing but no complains can be heard until the middle month of November. The following Sunday the facilitator
accompanied them for proper coordination’s to their respective assignments in establishing Courtesy calls to the Barangay Captains and Chapel in-
charge for their initial Sunday Catechism while the schools are not ready to accept because opening of classes after Pandemic they discovered lots of
adjustments to their teaching methodology. which leading them to the process of visiting their assigned task before starting the catechism by
establishing rapport and courtesy call to the respective Barangay captains of the Poblacion and chapel in-charge where they are assigned. Later on
when schools were ready they accept the Catechists and started catechizing the pupils from grade 4,5 and 6 on October in only three ( 3 )
Elementary Schools excluding one school. There was no more available to be sent. What a heartbreaking but experienced.
Are these my purpose of coming home for vacation? I believe God allowed this to happens an eye opening to fill up the
needs of school children in one of the school that has no catechist. Hopefully in God’s good time there will be more volunteers to

undergo training and offer their time to participate to be one in the movement of calling them
to a mission called to love and serve God by answering the invitation to participate in
communion and mission that all Catholic Christian must know. By our presence and identity,
we cannot just become passive because the Church needs us thus I never regret they involved
me to their Parish work. I also discovered that working for good and surrendering ourselves to
God’s plan I was miraculously healed from my infirmities. Wonderful is God’s work and His
blessings makes me alive and happy doing in offering my generous service to those in need in
prayer and work. Aside from Catechism we discovered that many children preparing for first
communion has no baptism and parents was discovered based on the information the
catechists have discovered that the couples just leave together without receiving the
sacrament of Matrimony and children are not baptized. Thus it delays the schedule of First
Communion and had time and days to follow up those not married in Catholic Church and
children that needs to be baptized before their first communion. The initiator of the activity by
coordination submitted the request if possible of having to accommodate the required
validation before the First Communion of the Children of 3 Elementary Schools. Thanks God
the Parish Priest subscribed to the proposal of having Parish mass baptism and Mass wedding
the scheduled First Communion on March 5, 2003 while Mass wedding will be on April 28,
2003. Thanks God there were 400 plus pupils excluding tutored few high school students and
enrollees in none catholic school have received First Communion in March 5 and Confirmation
during the Pastoral Visit of Most Reverend Bishop Broderick Pabillo, DD who was our professor
when we studied at Don Bosco Seminary when I was Junior Six. I was so happy meeting him
with 13 Catechists during his meal time with us at the Parish on the request of our New Parish
Priest who was just ahead of two months when I arrived. Sisters and Faculty, Minglanila
Community for assisting and facilitating by all means for my travel requirements. to offer
services and healing of oneself extending charity work to my 2 Sisters and one brother with
their families. with faith and full trust of protecting me from all dangers and sickness because
of my faith in Him I vowed obedience, chastity and poverty where I am in doing my purpose of
asking permission with generous consideration of my permission bringing my identity that I
have live up where I go and whatever I do all for the glory of God and defines my identity
guided by the teachings of God from the start I was formed spiritually and morally at home
and my years of formation from my entry to postulancy to the time I finally professed. I am very
grateful to our Mother General and Council of their generous approval of my permission. The
gestures of kindness and all the support made me feel the love of God through their
generosity and understanding of my temporary living outside of the convent walls carrying my
duties and responsibilities as religious unknowing of the happenings that may occur in my
journey of Faith, Hope and Charity to serve the purpose of my vacation. Doing the will of God in
my discernment before the realization of my intense plan for the journey I allowed God to work
for me in my prayers with His guidance and blessings. How blessed I was when before leaving
the Office of my Mother General, Reverend Mother Lucena Antipala, AR I knelt down before
her asking her to bless me. Thank you very much Mother. Your blessings and prayers yield
fruits of goodness to everyone I met , serve and love.
I EXERCISED freedom, the gift of God given to us all with prudence and respects to
authorities of the church and state as well my family clans, relatives and people of God. To the
members of my family circle I was welcomed joyfully unknowingly of my numbers of days,
months of stay living with them. I don’t have permanent address but all in surprise
destination. I don’t make plans what to do but relied on the goodness of God where God wills.
They are in the world having family in different places thus I chose to stay in the house of
married brother near our ancestral home rented by a businessman and companion in Roxas. I
presented myself to the Parish Priest and later on presented myself to the Bishop during his
appearance in our town when I met him. I did not insist going to the Vicariate because the fare
is expensive besides he was on the go always travelling from one municipality to another per
information I knew. Sayang din pamasahe.
My entry to my target activity is to stay at the city to be with my eldest Sister. But she has
no time for me because those days and months was election campaign and she is very busy
as executive official holding office responsibilities. So I ask permission when she fetched me
at the airport. I excused her for not joining me for the Death Anniversary of our Mother but
with Family of my youngest sister who is very sick together with the relatives and parents of my
sister in –law. I requested a mass the following day of my arrival and request to bless my
Mother’s tomb.
Days past I went to the farm to greet the care takers of Mama and Papa’s land and
check the situations and neighborhood whose house was destroyed by Typhoon Odette. Great
was the damage that cause them to experienced poverty due to the damage of the irrigated
farming. Thanks God their houses were in good condition except little repair. Onother concern
of visiting is to console the Mother whose Son was jailed . The case was under the custody of
the Police till now I conducted Bible sharing to the care taker including all their 6 Sons who
have mistresses to awaken the spirit of living Gospel values. Their Sons and their woman I
targeted to lead them to the Sacrament of Matrimony . None of their 7 sons were not married
that workout by evangelizing them. Thanks God the two have decided to separate leaving the
children to the family while the other one has no sibling. I thank God for His wonderful work.
Another Son with 5 children I convinced to have their five children baptized.

of the first of the three-year preparation for the

300 of the
I was in the lookout for
anything that can speak
volumes about our culture and
heritage as an Augustinian
Recollect when I spotted the
Tambis Tree. The already old
and aged sisters when I was an
aspirant said that this Tambis
tree was already there during
their time as aspirants.
I cannot imagine the many
events witnessed by this tree.
Perhaps it witnessed the tears
of an aspirant missing her
family and seeking solace
leaning into its big trunk. Or the
number of times Christmas
lights and lit stars were strung
around its branches during the
merriest season of the year. I The Sacred Heart of Jesus mounted in that high
can imagine the grade school concrete monument in the middle of the garden of
boarders looking at the lights Saint Rita College must have been a witness to the
from their dormitory windows sharp whistles of Mrs. Del Mundo directing students
and dreaming of home and to stay silent while lining up back to their
family gathered for Christmas. classrooms and the gentle and unassuming ways of
Or the tree must be smiling Mrs. Azban coaxing a parent and teacher to the
upon a group of young ISS grade school principal’s office for a discussion.
graduates waiting to get started From an old yearbook, in black and white shades,
with a job and leading the monument of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was right
independent lives or witness in the middle of the school building with its deck full
the sad decline of enrolment of
of Ritarians lined up as though waiting for
Saint Rita College through the
something special to happen.
To this day, the Sacred Heart of The marker announcing a
Jesus beacons Ritarians and significant milestone---Saint Rita
visitors to take their pictures at its College-Manila reaching 100
foot upon the stairs and many
years! A century of imparting les-
times it’s asking to include the
sons about Jesus, about the Catho-
whole monument in their
lic faith, about numbers and the
sciences, about communication
The image of Christ, the King arts and values education, etc. --
of the Universe sitting on the land- about love! What could be better
ing by the second floor of the dor- than that! And yet, we still wish
mitory building – a witness to the that we can be given more years to
pleas of boarders taking board, bar witness to this awe-inspiring
and semestral exams for a passing Catholic faith of ours.
mark; a witness to graders deep in
concentration studying by the The image of our Lady of Mt.
stairs for the next test during the Carmel in San Sebastian Basilica.
final exams. A witness to the She is the perfect witness to the
banter of young grade school unfolding of a great miracle started
boarders enjoying their time on a by our foundresses, Mo. Dionicia
week-end. To this day, this same and Mo. Cezilla Rossa Talangpaz, --
Christ the King image offers - the Congregation of the
comfort and solace to all inmates Augustinian Recollect Sisters.
who come to him with a heavy and

By: Sr. Jonah Mare Lapasaran

“Be faithful to the Spirit of your Foundresses; to the example of their sanctity”
Fr. Arnel Diaz, OAR in the course of his lecture on “Charism” last July, 2022.

Charism plays a vital role in the life and develop- Accordingly, each time we channel God`s
ment of many religious communities. goodness to others, isn`t that being faithful
As presented by Fr Arnel, ‘Charisma’ means “work to our Charism? It absolutely is!
of grace” or “to give the gift of grace”.
In the “Augustinian Recollect Sisters`
Wherefore, theology defined ‘Charism’ as a
prayer” which we say every day, there`s a
“gratuitous gift from God, given to the individual
(s) for the good of others and the benefit of the line that goes, “striving to become the
Church”. perfect faithful of the Church”. As the
Sisters strongly strive to live together as a
Accordingly, just how do we hold out to our community of one mind and one heart in
Charism? Or how do we remain faithful to the Spirit God and as they are driven by the grace of
of our Foundresses---Mo Dionicia and Mo Cezilla the Spirit to give the best out of themselves
Rosa Talangpaz? There is a call for us to take it for the good of the community and of the
simply and rather not strain ourselves by digging Church, they---in a definite way are indeed
anywhere and going deeper and deeper seeking for
living out the gift of Charism which began
the beyond. There isn`t any need to do that. We just
hundreds of years ago in the Talangpaz
have to go back to how our Foundresses channelled
and represented God`s goodness to others as the Sisters.
principal meaning of ‘Charism’.
Thus, following the faith-
fulness of the Foundresses,
who are blood sisters and
who in no way have
rejected all those who
come to join them.
Reflecting upon this, our
Foundresses` sanctity has
borne the Spirit of the
Institute which arose from
their intentions and goals
they wanted to achieve,
which we believe as to
strive each day to live a life
of holiness, tenacity,
service to God and His
church. There is no such
thing as a perfect
community with a perfect
living out of its Charism.
All we have is a perfect
God who will never
abandon the work which
He began in our beloved
Thereupon, we believe
that CHrist in every AR
(Augustinian Recollect Sis-
ter) ISM (is working).

By: Sr. Jonah Mare Lapasaran

“Why are you here?” The Lord to Elijah during his flight to Horeb, which
Sr. Maria Lirio expands in the course of her lecture on “Foundation and Growth
of the Beaterio” (1725-1900) last October 2022.

As the Congregation savours her golden Like the leaving of Mo. Dionicia and Mo
year and now approaches her 300th year, Cezilla of the comforts of life for a more
this query is absolutely a good point of sacrificial one, the kind that is full of
reflection. The birth of the Congregation tribulations and trials and so we could
was totally a gratuitous event-- a not help but ask “Why?” Their initial
momentum. And, it prefigures in a desire that drove them to leave their
meaningful way the destiny of the Sisters sweet abode was `to be close to the
or of her members as object of the work of Virgin Mary of Carmel` which denotes
God. Our Foundresses were gifted with `to be close to God`. Of all these
faith, courage, tenacity and all the virtues things, I trust that it is grace that
which made them persevere until the end sustained and continues to sustain
of their holy lives. They worked hard and each of the Augustinian Recollect Sister
so should we. And it`s of huge necessity like how it did with our Foundresses.
that we know our roots. That purpose driven life accompanied
We all have that personal and yet very by the grace of the Holy Spirit that
beautiful early encounters with the Lord could surpass even the highest heights
which fuelled us from the very beginning of tribulation.
and continued to fuel is up to this day.
Which could somehow answer the

In the Second Vatican Council, Section 7 # 75, the
role of the Holy Spirit in the proclamation of the
Gospel was pasted. As the Holy Spirit was present on
the Baptism of Jesus; `til He went into the wilderness
and undertook the excruciating tests before he began
his mission.
So too the Spirit of the Lord is upon us all. As Sr Lirio
believed, the Holy Spirit personally accompanies us
from the very beginning up to this day. Neither such a
thing as piece of good fortune nor coincidence. Every
obstacle, every event, and every turning point played
a prominent role in the maturation of the
Congregation. From our Foundresses, to the people
who were extremely instrumental to the becoming of
the Congregation, to its pillars, along with all the
challenges that tread along the heels of the
Congregation. The road which our Foundresses took
was the kind of road with less travellers but it’s the
rightest (if there is such a term) and surest road. This
road now is what we are striving to tread---
vouchsafed for us by Mo. Dionicia and Mo Cezilla. It`s
clearly their holiness of life that attracted the early
‘beatas’ of which we are striving to imitate in the
present day.
Their giving out of themselves is undoubtedly an act
of praise to God. Praising the Lord could be done in
many marvellous ways, and they chose to do it in a
humble yet pious way.
The role of the Holy Spirit was made manifest in their
lives. Like them, we too were given all the armour that
would be beneficial in our journey. As Sr. Lirio
mentioned the “should-haves” i.e. the willingness and
inclination to give out the gifts and talents God has
graced us with, because we ought not to keep them
to ourselves, they are to be given out and lived for
God`s greater honour and glory. If a heart is bursting
with gratitude, is it not supposed to overflow?
The AR gratitude to the Lord unclogs our eyes and
hearts to see the fruits of God`s work which gave the
Congregation a deeper foundation, guided her to a
healthier growth, and paved the way for her to a fruit
bearing future. Still, all in God`s grace.

...some slides from Sr. Maria Lirio Guillermo, AR’s presentation

Feast of
St. Ezekiel Moreno
As the school opened its face-to-face classes last August 15, 2022, the school com-
munity of San Francisco Javier College-AR of Narra, Palawan, Inc. celebrated the Feast
Day of St. Ezekiel Moreno and Holy Mass in honor of the Holy Spirit last August 19, 2022.
It was preceded with Bible Enthronement by the ARSC Officers. The Holy Mass presided
by Rev. Fr. Roy Baluarte, OAR at 8:00 AM at SEM Hall. Then, the blessing of classrooms
and offices were followed. Viva St. Ezekiel Moreno!

The opening celebration of the

400 Years of Christianity in Palawan

Arrival of the Jubilee Cross to the Cuyo Port as part of celebration of 400 Years of Christianity
(400 YoC) in Palawan. Most Rev. Socrates C. Mesiona, MSP, DD with some Apostolic
Vicariate of Puerto Princesa (AVPP) priests, religious, parishioners and guests joined the
official launch of the year-long celebration last August 28, 2022.

Holy Mass with Most Rev. Socrates C. Mesiona, MSP, DD Bishop Broderick Pabillo, DD and some
members of the Clergy of the Apostolic Vicariates of Puerto Princesa and Taytay, AR Sisters and
guests at St. Augustine Church, Cuyo Island, Palawan.

From CUYO TO PUERTO PRINCESA: The Immaculate Conception Cathedral officially welcomed and
received the 400 YoC Jubilee Cross marking the start of its pilgrimage to the parishes of the Apostolic
Vicariate of Puerto Princesa last August 30, 2022.

400 Years of Christianity in Palawan Opens

It is really a great privilege to experience the opening activities in Cuyo Island, Palawan, as it coincides
with the 300 years of the AR Foundation Anniversary, with the over-all theme: “Augustinian Recollect
Sisters yesterday, today and tomorrow joyfully living in community and serving God and the Church.” As
Augustinian Recollects support with the Catholic Church in the islands of Palawan, is currently celebrating
the fourth centenary of Christianity. The beginning of the Christian faith can be traced back to the time
when the first missionaries from the Augustinian Recollects arrived in Cuyo, Palawan in 1623. At present,
Palawan is composed of two Apostolic Vicariates, namely the Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Princesa and
Apostolic Vicariate of Taytay.
The year-long celebration of the 400 Years of Christianity (400 YoC) in Palawan commenced on August 28-
29, 2022, in Cuyo island of the Apostolic Vicariate of Taytay. With the theme: “Demdemen, Icelebra,
Ipadayon” Where the seeds of Christian faith were first sown. Most Rev. Broderick S. Pabillo, DD, Most Rev.
Socrates C. Mesiona, MSP, DD and Most Rev. Edgardo S. Juanich, Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Taytay and
some members of the Clergy of the Apostolic Vicariates of Taytay and Puerto Princesa, Augustinian
Recollect Fathers and AR Sisters in Palawan, sponsors and guests attended the long-year 400 YoC
celebration in Cuyo. They celebrated the Holy Mass at St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church, Magsaysay
and St. Augustine Parish Church, Cuyo. They participated in a night of parochial fiesta celebration in Cuyo,
Palawan. The event was marked by festive yet solemn liturgical observances, during the community
cordially welcomed guests from mainland Palawan and the two vicariates, united in praising God with one
voice over the course of two days of praying, singing, and dancing. Both leaders of the Church and the
Province of Palawan hand in hand preparing for the Grand Celebration on August 2023 and actively
supporting the 400 YoC in Palawan activities. They agreed the closing liturgy will be conducted in Puerto
Princesa City on August 24-25, 2023. Several events were organized by the two vicariates, with the support
of the Provincial Government of Palawan, and the City Government of Puerto Princesa, to express the
delight, hope, and gratitude of the Palaweños to God for providing us with the fruits of the Christian faith.
Let us all together Celebrate the 400 YoC in Palawan... Praise God!

Another event in a year-long celebration of the 300th Year of the Foundation of the Congrega-
tion of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters was a Talk given by Sr. Maria Lirio L. Guillermo, AR with the
topic: “Foundation and Growth of the Beaterio 1725-1900” last October 11, 2022. Remembering and
Digging the Treasure through prayerful, virtuous, apostolic Life of the Sisters. Sisters strive to follow
the footsteps of Mothers Dionicia and Cezilla Rosa Talangpaz in the company of Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel and the Augustinian Recollect family within the Church.

The joy of giving and receiving gifts in Outreach Program

Talangpaz Outreach Program

The San Francisco Javier College-AR of Narra, Palawan, Inc. conducted an
outreach activity last October 12, 2022 through the support of the selected Faculty &
Staff, and Augustinian Recollect Student Crusaders (ARSC) Officers as Community
Extension Services (CES) under its Talangpaz Outreach Program to commemorate the
“Talangpaz Day” and at the same time “Launching of the 300th year of the Foundation
of the AR Congregation”.

Mr. Erwyn Tiosin, assign in Students Formation asked permission from the Barangay
Captain and its Office to conduct the said activity. Furthermore, they requested their
assistance in identifying one hundred indigent beneficiaries/farmers from the
constituents who need most our little help.
Parents and children were giving snacks, rice, canned goods, noodles, soaps and
clothes. Recipients were thankful upon receiving, somehow it helped in their daily
needs. It was smoothly and successfully done. Teachers and students shared their
experiences during the Talangpaz Outreach Program. Students shared that it was
fruitful, meaningful experience. They saw those parents and children the joy of
receiving and the essence of sharing.

Rosary Month Culminating Activity

The culminating event to commemorate the month of the Holy Rosary

October is the “Month of the Holy Rosary” in the Catholic Calendar; during those time,
everyone is highly encouraged to pray the holy Rosary.

In celebration of the month-long event, students were engaged in the activities,
such as praying the rosary in their respective classrooms. The culminating event to
commemorate this month’s celebration was last October 27, 2022 at 2:00 PM. There
was a tableau in every mystery of the living rosary presented by the Grade 12
students. In each bead was presented with balloon and made it a rosary of balloons.
The celebration highlighted with the offering of flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary by
the Sisters, Faculty & Staff, and students. It was ended with the singing of “Awit sa Ina
ng Santo Rosaryo” and the theme song of the 400 Years of Christianity in Palawan. The
school community was reminded the importance of the Rosary in their lives and must
keep the faith alive by praying the holy Rosary earnestly and wholeheartedly.
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, pray for us!

BUGSAYAN FESTIVAL 2022 highlights the commemoration of the 400th

Anniversary of Arrival of Christianity in Palawan.

The Apostolic Vicariates of Puerto Princesa and Taytay joined hands to celebrate
Bugsayan Festival 2022 which highlights the commemoration of the 400th Anniversary
of Arrival of Christianity in Palawan. BUGSAYAN 2022, a parish Church base activity in
coordination with the Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Princesa, the parishioners of the
different parishes of Narra and Aborlan joined together at Narra Gymnasium last
November 30, 2022 from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Sisters, faculty & Staff, and students
attended the event. This is meant to rekindle and re-visit the history of the
Christianization of Palawan and to celebrate God’s manifold blessings to the
Palaweňos for almost 400 years now. Participants attentively listened to Fr. Rene
Paglinawan, OAR spoke about the History of Christianity in Palawan,
Most Rev. Broderick S. Pabillo, DD about the “Spirituality of Stewardship”.

SFJC Celebrates its 65th Founding Anniversary
SFJC Celebrates its 65th Founding Anniversary

SFJC Batch
1984 Alumni
Leave an
Mark of Love
By: Khrisiel Citadelle Romero

SFJC celebrated its

65th Founding Anniver-
sary last December 1-4,
2022 with Day 1:
Activities such as Banner Raising, Jump Ball, and Toss Coin, Sports Events/Outdoor
Games: Basketball, Volleyball, and Takraw, Sports Events/Indoor Games: Badminton,
Table Tennis, Chess, and Quiz Bee SFJC Got Talent, Day 2: SFJC @65 King & Queen and
Prince & Princess Coronation Night and Day 3: Alumni Homecoming. Day 4: SFJC @65
Family Day/Field Demonstration.
As the festivities progressed, the program reached its spiritual pinnacle with a heart
-warming Thanksgiving Mass in honor of St. Francis on December 3, 2023 presided by
Rev. Fr. Camilo C. Caabay, Parish Priest of St. Joseph the Husband of Mary Parish,
Narra. At 9:00 AM a Parade/Motorcade of AR Sisters, SFJC Alumni, Faculty and Staff,
and Students, followed by the Unveiling of SFJC Marker (Batch ’84 Project). The marker
"I Love SFJC," from Batch 1984 Alumni leaves a remarkable gesture to express their
appreciation for the blessings and memories garnered throughout the institution's
long-standing journey. In a heartwarming display of gratitude and camaraderie, the
three generous batches sponsor, namely: Batch '77, Batch '84, and Batch '86 of San
Francisco Javier College came together to commemorate their Alma Mater's 65th year
of existence. Then, Launching of SFJC Alumni Scholarship and Search for Ten Outstand-
ing Alumni, Election of Officers and Induction and Changing of the Newly Elected
Officers. It was highlighted with SFJC Alumni Outreach Activity at the SEMHALL for sixty-
five (65) Narra TODA Tricycle Drivers. Their efforts culminated in an event that will
forever be etched in the records of the college's history. The festivities were marked by
the distribution of commemorative mugs, t-shirts, and bags, all adorned with the
emblematic SFJC logo, symbolizing the enduring bond among the alumni. These items
served not only as cherished memorabilia but also as a means to raise funds for the
college's future endeavors.


The spirited event showcased the unwavering commitment and

love that the Javierian Alumni held for their beloved SFJC. With each
mug, t-shirt, and bag distributed, they reinforced the sense of
community and pride instilled in them during their formative years at
San Francisco Javier College. And at 6:00 PM and Coronation of the
SFJC King & Queen. Day 4: SFJC @65 Family Day/Field Demonstration,
a Thanksgiving Mass on December 4, 2022, at 8:00 AM presided by
Rev. Fr. Juan Felipe Torrecampo. Ended with the Awarding
Ceremonies Sports Fest. Congratulations!

The Marker "I Love SFJC" from Batch 1984 Alumni

Alumni Day 2023: Reunited with Stronger Camaraderie and Passion

Sir Sofoy
When news of his death reached me, I became speechless for a few minutes.
It was so sudden-- I never thought he’d be taken this early.
Mr. Sofronio Galera was my batchmate in CMM, Jagna, Bohol. We graduated
high school in March of 1981. After graduation, he left for St. Joseph College
in Cavite City to study education as an intern service scholar. While there, he
impressed Sr. Modesta San Jose, SJC’s directress with his dedication to his work
assignments. The latter related that while wearing his uniform as a practice
teacher, he can be seen sweeping the ground after recess and then returning
to his assigned class for his practice teaching.
Back when we were in high school, Sir Sofoy is a joyful person. He often smiles,
was friendly and will always have a cheerful sharing with his classmates and
friends. He would narrate his hilarious experiences passing through Pangas
cemetery going home to their barangay. In CMM where he spent a greater
part of his life as a Math teacher, he teaches Math in a plain and simple way
where even the least smart student in his class will understand. Besides, he had
such a big booming voice that no student can dare sleep in his class and his
patience has no end. Even the math savy students would run for his help
when faced with great difficulties in their higher math classes with the other
math teachers. We had a few diligent students already in college who were
smart enough to keep their math notebooks from their classes with Sir Sofoy.
They said keeping those notebooks handy helped them with their higher math

Despite his meager income as a teacher
of a private school and the head of a big
D u ri n g the 2nd year of the
family, he still shares it with those he knew
implementation of SHS, the junior high needs it desperately. He also has a vast
students wore their biggest smile when knowledge of herbs and their benefits as
Mr. Galera was announced as the he advises people on what to drink for
various ailments.
junior math teacher again! They loved
His love for CMM and for the AR Sisters
his company that much because he truly showed when he was offered a
goes down to their level when teaching job in Faraon National High
teaching the math subject. School when he retired from CMM. With
his special skills in electricity and his
Mr. Galera was not just a very good prowess as a Math teacher, he was a big
math teacher. Students and teachers catch in any of the national high schools
in Jagna especially during the
alike sought him out for his advice.
implementation of SHS. But he chose to
And when you go to him, he will remain with us and this made me very
always have something to tell you to proud of him as his principal.
wake you up from your negligence, to On that fateful Sunday when our Father
summoned him to his heavenly abode,
make you make up for what you
the day before it, he was replacing the
failed to do or to help you get started electrical sockets and bulbs on the main
with what needs to be done. building. One canteen attendant said
that she was requested by him to call his
While in CMM, Mr. Galera enrolled in
wife and one ISS said who happened to
TESDA and got his license as an see him said that he looked very different.
electrician. So aside from He must have been tired and exhausted
mathematics, he immersed himself in from work or might be suffering an attack
electrical works not just in CMM but in already that very moment. That following
the whole town of Jagna. He day, Sunday, at midmorning he was
became well known in his skills in declared dead at the Lim Community
electricity and was well sought after Hospital in Jagna. He was only 60 years
for his services. He was also an officer old.
in the association of electricians in the During his wake, students from different
town. parts of Bohol came to offer prayers and
gave alms. You will know then that the
Mr. Galera was also a Lay Minister of
deceased is a very good person. People
the Eucharist in their parish in Lonoy,
he had touched came to pay their
Jagna, Bohol. His Sundays and Holy
respect. During the funeral which was on
Days of obligation was always for this a weekend, students from Cebu came
ministry. In his parish, he also gave home to bid him goodbye. It was heart-
Pre-Cana and Pre-Jordan seminars. warming, heart-warming on a very sad
His love for the blessed Mother Mary day, it was the day where tears flowed in
knew no bounds. He prayed the holy gratitude to a good man who served his
rosary every day. In fact, he had the townspeople with all his heart.
rosary around his neck all the time. He Thank you Sir Sofoy.
goes to confession regularly too and
attends the afternoon Mass during
Wednesdays in the town before he Thank you for your love and
goes home to their barangay. service to CMM. Please pray
Sir Sofoy’s generosity is beyond telling. for us.

Celebrating Christmas the AR way…
Through the years, the AR Sisters have a distinctive way of celebrating

Christmas. It has been a rule that Christmas must be spent with the
community. And if there is a reason to be with one’s biological family
during the joyous season, community celebration comes first.
Let’s take a look at each cluster of communities all over the

One Mind One Heart
is the official newsletter of the
Congregation of the Augustinian
Recollect Sisters


Plaza del Carmen, 74 San Rafael St.,
Brgy. 390, Quiapo, Manila


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