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The Healing Power of Your Own Voice

We will uncover and free your inner voice from patterns of suppression. Your voice is unique. It has
the power to bring you into balance, restore harmony and generate vitality. When you accept your
true voice without judgement, you accept yourself in totality and your life will be forever changed.

Sound and Voice healing use the mechanisms of

Resonance: When a sound is made that matches the natural frequency of something, it begins to
vibrate as well.

Entrainment: A stronger vibration will entrain a weaker vibration

Chanting (Uses repetition to take one into an altered space)

 OM (pronounce as AUM) It is considered the seed vibration from which all of creation
began. Chanting OM connects us with All That Is. It is capable of aligning all of the chakras
and cleansing unbalanced energies and purifying the body. It brings inner peace.
 HU (pronounced “hue”) is a seed syllable. Used by Sufis, Eckists, yoga. Believed to activate
your blueprint. Energising. Chanting HU for up to 15 minutes per day can open your heart to
God’s love and transform your life.
 Five Tibetan Warrior Syllables (see separate page for detailed instructions)

Toning (long, drawn out vowel sounds)

 Eee is an activating tone, good to use when you are feeling tired and want to be more alert
 Ooo is a calming and soothing tone
 Ahh is also calming and soothing

Some uses of toning are:

 If you have a difficult time getting still and quiet enough to meditate
 If you desire higher states of consciousness
 If your communication centre (throat chakra) seems blocked
 If you breathe too shallowly
 If you need immediate grief or stress release
 If you’re depressed
 If you need more confidence and zest

Some of the benefits are:

 Immediate stress relief

 Releases physical and emotional pain
 Improves listening ability
 Balances hemispheres of the brain, bringing balance and harmony to mind, body and spirit
 Boosts confidence
 Encourages intuitive abilities
Essence Meditation - Releasing negative emotions with the voice

This is a very powerful practice to work with on your own, to release negative emotions trapped in
the body. It can also help to discover the emotional issue linked to a physical condition/disease.

 Prepare yourself for this meditation by finding a quiet place where you can sit comfortably
with your eyes closed. Take several deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose. Then exhale
slowly through your mouth. Concentrate on each breath. Next, observe your breathing for
several minutes without trying to control it.
 Find an emotional/psychological issue or physical issue you want to work on today.
 Ask the body what part is linked to this issue.
 What is the physical sensation?
 Breathe into it, feel it completely.
 What colour? – breathe through the colour, listen to the colour
 What is its shape, what is the feeling and emotion?
 Is there a word to describe the issue? (naming it can help to release it more easily)
 When was the first time you recall having this emotion. (doesn’t need to be accurate)
 What sound does it want to make? Allow the sound to vibrate in your throat, opening your
mouth to allow the tone to grow. Let it express itself for about 5 minutes. (Don’t censor
what wants to come out, simply observe it.)
 Gradually shift your awareness to your essence (or your Higher Self/unconditional love),
seeing it in your mind’s eye as located above the crown of your head. What is its shape,
colour, feeling, sound? Let it express itself to the wounded part. Look into the eyes of the
wounded part. Create a sound to express unconditional love.
 Feel how this allows the issue to dissolve and heal.

This has been adapted from Mitchell Gaynor’s book The Healing Power of Sound. The main
objective is to allow the negative emotion or physical problem in the body a chance to express
itself through the voice, and in this way, acknowledge it, heal and dissolve it.

Playing a singing bowl or listening to a recording of singing bowls or relaxation music can
enhance this practice.
Overtone Singing

“Overtone singing, also known as throat singing, overtone chanting or harmonic singing, is a type of
singing in which the singer manipulates the harmonic resonances created as air travels from the
lungs, past the vocal folds, and out the lips to produce a melody.” From Wikipedia

 Overtones or harmonics are always present in the voice but are usually inaudible. These
sounds are amplified by the way one changes the shape of the resonant cavities of the
mouth, larynx and pharynx
 These sounds are pitched above the voice, with no fixed spatial location, but appearing to
come from all around.


 To start with, use plenty of “buzz” in your voice.

 Make an EEEE tone, then gradually move the lips into a UUUU sound, then alternate back
and forth slowly. eeeuuueeeuuueeeuuu
 Do the above exercise with tongue in “R” position.

Benefits of Overtone Singing

 Entrain the body and mind to enter deep levels of trance and relaxation
 Helps increase breath capacity
 Helps to open up the body/mind and can seemingly transport one to other dimensions of
 Can be projected to other people as a deep healing technique
 Develops the inner ear for more focused bodily awareness
 Deepens brainwave states while concentration levels rise
 Can improve hearing
Five Tibetan Warrior Syllables

 From the Bon tradition of India. Very, very old practice.

 Each syllable represents a quality of realisation.
 They are referred to as “seed syllables” because they possess the essence of enlightenment
 The sequence of chanting these syllables moves from the pure open space to the place of
manifestation of virtue in action.
 They are called “warrior syllables” because they refer to the ability to conquer the forces of
negativity and overcoming obstacles.

A – (pronounced “ah” as in ma) White light in the forehead.

It clears, cleans and opens up space.
Clears obstacles. There is a sense of release.

Om – Red light in the throat

Connects us with awareness and light from the space created by “A”.
Connects us with completeness and dissolves sense of lack.
Compassion is the quality of Om.

Hung – Blue light in the heart

Reflect on the Four Immeasurables: Love, Compassion, Joy, Equanimity.
Clears doubts and hesitations to experiencing these positive qualities

Ram – Red light in the navel

Burns our obstacles and ripens our virtuous qualities
Bring the Immeasurable quality to the place in your life where it’s needed
Helps bring mindfulness

Dza – Green light in the root chakra

The seed syllable for action, brings our thoughts into manifestation
Dza sets the intention to clearly say “This is my wish”.
If the inner work is not done, the true manifestation will not happen
Releases the sense of struggle and effort.

Chant each syllable for about 5 minutes, remembering to focus on the colour and the intention also.

You can then chant the syllables in sequence: A..Om..Ram..Hung..Dza.. , over and over.

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