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LITERARY ELEMENTS + NARRATIVE PERSPECTIVE: The format of the book is unusual: a
short story within a short story. Dr. Johnson’s narrative is simple yet profound, using the characters’
experiences in the maze to illustrate how individuals react to change. The story encourages readers to
reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors when faced with unexpected shifts in their lives. The
story is told by an omniscent narrator known as third-person point of view who understands all about
characters’ feelings, opinions and motivations. By using this, the author can provide the reader with
supporting details to help them better understand what's happening so as to avoid picking sides.
Having this full range of knowledge provides greater flexibility and allows for a broader perspective
throughout the story. Not to mention that, this point of view establishes the greatest level of
objectivity and trust with readers since omniscient narrators don't usually have a bias or preference.
CHARACTERS DEVELOPMENT + SYMBOLS: The four characters have speaking names that
reflect the way they act in the story. The mice are called Sniff (because he sniffs the change) and
Scurry (because he scurries into action); the little people are Hem and Haw – from the idiom “to hem
and haw”, which means “to hesitate”. Sometimes we act like Sniff - who sniffs out change early,
or, Scurry, who scurries into action, or, Hem - who denies & resists change, or, Haw - who learns to
adapt change. These 4 characters look for "Cheese" in a Maze - Cheese being a metaphor for what
we want to have in life, whether it is a job, a relationship, money, a big house, freedom, health,
recognition, spiritual peace etc.. which we believe that will make us feel happy and successful.
The maze itself, as well as the cheese, is a metaphor that signifies life with its corridors, changes, and
even dead ends.
The central theme of “Who Moved My Cheese?” is the importance of anticipating and adapting to
change. In the book, the characters’ survival depends on their ability to navigate a constantly
changing maze in search of cheese. The cheese is a metaphor for our goals in life, which can be
anything from personal happiness to career success.

One of the book’s strengths is its ability to convey complex ideas through a relatable and engaging
story. It is a quick read, making it accessible to a wide audience, from young adults to seasoned
professionals. The lessons imparted in the book apply to personal and professional situations, making
it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their adaptability and embrace change.
The fable is about two mice, Sniff and Scurry, and two little people, Hem and Haw, who live in a maze
and find cheese as a matter of routine. Throughout the process of looking for new cheese, I can witness
that the mice characters Sniff and Scurry are the best equipped at the outset. Although they all have
simple mindset that they’re ready to find new cheese if the previous one disappear, they can be
persistent and act quickly to adapt which is literally useful in real life. By contrast, the two people
having complicated thoughts have to struggle with the impediments for a period of time in order to
be aware of what actions they’re gonna take later. Hem is described as a conceited person as he has
come to regard the cheese as his entitlement and he deserves it. It goes without saying that Hem
always holds onto the past, denies reality and insists to Haw that the cheese will reappear. Such a
narrow-minded person! Initially, like Hem, Haw is frustrated, overwhelmed and also sitting around
complaining as well as whining about the injustice of it all when realising the cheese has
disappeared. But eventually, Haw turns a deaf ear to Hem’s discouraging saying and overcomes his
fear by asking himself: “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” By creating 4 propagonists with
specific charateristics, Johnson helps readers to reflect on their life and therefore determine what they
need to do to succeed in real life.

Change is not always easy to accept, especially when it’s a disappointing change that is thrust upon
us. The day we lose a job we love or really need, or the end of a relationship that we wanted to last
forever. There is no question that sometimes change can have a bitter taste. But the moral of the story
seems to be, ‘we can’t control change, it’s inevitable’. We can only control how we view it, how we
handle it, how we adapt and make the best of the situation. If we can see change as a positive, fresh
start we can greatly reduce the fear that comes along with change. This book is a short read with a
great message. “Change is coming, be prepared, be adaptive, grab it with both hands!’
After reading and re-reading this amazing book, personally, I always aim to be like Sniff & Scurry,
who can smell the change early & always ready to move quickly in search of new
cheese (embracing new adventures). I like to keep my life simple. Both the problems & solutions -
simple. Whenever faced with any challenges, I tend to ask myself this one simple question- "What
would I do if I weren't afraid?" & I get the answer as Keep Moving ! And even if you’ve got a
rigid mindset like Hem, or if you’re hesitant like Haw, it’s never too late to put on your running shoes
and yell, “It’s Maze Time!”

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson is a simple "cheese" story that reveals an A-
Mazing way to deal with Change in our Work and in our Life. Dr. Johnson's unique insights, enticing
images, language and simple storytelling give us a memorable way of managing change. “Who
Moved My Cheese?” is a timeless classic that reminds me to be proactive, flexible, and open-minded
in the face of change. It is a must-read for anyone looking to thrive in an ever-evolving world and
maintain a positive outlook in challenging circumstances.The simple yet profound wisdom found
within its pages continues to resonate with readers, including myself, proving that this timeless
parable remains relevant and inspiring in today’s world.

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