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Case Study of Ukune Ward

Mnada Josephat Mkurya

Project No: CEB –P02-2012-21

Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Final Year Project

Mbeya University of Science and Technology

June, 2013



Case Study of Ukune Ward


Mnada Josephat Mkurya

Project No: CEB –P02-2012-21

Registration No: B1041023

A Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilments of the Requirements for the award of

Bachelor Degree (Civil Engineering) of the Mbeya University of Science and Technology

Mbeya University of Science and Technology

June, 2013


The undersigned certify that he have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the

Mbeya University of Science and Technology a project entitled: Study on poor performance

of wells water supply schemes at rural areas in Kahama district: Case study of Ukune Ward

in Partial Fulfillments of the requirements for the award of Bachelor Degree (Civil

Engineering) of the Mbeya University of Science and Technology


Mr. J.B. Kaliyo




I, Mnada Josephat Mkurya, declare that this project is my own original work and that it has

not been presented and will not be presented to any other University/ Institute for a similar or

any other degree award.


This project is copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the copyright Act

1999 and other international and national enactments, in the behalf, on intellectual property. It

is not be reproduced by any means, in full or part, except for short extracts in fair dealings, for

research or private study.



I am very grateful to both the almighty God for giving me the healthy condition and to the

financial assistance provided by the government through the Higher Education Student Loan

Board (HESLB) that enabled me comfortably, carry out my studies.

That is not all but I am indebted special thanks to my supervisor Mr. J.B. Kaliyo for his

unlimited assistance he was more than a supervisor.

Similarly, I render special thanks to the office of Bachelor Degree third year project

coordinator and the head of Civil Engineering Department, for their organisation for this

project as well as all civil department staff. I appreciate Kahama district water Engineer, Eng.

Benjamin Dickson and all of his staff especially Mr. Mkama Msilanga and Mr. Khalifan .J.

Kabaka whose scooted me on site, for their moral support during data collection which

enabled me to conduct my research project smoothly.

Apart from that, I am greatly indebted to all my class mates of Civil Engineering Department

intake of 2010 for their assistance from when we started first year until now for their support

as students during the whole period of my studies and preparation of this project.

Also I give special thanks to my wife Miss Sarah John and my beloved children; John and

BareAnda for their moral support and encouragement during my studies. More appreciation to

my beloved parents Mr and Mrs Mkurya, thanks you. Finally I appreciate the support from all

who are not mentioned.



This research report is dedicated to all people who suffer from water stress and scarcity, suffer

from civil wars, denomination and people who live in extreme poverty lacking human basic

needs meanwhile God has blessed them a wealthy of natural resources.



Although about 75% of the world is covered by water, only 2.5% of this water is fresh water

which is satisfactory for domestic use. In Tanzania about 7% of its land is boarded by the

grater three lakes which all are fresh water. In 2002 census shows that about 80% of

Tanzanians are living in rural areas while only 56% of this population is getting safe and clean

water for domestic and crop production at a long distance.

In Kahama district about 45% of the water wells projects constructed 1996-2007 are not

functioning. This lead undertaking the study on poor performance on wells water schemes

covering sixteen (16) water wells out the total existing thirty three (33) wells in Ukune ward.

A range of aspects examined; investigation of existing water demand, investigation on water

supply scheme’s infrastructure and investigation on water policy awareness.

The key of findings are as follows; every of each existing water well serves more than

250person per day, about 75% of installed pumps have been stolen, people draws water by

their own bucket and rope and people are not aware about the existing national water policy.

The results lead the following recommendations; the water sector should ensure the close

supervision and more building capacity seminars to the community and water user in general

on the existing water wells projects, the concept of community participation and ownership

should be well implemented for the community to take their responsibility on operation and

maintenance of water wells infrastructure. The national water policy should be well expressed

at the village level.



Certification ............................................................................................................................ i

Declaration and Copyright .................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ iii

Dedication ............................................................................................................................ iv

Abstract ..................................................................................................................................v

Table of Content ................................................................................................................... vi

Acronyms ............................................................................................................................. ix

List of Table ...........................................................................................................................x

List of Figures ...................................................................................................................... xi

List of Plate ......................................................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER ONE;INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Background information. .......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................................... 4
1.4.0 Objective of the study. ........................................................................................................... 8
1.4.1 Main Objective. ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.2Specific objectives ................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Significance of the study. .......................................................................................................... 8
1.6 Scope of the project. .................................................................................................................. 8
1.7. Expected out Come of the study. ............................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE RIVEIW .......................................................................10

2.1 Overview. .................................................................................................................................. 10

2.2. Domestic Water Supply/ demand ......................................................................................... 11
2.3. Water Resources Available in Tanzania .............................................................................. 13
2.4 Types of water sources. ........................................................................................................... 14

2.5. Ground water ........................................................................................................................... 15

2.6. Wells. ........................................................................................................................................ 16
2.7.0 Water Well Components ...................................................................................................... 16
2.7.1 Geological and Material ....................................................................................................... 20
2.8. Types of wells. ........................................................................................................................ 23
2.8.1 Open / dug wells .................................................................................................................... 24
2.8.2 Types of open wells............................................................................................................... 25
2.9 Tube wells ................................................................................................................................. 27
2.9.1 Types of tube wells. .............................................................................................................. 27
2.10 Well performance................................................................................................................... 29
2.11 Common Causes of Well Failure ......................................................................................... 38
2.12 Water and the Tanzania 2025 Development Vision .......................................................... 43
2.13 Water and Poverty Alleviation ............................................................................................. 45
2.14. Instruments for Policy Implementation ............................................................................. 46

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 48

3.2 Methodologies .......................................................................................................................... 48
3.3 Data collection .......................................................................................................................... 49
3.3.1 Water demand. ....................................................................................................................... 50
3.3.2 Population ............................................................................................................................... 50
3.3.3 Water sources available ........................................................................................................ 51
3.3.4 Serving mechanisms (behavior, distance from nearby home) ........................................ 53
3.3.5 Safe from contamination ...................................................................................................... 54
3.3.6 Economic activities and economical status ....................................................................... 55
3.4.0 Water wells infrastructure.................................................................................................... 56
3.4.1 Pumps performance status .................................................................................................... 56
3.4.2 Pipes performance ................................................................................................................. 56
3.4.3 Source location avoid pollution sources ............................................................................. 56
3.4.4 Life span of the structure ...................................................................................................... 57

3.4.5 Old, new and replacements .................................................................................................. 57

3.4.6 Project financer ...................................................................................................................... 59
3.5.0 Water policies and strategies ............................................................................................... 60

4.1 Introduction. .............................................................................................................................. 63

4.1.1 Data analysis .......................................................................................................................... 63 Population served ............................................................................................................... 63
4.2 Serving mechanisms (behavior, distance from nearby home) ........................................... 65
4.3 Direct contamination ............................................................................................................... 67
4.4 Financing of Water Resources Management ........................................................................ 70
4.5 Water Policies and Strategy .................................................................................................... 72
4.6 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 72
4.7 Discussions of the Results ...................................................................................................... 76
4.7.1 Pricing ..................................................................................................................................... 76
4.7.2 Regulation ............................................................................................................................... 76
4.7.3 Community Participation and Ownership .......................................................................... 77
CHAPTER FIVE:CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................78

5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 78

5.2 Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 79
References ....................................................................................................................................... 80


NAWAPO National Water Policy

DWE District Water Engineer

WSDP Water Sector Development Program

LGCDG Local Government Capital Development Grant

DWSSP Development Water Supply Sector Program

RWSSP rural water supply sector program

WVT World Vision Tanzania

DDPLO District Development Planning and Land Office

WUG Water User Group

WEO Ward Executive Officer

VEO Village Executive Officer

PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper



Table 1 Data Collected and their Types. ..............................................................................49

Table 2 Ukune Ward Village’s Population ..........................................................................51

Table 3 Existing Water Wells Source for Four Villages at Ukune Ward ............................52

Table 4 Serves Mechanism and Clearness around the Water Well ......................................53

Table 5 Serves Mechanism and Contamination Possibility .................................................55

Table 6 Numbers of Well Implementation at Ukune Ward 1996-2003 ...............................57

Table 7 Pumps Year of Installation ......................................................................................58

Table 8 Projects Financers ...................................................................................................59

Table 9 Interview Questions.................................................................................................62

Table 10 Results for Questionnaire ......................................................................................62

Table 11 Study Village’s Population....................................................................................64

Table 12 Water Serving Ration ............................................................................................64

Table 13 Wells Serving Mechanisms Results ......................................................................66

Table 14 Possibility of Water Source Contamination ..........................................................67

Table 15 Results Possibility of Fertilizer Pollution..............................................................67

Table 16 Serves Mechanism and Contamination Possibility ...............................................69

Table 17 Projects Finance ....................................................................................................71

Table 18 Wells Functioning Categories ...............................................................................73

Table 19 Well and Property Life Span .................................................................................75



Figure 1 Kahama District Map ................................................................................................... 2

Figure 2 Typical Components of Well ..................................................................................... 21

Figure 3 Aquifer Location ........................................................................................................ 22

Figure 4 Well Location............................................................................................................. 23

Figure 5 Encrusted Minerals on the inside of a totally Plugged Well Screen .......................... 33

Figure 6 Incrusted and Plugged Well Screen along With an example of Cemented Gravel from
the Aquifer Materials outside the Screen ................................................................................. 34

Figure 7 Iron Bacteria on Pump Column Riser Pipe just removed from Wells ....................... 37

Figure 8 Water Wells Projects Financer................................................................................... 71

Figure 9 Wells Functionality .................................................................................................... 74



Plate 1 Water Distribution on the Earth .................................................................................3

Plate 2 People of Ukune Ward Between June - October ........................................................7

Plate 3 People Move from One Village to nearby Well Fetching for Water June - October .7

Plate 4 Shows Economical activities and Source Pollution .................................................54




1.1 Introduction

Water is essential requirement in all living organisms, in other words if no water then no life.

Although about 75% of the world is covered by water only 2.5% of this water is fresh water

which is satisfactory for different uses especially domestic use (Refer plate no.1). Water can

be found in two categories which includes either surface water or underground water. Due to

its importance, each country tries its level best to construct its short or long term strategic plan

to make sure that the present water sources are protected from contamination and are not

destroyed since water is finite.

In Tanzania although, there are many water sources like lakes, rivers and springs as surface

source and shallow or deep wells as underground sources, the country is still facing problem

of lacking domestic water especially in rural areas. This has made the government of United

Republic of Tanzania to construct the long-term strategic plan to ensure the availability of

safe and clean water at a distance not exceeding 400m in rural areas. If the strategy succeeds

it will help women and children from walking long distance fetching water for domestic

purposes. Although, the strategy started since 2002, even the few implemented water wells

projects in rural are failed to operate few years after construction. (NAWAPO 2002)

1.1 Location of Study Area.

Kahama is a town in northwestern Tanzania in which the headquarters of Kahama District

located. The town is approximately 115 kilometers, by road, southwest of Shinyanga, where

the regional headquarters is located. Kahama lies approximately 530 kilometers, by road,

northwest of Dodoma, the capital city of Tanzania. The coordinates of the town are: 03 50

24S, 32 36 00E (Latitude:-3.8400; Longitude: 32.6000). Kahama District is administratively

divided into 34 wards as shown in the map in figure 01. (Source DDPLO Kahama)

Figure 1 Kahama district map


Water distribution on the earth

Plate 1 Water Distribution on the Earth


1.2 Background information.

Kahama is admistrative divided into two parts namely; Kahama town council and Kahama

district council. Kahama town council has water supply system getting the water from

Kahama- Shinyanga Water Supply Authority (KASHWASA). The water is directly pumped

from Lake Victoria and treated first before it is supplied to Kahama town and Shinyanga

Municipal. The completion of KASHWASA project reduces the stress of getting domestic

water at these two towns.

Before the KASHWASA project, Kahama people were getting water from Nyihogo dam

which is about only 5km from town center. Although people in the town are enjoying the

water service after the completion of Kahama- Shinyanga project, in the rural areas people are

still depending on the wells which do not satisfy demand of the community. The government

of united republic of Tanzania had constructed long-term strategic plan to solve the problem

of water scarcity in all Urban and Rural by 2025, but the water scarcity is increasing round-

year due to high increase in population and many water projects implemented are found not

functioning few years after completion.

Most of the people in Kahama district are Sukuma by tribe. Small scale farming is the main

economic stay which includes growing of maize, coconut, few cassava and livestock. In

solving problem of lack of safe and clean water as per water policy, the government spends a

lot of money in improvement of water wells to solve but still problem exists because of the

unfactional of already launched water wells projects few years after handing over.

1.3 Statement of the problem

Kahama district with 34 wards have total of 784 improved water wells by the water point

mapping report of 2011/2012 revealing that a total of 332 are not functioning. According to

this report Ukune Ward has 33 water wells constructed in different periods from 1996 to 2011

and among these wells only 18 are functioning (source; district water engineer office).

Beside this, population at Ukune Ward has kept rising from 10325 people in 2000 to 16368

people in 2012 all depending on only 18 wells which is equivalent to 54.54% of the improved

water wells. The populations grown at a rate of 3.7% rising and the economical activities

which depend on water resource have to increase also. (Source; district water engineer office)

The situation of 45.45% of the wells not functioning, have increased the average demand

from 646 person per well to 904 person per well. The targets for the minimum service level

are a year-round supply of 25 liters of potable water per capita per day, from water points at

distance not greater than 400m from the dwelling and which serve not more than 250 people

per well. (NAWAPO 2002)

The failure of 45.45% of well in Ukune Ward has resulted in the delay of economic activities

like agricultural where more than 99% of his people depend on small scale farming especially

between June- October the period which most of farmers suppose to transport their crops

from village to town where they can sells their goods for profit (Refer plate no. 2).

This also cause stress to the villagers in four sense; first, some of sub-villager’s will be

needed shifting to another nearby well to fetch water. Secondly, they will require walking

long distance to find water with a long time. Thirdly, shifting will increase number of habitant

served by a well and, fourthly, will lead over pumping rate of the well higher than the design

rate. (Refer plate no. 3)

Water as the basic need in any living organism, people of Ukune is facing insufficient clean

and safe water for domestic. The study has decided to be conducted at Ukune because of the

following major three reasons; firstly, Ukune is along the main road Kahama-Ushetu toward a

new established Ushetu district council so automatically population will increase, secondly,

other villages along Kahama-Tinde- Nzega road expected to have relief due to expected lake

victory project. Thirdly, there other three wards of Chela, Segese and Bulige with water

supply project on-going.


Plate 2 People of Ukune ward between June – October

Plate 3 People move from one village to nearby well fetching for water June - October

1.4.0 Objective of the study.

1.4.1 Main Objective.

The general objective of this project is to study on poor performance of water wells supply

scheme at Ukune ward in Kahama district.

1.4.2Specific objectives

 Investigation of the existing water demand in Ukune ward.

 Investigation of water supply scheme’s infrastructure at Ukune ward.

 Investigating water policies and strategies at Ukune ward.

1.5 Significance of the study.

This report will provide important information that will help proper performance of water

supply scheme in rural areas basing on study at Ukune ward in Kahama district.

1.6 Scope of the project.

The project is based on study performance of water wells supply scheme at Ukune Ward in

Kahama District Council.


1.7. Expected out Come of the study.

The study will give performance on water wells supply and recommendation on the best

solution on how water wells supply scheme will be identified and managed in rural areas to

avoid lost of national resources through study at Ukune




2.1 Overview.

Water is a chemical compound and may occur in forms of liquid, solid or gaseous. (S.K Garg

2007). Human Civilization has progressed from early era with utilization of available water

resources. Civilization flourished whenever water was available, and it collapsed wherever

resources depleted. (Dr. B.C. Punmia 2009)

All water forms (liquid, solid and gaseous) should provide the luxuries and comforts to all

living organisms including animals and plants. In short no life if no water, since it has

estimated ¾ of human body is constituted of water. This required water for their survival

should be good and it must not contain unwanted impurities or harmful chemical compound

or bacteria in it. In order to ensure the availability of sufficient quantity and quality water it is

almost responsibility of a modern society to plan and build suitable water supply schemes,

which may provide potable water to the whole community accordance to their demand and

requirements. (S.K Garg 2007).

The poor, most of who live in rural areas, have limited access to clean water for domestic use

and crop production and adequate sanitation. Existing data on the incidence of water-borne,

water related and water-washed disease indicates that mostly affected people are use

contaminated water or have little water for their daily use. Since such diseases account for

over half of the diseases affecting the population and more than 80 percent of Tanzania's

population living in rural areas. The Government aims for sustainable rural water supply. The

management of water also involves the participation of all stakeholders in order to achieve

sustainable access, efficiency, equitable use and adequate protection and conservation of


The largest use of water is domestic water supply. Due to increased economic activities and

delivery of social activities of which all utilize water in one way or another, delivery and

supply of water has become a burden which the government cannot meet alone without the

participation of the private sector. It is the government's policy to involve the beneficiaries in

all water projects both in urban and rural water supply.


2.2. Domestic Water Supply/ demand

This include the water required in private building for drinking, cooking, bathing, sanitary

purposes etc. this amount required depending on the living condition of the society( Garg

2007). The subject to subsection (1), the preference for water allocation shall be for;

a) Domestic purpose;

b) Environmental reserve; and

c) Social economics activities depending on the availability of water resources (United

Republic of Tanzania water resources management act. No 6(2)(may, 2009)


In Tanzania, the present population is estimated is about 44 million in 2012, of which 80%

live in the rural areas. The projected population in the year 2025 is estimated to double, with

60% living in the rural areas. The growth in population will have a negative impact on

domestic water supply and in sanitation and sewerage services if appropriate measures are not

taken. . (Water policy 2002)

By the 2002 census shows that about 80% of Tanzanian is living rural areas while only 56%

of this rural population is getting safe and clean water at a long distance. Access to safe water

is essential for addressing poverty and health problems. However, due to poor operation and

maintenance, over 30% of the rural water supply schemes are not functioning properly.

(Water policy 2002)

This coverage in the provision of safe water is undesirably low. In many areas of the dry

central part of the country water is so scarce that even water for personal hygiene cannot

easily be found. The people, especially women and children, walk long distances to fetch

water. The national economy suffers because of inadequate water supplies to the urban and

rural population. The basic level of service for domestic water supply in rural areas shall be a

protected, year-round supply of 25 liters of potable water per capita per day through water

points located within 400 meters from the furthest homestead and serving 250 persons per

outlet. (Water policy 2002)


2.3. Water Resources Available in Tanzania

Generally, Tanzania has enough water sources which if could be well organized and utilized

the problem of water in our country possibly could be historical.

Tanzania has sufficient water resources to meet most of its present needs and they include

surface and underground sources. About 7 percent of the land surface is covered by 3 lakes

(all of them fresh water) which border the country apart from other inland lakes. The three

lakes include Lake Victoria (second largest fresh water lake in the world), Lake Tanganyika

(second deepest lake in the world) and Lake Nyasa. Inland Lakes include Rukwa, Eyasi and

Manyara. There are also big rivers flowing to the lakes. Underground water is also another

important source of water for both urban and rural settlement areas.

There is a great variation of water availability between different parts of the country. The

variation is explained by differences in topography, rainfall paten and climate. About one

third of Tanzania receives less than 800mm of rainfall per annum including western zone

which combing Shinyanga, Tabora and Kigoma regions and they are considered as arid or

semi arid. Also this regions experiences a long dry season normally extending from June to

October which has an effect of low river flows and drying of water reserves.


2.4 Types of water sources.

After the estimation of water requirements for the proposed water supply scheme, the planner

of the scheme must go in for search of nearby water source, which may be able to supply

required amount of water. If the supply of a particular source or source of water chosen is not

sufficient to meet the demand, it becomes option of planner to search for distant source and

make arrangements for bringing water from there to the consumer’s areas. (Garg 2007)

In Tanzania all source are protected by act, for example, Any person who wilfully or

negligently damage the waterworks, any sewer, sewerage treatment plant, or other asset

owned or vested in water authority or community organisation, or unlawfully draws off,

diverts water from the waterworks community an offence ( the water supply and sanitation

No. act 47(1), (may, 2009)

The available water sources on the earth classified into two categories;

A) Surface Water.

i) Ponds and lakes

ii) Streams and rivers

iii) Storage reservoirs

iv) Oceans, generally not use water supply in presents.

B) Sub-surface or groundwater sources

i) Springs

ii) Infiltration galleries

iii) Infiltration wells; and


iv) Wells and tube-wells

According to this study, only wells and well-tubes will be discussed widely. The study

concerned on the performance of water wells. Department of Natural Resources' regulations

determine the type of well that is required for a particular use. Wells producing water for

human consumption are either 1) private domestic wells, 2) multiple family wells, 3) non-

community public water supply wells, or 4) community public water supply wells. The

determination as to which type of well is required is based on the number of service

connections, the number of people served, and the length of time during a year the population

is served. (Water Well Types - Missouri Department of Natural Resources )

2.5. Ground water

Groundwater is water beneath the earth’s surface that fills and saturates the spaces between

sediment particles as well as the cracks and crevices within bedrock. When rain falls or snow

melts some of the water percolates into the ground and becomes part of the

groundwater.(EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

Ground water hydrology is the science of occurrence, distribution and movement of water

below the surface of earth. The largest available sources of fresh water lie underground. The

total ground potential is estimated to be one third the capacity of oceans. The source of

ground water is precipitation. (Dr. B.C. Punmia 2009)

3 3
In Tanzania groundwater availability amounts is to about 20-40 km of 84 km total annual

renewable internal water resources groundwater per day. Aquifers comprise of unconsolidated

sediments, volcanic, and weathered and fractured basement rocks whilst recharge is from

direct rain infiltration and river influent. (Design manual 3rd 2007). The extraction of

underground water which is stored into the aquifer needs to introduce well as a device. (S.B

Watt and W.E Wood 1979)

2.6. Wells.

A well is a device for extracting water from the ground. (S.B Watt and W.E Wood 1979) or

well is a hole usually vertical, excavated in the earth for bringing ground water to the surface.

(S.K Garg 2007)

2.7.0 Water Well Components

This section covers the major water well components used when installing water well.


Borehole is a vertical boring to reach aquifer (water bearing geologic material). In a well

Terminating into rock, an open borehole will extend beyond the bottom of the well casing.

Well Seal

Well seal is a mechanical device to prevent contamination from entering well casing that is

Installed after well completion, All well caps and seals shall be weather tight, tightly

Secured, and vermin proof.


Well casing is steel or plastic pipe installed to keep borehole wall from collapsing and

houses the submersible pump and drop pipe.

Comparison of PVC plastic casing and steel casing:

PVC vs. Steel

No corroding Corrodes

Lower strength higher strength

Fewer water quality complaints Rusty water

Rotary construction only Suitable for any drilling method


Grout is impermeable cement or clay placed in annular space between borehole and

casing to prevent well contamination, maintain separation of aquifers, and preserve

artesian aquifers.

Filter pack

Filter pack is silica sand often placed around the outside of the screen for filtration and

stabilization. The main objective to filter packing is to install a material more permeable

than the native formation into the area immediately surrounding the well screen. Filter

pack not only prevents fine sands from entering the well screen, it also stabilizes the


The benefits of filter packing are:

⇒ Greater porosity

⇒ Higher hydraulic conductivity

⇒ Reduced drawdown

⇒ Higher yield

⇒ Reduced entrance velocity

⇒ Faster development

⇒ Easier grouting

⇒ Longer well life

⇒ Improved well rehabilitation

⇒ Reduced sand pumping


A neoprene packer (often called a K packer) is a device that seals space between casing

and telescoped screen to keep sand out of well. The packer is attached directly to either

the top of the well screen or the top of a riser pipe. Lead packers are no longer allowed in



A well screen is a filtering device that serves as the intake portion of wells constructed in

unconsolidated or semiconsolidated aquifers. A screen permits water to enter the well

from the saturated aquifer, prevents sediment form entering the well, and serves

structurally to support the unconsolidated aquifer material.

Slot openings have been designated by numbers that correspond to the width of the

openings in thousandths of an inch. A No.10 slot, for example, is an opening of O.010

inch. Slot size may also be expressed in metric units; for example, 0.010 inch equals 0.25

Millimeter (mm). For small-diameter screens covered with wire mesh, the number of

openings in the mesh per inch are designated by gauze numbers.

2.7.1 Geological and Material

Slot Size Opening (inches)

Opening (mm) Gauze Size

Clay & Silt - 0.003 0.10 -Fine sand 678

When selecting the proper screen to install, the following selection criteria need to be


∗ Maximize the percent of open area.

∗ No clogging openings

∗ Corrosive resistance.

∗ Column and collapse strength.

∗ Screen opening (slot size) based on aquifer material.

∗ Screen diameter that provides a water entrance velocity of less than .1 foot/second.

Fact or Fiction? – “Doubling the well diameter appreciably increases well yield.”


Doubling the well diameter increases the well yield only 10 percent.

Doubling the screen length increase the well yield 100 percent.





Filter Park

Figure 2 Typical components of well

Before considering the wells itself we should know something of nature, occurrence and

behaviour of groundwater to be extracted. When the rain falls over the land, parts soaks into

the ground and part is runs off in streams or rivers to return eventually to the sea. Water

which soaks into the ground are used by plants and part sinks below the roots level through

porous soil until it reaches bedrock or other impermeable layers under force of gravity. At this

stage is known as groundwater and the saturated soil layer containing is known as Aquifer.

(S.B Watt and W.E Wood 1979)

Figure 3 aquifer location


Figure 4 Well Location

2.8. Types of wells.

Wells may be classified into two types;

 Open wells/ dug wells; and

 Tube wells

2.8.1 Open / dug wells

Smaller amount of ground water has been utilised from the ancient times by open wells. Open

/dug wells are generally open masonry wells having comparatively bigger diameter, and are

suitable for low discharge of the order of 1-8 litres per second. The diameters of the open

wells are generally varied from 2m to 9m and they are generally less than 20m depth. (C.K

Garg 2007) or Dug wells are holes in the ground dug by shovel or backhoe. Historically, a

dug well was excavated below the groundwater table until incoming water exceeded the

digger’s bailing rate. The well was then lined (cased) with stones, brick, tile, or other material

to prevent collapse. It was covered with a cap of wood, stone, or concrete. Since it is so

difficult to dig beneath the groundwater table, dug wells are not very deep, typically only 10

to 30 feet deep. Dug wells have the highest risk of becoming contaminated because they are

so shallow. To minimize the likelihood of contamination, your dug well should have certain

features to help prevent contaminants from traveling along the outside of the casing or

through the casing and into the well. Source EPA New England

The wall of an open well may be built of precast concrete rings or in brick or stone masonry;

the thickness generally varies from 0.5m to 0.75m, according to the depth of the well. The

yield of an open well is limited because such wells can be excavated only to the limited depth,

where the water storage is also limited. (Garg 2007)

One of the recent methods used to improve the yield capacity of the open well is to put in a

8cm to 10cm diameter borehole in the centre of the well and tap water from an aquifer. The

water from open well can be drawn only at the critical velocity of the soil. Higher the

velocities may lead the disturbance of the soil grains and form the hollow in the lining of the

wells. The limited velocity also limits the maximum possible safe discharge of an open. If the

clay layer is available at a smaller depth so as to support the open masonry well, a bore hole

can be made in its centre so as to reach the sand strata. Such arrangement will not only give

the structural support to the open well but also considerably to increase its yield. (S.K. Garg


Historically, dug wells were excavated by hand shovel to below the water table until

incoming water exceeded the digger’s bailing rate. The well was lined with stones, bricks,

tile, or other material to prevent collapse, and was covered with a cap of wood, stone, or

concrete tile. Because of the type of construction, bored wells can go deeper beneath the

water table than can hand-dug wells. Dug and bored wells have a large diameter and expose a

large area to the aquifer. These wells are able to obtain water from less-permeable materials

such as very fine sand, silt, or clay. Disadvantages of this dug wells well are that they are

shallow and lack continuous casing and grouting, making them subject to contamination from

nearby surface sources, and they go dry during periods of drought if the water table drops

below the well bottom

2.8.2 Types of open wells

Open / dug wells can be classified into the following two types;

i) Shallow wells.

These are ones which rests in a pervious and strata and draws its supplies from the

surrounding materials. (Garg 2007) or Can be defined as wells of shallow depth, generally not

beyond 20 m deep and are often hand dug. Many shallow wells are not perennial for the dry

up during extended drought. (Design manual 3rd 2007) or shallow well is a well from which

the water can be pumped by means of a suction pump, which implies that water level is not

lower than 6m to 7m below the ground level.( Bob Blankwaardt 1984)

In shallow wells water are draws from the topmost water bearing stratum, its water liable to

be contaminated by the rain water percolating and taking it mineral or organic matters. Water

from dug or open wells is drawn by means of bucket or rope. Due to the possible surface

contamination of water in uncovered well and also individual buckets adding contamination

to the water, such open wells are covered and fitted with hand pumps. For large projects,

water is lifted from wells or tube wells (unless the sources is spring or an artesian wells) and

collected into a collecting basin, from where the water enters in the treatment plant. But just

small projects only water are drawn by the consumers direct from the well already for use.

(S.K Garg 2007)

ii) Deep open wells.

This is a well in which rests on an impervious “mota” layer and draws water from the

pervious formation lying below the mota layer. The mota layer is referred as a layer of clay,

cemented sand or other hard materials, which are often, found lying a few meters below the

water table in the sub-soil. The advantage of such mota later lies in giving structural support

to the open well resting on its surface. The terminology shallow and deep wells is nothing

rather than actual depth of the wells. (S.K Garg 2007)

2.9 Tube wells

Tube wells are which a long pipe is or tube, is bored or drilled into the ground, intercepting

one or more water strata. In tube wells larger discharge can be obtained by getting a larger

velocity as well a larger cross-sectional area of the water bearing strata. (S.K. Garg 2007)

The general average yield from the standard tube wells is however of order of

40litres/seconds to 45litres/ seconds. These are shallow tube wells having 20 to 70m depth

and taping only from one aquifer. Deep wells are as deep as 70m to 300m, and tap more than

one aquifer. The discharge of deep tube wells as high as 200 to 220litres per sec. (Garg 2007)

2.9.1 Types of tube wells.

Depending upon the entry of water through can be broadly classified into two categories:

i) Cavity tube wells

A cavity type tube wells draws water from bottom of the well, and not from the sides as is

done by a screen well. Since in cavity well, the water is drawn from bottom of the well, the

flow is spherical and can tap only from one bearing stratum. A tube wells are economical

because it require only plain pipes which are lowered into the bore to the required depth. A

cavity tube wells essentially consists of pipe bored through the soil and resting on the bottom

of a strong clay layer. (Garg 2007)

ii) Screen tube wells

Screen type tube well are most widely adopted and have been extensively constructed in our

country particularly for irrigation purposes. Screen tube wells can be subdivided into two

types; strainer tube wells and slotted pipe gravel-pack tube wells. (Garg 2007)

A strainer tube wells uses assembled strainer lengths, which are lowered into the bore hole

and located opposite the water bearing formations, whereas plain pipe lengths (blind pipes)

are located opposite the non-water bearing formations and bail plug is provided at the bottom.

(Garg 2007)

A strainer types tube wells is generally unsuitable for fine sandy strata, because in that case,

the size of the mesh opening will have to be considerably reduced, which may results in

choking of the strainer; and if the mesh openings are kept bigger, the well will start

discharging sand. (S.K Garg 2007). A gravel pack slotted pipe tube wells these are using

slotted pipe without being covered by any wire mesh. The slotted pipes lengths are located

opposite the water bearing formations, as is done with the strainers in a strainer tube wells.

(Garg 2007)

After placing the assembly of the plain and slotted pipes in the borehole gravel are also

poured into the bore hole between the well pipes and the casing pipes, so as to surround the

wells by a designed 10-20mm thickness of gravel. The gravel pack is highly preferred for

deep tube wells, which tap water from more than one aquifer. (Garg 2007

Figure 4 aquifer location

2.10 Well performance

To recognize a change in well performance we must monitor:

•Discharge (quantity and quality).

•Pumping water level.

•Regional non-pumping water levels.


These will reflect changes:

•in pump performance

•in well condition

•in aquifer condition

There are many variations to interpret:

 Higher discharge + higher pumping water level

 Higher discharge + constant pumping water level

 Constant discharge + higher pumping water level

 Constant discharge + constant pumping water level

 Constant discharge + lower pumping water level

 Lower discharge + higher pumping water level

 Lower discharge + constant pumping water level

 Lower discharge + lower pumping water level

Consideration of regional non-pumping water level changes will often aid interpretation

of the well performance data.


However, the major causes of reduced specific capacity with time are mechanical, chemical,

and biological. (Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

(1) Mechanical

Most wells undergo some loss in specific capacity probably due to the slow movement of

foundation fines into the filter pack with a corresponding reduction in permeability. The

process occurs more commonly:

(1) In cases of poorly designed filter packs, improper screen and filter pack placement, or

insufficient well development.

(2) When generally fines are introduced into the well by back flooding of muddy surface

waters. Normally, back flooding can be prevented by the use of check valves at the well

outlet, however if not properly designed and maintained, the valves may not function as

intended. These fines materials can find their way into the well through a variety of ways such

as holes in the casing from corrosion, migration of fines from over-pumping, poor placement

or sizing of the gravel pack, screen openings that are too wide and poor well development

(Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

(2) Chemical Incrustation

Chemical blockage results from the deposition of minerals in the form of scales or

incrustation on the well screen, Figure 5. It also cements parts of the gravel pack and

aquifer materials on the outside of the screen, Figure 6.


Chemical incrustation of the well screen, filter pack, and surrounding formation soils can be a

major factor in specific capacity reduction with time. Chemical deposits forming within the

screen openings reduce their effective open area and cause increased head losses. Deposits in

the filter pack and surrounding soils reduce their permeability and also increase head losses.

Most mineral deposits on well screens either are calcium and magnesium carbonates or

calcium and magnesium sulfates. They precipitate out of the water where the water

velocity is highest and the pressure is lowest at or near the entrance to the well screen.

Incrustation from precipitation of iron and manganese compounds, primarily their

hydroxides or hydrated oxides.

These minerals bond the aquifer materials into a solid mass that over time will plug the well

screen openings and cement the materials outside the screen(Office of Groundwater and

Drinking Water may 2009)

Many ground waters contain iron and manganese ions if the pH is about 5 or less. Reduction

of pressure due to well flow can disturb the chemical equilibrium of the groundwater and

result in the deposition of insoluble iron and manganese hydroxides. The hydroxides initially

have the consistency of a gel, but eventually harden into scale deposits. Further oxidation of

the hydroxides results in the formation of ferrous, ferric, or manganese oxides. Ferric oxide is

a reddish brown deposit similar to rust, whereas the ferrous oxide has the consistency of a

black sludge. Manganese oxide is usually black or dark brown in color.

A properly designed well screen will have entrance velocities of less than 0.1 foot per second.

Water entering the well screen at a rate greater than 0.1 feet per second can contribute to more

rapid mineral deposition. The rate of incrustation accelerates with time because as some of the

screen openings become plugged, the water enters the remaining slots at a higher velocity,

which causes more incrustation. (Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

Figure 5 Encrusted minerals on the inside of a totally plugged well screen


Figure 6 incrusted and plugged well screen along with an example of cemented gravel from
the aquifer materials outside the screen

(3) Biological Incrustation

Naturally occurring, common soil bacteria are found in almost all aquifers and are the cause

of biological screen blockage. The bacteria are in three main types: iron-reducing, sulfate-

reducing and slime producing. Of the three, iron bacteria and slime producing bacteria are the

most familiar to irrigators. Iron-reducing bacteria are a major source of well screen and gravel

pack contamination. They consist of organisms that have the ability to absorb dissolved iron

which oxidize or reduce to ferrous or ferric ions for energy. The ions are precipitated as

hydrated ferric hydroxide on or in their mucilaginous sheaths. The precipitation of the iron

and rapid growth of the bacteria can quickly reduce well efficiency.

The presence of iron bacteria is usually indicated by brownish red stains in well collector

pipes, pumps, pipelines and irrigation systems. Often the rotten-egg smell of hydrogen sulfide

gas also will be noticeable when the pump is operating. Generally, if the iron amount in the

water is greater than 0.3 ppm, iron bacteria problems will arise. These bacteria form a slimy

organic substance on the well screen, pump intake and pump column, and in the water-

bearing aquifer materials surrounding the screen, Figure 7. As the bacteria build up, they

reduce the open area of the screen and the open spaces in the aquifer materials surrounding

the screen, thus reducing well yield. If exposed to air, this buildup hardens and becomes much

more difficult

Evidence exists that iron bacteria may be carried from well to well on drill rods and other

equipment and therefore every effort should be made to avoid introducing iron bacteria into a

well during installation, maintenance, or rehabilitation operations.

After completion of operations on a well, all drilling equipment, tools, bits and pumps, should

be thoroughly disinfected by washing with a chlorine solution (100 ppm) before initiating

work on another well. (Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

Sulfate-reducing Bacteria consume the sulfate in the water and the byproducts are an organic

acid and hydrogen sulfide gas (rotten-egg smell). These bacteria are anaerobic in nature (don't

need oxygen). They reside behind scale and other low-oxygen environments, thus they are

harder to kill than other types of bacteria. (Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may


Slime-producing Bacteria coexist with iron and sulfate-reducing bacteria. The byproduct of

these bacteria is a slime that often can be seen on pumps removed from a well. The slime can

plug screen openings, the gravel pack and sometimes the aquifer materials outside the screen.

(Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)


Figure 7 Iron bacteria on pump column riser pipe just removed from wells

2.11 Common Causes of Well Failure

A. Design

1. Design does not adequately consider hydro geological conditions, including water quality,

interference, recharge, screen selection

2. Pumping rate not properly related to well design.

3. Pumping rate and well design not properly related to design life of well. (Office of

Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

B. Installation

1. Failure to accurately identify and locate productive zones

a. Screens improperly located, not adjacent to aquifer

b. Wrong zones fractured, or “shot”

c. Wrong zone grouted

2. Improper casing installation

a. Failure of connection, poor weld or coupling

(1) Accelerated corrosion

(2) Aquifer inter-connection


(3) Casing leaks, well contamination

(4) Casing failure or collapse.

b. Failure of grout

(1) Poor grout distribution, too thin, no centralizers on casing.

(2) Segregation during emplacement, improper tremieor pumping procedure (Office of

Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

3. Drilling techniques

a. Excessive “mudding “of fractures and voids during drilling by either cable tool or rotary

methods (Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

4. Sanitary protection

a. Improper surface drainage.

b. Improper surface grouting

.c. improper well seal (Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

C. Development

1. Failure to remove mud embedded or emplaced during drilling operations.

2. Failure to remove fine clay, silt and sand indigenous to formation being developed.

3. Improper application of chemicals:

a. utilization of phosphates without bio-acid

b. Oxidation of iron at well interface.

c. Chemical precipitation of carbonates by diluting acids.

d. shale hydration.

e. Corrosion of screens by development chemicals. (Office of Groundwater and

Drinking Water may 2009)

D. Hole Stability

1. Casing failure, grout failure, screen failure

a. Corrosion of screen or casing

(1) Hydraulic

(2) Chemical

(3) Galvanic

(4) Biological

b. Improper installation

2. Uncased hole caving


a. failure to case or screen where required (unstable well)

b. Shale hydration

c. Excessive fluid velocities (Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

E. Incrustation

1. Chemical

a. carbonate, oxide, hydroxide, sulfate deposition on or within the intake structure

of the well.

-Well declines exponentially with increase in velocities (Office of

Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

2. Physical

a. Particulate plugging

(1) Fine sand, silt and clay slowly migrate toward well

(2) Well declines substantially (apparently), linearly with velocity increase (Office of

Groundwater and Drinking Water may 2009)

3. Biological.

a. Bacterial growths in aquifer adjacent to well, in screen openings, or in well bore


(1) Rate of bacterial growth exponential with abundant nutrient, but limited by availability of

nutrients in most ground water supplies. Increase in velocity increases amount of nutrient


b. Multiple strains of naturally occurring bacteria available to most wells

(1) Iron-fixing (oxidizing conditions), sulphur-splitting (reducing conditions), hydrocarbon-

forming (reducing), hydrocarbon-splitting (oxidizing), and other strains may all coexist within

close proximity. Balance shifts with nutrient variation

c. Contamination during drilling

(1)Introduction of bacteria from surface into borehole

(2)Introduction of nutrients into borehole via drilling fluid, (Office of Groundwater and

Drinking Water may 2009)

4. Combined chemical, physical, biological incrustation

a. High percentage (80% +) of all industrial and municipal well failures result from

combined incrustation problems

(1) Chemical-physical

(2) Physical-biological

(3) Chemical-physical-biological

b. Physical (particular migration) is common to most well failures


(1) Particulate material migrates to well face where it is commonly bound by

chemical/biological cementing mass ( Dr Amjad Aliewi Well Maintenance and


2.12 Water and the Tanzania 2025 Development Vision

The Tanzania Vision 2025 aims at achieving a high quality livelihood for its people attain

good governance through the rule of law and develop a strong and competitive economy.

Specific targets include:

(i) A high quality livelihood characterized by sustainable and shared growth (equity), and

freedom from abject poverty in a democratic environment. Specifically the Vision

aims at:

 Food self-sufficiency and security

 universal primary education and extension of tertiary education

 gender equality

 universal access to primary health care

 75% reduction in infant and maternal mortality rates

 universal access to safe water,


 increased life expectancy

 absence of abject poverty

 a well educated and learning society.

(ii) good governance and the rule of law

 moral and cultural uprightness

 adherence to the rule of law

 Elimination of corruption.

(iii)a strong and competitive economy capable of producing sustainable growth and

shared benefits

 a diversified and semi-industrialized economy

 macro-economic stability

 a growth rate of 8% per annum

 adequate level of physical infrastructure

 an active and competitive player in regional and global markets.


Water is one of the most important agents to enable Tanzania achieve its Development Vision

objectives (both social and economic), such as eradicating poverty, attaining water and food

security, sustaining biodiversity and sensitive ecosystems. The revised National Water Policy

and subsequent reviews and reforms of existing laws, institutional framework and structures

are aimed at meeting the objectives of this Vision.

2.13 Water and Poverty Alleviation

Tanzania’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) sets out the medium term strategy for

poverty reduction and indicators for measuring progress. It defines the objectives for poverty

eradication by 2010, with the following key priority areas for achieving its goal:

(i) Reducing poverty through equitable economic growth,

(ii) Improving human capabilities, survival and social well being, and

(iii) Containing extreme vulnerability among the poor.

The PRSP recognizes the heavy dependence of the poor on the environment (soil, water and

forests), in particular household’s reliance on environmental resources for income generation.

Water is considered a key factor in the socio-economic development and the fight against

poverty. Deliberate efforts are therefore needed in the management of the resources in order

to sustain the desired pattern of growth and consumption, and to ensure that all the socio-

economic activities maximize their capacities, as articulated in the Vision 2025. This entails

integrated planning, development and river basin management in support of food security and

poverty reduction as well as environmental safeguards.

2.14. Instruments for Policy Implementation

Six types of instruments and other measures to be instituted from time to time will be used in

the implementation of the policy:

(i) Technical instruments: These are technical measures, which are used to control water uses

including gating of abstractions, flow metering, and application of cleaner production


(ii) Economic instruments: Economic instruments include water pricing, charges, penalties

and incentives to be used to stimulate marketing mechanism, and serve as an incentive to

conserve water, and reduce pollution of water sources. This instrument will also facilitate

water allocations.

(iii) Administrative instruments: Administrative instruments include information management

systems and monitoring, information products, water resources plans including water source

protection plans, water resources models and decision support systems, various water

resources guidelines.

(iv)Legal instruments: Legal instruments include restrictions and all prohibitions imposed by

the regulatory body and the Government. These are individual licenses for abstractions and

their revisions, guidelines, discharge permits, codes of conduct, guidelines, standards,

Environment Impact Assessments, and agreements, treaties and protocols for trans-boundary

water resources.

(v) Regulatory instruments: Regulatory instruments include appropriate management

structures and procedures. These procedures and criteria to be adopted include applications

for and granting of permits, a clearly defined water right system, appropriate standards and

guidelines that control water abstractions from water bodies, controls on specific technologies

aimed at reducing water use or waste loads, control of discharge of waste products into water

sources (in terms of quantity, quality, timing and location of discharges), and standards for

water provided for specific uses or for goods or materials which are potentially polluting.

(vi)Participatory Instruments: These include sensitization, community education,

consultations and discussions.




3.1 Introduction

Data were collected through site visiting, documents available in district engineer (DWE)

offices and personnel interview such as DWE, Ward Executive office, village leader and

water user group(WUG) in the respective wells.

3.2 Methodologies

The purpose of this research was to explore the performance of rural water wells schemes at

Ukune ward. The limted time available for the study led the use of a randomized sampling

approach as it would be difficult to visit all villages to make results statistically valid. It is

assumed that all improved water wells have pumps as installed and Villagers are responsible

for recover cost of their village water well from any breakdown, and so they village should

have existing strategy to secure and protect water wells sources.

In this study of Ukune ward, four villages with sixteen improved water wells were visited for

the study. Selection of sample based on the high un functionality water wells. The villages

included for sampling are kundikili, Iboja, Italike, and Kayenze. Therefore, a purposive

sampling strategy followed by a quantitative and research methodology was adopted. The

following methods were adapted during the study achievement;


 Water demand

 Water well scheme infrastructure

 Water policies and strategies issues.

3.3 Data collection

The data collected are of two types including primary and secondary which analyzed using

excel software. The methodology and data collected are described in table form as in table 1.0

Table 1 Data Collected and their Types.

S/no Methodology Task Data Type Method Source Of Data

1 Water demand Economical activities Primary Site observation Site survey

water sources visibility primary Site observation Site survey

Human activities and Social primary Site observation Site survey

culture around the well.

Safe contamination physically primary Site observation Site survey

Population served Secondary documentation Water engineer

Project financer secondary documentation Water engineer

Pumps performance status primary Site observation Site survey

2 Water wells Pipes performance Primary Site observation Site survey

Source locations against village primary Site observation Site survey

Life span of well and its secondary site and office water engineer
infrastructure documents office

Old and new replacement secondary Site observation and WUG & water
documents engineer

S/no Methodology Task Data Type Method Source Of Data

3 Policies and Water police and strategy Primary Interview questionnaire WUG and
strategy plan awareness in village level data village leader

3.3.1 Water demand.

Water demand it involve two major things; population, quantity of water and quality to meet

the either national or international standards. In this study the water demand checked only on

population and number of wells available.

3.3.2 Population

The population of Ukune ward has found has obtained in two ways; one from District

planning and land development office (DPLO) from 2004-2012 and secondly by calculation

where Geometrical increase method was used to calculate the population from 2000-2003 this

was not available in DPLOs office. The populations of Ukune ward are shown in table 3.1

P n = Po (1+ )n

Where; Po = present population, r = annual growth rate%, Pn = population after n years and

n= forecasted period in years


Table 2 Ukune Ward Village’s Population

s/no Village Year

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 …. 2020

1 Chibiso 537 556 576 600 620 642 670 697 724 757 788 815 847 1162

2 Ilwilo 748 770 805 834 865 894 929 967 1005 1045 1083 1123 1176 1619

3 Igalula 1016 1054 1093 1133 1175 1219 1270 1317 1364 1402 1442 1480 1613 2216

4 Sofi 737 764 792 822 852 887 924 959 1002 1045 1090 1133 1174 1608

5 Italike 1229 1274 1321 1370 1421 1471 1532 1597 1665 1730 1794 1874 1951 2608

6 Iboja 2706 2798 2910 3018 3129 3258 3394 3526 3659 3813 3955 4114 4286 5886

7 Kayenze 1454 1507 1563 1621 1681 1740 1818 1894 1971 2046 2133 2224 2312 3176

8 Kundikili 1898 1969 2042 2117 2195 2289 2384 2475 2570 2675 2788 2884 3009 4125

Total 10325 10692 11102 11515 11938 12400 12921 13432 13960 14513 15073 15647 16368 …. 22400

3.3.3 Water sources available

During data collection all water wells of interest visited and visualize wells situation and

determine other water sources at four villages to realize number of water wells source. This

gives the actual situation of availability of water service in the villages. The data collected is

shown in table 3

Table 3 Existing Water Wells Source for Four Villages at Ukune Ward

s/no Sub-village Type of source available Total






1. Kundilkili Mashariki A 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

2 Kundikili Magharibi A 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 3

3 Iboja A 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

4 Kundikili Mashariki B 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

5 Kundikili Magharibi B 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

6 Imbambasi 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

7 Majimaji 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 4

8 Shilabela 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

9 Tule 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 3

10 mission 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 3

11 Italike Kaskazini A 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 3

12 Italike Mashariki B 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

13 Italike Kaskazini B 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

14 Dakama secondary 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2

15 Itonjamatole 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 3

16 Buzabi B 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

Total 0 20 12 2 0 0 0 36

3.3.4 Serving mechanisms (behavior, distance from nearby home)

The serving mechanisms are the one of the factor affecting the water well performance. Sine

all improved water wells had installed pumps; the expectation was to view all pumps on site

and functioning. The data collected are shown in table 4

Table 4 Serves Mechanism and clearness around the water well

S/NO Sub-Village WUG Type Serves Distance Cleanness Water

Of Well Mechanisms nearest (m) Well Color
farm home

1 Tule Tegemeo shallow By rope 50 100 Not done normal

2 Majimaji Mkombozi shallow By rope 5 200 Not done normal
3 Imbambasi Vumilia shallow By rope 20 400 Not done normal
4 Shilabela shallow By rope 40 300 Not done normal
5 Kundikili Songambele shallow By rope 15 500 Not done normal
Mashariki A
6 Kundikili Chemshabongo shallow By rope 20 300 Not done normal
Mashariki B
7 Kundikili Mkombozi shallow dry 30 100 Not done normal
Magharibi A
8 Kundikili Mshilanga shallow By rope 25 80 Not done normal
Mashariki B
9 Dakama Sec. Secondary Sec. deep no 70 150 new Not seen
10 Iboja A Jitegemee shallow By rope 35 200 Not done normal
11 Itonjamatole Vumilia shallow By rope 40 90 Not done normal
12 Buzabi B Maendeleo shallow By rope 50 150 Not done normal
13 Mission Roman deep no 60 500 new Not seen
14 Italike A Kaskazini Zambia shallow By rope 10 60 Not done White
milk like
15 Italike B Kaskazini Kasela shallow Hand pump 12 800 Not done normal
16 Italike B mashariki Mg’wagimangi Shallow By Rope 18 350 Not Done Normal

3.3.5 Safe from contamination

The situation and possibility of water well pollution was determined due method used in

drawing water and human activities around the well, including the distance from well to the

nearest farm and also nearest home stay which lead direct contamination of water through run

off period and percolation. The situation on site refer plate 3.0 the information observed is

show n in table 4

Plate 4 Shows Economical Activities and Source Pollution


3.3.6 Economic activities and economical status

The economic activities are very important because most of rural areas are practicing

agricultural activities in small scale. Whenever, there is farming activities either in small scale

or large scale will need water for irrigation and other uses. The situation observed on site is

determined in term of type of agricultural criticized near the farms. As shown in table 5.

Table 5 serves mechanism and contamination possibility

S/NO WUG Serves Distance Type of croup near the well
Mechanisms nearest

1 Tegemeo By rope 50 Coconut,Maize&potetoes

2 Mkombozi By rope 5 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
3 Vumilia By rope 20 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
4 *Shilabela By rope 40 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
5 Songambele By rope 15 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
6 Chemshabongo By rope 20 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
7 Mkombozi dry 30 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
8 Mshilanga By rope 25 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
9 Secondary Sec. no 70 Maize&potetoes
10 Jitegemee By rope 35 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
11 Vumilia By rope 40 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
12 Maendeleo By rope 50 Coconut,Maize&potetoes
13 Roman Catholic no 60 rice
14 Zambia By rope 10 Maize&potetoes
15 Kasela Hand pump 12 Rice, Maize&potetoes
16 Mg’wagimangi By Rope 18 Tomatoes garden, Maize &

3.4.0 Water wells infrastructure

In infrastructure wells pumps and their components will be discussed on how have found on

site during visiting.

3.4.1 Pumps performance status

In studding the performance of water wells it found that most of wells had no pumps and

people are drawing water by rope and bucket. Referee table 3.3

3.4.2 Pipes performance

In all wells there was no pipes scheme rather than people are drawing water direct from well.

The found that the aim was not to expand the pipe network to the individual water user.

3.4.3 Source location avoid pollution sources

The water should be allocated at the minimum coverage distance of not less than 200m from

any human activities to save the water from contamination. The contamination is influenced

by surface runoff and percolation (referee table 3.3)


3.4.4 Life span of the structure

This data were collected to give the life span of the structures from the installation as shown

in table 6

Table 6 Numbers of Well Implementation at Ukune Ward 1996-2003

Year of installation 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Number of wells 1 1 3 4 10 4 6 1

Life span up to 2012 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8

3.4.5 Old, new and replacements

These data were collected as a secondary data to see if the wells are still satisfying the limit

life span of 15years up to 2012 as specified in water supply and sewerage disposal design

manual July 2002. Referee table 7


Table 7 Pumps year of Installation

1 TEGEMEO KAH-001 78/2- 270/SHY/9_KA TANIRA 30/12/2003 NO PUMP
012KAH H
2 MKOMBOZI KAH-002 78/2- 252/SHY/9_KA SWN 80 29/05/1999 NO PUMP
013KAH H
3 VUMILIA KAH-052 78/2- KAH 104_KAH TANIRA 21/11/1996 NO PUMP
4 SONGAMBELE KAH-200 79/1- S 590_KAH TANIRA 11/12/1998 NO PUMP
5 JITEGEMEE KAH-211 78/2- S.629_KAH TANIRA 29/12/1998 NO PUMP
6 MKOMBOZI KAH-213 79/1- S.523_KAH TANIRA 15/12/1998 NO PUMP
7 MSHILANGA KAH-257 63/3- S.302_KAH TANIRA 6/8/1999 NO PUMP
8 VUMILIA KAH-258 79/1- S.310 KAH TANIRA 10/8/1999 NO PUMP
9 MAENDELEO KAH-259 79/1- S.488T_KAH TANIRA 29/10/1999 NO PUMP
10 CHEMSHABON KAH-268 79/1- S.484T_KAH TANIRA 29/04/2000 NO PUMP
11 MGW’AGIMAN KAH-272 79/1- S.907KAH TANIRA 18/04/2000 NO PUMP
12 KASELA KAH-274 79/1- S.930_KAH TANIRA 20/04/2000 FOUND IT
13 ZAMBIA KAH-273 79/1- S.092_KAH TANIRA 2/5/20000 NO PUMP

3.4.6 Project financer

The project performance depend more in the financer and community involvement. If the

community will be involved from the project planning to the implementation stage the will

consider themselves as part of the success and they will take care of the project since they had

also contribute in cost. The table 8 shows the project finance

Table 8 Projects Financers

S/NO WUG NAME Project financer


3.5.0 Water policies and strategies

In this method the study check the six types of instruments if are well of instituted during and

after the project implementation. The study results obtained from open ended questionnaire

and personnel interview;

(i) Technical instruments: These are technical measures, which are used to control water

uses including gating of abstractions, flow metering, application of cleaner production


(ii) Economic instruments: Economic instruments include water pricing, charges,

penalties and incentives to be used to stimulate marketing mechanism, and serve as an

incentive to conserve water, and reduce pollution of water sources. This instrument will

also facilitate water allocations.

(iii) Administrative instruments: Administrative instruments include information

management systems and monitoring, information products, water resources plans

including water source protection plans, water resources models and decision support

systems, various water resources guidelines.

(iv) Legal instruments: Legal instruments include restrictions and all prohibitions

imposed by the regulatory body and the Government. These are individual licenses for

abstractions and their revisions, guidelines, discharge permits, codes of conduct,

guidelines, standards, Environment Impact Assessments, and agreements, treaties and

protocols for trans-boundary water resources.


(v) Regulatory instruments: Regulatory instruments include appropriate management

structures and procedures. These procedures and criteria to be adopted include

applications for and granting of permits, a clearly defined water right system, appropriate

standards and guidelines that control water abstractions from water bodies, controls on

specific technologies aimed at reducing water use or waste loads, control of discharge of

waste products into water sources (in terms of quantity, quality, timing and location of

discharges), and standards for water provided for specific uses or for goods or materials

which are potentially polluting.

(vi) Participatory Instruments: These include sensitization, community education,

consultations and discussions.

The community should be aware for the policies and strategies as prepared by the government

so they can implement them since the implementation is adopted at the lower level. To make

the method sound able five questionnaires are asked to WEO, Village leaders (VEO &

Chairperson), and three leader of each WUG. Also, an interview method was used to consult

DWE for ensure concerned to the community policy and strategies concerned water wells.

Table 9 Interview Questions

category Number of group Number of consulted people Number of provided Number of

leader / well required consulted questionnaire responds

Ward 1@1=1 1 1 1 1


Village 2@4=8 8 5 25 25


WUG 3@16=48 48 30 150 100

TOTAL 57@5=285 22@5=110 36@5=180 176 126

Table 10 Results for questionnaire

Group Number of Number of Results Remarks
questionnaire respond


1 1 1 1 0 Not aware about policies issue

2 40 25 100 25 Not aware about policies issue

3 48 30 120 30 Not aware about policies issue

Total 55@5=275 221 55 Not aware about policies issue




4.1 Introduction.

This chapter is concerned with analysis of Population served, number of wells, possibility

water wells contamination, service mechanisms, and projects finance.

4.1.1 Data analysis

The data were analyzed by using Empirical formula’s and Excel spread sheet (ESS) and pie

chart Population served

Ukune has a population of 16368 by august 2012 national census. The ward has increase of

3.7% each year. The data shows that there is high increase in population while there is no

more expansion of the water wells for ten years now.


Table 11 Study Village’s Population

s/no Village Year
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 …. 2020
1 Italike 1229 1274 1321 1370 1421 1471 1532 1597 1665 1730 1794 1874 1951 2608
2 Iboja 2706 2798 2910 3018 3129 3258 3394 3526 3659 3813 3955 4114 4286 5886
3 Kayenze 1454 1507 1563 1621 1681 1740 1818 1894 1971 2046 2133 2224 2312 3176
4 Kundikili 1898 1969 2042 2117 2195 2289 2384 2475 2570 2675 2788 2884 3009 4125
Total 7287 7548 7836 8126 8426 8758 9128 9492 9865 10264 10670 11096 11558 15795

Service ratio.

The ratio of the water well wells available for domestic use does not satisfy the population as

shown in table 12

This ration is based on the NAWAPO 2002 which each domestic water point (DPs) should

serve not more than 250person per day. This is obtained by finding the proportionality

between the population and existing water wells.

Table 12 water serving ration

s/no village Water source Population
Number of Wells Functioning wells (2012)
1 kundikili 5 3 3009
2 Iboja 4 3 4286
3 Kayenze 4 4 2312
4 Italike 3 3 1951
total 16 13 11558

Serve Ratio Calculation;

= 1003 Person Per Well

= 1429 Person Per Well

= 578 Person Per Well

= 651 Person Per Well

= 890 Person Per Well

This is evidence that the population does not being satisfied by the domestic water served

from one village to whole ward level. table 12 also another reference is attachment with

heading “ Program ya maji na usafi wa mazingira ( RWSSP- SHINYANGA)

4.2 Serving mechanisms (behavior, distance from nearby home)

In investigation it was found that only one well out of fourteen well has operating with hand

pump and the least using rope and bucket in drawing water, while two deep wells are still on

progress and one is dry as shown in table 13


This indicates that the performance of water wells at all four villages where the study based is

obviously poor. Using rope and bucket also raises the contamination of water in the well since

everybody come with his/her own bucket from home. The documents show that the WUG

handed over the complete and full functioning pump with complete set. Refer attachments

with hading “program ya maji kwa matumizi ya nyumbani) attached.

Table 13 Wells Serving Mechanisms results

Well with Wells with no New Wells on Dry wells

pump pump progress

Kasela Tegemeo Dakama secondary Mkombozi

Iboja mission










* Kundikili number of new reduce from 5 to 3

- one still on progress

-One is dry

*Iboja one well is new still on progress

4.3 Direct contamination

Most of wells are expected to have high contamination because of environmental pollution

resulted from human activities. These including the agricultural activities and faecal expected

from percolation since most of the wells are not located at the desired distance from

homestead. The results shows that all wells there possibility this is elaborated in table 14

Table 14 Results possibility of fertilizer pollution

Description No Percentage % Remarks

Nearest farms<200m 7 43.75 Possibility of feacal contamination

Furthest farm>200m 9 56.25 Possibility of safe from faecal contamination

Total 16 100

Table 15 Possibility of Water Source Contamination

Wells with distance less 200m Wells with distance greater or equal than 200m

farm home farm home

Tegemeo Tegemeo Nill Mkombozi

Mkombozi Mkombozi Vumilia

Vumilia Mshilanga Songambele

Songambele Dakama sec. Jitegemee

Jitegemee Vumilia Chemshabongo

Mkombozi Maendeleo Mg’wagimangi

Mshilanga Zambia Kasela

Vumilia Shilabela

Maendeleo Mission





Dakama sec.


Figure 4.2 possibility of contamination

Table 16 Serves Mechanism and Contamination Possibility

S/NO Sub-Village WUG Type Serves Distance Cleanness Water
Of Well Mechanisms nearest (m) to Well Color
farm home

1 Tule Tegemeo shallow By rope 50 100 Not done normal

2 Majimaji Mkombozi shallow By rope 5 200 Not done normal
3 Imbambasi Vumilia shallow By rope 20 400 Not done normal
4 Shilabela shallow By rope 40 300 Not done normal
5 Kundikili Songambele shallow By rope 15 500 Not done normal
Mashariki A
6 Kundikili Chemshabongo shallow By rope 20 300 Not done normal
Mashariki B
7 Kundikili Mkombozi shallow dry 30 100 Not done normal
Magharibi A
8 Kundikili Mshilanga shallow By rope 25 80 Not done normal
Mashariki B
9 Dakama Sec. Secondary Sec. deep no 70 150 new Not seen
10 Iboja A Jitegemee shallow By rope 35 200 Not done normal
11 Itonjamatole Vumilia shallow By rope 40 90 Not done normal
12 Buzabi B Maendeleo shallow By rope 50 150 Not done normal
13 Mission Roman deep no 60 500 new Not seen
14 Italike A Zambia shallow By rope 10 60 Not done White milk
Kaskazini like
15 Italike B Kasela shallow Hand pump 12 800 Not done normal
16 Italike B Chemshabongo Shallow By Rope 18 350 Not Done Normal

4.4 Financing of Water Resources Management

To have sustainable source of financial resources to meet the costs for water resources

management, Water resources management entails a variety of technical, administrative and

legal activities that cost money to implement and that must be funded. These activities include

water resources exploration, assessment, water allocation, pollution control, monitoring and

evaluation, regulation and enforcement, environmental protection, basin planning and

development, and other cross-sector activities such as catchments management, basin

planning and development. In order to realize the objectives of water resources management

all water uses, especially water use for economic purposes will be charged for. The level of

the charges and criteria to be used will be reviewed from time to time and will be based on

studies to be conducted.

In Ukune ward also different financer where provides money for water wells implementation.

Also the was no exact cost of each but is obtained tender document signed for ten water wells

so average used to calculate the cost of individual well. Refer table 17 and contract of water

well operation Kasela water user community ( Mkataba Wa Makubaliano Ya Kuendesha

Kisima Cha Maji Kikundi Cha Kasela) and (Kahama District Council Quotation Of

Construction Of Ten Shallow Wells Fitted With Hand Pump) attached. Also each WUG have

opened bank account before the start of the project implementation but by the study had no

even on WUG with existing bank account. Refer WUG BANK ACCOUNT and receipt of

payment attached.

Table 17 Projects Finance

Finance No of No of well in Cost finance in Community Total cost
name wells
percentage Implementation contribution
finance (TSH. Million)
each well

DWSSP 7 43.75 10 101,000/= + labour

RWSSP 5 31.25 10 101,000/= + labour

WVT 2 12.5 10 101,000/= + labour

WSDP 1 6.25 10 101,000/= + labour

LGCDG 1 6.25 10 101,000/= + labour

TOTAL 16 100 50

Figure 8 Water Wells Projects Financer


4.5 Water Policies and Strategy

In this the study check the six types of instruments if are well complied during and after the

project implementation at the village level. The results obtained from opened ended

questionnaire and the results are as shown in table 18.

Table 18 water policies awareness

Question Respond Results % Remarks


Yes No Yes No

1 10 116 7.9 92.1 Not aware about policies issue

2 110 161 87.3 12.7 Water is free of charge

3 114 12 90.5 9.5 Community participate fully in projects

4 126 0 100 0 One well serve more than 250person

5 0 126 0 100 No strategy to treat pump theft

4.6 Results

In order to express the original hypothesis that it is assumed that all improved water wells

should have pumps as installed and Villagers are responsible for recover cost of their village

water well from any breakdown, and so they village should have existing strategy to secure

and protect water wells sources. The water wells visited has been grouped similarities so that

can be identifying the failure as follows;

 Water wells with pumps and functioning


 Water wells with no pumps but function

 Water wells with pumps also not functioning(dry)

 New water wells in progress of construction

 Water wells with pumps and functioning

The results shows that only one well at Italike has operating using pump among the required

14 water pumps installed from 1996-2003. Also has no any attention to make the

replacements of the stolen pumps.(refer table 16)

Table 19 wells functioning categories

Well functioning categories Number of wells Percentage %

With pumps 1 6.25

With no pumps 12 75

Not functioning(dry) 1 6.25

New in progress 2 12.5

Total 16 100

Figure 9 wells functionality

 Water wells with no pumps but function

The village’s water wells project in these villages it found that 75% of the wells have no

pumps since were installed. The information from village ladders they experience the same

problem of theft of the water pumps. The stolen pumps most of the all village had no any

document even police loss report to support statements of loss pumps. The loss of pumps can

be stated as the lower performance of the wells.( refer figure 8)


 Water wells with pumps also not functioning (dry

One of the well at kundikili village was total dry and the pump also installed. These also can

be stated as another failure of performance of the well. Most of the wells have still within the

design period of less than 15 years except (refer table 19)

Table 20 Well and Property Life Span

Year of construction Number of well/year Life span by 2012

1996 1 16

1998 3 14

1999 4 13

2000 4 12

2003 1 9

2011 2 Not started use

unknown 1

 New water wells in progress of construction

Other two wells which their construction ha s started in 2011 until now there are not in use

because there are still in construction. (Ref figure 4.1)


4.7 Discussions of the Results

The clearest result from study is that it is poor financial management that is undermining

performance in study area. This topic will therefore be the focus of discussion for the rest of

this report, attention to finer details of which may serve to provide useful to improve financial

management which have a positive impact on water wells performance in rural areas.

4.7.1 Pricing

Pricing can be used to reconcile differing imperatives; equity in access, demand management

and cost recovery. It is important that community member should be priced to the opportunity

to access water from improved water wells.

In many villages the water pricing from water wells is almost free charge. In the study it

found that the household is required to pay Tsh.50/= per monthly as water pricing cost. This

discovered to encourage the use of clean and safe water during the year which lead destroy of

the other natural water source in areas of study.

4.7.2 Regulation

One of the common to almost in all villages water wells are the lack of regulations of those

responsible for financial management. Water users group of the schemes, who are assets

holders and direct beneficiaries of the village water fund, have seem to hold empty bank

account. This will need the regulation to all water users to contribute in accumulation of water

account because the open account was one the condition before the project was implemented.

The contribution document shows that every household have to pay Tsh.50/= per month as

water charge regardless quantity to be drawn (refer appendix 01).

4.7.3 Community Participation and Ownership

Sustainable water supply and sanitation services legally owned by communities themselves

Water supply and sanitation facilities provided without the active participation of the

beneficiaries in planning and management are often not properly operated and maintained and

hence are unsustainable. Ownership of the facilities including water wells is neither perceived

to be, nor legally vested in user communities. These factors lead to lack of commitment to

maintenance of the facilities by the users. Communities will be empowered to initiate, own

and manage their water schemes including water wells. In order to ensure that communities

become legal owners of water supply schemes the following will be undertaken:

(i) Legal registration of water user entities will be instituted to ensure that communities

are the legal owners of their water supply schemes including water wells,

(ii) Roles, responsibilities, rights and limits of authority of water user entities will be

clearly defined,

(iv) Communities will be facilitated in acquiring technical and management skills.




5.1 Conclusion

The study has discovered the following challenges which results poor performance of water

wells in rural areas.

 The wells are high possibly contaminated by 100% due to near human activities while

cleans also are not done.

 About 75% of installed hand pumps are stolen and people are drawing water by rope

and buckets which is also possible source of water wells contaminations.

 About 87.3% people in rural areas still believe that water is gift from God and is free

of charge.

 The community has participates fully in projects planning to implementation by

90.5% and therefore are operating this water wells projects but no maintenance

 100% of the community ensure that there is on any strategy plan in the community for

replacements and recovering cost of the water wells infrastructures.


5.2 Recommendations

The water sector should ensure the close supervision and more building capacity seminars to

the community and water user general on existing water wells projects

 The water sector should ensure the close supervision and more building capacity

seminar to the community and water user generally in existing water wells projects

 The community participation and ownership are not well understood in most rural

villages so the water user community should take their responsibility in water wells

infrastructure operation and maintenance

 The national water policies constructed should be well expressed to the lower grass

root level so that plans and goals for projects are fulfilled since implementation and

success depend on beneficiary acceptance of the respective projects.




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