Unurthed Vaarncana

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Unurthed Vaarncana is a set of rules
that can be bolted unto the rules
found in the Vaarn deluxe edition
(VDE) book.
This is mostly for those that want a
little more “crunch” in their gaming

This ruleset should be compatible with

everything using the original Vaarn

Most of the rules come from rules in

the “older” zines for Vaarn, GLOG,
Glaive, Relic, Knave and a little Black
Carl Hintze / Stickypaws
Character Item Slots
PCs have a number of item slots equal
creation to Constitution defense.
Character creation follows the same
steps as in VDE, with some small The first 4 slots are quick-draw slots,
exceptions below. and can be accessed at any time. It
takes 1 combat turn to retrieve an item
Abilities from any other inventory slot. Digging
• STRENGTH: Used for melee at- in your pack during combat will give
tacks and saves requiring physical enemies advantage on their attacks
power, like lifting gates, bending bars, against you.
etc. Weapons that fill more than one item
slots, requires two hands to wield.
• DEXterity: Used for ranged
attacks and saves requiring poise, ENCUMBERANCE
speed, and reflexes, like dodging, You are encumbered when you carry
climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc. more items than you have slots for. All
rolls are made with disadvantage.
• CONstitution: Used for saves You cannot carry more than 1.5x your
to resist poison, sickness, cold, etc. number of item slots.
The Constitution bonus is added to
healing rolls. A PC’s number of item shields
slots is al-ways equal to their At character creation there is a
Constitution defense. possibility to start with a shield.

• INTellect: Used for saves Shield:

requir-ing concentration and 1 items slot, +1 Armor defense.,
precision, such as recalling requires one free hand.
information, tinkering with ma-
Roll a D20:
chinery, identifying Exotica, etc.
1-14: You start with nothing extra.
• PSYche: Used for saves requiring 15-20: You start with a Shield.
perception and intuition, such as
tracking, navigating, searching for Talents
hidden doors, communing with Select two talents of your choice at
psychic beings, etc. PCs add their character creation, See Talents
Psyche bonus to damage dealt by chapter.
Mystic Gifts.

• EGO: Used for saves requiring will-

power and charm, such as persuading,
deceiving, intimidating, resisting
psychic domination, etc. EGO is also
added to initiative in combat.
Playing the Critical success &
game Rolling a natural 20 on a save is a
SAVES critical success. The PC may receive a
If a character attempts something boon, such as advantage on a future
where the outcome is uncertain and related roll.
failure has consequences, they make a
Rolling a natural 1 is a critical failure.
save: add the bonus of the relevant
Expect a complication relevant to the
ability to a d20 roll.
situation at hand.

•If the total exceeds 13, the character

succeeds. If not, they fail.
•If the save is opposed by another Not all saves are equally difficult.
character, then instead of aiming to
roll against 13, they must roll greater An old castle wall may offer easy hand-
than the opposing character’s relevant and footholds to a climber. A glass
ability defense score. On a failure, the tower could be nearly frictionless.
opposing side succeeds.
Trying to sneak past alert guards in
•If there are situational factors that broad daylight will be significantly
make a save significantly easier or more difficult that sneaking past
harder, the Referee may grant the roll drowsy guards on a moonless night.
advantage or disadvantage. If a roll has
advantage, roll 2d20 and use the better Having proper tools or foreknowledge
result. If it has disadvantage, roll 2d20 of a situation can increase the odds of
and use the worse. success. Rushing into a situation ill
Saves are not necessarily a binary prepared is likely to have dire
pass/fail resolution mechanism. consequences.

When making a save with advantage,

Consider if a failed save will stall the roll 2D20 and use the higher result.
game. If not, let the PC fail and suffer Use the low result if making a save
the consequences. If a failed save with disadvantage
would negatively impact the flow of
the game, try introducing a Armor and saves
complication instead. Wearing medium or heavy armor (3
Think of it as success at a cost. slots or more), gives the wearer
disadvantage on all DEX saves.
A failed save might mean that the PC
picked the lock, but their tools break.
The PC misremembers a bit of gossip
and tips off the guards to their
Turns are 10 minutes long or can be Ruins/Vaults: 2d6 x 10ft
abstracted to represent the time it
Wilderness: 4d6 x 10 yards (1d4 if
takes to change the state of the party
It takes 1 Turn to search an area for A check for surprise is made by the
traps and secret doors, move to a new side/s that are not expecting the
area of the dungeon, pick a lock, encounter. A monster waiting quietly
resolve a combat, listen at a door, etc. in the dark for an incautious party
More complicated actions will take would not roll for surprise. The PCs
longer. would. Light sources can be seen a
mile away.
Make a PSY save for each PC to
1 Referee rolls encounter. determine surprise. Any surprised
groups cannot act in the first round of
2 Party moves, maps, enters
the encounter. However, a group that
rooms, listens at doors,
is not surprised gets one free round of
searches, etc.
3 Resolve encounters actions.
(distance, surprise,
reactions, possible REACTIONS
combat). When the PCs encounter an NPC
4 Roll usage dice. for light & whose reaction to the party is not
ammunition obvious, roll 2d6 and consult the
5 Turn ends. following table. Add the EGO bonus of
the PC interacting with the NPC.
Encounter sequence
When the party moves into a new area REACTIONS D20
or spends time on an exploration
activity, roll the encounter die and 1- 3 Attacks immediately
interpret the results as follows.
4- 7 Hostile
8-12 Indifferent
1 Wandering monster
appears at a distance of 2d6 13-17 Talkative
x 10’ away
2 Clue, spoor or omen Activley helpful

3 Rest for 1 turn or suffer 1 HP

4-6 Roll usage die for light
USAGE DICE If the toxin dice rolls 1-4, it
Rather than counting every arrow or downgrades one step, so a d6 would
tracking exactly how many Turns a become a d4 and a d4 would make the
torch has been burning, expendable toxin go away next turn (you always
items have a usage die (UD). roll 1-4 on a d4.
Usage dice represent the total of a
Getting hit by a toxin attack again
particular resource. Performing
while you already have a toxin dice
actions that explicitly reduce your
increases the size of the toxin dice, so
stock (e.g. throwing a torch at an
a d4 would become a d6.
advancing bandit) automatically drops
But a toxin die can never upgrade to a
you to the next lower UD.
bigger die than the toxins original
When the appropriate encounter die damage die (toxin strength). So, if you
result comes up, roll the UD of any had a d6 toxin dice and got hit by a
light sources. Roll for ammunition toxin with strength of d6, it would not
after each fight. On a roll of 1-3, the UD upgrade the dice size.
is depleted, and you use the next
smaller die. You must roll a 4 on a d4, Traps
or the resource is completely used up. There are two usually kinds of traps:
> Treasure traps: Small traps placed on
d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4 > gone! an item, to prevent it being tampered
with or stolen (e.g. a poison needle on
A quiver of arrows or laser cell is Ud10. a chest or lock).
>Room traps: Large traps that are
Flint and tinder requires d4 Rounds to
designed to affect anyone who enters a
ignite a light source.
certain area (e.g. a pit that opens in the
Toxin dice floor when walked over).
Each trap is triggered by a specific
Poison and disease use a mechanic
action (e.g. opening a door or walking
named “Toxin dice”.
over a particular area).
Each toxin effect has a die type listed
If the PC´s are describing the search,
with it, for example “d6” toxin
only what they tell and describe might
give a chance of triggering the traps.
This means that if you are afflicted by
Using a skill to search and failing the
the toxin, you receive a d6 toxin dice.
roll always counts as the PC´s have a
This could be through a failed save
chance to trigger the traps.
against a poisoned dagger for example.
Chance of triggering: Every time a
character makes an action that could
Each exploration turn or each combat
round you have to roll your toxin dice trigger a trap, there is a 2-in-6 chance
and take the indicated number as of the trap being sprung.
Movement may be split or broken up.
combat A creature may make a partial move,
THE COMBAT ROUND take an action, and then finish their
A Round of combat lasts 6 seconds. A move. They cannot move more than
PC can move and perform a single their normal movement rate.
action on their turn. This action may
be casting a spell, making a second Range weapons have a standard
move, making an attack, using a talent, effective range of 50ft. Each 10ft after
attempting a stunt, or any other action that, the shooter gets -2 on their
deemed reasonable by the referee. attack rolls.

INITIATIVE Finally, if you prefer Theater of The

At the start of the combat each PC Mind, just ignore the rules for
rolls a D20 and adds their EGO bonus. movement.
The referee rolls a D20 combined for
all the opponents, and adds the
A creature may hold their action until
opponents leaders EGO bonus. All the
a specified circumstance triggers it.
opponents act in the same initiative
Held actions not resolved during the
round they are declared are lost.
DISTANCE Roll a d20 and add the appropriate
Outside of combat, movement is ability bonus: STR Bonus for melee,
generally abstracted in Vaarn. In DEX Bonus for ranged attacks. To hit
combat, where relative positioning can an enemy roll higher than their Armor
be important, I prefer to use a grid- defense.

If you enjoy combat on a grid, apply Ranged weapons cant be used when
the following general guides: a lightly engaged in melee.
armored creature can move 40ft per If an attacker has advantage or
combat round. A creature wearing disadvantage roll 2d20 and use the
medium armor (3-4 slots) moves 30ft, highest/lowest result.
while a creature in heavy armor (5-6
slots) move 20ft per combat round. On a hit, the attacker rolls their
weapon's damage die to determine
An encumbered creature moves at half how many hit points (HP) the defender
their normal rate. Some creatures may loses.
move faster or slower (whatever makes
sense to the Referee, just be
Firing into melee is dangerous but attacks
sometimes necessary. Roll randomly to When being targeted by attacks that
determine who is hit. If the shooter have an area of effect or blast, one can
takes a Round to aim enemy targets roll a successful DEX save to receive
count as two combatants for the half the damage.
purposes of randomly determining
who is hit. Enemies count as three Leaving melee
combatants if the shooter does this Leaving an opponents melee range lets
and has the Trick Shot talent. them make a free attack on you.
If you spend your entire turn
SHIELDS WILL BE disengaging, you may move out of
BROKEN! melee range without provoking a free
A player may choose to absorb a hit, attack, but you cant take any other
no matter how much damage it does, actions this turn.
by sacrificing their shield. Obviously,
they must be wielding a shield at the CRITICAL SUCCESS &
When you achieve a critical success in
FLANKING combat your attack deals double
This rule is optional for those who
damage (roll twice the number of dice
want fights to be a bit more tactical.
and add any bonuses twice) and you
Creatures who can bracket an enemy
have advantage on your next attack or
(draw a straight line to each other
combat maneuver. The same applies to
through the foe) gain advantage to
attacks against that enemy.
When you suffer a critical failure the
Cover attack automatically misses. Your
When shooting at a targets that’s in enemy has advantage on their next
cover, the target receives and Armor attack.
defense bonus. The amount of cover is
measured in how many percent of the Further penalties may apply to a
targets body is covered by the cover. critical failure if the situation is risky. A
25%: +2 critical failure in a one-on-one fight in
50%: +4 a clear meadow might just be a miss. A
75%: +6 critical failure in a tight corridor, with
allies and enemies jostling together,
might result in an ally being hit, a
weapon bei g dropped, or the attacker
falling prone.
Hitpoints & wounds Shield Bash. Must be wielding a shield.
Hitpoints and wounds work just like in Attack and exchange your damage to
VDE. shove an enemy 5’ backwards. You and
your allies have advantage on attacks
COMBAT MANEUVERS made against that enemy until the end
Stunning, shoving, disarming, tripping, of your next turn.
and so on. Maneuvers can be
Trip. Attack and exchange your
attempted in melee combat by a PC to
damage to try to knock your enemy
grant themselves, or an ally, an
prone. You have to make a STR save
advantage. Just remember that
opposed by their CON defense. If they
monsters can do the same.
fail, they fall over and melee attacks
Feint. Attack and exchange your against them have advantage until the
damage to make 2 attacks next round end of your next turn. Target may
with advantage. stand up but this counts as their
action. They may move normally.
Fight Defensively. Attacks against you
have disadvantage for one round. You Morale
cannot attack or take other aggressive Morale works like written in VDE.
actions, but you may move normally.
Grapple. Attack and exchange your Healing works like written in VDE.
damage to hold your opponent. Make a
STR save each round thereafter to
maintain the grapple. Allies have
advantage to attack and deal +2
damage to your target. If the target
breaks free, that counts as their action
for the round. They may move

Guard. When an ally within 5ft is

attacked make a STR Save to take the
hit instead. When wielding a shield the
blow does ½ damage to you. Counts as
your action.

Reckless Attack. You receive

advantage to attack and +4 damage for
a single attack. All attacks against you
have advantage until the end of your
next turn.
Advancements and levels work much
like written in VDE, with a few

Exotica can still be turned in for

advancement, but now when you turn
in an Exotica you gain 1xp.
When the amount of XP you have
matches you current level, increase
your level by one and erease all XP

When you level up you gain +1 in a

random Ability score.
Roll D6
1: STR
2: DEX
3: CON
4: INT
5: PSY
6: EGO

You can also raise two other Ability

scores by +1.
You can never raise an Ability score
higher than your level +1.

On levels 2,3, and 4 you can also

choose an additional talent from the
talents list.
Thief. You gain advantage on saves to
Talents hide in shadows, move silently, and
When a PC gains a level of experience
pick locks assuming you have the
they may select a new talent, up to a
proper tools.
maximum of 5.

Though grouped by theme, players are Brawler

encouraged to mix and match talents Girded Loins. Once per combat when
to create their own unique characters. you are struck by an enemy you can
reduce the damage from their attack
In the list that follows, L is a number by ½. You have advantage on saves
equal to the PC’s level and HL is a made to resist fear effects and
number equal to half the PCS’s level, intimidation.
rounded up.
Hack & Slash! When you roll a natural
18-20 on your to-hit roll, you may
perform a maneuver in addition to
Acrobat. You gain advantage on saves your attack.
to balance, climb, leap, and tumble.
Notches. Each time you attain a total
Air of Innocence. Until you act in of 10, 20, 30, and 50 kills with a
combat, a creature must pass a PSY weapon type (such as 10 kills with a
save to attack you instead of an dagger), you unlock a new ability for
adjacent target. that weapon, chosen from the list
below. Keep track of your kills and
Backstab! When you flank a foe, inflict special abilities on the back of your
an addition HLd6 damage. You must character sheet.
use a melee weapon. You attack with
advantage if you strike from hiding. The GM decides what counts as a kill.
• +1 Damage
Devil's Luck. Reroll a natural 1 or force • Expanded critical range (+1)
a foe to reroll a natural 20. You may do • Special ability (negotiated with GM,
this HL times per day. one per weapon).
Vault diver. You have advantage on Examples: ability to draw the weapon
saves to spot/disable traps, find hidden from any slot, wield a two-handed
doors, and to navigate in indoors. weapon in one hand, gain a bonus to
Moving Target. Once per Round you use the weapon as a tool, etc.
can reduce damage taken by your A Fighter with 50 flail kills (4 notches)
Dexterity bonus (minimum 1), if you couldhave +1 damage, a critical range
can see its source.
of (18-20), and the special ability to
stun an opponent for one round on a
critical hit.
Riposte. Once per Round when a Quickshot. Long years of practice with
creature hits you with an melee attack, ranged weapons allow you to fire twice
make an immediate counter attack per Round if you do not move.
with a melee weapon. This does not
cost you your normal Action. Sharpshooter. Note the crosswind and
lead your target. Reroll a ranged
Tough as Nails. You're a hardened attack. You must accept the new roll.
campaigner. You have advantage on You may do this HL times per day.
Constitution saves. Armor occupies 2
fewer item slots in your inventory. Survivalist. You thrive in the wild,
protecting the realm from the horrors
Nomad that lurk in the blue deserts and deep
Beast Companion. You gain a beast vault You have advantage on saves to
companion; it is always same level as track, navigate, hunt, and forage in the
you. The PC controls its actions in wilderness.
Trick-Shot (requires Sharpshooter).
Targets only receive ½ of their normal
cover bonus. When you shoot into
HP: 1d8/level. 1d6 Damage.
melee enemy combatants count as two
Armor Defense: 14
targets for the purposes of randomly
determining who you hit.
When your Beast is reduced to 0 HP in
combat, its unconscious until the fight Crippling Shot. If you hit an enemy
is over. It can then heal as a regular PC with a ranged weapon, you can choose
(With rations for example). to deal 1 damage instead of rolling.
Their movement is reduced by ½ until
The beast can make saving throws for the end of your next turn and their
things that would be logical for the next attack deals ½ damage.
beast to be able to do. Its bonus is
equal to its level, so a 4th level beast Shaman/Priest
would have a +4 on the roll. Banish the unnatural. Force up to 1d6
+ L + INT bonus worth of synthetic
The beast gains advantage on rolls that creatures to make a morale check.
are logical for it to excel at. A feline Apply a negative modifier equal to
beast could have advantage on rolls for your INT bonus to the check. If you
picking up a scent or climbing. have more level than the targets, any
who fail the check are destroyed.
Hunter's Mark. As a free action, mark
your target as living on borrowed time. Skin Walker. You and your
You have advantage on your next possessions Transform into a Vaarnish
attack against them. You may apply beast. The beast may be up to one
this mark HL times per day. level greater than your level and
provides a temporary pool of 8HP.
Duration is L Turns.
Monster Chef. You’ve learned to Chosen one (requires Berserker). You
prepare and preserve monsters that have an Armor defense equal to L +
you’ve hunted before (you must keep Ego bonus + Dexterity bonus when
track of this). Rations created this way you wear no other armor. You may
provide an additional 1d4 HP. wield a shield.
Make an INT Save to tell if a new
monster will be outright poisonous to Savage Fighter. Once per Round when
eat. You can also make an educated you strike and kill a foe in melee
guess about the extra effects of combat immediately make another
consuming magical creatures. attack on an additional adjacent foe.

Hospitaller. Outside of combat, using Two Weapon Fighter. When you hit an
a combination of prayers, herbs, and Opponent while wielding two
medical knowledge you may heal weapons, roll the damage for both and
others for 1d6 + INT bonus hit points. apply the higher value.
Requires a healer's kit (Ud6, 2 slots,
can forage or purchase replacement Berserker. You can choose to enter a
components). rage at the start of your turn, or in
response to taking damage. While in a
The Old Tongue. You speak the secret rage, you have +1 to attack, all your
language of rocks, plants, and animals. melee attacks inflict +2 damage, and
You have advantage on reaction rolls you are immune to pain and fear. You
when speaking to an animal, a copse of might froth, or stare in battle-focus, or
trees, mushroom colony, or mountain merely let a facade drop and give in to
for the first time. your ancient urges, brutal warrior
training, or religious fanaticism.
These things can answer questions you
may ask assuming they know what you While raging, you cannot do anything
are talking about, but any knowledge defensive, curative, or tactical with
they share will be from an alien your allies. All you can do is attempt to
perspective that is hard for humanoids kill things.
to make sense of
While raging, you cannot stop fighting
Pouches. Three of your “regular” item until you kill, subdue, or drive off all
slots are now also quick slots. enemies. If one of your allies has
injured you this fight, they count as an
Savage enemy.
Great Weapon Fighter. Reroll damage
less than 3 when wielding a two- You can make a PSY save at the start
handed weapon (2-3 slots). You must of your turn as a free action to end the
use the new roll, even if it is less than Rage.
Mystic Glimmer hunter. You can sense
The Apprentice. Gain 1 random Mystic creatures that radiate with the
gift. glimmer from mystic gifts. How visible
and from how far depends on how
The Master (requires The Apprentice). much they glimmer.
Gain 1 random Mystic gift. If you devour their brains, gain 1
random mystic gift.
Mental Strength. When rolling for HP
loss from using Mystic gifts, roll two Defender
dice and choose one. Bulwark. When an adjacent ally is hit,
you may choose to take the damage
Mental shield. When an enemy targets for them. You must be wielding a
you with a Mystic gift, make an EGO shield. Not possible against Mystic
save as a free reaction to direct the gifts. Make a Strength save to reduce
effect back at the caster. the damage by ½.
Obscure Knowledge. Once per session, Tough (Requires Bulwark). Reduce all
you can declare something true incoming damage by 2 points
because you saw it in a vision. The (minimum 1). You gain advantage on
base chance of the thing actually being saves vs mind-altering and fear effects.
true is 50%. You do not know whether
it is true right away; the GM will roll Shield Basher. When wielding a shield,
when it matters. You might only be the maneuver “Shield bash” also deals
partially correct, but you will never be 1D4 damage. Wielding a shield also
catastrophically wrong. grants you an additional +1 bonus to
Weird Herbs. You can consume a
special ration to regain 25% of your Shield Master (requires Shield
total HP. This takes 1 round. Basher). When an effect allows a
Ingredients can be purchased in any Dexterity save for ½ damage take no
trading city. 3 "doses" fit in a single damage if you succeed -your shield
item slot. You don’t share, and your absorbs the blow.
companions are in no hurry to sample
your weird herbs.
Items and Trading & reactions.
Vaarn has no universally accepted
barter currency, so interactions with
While a standard monetary system shopkeepers and merchants will
does not exist in the Vaarn, items are require the players to intuit what the
generally given a Water-dept token seller is willing to accept in exchange
(WT) value to determine their worth in for their goods.
However, the trade in Vaarn is mostly Allow players to make trades that
driven by trading goods with each seem reasonable at a glance, assuming
other. that an item slots’ worth of goods can
The most common currency is Water- be exchanged for
debt tokens from the city Gnomon, similar. The referee can use the table
issued by the Water baron Ancamulla. of approximate prices on the right to
aid their judgement. If they are still
Most items take up one Equipment
uncertain whether a trade would be
acceptable, they may roll d20
Very light or small items take up no
and refer to the table below, modifying
items lots.
with the PC’s EGO bonus.
Heavier or bulkier items take up more
than one items lot.
Merchnats reaction
Some items can be bundled together
They are enraged to the
to only take one slot. For example, 3/1 1-3
means that up to 3 of the items takes
point of physical violence
up one slot. Time-waster, get out of
Bundle items are bought in bundles, their sight
and the value listed is for a bundle. They shrug and look at the
Items marked with a *, are rare and
They want a different
should only be found at specialized 13-15
merchants. item instead
They’re willing to make
Items with a quantity inside () or a UD, the trade
is bought in that quantity. They like you enough
20+ to throw something extra
Torches UD8 1 1/4 Padlock & key 1 1
Glass marbles Saw 1 1
(10) 2/1 1/4 Shovel 1 1
Nails (12) 3/1 1/4 Animal trap 1 1
Pole (10ft) 1 1/4 Tar (pot) 1 1
Pencil 3/1 1/4 Bedroll 1 1
Waterskin 1 1/4 Chain (10ft) 1 1
Bottle/Vial 3/1 1/4 Cook pot 1 1
Bucket 1 1/4 Ammunition UD10 1 2
Chalk (10) 3/1 1/4 Omni-glue tube 3/1 2
Candles UD10 1 1/2 Light weapon 1 2
Tinderbox 1 1/2 Flash-bangs (5) 1 2
Crowbar 1 1/2 Flare (5) 1 2
Drill 1 1/2 Magnifying glass 3/1 2
Fishing pole 1 1/2 Lock-picks 1 2
Lamp oil UD12 3/1 1/2 Tent 1 2
Pick 1 1/2 Motion sensor* 1 2
Rope (50ft) 1 1/2 Autoglot translator* 1 2
Sack 1 1/2 Shield 1 2
Sponge 3/1 1/2 Hologram projector* 1 2
Caltrops (10) 1 1/2
Lantern 1 2
Bellows 1 1/2 Medium weapon 2 3
Iron spike (12) 1 1/2 Light armor (12 AD) 2 3
Ration (Food & water) 3/1 1 Rare book* 1 4
Shield 1 1 Luxury clothes 2/1 4
Sturdy boots 2/1 1 Pack camel - 5
Mortal & pestle 1 1 Replacement limb* 1 5
Hourglass 1 1 Heavy weapon* 3 5
Grappling hook 1 1 Heavy armor
Manacles 1 1 (AD 16)* 6 6
File 1 1 Auto-chariot* - 50
Mirror, small 3/1 1 Small wind-barge* - 150
Net 1 1 Modest townhouse - 200
Random 2D6 Armor template
2-3 Shield
When placing exotica beforhand for 4- 7 Light armor (12 AD, 2 slots)
adventures or rolling up random ones 8-10 Medium armor (14 AD, 4 slots)
in the middle of an adventure you can
11-12 Heavy armor (16 AD, 6 slots)
use these tables.

Exotica 1d10
1-3 Random armor exotica + Level
Use the d100 exotica table in 2-7 One beneficial
VDE Two beneficial, One
18-20 Random weapon exotica drawback
11-14 Two beneficial

15-16 Three beneficial, two

Weapons and armor are randomised drawbacks
by adding tags.
17-18 Three beneficial, one
Tags are special effects that are given
to armor and weapons. 19-20 Three beneficial
Tags can be postive (beneficial) or
negative (drawbacks).
Duplicate tags and tags that dont make DRAWBACK
sense (ex. melee tags for a ranged 1d10
weapon) are rerolled.
1-2 Heavy
Armor exotica 3 Inferior
To generate a random armor exotica,
Blockers roll 1d6:
follow these steps.
4 1: STR, 2: DEX, 3: CON
1. Roll 2d6 on the “Armor template” 4: INT, 5: PSY, 6: EGO
table. This decides what type of armor
5 Unstable
template that will be used for the
6 Smelly
2. Roll on 1d10 + the PC´s level on the
“Exotica armor strength” table. This
7 -8 Stiff
decides how many beneficial and
drawback tags the armor will have. 9 Artificial
3. Roll as many tags as indicated in the
step above one the “Beneficial armor 10 Organic
tags” table and “Drawback armor tags”
4. Apply the tags to the armor
template from step 1.
BENEFICIAL Retractable blades: The armor comes
1D20 with a melee weapon that does 1d6
1-2 Light damage.
3 Superior Fire dampeners: The wearer is
4 Stealth module immune to fire attacks.

5 Mirror glass Auto injectors: When the wearer

reaches 0 HP or less, the armor heals
6 Spikey
him for 1d4 HP. Needs one week to
7 Stiff recharge.

8 Retractable blades Force field: Wearer receives +2 AD

9-10 Fire dampeners against ranged attacks.

11 Auto injectors Psy emitter: This armor uses wearers

12 Force field PSY score instead of AD as protection.
13 Psy emitter
Phase module: Wearer can teleport to
14 Phase module
a location he can see clearly, once a
15 Hook ejectors week.
16 Autoglot translator
Hook ejectors: Wearer gains
17 Charged pistons
advantage to athletics skill.
18 Adrenaline injectors
19 Antidote injectors Thrusters: Wearer can fly in bursts of
Enhancers, roll 1d6: 15’ in length and 10’ in height. Once a
20 1: STR, 2: DEX, 3: CON day.
4: INT, 5: PSY, 6: EGO
Autoglot translator: Wearer
understands all languages.
Beneficial armor
tags Charged pistons: Wearer causes 1d4
Light: This armor uses one less item extra damage with melee attacks.
Adrenaline injectors: Wearer receives
Superior: This armor has +1 to AD. advantage on initiative rolls.

Stealth module: The wearer can turn Antidote injectors: Toxin dice
invisible for 10 minutes, once a day. received downgrades on 1-6 for the
Mirror glass: The armor protects
against energy and beam weapons and Enhancers: Boosts an ability score by
attacks. Can also be used as a mirror. +1.

Spikey: Opponents that attack wearer

in melee and miss, take 1d4 damage.
Drawback armor weapon exotica
tags To generate a random weapon exotica,
Heavy: This armor uses one more item follow these steps.
lot. 1. Roll 2d6 on the “Weapon template”
table. This decides what type of
Inferior: This armor has -1 to AD. weapon template that will be used for
the weapon.
Unstable: If the wearer of this armor
2. Roll on 1d10 + the PC´s level on the
receives a critical hit, the armors
“Exotica weapon strength” table. This
power source explodes. The explosion
decides how many beneficial and
deals 1d6 damage to the wearer. This
drawback tags the weapon will have.
breaks the armor; it needs to be
3. Roll as many tags as indicated in the
step above one the “Beneficial weapon
Smelly: The wearer has disadvantage tags” table and “Drawback weapon
to all reaction rolls. tags” table.
4. Apply the tags to the weapon
Stiff: The wearer has 10’ combat template from step 1.

Artificial: Wearer receives double 2d6 WEAPON TEMPLATE

damage from Electrical weapons and Heavy melee weapon
sources. 2
(1d10 DMG/3 slots)
Medium melee weapon
Organic: Wearer receives double 3-4
(1d8 DMG/2 slots)
damage from Fire weapons and Small melee weapon
sources. 5-7
(1d6 DMG/1 slot)
Small ranged weapon
Blockers: Decreases an ability score by (1d6 DMG/ slot)
-1. Medium ranged weapon
(1d8 DMG/2 slots)
Heavy ranged weapon
(1d10 DMG/3 slots)
weapon 3d10
2-7 One beneficial
3 Toxic
Two beneficial, One
4 Brutal
11-14 Two beneficial

15-16 Three beneficial, two 5 Accurate

Three beneficial, one 6 Agonizing
19-20 Three beneficial 7
(roll a d3 for area)

8 Beam
9-10 Close
TAGS 11 Electrical

1 Crystalline 12 Entangling
13 Fire
2 Unstable
14 Fungal
3-4 Heavy 15 Hypergeometric

5 Misaligned 16 Mauling
17 Parasitic
6 Snub nose
18 Piercing
7 Less lethal 19 Sun charged
8 Ammo hog 20 Twin beam
9 One-shot 21 Sweet spot
10 Liquid charge
22 Master crafted
11 Unwieldy
23 Long
12 Brutish
24 Slaying
25 Lethal
26 Acid
27 Pshycic
28 Hypergeometric
29 Heavy weapon
30 Automatic
Beneficial weapon
tags Entangling: Targets hit by this weapon
Toxic: Hit targets must make a CON must DEX save or become Entangled.
save or suffer a D6 toxin dice Entangled creatures have an AD of 9,
and attack with disadvantage. They
Brutal: The weapons damage dice now must make a DEX save to break free.
explodes. When a damage die shows
its highest value, roll another die of the Fire: The weapon deals fire damage
same size and add it to the damage and will ignite flammable objects. It
total. There is no limit on the amount deals double damage to Fungal
of damage dice that can explode in one creatures and no damage to Mineral
roll. creatures. It cannot be used
underwater or against submerged
Accurate: This weapon always fires opponents.
with advantage on attack rolls.
Fungal: The weapon deals no damage
Agonizing: The weapon is
to Fungal creatures. Its re-gains an
excruciatingly painful. Biological
Ammo die step of its usage die when
creatures must make a Morale save if
fed decaying animal or vegetable
they are damaged by the weapon.
Beam: The weapon fires a beam of
Hypergeometric: The weapon exists
energy. This weapon never suffers
partially outside of Euclidean space.
negative modifiers for shooting over
Double the rolled damage against
50ft Beam attacks are deflected by
Hypergeometric creatures.
mirrored surfaces and are not effective
during sandstorms. Mauling: The weapon is especially
effective against lightly armored
Blast: This tag will have a number after
opponents. It deals an extra dice of
it. The number is how many 5ft
damage against targets with AD 14 or
squares on all sides around the target
lower, but half damaged rolls against
that are also hits. Compare your attack
opponents with AD 16 or higher.
result to all effected targets AD, to see
if they are also hit. Parasitic: The weapon is alive and
Targets can always DEX save to receive cannot be unequipped without
half the damage rolled. surgery. The wielder must consume
double rations, or the weapon is
Close: This weapon can be used in
unusable. When this weapon damages
melee and without any penalty.
biological creatures, the wielder
Electrical: Double the rolled damage regains HP equal to half the damage
against Synthetic creatures, opponents inflicted.
in metal armor and targets submerged
in water.
Piercing: The weapon hits opponents Long: An extra-long weapon. This
as though they had -2 to their AD. melee weapon has an extra 5’ of attack
range. Enemies that move into range of
Psychic: The weapon is psychically the weapon can be attacked by the
bonded to the user. It requires a PSY user if they have not used their attack
+6 or more to use. Roll attacks against for the turn. This is an instant attack
targets PSY score instead of AD. that takes place as soon as the target
comes into range and uses up the
Sun Charged: This weapon replenished
wielders attack for that turn.
ammo by sunlight. Replenishes to max
UD if not fired and left out in the sun
Throw: This melee weapon can be
for 8 hours.
thrown. It has a range as regular
Twin Beam: Can fire two smaller ranged weapons, but its only
beams or a big beam. applicable when thrown. Use DEX
You can fire at two targets with the when throwing it. Returns to user after
same attack, roll to-hit against both throw, this takes one combat turn
targets separately. Divide your damage however.
dice by two, so a D6 would become
Master crafted: This weapon also has
two D3’ s for example.
+2 on all damage rolls.
If you fire the big beam, you can only
attack one target, use the regular Sweet spot: This weapon crits on
damage number for the weapon. natural 19 and 20 on to-hit rolls.
Acid: The weapon degrades armor. On Automatic: This weapon can fire more
a hit, the weapon either deals damage than one shot per attack. You can
or reduces the target’s AB by one choose to roll 3 damage dice, but your
(attacker’s choice). ammo UD downgrades one step.
Heavy weapon: This is a huge weapon.
Double the amount of damage dice for
Drawback weapon
the weapon. But the weapon needs a tags
support backpack to be powered or Crystalline: The weapon uses delicate
feed ammo. crystals to function. If the user rolls a
This backpack takes up two extra natural 1, the crystals have broken or
items slots. become misaligned, and the weapon
cannot be used. It must be fixed after
Lethal: Upgrade the weapons damage combat.
on size. A d6 would become a d8, a d8
a d10 etc.

Slaying: This weapon always kills the

target on a natural attack roll of 20.
Unstable: If the wielder of this weapon
rolls a 1 while using it, the weapons
power source explodes, dealing 1d6
damage to the wielder. This breaks the
weapon; it needs to be repaired.

Heavy: This weapon takes up one extra

inventory slot.

Misaligned: This weapon always suffers

a -1 on attack rolls.

Snub nose: This weapons effective

range is 25ft, it get -1 on attack rolls for
every additional 10ft

Less lethal: Downgrade this weapons

damage dice one step. A d8 would
become a d6, a d10 a d8 etc.

Ammo hog: This weapons ammo has a

UD of D6.

One-shot: This weapon needs to be

reloaded after each shot, this takes one
combat turn to do.

Liquid charge: This weapon needs to

align before attacking. You cannot
attack and move on the same turn.

Unwieldy: This weapon is large and

unwieldy. 10’ combat movement while
holding it in your hands.

Brutish: This weapon never crits.

Powered: This melee weapon needs

ammo to work. It now has a UD of D8.

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