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NALANDA VIDYALAYANalanda Vidyalaya – Colombo


Grade 6 English Unit : 9

(1) Use the correct pronoun. (him, he, it, you, them, us)

1) Ayan's brother is Athma …………………… goes to school with ……………………

2) The dog is barking. Can …………………… tell take …………………… for a walk.
3) Do you know Ruwan? No I don't know ……………………
4) The dogs are hungry. I'm going to feed ……………………
5) Shani, Shan and I met the principal. He spoke to ……………………

(2) Complete the sentences with an object pronoun.

1) Submarines are fast food. I never it …………………………….
2) I like Imansa. I always sit beside …………………………….
3) Vihas broke the vase and the teacher punished …………………………….
4) Nayana has six dolls. she loves …………………………….
5) My neighbor has a cat. My dog Bimgo hates …………………………….

(them, it, him, her, them)

(3) Match.
1) The big truck a)
2) Shermil and I b)
3) Boys and girls c)
4) Ama d)
5) The principal e)

(He, They, It, She, We)

(4) Complete the table.

Long Form Contracted Form
1) I am I'm
2) You are ..........................................
3) We are ..........................................

4) They are ..........................................
5) He is ..........................................
6) She is ..........................................
7) It is ..........................................
8) I would I' d
9) He would ..........................................
10) We could ..........................................
11) We have ..........................................
12) They have They' ve

(5) Write the masculine gender.

1) Woman –
2) aunt –
3) wife –
4) stepmother –
5) grandmother –
6) daughter –
7) sister –
8) madam –
9) princess –
10) niece –
(husband, nephew, man, son, grandfather, uncle, prince, stepfather, brother, sir)

(6) Write the feminine gender.

1) Lion –
2) Landlord –
3) God –
4) King –
5) Uncle –
6) Police women –
7) Poet –
8) Father –
9) Peacock –
10) Rooster –
(peahen, hen, mother, poetess, goddess, landlady, queen, lioness, policeman, aunt)

(7) Study the example and complete.
1) We are sad . We're sad.
2) He is happy. ……………………………………………………..
3) It is a nice day. ……………………………………………………..
4) He did not cry. ……………………………………………………..
5) I am a good boy. ……………………………………………………..
6) We are in the school. ……………………………………………………..

(8) Use the modals given below and fill in the blanks.
(can, can't, may, may not)
1) A bird …………………………. fly.
2) We …………………………. understand the question. it's very hard.
3) It is a cloudy day. It …………………………. rain.
4) Please …………………………. I go out?
5) She likes it very much. She …………………………. give it to you.

(9) Write an essay about your class teacher or visit to grand mother. (Use about 75 words)

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