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Artificial Intelligence(ChatGPT)


Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, is the field of computer

science that focuses on the development of intelligent machines. The
term "artificial intelligence" was first used in the 1950s to describe the
ability of machines to think and learn like humans. Since then, AI has
rapidly evolved and has become an integral part of our lives. Today, AI
is used in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, and
transportation. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of AI, as well as its ethical usage.
Now a days one of the most used artificial intelligence tool is ChatGPT.
Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence Chabot which helps people to get
most appropriate solutions to their problems. Basically, it is a pre-
trained generative transformer that can human thoughts and gives the
most correct solutions to their problems in the most understandable

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence:

AI has numerous advantages. Firstly, it can perform repetitive tasks

accurately and quickly, which saves time and reduces the risk of errors.
For instance, AI is used in the manufacturing industry to assemble
products on the assembly line, which can be time-consuming and error-
prone when done manually. Secondly, AI can analyze large amounts of
data and provide insights that humans might not be able to identify.
This is particularly useful in healthcare, where AI can analyze patient
data to detect diseases and suggest treatments. Thirdly, AI can perform
dangerous tasks that are too risky for humans. For example, AI can be
used to inspect pipelines in the oil and gas industry, which can be
dangerous for human workers. Lastly, AI can improve our daily lives by
providing personalized recommendations and suggestions. For
example, AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa can assist us
with our daily tasks, such as setting reminders and making
Although there’s widespread concern, some educators argue that AI
tools could provide real benefits for both teachers and students.
Research on technology use in higher education suggests that if used
effectively, ChatGPT and similar programs could have the following

Improving access to information:

Using AI programs, students could ask questions and get instant
feedback. This might be most beneficial in online learning
environments where students don’t have constant access to the
Streamlining of the research process:
Use of programs like ChatGPT for research projects could save students
time by helping them create a foundation or structure for their project
or essay. ChatGPT currently only generates relatively short essays, so
students could use it to get basic information that they could expand on
for a more substantial project.
Assisting instructors:
Instructors could use AI software to generate automated responses to
simple, repetitive questions from students, thereby freeing up their
time for more valuable tasks. Again, this could be particularly helpful in
online learning environments.

Despite its advantages, AI also has some disadvantages. Firstly, AI can
be expensive to develop and maintain. This is because AI systems
require a large amount of data to be trained, and this data needs to be
constantly updated to ensure that the AI remains accurate and up-to-
date. Secondly, AI can replace human jobs, which can result in
unemployment. This is particularly concerning in industries where jobs
are already scarce. Thirdly, AI can make decisions that are biased or
unethical. This can happen when AI is trained on biased data or when
the decision-making algorithms are flawed. Lastly, AI can be used for
malicious purposes, such as cyberattacks or surveillance.
On the problematic side, AI tools could be abused or used in ways that
undermine education. These harmful effects may be particularly
profound in the already imperiled humanities disciplines, since these
rely on students’ ability to think critically, as evaluated by written
material. Some of these problems with ChatGPT (and other AI tools) in
education include:

Increased likelihood of plagiarism:

ChatGPT can generate responses to questions, and students may be
tempted to use these responses in their essays without properly
referencing the source. This would violate academic integrity, as well as
have potential consequences such as failing the assignment or course,
suspension, or expulsion. But, perhaps more importantly, if the
student’s plagiarism goes undetected, they’d receive credit for work
they didn’t do and wouldn’t learn anything, leading to the next point.
Decreased critical thinking and writing skills: By relying on AI-generated
responses, students miss out on the opportunity to engage with the
material, form their own arguments and ideas, and practice their
writing and analytical skills. They may then struggle long term with
developing their own ideas and arguments. This can be particularly
problematic when it comes to subjects that require analysis and critical
thinking, such as philosophy, literature, or social sciences. The
widespread use of ChatGPT to produce essays may result in students
not developing the skills to succeed academically and professionally
and ultimately being at a disadvantage in many career fields.
Inaccuracy of information:
ChatGPT often includes erroneous or misleading information. This may
be because it misinterprets the information or takes it out of context. In
some cases, the chatbot even invents information as well as sources. In
one example, a professor asked for an essay on learning styles, and
ChatGPT generated an essay that looked polished and professional,
including a reference to a credible-looking academic source. But the
source was fabricated. So, reliance on this technology may undermine
real learning if the user assumes the information it provides is accurate.
Increased dependence on technology:
With ChatGPT, students may spend even more time interacting with
technology rather than engaging with other people, which is a crucial
part of the learning and socialization process. This could erode skills in
collaboration, group work, and face-to-face communication.

Ethical Usage:

The ethical usage of AI is an important consideration. AI should be

developed and used in a way that is consistent with ethical principles,
such as fairness, transparency, and accountability. Firstly, AI should be
developed and used in a way that does not discriminate against
individuals or groups. This means that AI should be trained on unbiased
data and that decision-making algorithms should be designed to avoid
bias. Secondly, AI should be transparent, meaning that its decision-
making processes should be open and explainable. This is particularly
important in applications such as healthcare, where patients need to
understand how decisions about their care are being made. Lastly, AI
should be accountable, meaning that its developers and users should
be responsible for any harm that is caused by the AI. This includes
ensuring that the AI is secure and that its data is protected from


In conclusion, AI has numerous advantages and disadvantages. While it

has the potential to improve our lives in many ways, it also has the
potential to cause harm if it is not developed and used ethically.
Therefore, it is important to consider the ethical implications of AI and
to ensure that it is developed and used in a way that is consistent with
ethical principles. By doing so, we can harness the power of AI to
improve our lives and create a better future for all.

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