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Subject: Training and Development

Assignment No: 2
Company: OGDCL
Group members:
Umer Ali Nawab
Muhammad Faizan Hassan
Dawood Sajjad
Saad Farooq
Submitted to: Sir Nabeel Abid
Part 1
We will be assigned Strategic Training& Development to OGDCL
Because strategic training development is linked with the organization
We give that particular training to our employees so that our Mission Vision Goals, and
Objectives can be achieved
Every organization give training to their employee because their goals and objective can be
achieved and earn a more profit
If an organization earns more profit they give some incentives to their employees
Successful Strategic t&d results will be favorable for both the organization and the
Because the greatest asset of a company is its Human Resource
Part 2
Organizational Analysis
In organization analysis provide training on group level
Give training to the whole group to learn a specific skill
We will conduct strategic training and development training because this is directly linked
with the organization's vision and vision. Organizations conduct this training because if their
vision and mission are achieved they will more progress and earn a more profit
Person Analysis
In-person analysis gives training to individual
In which areas they are weak
We can check employee performance appraisal to identify individual deficiencies
If employees face issues in making good decision-making
The organization will conduct training on decision-making
Task Analysis
Task analysis gives training to employees to perform tasks in a good way
New employee's training conducted on their task
The manager said to the employee these are 5 tasks that you can perform in this job
Employees 4 tasks I can perform easily in the fifth task I cannot perform
They are weak in PowerPoint conduct training on PowerPoint to facilitate the employee to
perform their job tasks
Part 3
Assess Training Needs
Identify which training is required at that particular time
What skills, and knowledge abilities do employees need
The Clear Objective of the Training
Clearly define the training objectives and communicate them to the workforce
Pretraining Material
The organization asks to the trainer provide pretraining material to our workforce because
they can be aware of the training before the conducting.
It includes training days’ time module etc.
Employee Engagement
Encourage employee engagement and participation in training
They ask questions/ queries to the trainer or not.
Gather Feedback from Employees
take feedback from employees before conducting the training program. Employees' feedback
will help the organization conduct the training program according to the expectations and
needs of employees
Top Management Support
Management will conduct an interactive training program for employees. Managers can
motivate and encourage the employees to take part in the training program

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