NSM Interim Orders

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Warrant for attachment could not be issued against judgment debtor for want of necessary
duly filed warrants.
5.04.2021 – issuance of warrant for attachment of properties in list of property filed on
1.9.2016. WARRANT to be executed through concerned Baliff of the court.

Same order

Not relevant

Case fixed for issuing warrant of attachment against the property of JD. Neetu Parmar,
prayed for filing of fresh list of property of JD. Adj. for filing list of property and other details
regarding the property of JD.

Today the case was fixed for filing list of property and other details regarding the property
of JD. Same is not filed today. Adj taken. List on 8.2.2022.

Application for attachment of property filed.
- In view of non-compliance – court shall attach the account of judgment debtor
- Bank manager directed to freeze the account of JD, after verifying the details in
name of AL Paper House.
- Necessary intimation to Bank Manager of Bank of India for further communication to
relevant manager.
Address for Email – Bank of India, 35m, Opp. Nagarpali, Sanganer Town, Jaipur-303902
(Raj) freeze account no. 660130100000002

Notice to Bank Manager not issued. Email of Bank Manager not provided. Counsel for DH
directed to place email on record.

Notice not issued for want of email. Come on 4.11.2022, for necessary compliance and
report of bank Manager. Counsel for DH directed to place e-mail in 1 week.

Same order. Come on 5.12.2022. directed to place email.

Same order. Come on 17.01.2023. directed to place email in one week.

In the execution petition

Amount to be given to the decree holder:

Cost of suit : Rs. 19,452
Decretal Amount : Rs. 3,17,719 with 6% interest

It is stated that “In case if the J.D. failed to make the payment then he be sent to civil court
Imprisonment and this execution petition be accepted with costs. – What does this mean?

Why Application mentions 18% interest WHEN Judgment provides for 6% interest??

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